Ultimi Aggiornamenti
19 mar 2025: The Dynamix duo of Willy Beamish and Heart of China are ready for testing
Scritto da mduggan

We are excited to announce the classic Dynamix adventure games The Adventures of Willy Beamish and Heart of China are now ready for testing in ScummVM!

As the titular Willy Beamish, you play a 9-year-old troublemaker from Frumpton, USA. All you want to do is play Nintari and hang out with your friends, but your parents keep giving you so many chores... and even when you get them done, larger and more sinister forces are at work in your small town. A kid can't get a break!

In Heart of China, you start as retired WWI pilot Jake "Lucky" Masters. After a run-in with Hong Kong businessman E.A. Lomax, you feel driven by a strong sense of duty (and your massive debts!) to help him track down his kidnapped daughter. Work your way through a branching plot and the opportunity to play as three different characters to solve the puzzles and get Kate home.

Along with the previously announced Rise of the Dragon, these games complete Dynamix's short series of adventure games using the DGDS engine.

To test these games, you’ll need a DOS version of the game (both are available from GOG) and a daily development build. Be sure to check the notes on the wiki for each game, and please report any bugs on our issue tracker.

3 mar 2025: Un seme malvagio è stato impiantato
Scritto da Yuv422

Dark Seed, un'avventura horror punta-e-clicca anni '90, con la direzione artistica di H.R. Giger, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

In questo gioco impersoni Mike Dawson, un aspirante scrittore che si è appena trasferito in una bellissima villa isolata. Presto ti accorgerai che il luogo nasconde oscuri segreti, e avrai solo tre giorni di tempo per sfuggire a un destino peggiore della morte...

Sono supportate le versioni DOS floppy e CD. Il motore supporta anche le traduzioni in Spagnolo, Francese, Tedesco, Coreano e Cinese.

Attualmente la versione floppy è priva di effetti sonori, ma tutte le altre funzionalità dovrebbero essere presenti.

Se possiedi entrambe le versioni, il motore dispone di un'opzione per riprodurre la musica ("teoricamente" migliore) della versione floppy anche quando giochi la versione CD.

Per partecipare al test, procurati una daily build di sviluppo. Come sempre, ti invitiamo a segnalare eventuali malfunzionamenti al nostro bugtracker.

28 feb 2025: ScummVM è stato ammesso alla Google Summer of Code 2025
Scritto da sev

Buone notizie: Siamo stati nuovamente ammessi al programma Google Summer of Code!

Quindi, se hai uno spirito avventuroso (o RPG-oso) e sei disposto a trascorrere l'estate insieme al nostro team, non esitare ad inviare la tua candidatura!

Non temere — Se sei uno sviluppatore con mentalità aperta pronto ad imparare e a fare domande, disposto a dedicare il proprio tempo per contribuire al nostro progetto, ti accompagneremo con spiegazioni passo passo e supporto. Sono diciotto anni (wow!) che participiamo alla GSoC e sappiamo come funzionano le cose.

Un elenco di possibili progetti è disponibile su questa pagina. Se hai una tua proposta, saremo ben felici di valutarla, come già avvenuto nel 2023 con il motore Crab. Le informazioni richieste per inviare la tua candidatura sono disponibili sulla nostra Wiki.

Come incentivo, abbiamo raccolto una notevole quantità di informazioni sul miniportale Google Summer of Code, tuttavia la prima cosa che devi fare è unirti al nostro server Discord e seguire il canale #scummvm-gsoc dove potrai interagire con i mentori e con gli altri membri del team.

Attendiamo la tua candidatura e partecipazione!

10 feb 2025: Un'esperienza elettrizzante
Scritto da DreamMaster

God of Thunder, un'avventura in stile Zelda, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Preparati a guidare Thor, il Dio del Tuono, in un'epopea in tre parti dove dovrà affrontare nemici e risolvere puzzle per raggiungere gli impegnativi boss finali, fino allo scontro finale con Loki.

