2003年1月28日: The people have spoken :)
发布者 ender

Over at the Linux Game Tome (http://happypenguin.org), ScummVM has been voted Best Emulator. Thanks to anybody who voted for us.

In other news, Curse of Monkey Island support is stabilizing. While there are still a number of small graphical glitches, currently we are down to two known gameplay-critical bugs and a number of other 'inconveniences' and cases of incorrect behavior. We hope to be able to announce Curse of Monkey Island completable very soon.

A lot of people have been asking where we are going from here. Here is a brief (very subject to change!) guide to our next few targets:

  • February 2003: Curse of Monkey Island completable
  • Feb - Mar 2003: Regression testing/bugfixes for other supported games
  • Feb - Mar 2003: Completion of the Launcher functionality (tabbed option dialogs, etc)
  • Early March 03: CVS Freeze, Regression testing, 0.4.0 release
  • March onwards: V1/V2 game support (Maniac Mansion, non-FmTowns Zak, EGA Loom, etc.)

As usual, this is but a rough guideline depending on both progress and free time for our developers. If you want to help, and know how to use CVS and a compiler... either fix bugs, or regression test! We are very much looking for people to test CVS with games other than ComI and look for critical bugs that were not present in 0.3.0b, then attempt to try different versions of CVS and locate at least the day when the bug started occurring. This allows us to more easily determine what changes have caused problems, without spending weeks blindly guessing.

Needless to say, if you find a critical bug that IS also present in 0.3.0b, check for a bug report. If one isn't present, please submit one!