Latest Developments
2021. aug. 17.: Early Macromedia Director titles are supported now
Posted by djsrv, sev, sheep

After 5 years of active development, we are glad to finally announce the first MacroMind/Macromedia Director-based games to be supported.

Iskrich, a GSoC student, laid down the engine’s first lines of code, based on the initial reverse engineering efforts of fuzzie, which she wrote in Python as part of the continuity project. Then, the work was continued by sev in 2017 when Lingo compiler development was started and stevenhoefel started adding Director 5-related code. In 2018, there was practically no development, but in 2019, moralrecordings made some advancements for Director 4. Finally, in 2020 and 2021, there was a big chunk of development, first by npjg and djsrv, then by sheep and djsrv, while rvanlaar set up a continuous integration buildbot for the project.

Long story short, after 3738 commits, we are now announcing support for Director 2-based titles such as Spaceship Warlock. Selected Director 3-based titles may work, and in particular, we support L-ZONE.

Grab your CDs and give these titles a go. We are also actively collecting info on any Director-based (and Shockwave) titles that we catalogue on our Wiki, so, please, help us with this task.

We are actively working on deepening Director 3 compatibility, particularly the original Journeyman Project and advancing with Director 4 support, having Meet MediaBand and Chop Suey as our primary test targets.

For running the games you will need the latest daily build of ScummVM. And as usual, if you see any issues, please file them in the issue tracker.