L'implementazione di ScummVM è leggermente diversa dall'originale: la tabella degli high score funziona anche senza la necessità di creare un account e senza la limitazione ad un singolo salvataggio. Sfortunatamente, il gioco utilizza un formato speciale per la musica, che dovrà essere reimplementato da zero da un esperto. Per ora, la riproduzione della musica è disabilitata, ma gli effetti sonori funzioneranno normalmente.

Per partecipare ai test, assicurati di avere un daily build di sviluppo. Il gioco è freeware e si può scaricare direttamente dal sito della Adept Software. Incoraggiamo tutti i giocatori a inviarci feedback e bugreport tramite il nostro bugtracker. Mentre giochi, assicurati di catturare qualche screenshots.

Sarai in grado di sconfiggere Loki, o verrai sopraffatto dagli astuti nemici e dai cervellotici puzzle? Prova il gioco e scoprilo!

22 dic 2024: ScummVM 2.9.0 "Close Encounters of the 2.9th Kind" è atterrato
Scritto da criezy

Quasi un anno è passato dall'ultima release principale, e giusto in tempo per il Natale, ScummVM 2.9.0 - "Close Encounters of the 2.9th Kind" è arrivato. Ha portato tanti doni, tra cui quindici nuovi giochi supportati e una nuova piattaforma.

Nuovi giochi

  • The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik
  • Backyard Basketball
  • Castle Master
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Meeting Sea Rat
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Sea Rat's Birthday
  • Mask Show
  • Moonbase Commander
  • Orion Burger
  • Rise of the Dragon
  • The Space Bar
  • Thimbleweed Park[^1]
  • Total Eclipse
  • Total Eclipse 2
  • Unrest
  • Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a Hare

Nuova piattaforma

ScummVM ha ora un port per Sailfish OS. Non disponiamo ancora dei build ufficiali, ma gli utenti più intraprendenti possono provare a compilare una propria build personalizzata!

Miglioramenti rilevanti per i motori

Il motore AGS è stato aggiornato alla versione da upstream, aggiungendo il supporto per diversi giochi rilasciati recentemente, come ad esempio Stranger in Utopia, The Phantom Fellows e It Takes Two to Tangle.

La funzionalità di keymapper è stata aggiunta a più di venti motori, permettendo di personalizzare i tasti della tastiera, del mouse o dei joypad utilizzati nei giochi.

Il motore SCI può ora beneficiare di molte correzioni negli script di svariati giochi, e una impressionante funzionalità di riparazione immediata per il parlato di Gabriel Knight 1 CD.

Nel motore SCUMM, sono state apportate migliorie grafiche e sonore nelle versioni Macintosh di diversi giochi.

Miglioramenti rilevanti nelle piattaforme

La release macOS per sistemi recenti Intel e Apple Silicon è stata firmata e approvata ed è ora accettata da Apple Gatekeeper.

La release Android ora supporta Android 15 e ha un migliore supporto per gamepad.

La release iOS ora supporta Apple Pencil, una delle funzionalità più richieste.

Le complete note di rilascio includono un dettagliato resoconto di tutte le variazioni e miglioramenti.

Nella nostra pagina downloads, puoi trovare i downloads per le varie piattaforme. La versione iOS è disponibile nell'App Store di Apple mentre le versioni Android saranno presto disponibili nel Google Play Store (l'aggiornamento deve essere approvato). Se invece utilizzi Windows, macOS o i pacchetti Ubuntu Snap o Flatpak, la funzionalità di auto-aggiornamento ti assisterà nell'upgrade a ScummVM 2.9.0.

Gli utenti macOS che utilizzano Intel Mac 64-bit e macOS tra 10.9 e 10.12 dovranno scaricare manualmente l'aggiornamento dalla nostra pagina downloads scegliendo "Mac OS X 10.9+ Intel 64 Bits (without Sparkle) Disk Image". La versione scaricabile tramite la funzionalità di auto-aggiornamento ora richiede macOS 10.13 o superiori.

Buon divertimento, e goditi ScummVM insieme a una tazza di grog caldo[^2]!

[^1]: Thimbleweed Park è supportato da un numero limitato di piattaforme, dato che richiede OpenGL con Shaders. [^2]: Altre bevande disponibili.

23 nov 2024: Aiutaci a testare l'imminente versione 2.9.0 di ScummVM!
Scritto da sev

Da tempo lavoriamo alla versione 2.9.0 di ScummVM, ed è ora il momento di iniziare la fase di test pubblica.

Abbiamo introdotto alcuni nuovi motori e aggiunto giochi a motori preesistenti, i test dovranno focalizzarsi principalmente su:

  • Orion Burger.
  • Total Eclipse e Total Eclipse 2.
  • Thimbleweed Park.
  • The Space Bar.
  • Moonbase Commander. (e le funzionalità multigiocatore)
  • Backyard Basketball.
  • Unrest.
  • Rise of the Dragon.
  • Castle Master.
  • Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a Hare. (Ну, погоди! Выпуск 3. Песня для зайца)
  • Mask Show. (Маски-шоу)
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Meeting Sea Rat. (Три маленькие белые мышки. Визит Морской крысы)
  • The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik. (Похождения бравого солдата Швейка)
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Sea Rat's Birthday. (Три маленькие белые мышки. День рождения морской крысы)

Oltre a questi nuovi giochi, sono state apportate significative modifiche ad almeno metà dei 108 motori che attualmente supportiamo. Pertanto, più giochi testi, meglio è.

Tutti i test dovranno essere effettuati utilizzando i build stabili, non quelli di sviluppo (latest). Per favore, segnala malfunzionamenti o altre stranezze al nostro bug tracker.

Un elenco dettagliato di tutte le nuove funzionalità e correzioni è disponibile nel file NEWS.

Attendiamo fiduciosi bugreport e conferme di playthrough complete (o incomplete)!

9 nov 2024: Salva il tuo gemello dalle grinfie del malvagio Castle Master
Scritto da gu3

Castle Master, l'inquietante conclusione della saga del motore Freescape, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Preparati per una insidiosa avventura mentre abbassi il ponte levatoio per addentrarti nei meandri di Castle Master. Rilasciato nel 1990 dalla Incentive Software, Castle Master divenne popolare per le innovazioni tecniche e per il gameplay impegnativo. Il gioco ha ispirato innumerevoli avventure 3D e lo stesso motore Freescape ha segnato una pietra miliare tecnologica, consentendo un'interazione rivoluzionaria con gli oggetti e rompicapo tridimensionali.

Castle Master è stato uno dei primi giochi a permettere la scelta del personaggio (principe o principessa) e ad offrire un'esperienza diversa a seconda della tua decisione.

La tua missione: salvare il tuo gemello, imprigionato nelle profondità inquietanti di Castle Eternity dal malvagio Magister. Questo castello tentacolare e minaccioso è pieno di trappole, mostri ed enigmi che bloccano il tuo percorso. Raccogli oggetti, sblocca porte e risolvi enigmi complessi mentre esplori le sale labirintiche e affronti le forze oscure al loro interno.

Questa moderna reimplementazione presenta una grafica migliorata utilizzando OpenGL, con supporto iniziale per le versioni DOS e ZX Spectrum. Se sei impaziente di intraprendere questo oscuro viaggio, è disponibile una demo giocabile per mettere alla prova la tua tenacia.

Per partecipare al test, assicurati di avere una build di sviluppo giornaliera. Incoraggiamo tutti i giocatori a inviare feedback e segnalare bug tramite il nostro bugtracker.

Affronterai gli inquietanti corridoi di Castle Eternity e libererai tuo fratello/sorella, oppure cadrai vittima della maledizione del Magister e ti unirai al suo esercito di spiriti? L'avventura ti aspetta!

5 nov 2024: I giochi basati sul motore qdEngine sono ora supportati
Scritto da sev

Dopo sette mesi di intenso lavoro, siamo pronti ad annunciare il supporto per alcuni giochi basati su qdEngine, sviluppato da K-D Labs.

Abbiamo utilizzato i sorgenti originali, ora disponibili con licenza GPL, ma il lavoro in ScummVM è iniziato un po' prima del rilascio. Il motore supporta 14 giochi, cinque dei quali sono ufficialmente supportati. La maggior parte di questi giochi è in Russo, tuttavia, esistono anche delle versioni in Lituano, Ceco e Polacco. I giochi ufficialmente supportati sono:

  • Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a Hare, (Russo: Ну, погоди! Выпуск 3. Песня для зайца, Lithuanian: Na, palauk! Zuikio dainos, Czech: Jen počkej a Píseň pro zajíce)
  • Mask Show (Russo: Маски-шоу)
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Meeting Sea Rat (Russo: Три маленькие белые мышки. Визит Морской крысы, Czech: Příběhy myší rodinky I, Polish: Były Sobie Myszki Trzy: Na Spotkanie Cioci Myszy)
  • The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik (Russo: Похождения бравого солдата Швейка)
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Sea Rat's Birthday, (Russo: Три маленькие белые мышки. День рождения морской крысы, Polish: Były Sobie Myszki Trzy: Urodzinowe Śledztwo)

Altri titoli sono giocabili, ma non abbiamo effettuato test approfonditi. Puoi trovare maggiori informazioni sulla nostra Wiki. Inoltre, siamo alla ricerca della versione lituana di Little Longnose e delle versioni polacche di Little Mice e Wait for it!. Se possiedi questi giochi, per cortesia contatta sev.

Il motore è ancora in fase di sviluppo e presto annunceremo il supporto ufficiale per altri titoli. Il vincolo principale è la fase di playtest.

Per provare questi giochi, avrai bisogno di una daily build di sviluppo di ScummVM. Se riscontri malfunzionamenti, puoi segnalarli al nostro bug tracker.

30 ott 2024: Non perdo tempo a ricordarvi che l'indagine è strettamente confidenziale
Scritto da mduggan

Siamo entusiasti di annunciare che Rise of the Dragon è pronto per la fase di test pubblica. Si tratta del primo di un ristretto numero di giochi creati utilizzando il motore DGDS (Dynamix Game Development System).

Il nome Dynamix può risultarti familiare - acquistato dalla Sierra nel 1990, lo studio ha mantenuto la stessa denominazione negli anni a venire ed è diventato famoso per diversi giochi di azione e puzzle, come The Incredible Machine, A10 Tank Killer, e Red Baron. Hanno rilasciato anche alcune avventure, utilizzando una versione customizzata del motore DGDS.

Rise of the Dragon si svolge a Los Angeles intorno al 2053, in un futuro distopico. Assumi il ruolo di Blade Hunter, ex agente di polizia ora investigatore privato. Dopo la morte della figlia ribelle del sindaco, Chandra, a causa di una droga sintetica, Hunter è assoldato per scoprire chi ha iniziato a distribuire la sostanza. Ma Blade scoprirà molto più di quanto si aspettava... Rise of the Dragon alterna il classico gameplay delle avventure punta-e-clicca a sequenze arcade a piattaforme, creando una combinazione unica nel suo genere.

Avrai bisogno dell'ultima daily build di ScummVM e i files della versione DOS del gioco, che puoi acquistare su GOG (controlla la nostra wiki per la lista dei files necessari). Per favore, segnala eventuali malfunzionamenti al nostro bug tracker.

24 ott 2024: "Riuscirai a portare la pace in... UNREST?"
Scritto da Kartik

Unrest è un gioco di ruolo sviluppato dalla Pyrodactyl Studios, ambientato in una fantasiosa reinterpretazione dell'India antica. Ti calerai nei panni di persone comuni e ti avventurerai in un mondo irto di insidie alla ricerca di sicurezza, libertà e pace.

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che Unrest è giocabile tramite ScummVM grazie al lavoro svolto da Kartik Agarwala, un nostro studente della GSoC! Aiutaci a testare il gioco procurandoti una daily build di ScummVM. Assicurati di leggere le nostre linee guida per i test, e cattura qualche screenshot durante il gioco. Se riscontri malfunzionamenti, per favore segnalali al nostro bugtracker.

Se non possiedi Unrest, puoi acquistare il gioco su GOG o Steam. Anche la versione dimostrativa è supportata e scaricabile dal nostro sito.

Ora và, e usa le tue capacità persuasive per portare la pace in un mondo dove il caos è imminente. Per i giocatori più arditi che desiderano cimentarsi nella modalità iron-man, il salvataggio e il caricamento è possibile solo tramite il Menù Globale di ScummVM.

3 ott 2024: "Che ore sono? ORA DI GIOCARE!"
Scritto da jibbodahibbo, Bosca

Backyard Basketball può finalmente alzarsi dalla panchina ed è pronto per la fase di test pubblica! Puoi ora usare ScummVM per giocare a questo apprezzato titolo della serie Backyard Sports (l'ultimo gioco del motore SCUMM che ancora non supportavamo). Gioca con i Backyard Kids o crea fino a cinque personaggi personalizzati! Il gioco include anche due (ora ritirate) stelle della NBA e della WNBA: Kevin Garnett e Lisa Leslie!

Come per gli altri giochi della serie, i controlli predefiniti sono punta-e-clicca, con le opzioni aggiuntive tastiera e gamepad. Scegli i tuoi personaggi preferiti e cimentati in una partita di basket 3-contro-3. Non dimenticarti il 110% Juice e la Dunking Donut per fare slamma jamma! Passa la palla, ascolta la telecronaca di Sunny Day e Barry DeJay e infila canestri su canestri per conquistare il campionato.

Pronto a giocare? Recupera il tuo vecchio CD e provalo con l'ultima daily build!

3 lug 2024: “Tocca a lei, Comandante.”
Scritto da LittleToonCat

Moonbase Commander, uno degli ultimi giochi creati utilizzando il motore SCUMM, è finalmente supportato e pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Pur non trattandosi di un gioco di avventura, Moonbase Commander, è stato sviluppato dalla Humongous Entertainment (creatori di Putt-Putt, Freddi Fish, Pajama Sam, Backyard Sports, ecc.) ed è invece uno strategico a turni diverso da tutti gli strategici dell'epoca. Lo scopo principale è evitare che i tuoi avversari conquistino il pianeta prima di te. Le sue caratteristiche uniche lo rendono un perfetto esempio di gioco "facile da imparare, difficile da padroneggiare". Puoi costruire nuovi hub dal tuo hub centrale, creare raccoglitori di energia, sparare proiettili verso gli hub dei tuoi avversari, e tanto altro! È disponibile anche un editor, che ti permetterà di creare nuove mappe personalizzate e condividerle con gli altri giocatori!

Il gioco include le modalità Skirmish e Challenge per giocatore singolo, ma puoi anche giocare in multiplayer, online o insieme agli altri device collegati alla tua LAN. Entrambe le modalità sono pienamente supportate! Clicca Multiplayer nel menù del gioco, e potrai creare una partita a cui i tuoi amici potranno collegarsi! Così semplice!

Stanco di giocare sempre con le stesse mappe? Abbiamo incluso in ScummVM il generatore di mappe del popolare tool creato dai fan Moonbase Console, comprensivo di tutti gli algoritmi e configurazioni! Puoi abilitare questa funzione scaricando l'ultima daily build, e abilitando l'opzione "Genera mappe casuali" in "Opzioni gioco". In questo modo, una nuova mappa verrà generata all'avvio di una partita Skirmish o Multiplayer. L'opzione può essere disattivata in qualsiasi momento togliendo il segno di spunta.

I giocatori più affezionati hanno creato un server Discord, dove potrai trovare persone disposte a giocare online e discutere di tutto ciò che riguarda Moonbase Commander! Puoi unirti al server qui!

Puoi acquistare il gioco su ZOOM-Platform, Steam, o GOG, or scaricare e provare la versione dimostrativa. Anche qui sono supportate sia la modalità multiplayer che il generatore di mappe!

Sentiti ringraziamenti alla Rebellion, gli attuali detentori dei diritti del gioco, per avere fornito il codice sorgente al nostro team!

15 giu 2024: È un bar... nello spazio!
Scritto da DreamMaster

In un universo dove i bagel incontrano i bar, il motore BAGEL è stato tostato a puntino e ora il team di ScummVM è pronto a servire una fetta di nostalgia con The Space Bar. No, non la barra della tastiera. Piuttosto, si tratta di una storia poliziesca ambientata su un distante pianeta. Dei dati importanti sono stati rubati e il colpevole è un mutaforma che si sta nascondendo in un bar dello spazioporto, in attesa di imbarcarsi per fuggire. Impersoni un tosto detective con la capacità psionica di visitare le memorie dei frequentatori del bar per raccogliere indizi e individuare i sospetti.

Tutto ciò grazie ai ragazzi di ZOOM Platform, che ci hanno gentilmente fornito i sorgenti originali con cui lavorare. Aiutaci a testare il gioco scaricando una daily build e assicurati di seguire le nostre linee guida per il testing. Il gioco offre molti modi per parlare con i freqentatori del bar e avviare diversi flashback. Pertanto, abbiamo davvero bisogno di tester disposti a sperimentare per assicurarci che tutto funzioni correttamente. E non dimenticarti di catturare qualche screenshot.

Se non possiedi The Space Bar, puoi provare uno dei demo gratuiti o acquistare la versione digitale su ZOOM Platform. È anche possibile testare la versione Steam utilizzando la beta, controlla l'annuncio Steam per maggiori dettagli.

E ora, ti auguriamo buona fortuna (incrociando le dita) per trovare il colpevole. Altrimenti, il tuo capo ti assicurerà un prestigioso proseguimento di carriera nella pulizia delle toilette. Oh, un'ultima cosa: Ogni alieno ha un diverso "punto di vista". Il bartender ha gli occhi segmentati, il che lo rende particolarmente difficile da usare. I programmatori originali hanno addirittura inserito un cheat (il tasto ScrollLock) per alternare la visuale "normale". Puoi utilizzarlo liberamente se l'effetto retrò è troppo per te :)

5 mag 2024: Rullo di tamburi... Google Summer of Code 2024!
Scritto da djwillis

Diamo il benvenuto ai partecipanti di quest'anno!

Mercoledì primo maggio, Google ha rilasciato l'elenco dei candidati ammessi alla Google Summer of Code di quest'anno, e siamo lieti di comunicare che quest'estate 4 partecipanti lavoreranno su diverse parti del progetto ScummVM.

Dopo avere sistemato tutti i dettagli, possiamo ora dare loro un caloroso benvenuto!

In ordine rigorosamente casuale...

Progetto: Sistema di controllo dell'integrità dei files di gioco per ScummVM

Chike Lee - Chico / InariInDream

ScummVM necessita dei files dei giochi per funzionare. Frequentemente, soprattutto quando i dati vengono copiati da vecchi supporti, tali files possono risultare danneggiati. Pertanto, un sistema che permetta agli utenti di calcolare facilmente i checksum e confrontarli con quelli noti come validi può essere molto utile.

Chike proseguirà il lavoro già iniziato in quest'area, con l'obiettivo di completare l'implementazione durante l'estate.

**Progetto: Miglioramento del supporto per Macromedia Director

Krish Ganatra - Krish / Krish28

Macromedia Director, negli anni '90, è stato un popolare authoring tool con il quale sono state sviluppate svariate avventure grafiche divenute iconiche. Migliorandone il supporto, potremo preservare una preziosa storia videoludica dando ai giocatori la possibilità di giocare nuovamente questi classici.

Krish si occuperà di sviluppare alcuni miglioramenti focalizzati in aree precise del motore, al fine di migliorare il supporto currente ed estenderne la compatibilità.

Progetto: Porting di qdEngine a ScummVM

Kunal Tiwari - kunxl.gg

Il motore qdEngine è stato sviluppato dalla K-D Labs e utilizzato in alcune avventure grafiche punta-e-clicca, principalmente in Russo ma talvolta anche localizzate in Lituano, Ceco e Inglese. I giochi più conosciuti sono Pilot Brothers 3 e Pilot Brothers 3D.

Kunai si occuperà del porting di questo motore nel codice di ScummVM, con l'obiettivo di raggiungere il supporto completo entro la fine dell'estate.

Progetto: Aggiunta del Keymapper (mappa tasti) a vari motori

Nabeel Shabbir - kashmiri_markhor / NabeelShabbir

ScummVM include un keymapper globale completamente configurabile, ma i motori devono essere modificati per supportarne le funzionalità. Lo scopo del progetto è integrare il keymapper in quanti più motori possibili.

Nabeel lavorerà a questo progetto durante l'estate, iniziando dai motori più grandi e che necessitano di funzionalità avanzate di mappatura tasti.

Siamo ora nella fase di community bonding che durerà fino al 27 di maggio, quando inizierà la vera e propria fase di coding.

Puoi visitare il nostro server Discord per dare il benvenuto ai partecipanti e discutere dei vari progetti, ognuno dei quali ha un canale dedicato.

Gli studenti forniranno inoltre aggiornamenti regolari tramite i blog che saranno accessibili dal planet.

Il team non vede l'ora di cominciare - e speriamo anche tu!

Desideriamo ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno inoltrato le proprie candidature a ScummVM per la Google Summer of Code di quest'anno. Sfortunatamente non abbiamo potuto accettare tutte le candidature, ma vi ringraziamo per l'interesse dimostrato e ci auguriamo che possiate comunque contribuire al progetto, in futuro.

13 apr 2024: Una passeggiata in Thimbleweed Park con ScummVM
Scritto da scemino

1987: Nella cittadina di Thimbleweed Park, due agenti-a-rino stanno investigando un caso di omicidio. Il cadavere, in fase di pixellazione, è stato ritrovato nel fiume. Durante l'indagine, gli agenti incontreranno una programmatrice di videogiochi, un misterioso clown che non si toglie mai il trucco di scena, e altri personaggi peculiari.

Puoi acquistare il gioco dal tuo rivenditore preferito: Steam, GOG, Epic Game Store, Xbox, Switch, iOS, PS4, Android.

Ti invitiamo a provare questa avventura con ScummVM. Scarica subito un daily build di sviluppo e buon divertimento!

Se riscontri bug o altre stranezze, per cortesia segnalali al nostro bugtracker.

7 apr 2024: Fronteggiando la Maledizione del Dio del Sole, la crema solare non ti salverà
Scritto da gu3

Total Eclipse, un'avventura 3D in tempo reale (dove affronterai un'antica maledizione, in stile Indiana Jones) è pronta per la fase di test pubblica!

Rilasciato nel 1988, Total Eclipse è un innovativo titolo che si aggiunge al già rivoluzionario repertorio dalla Incentive Software Ltd.

Impersona un eroico archeologo durante l'eclisse solare totale del 26 Ottobre 1930. Per scongiurare la profezia Ardognus, creata dal potente sacerdote Hahmid III, dovrai trovare e distruggere il santuario nascosto dedicato a Ra. prima che l'eclisse si completi.

Inizierai questa emozionante avventura equipaggiato con la tua fidata pistola (per eliminare mummie non-morte e distruggere porte chiuse); una bussola per non perdere l'orientamento nella piramide; un orologio da polso per tenere d'occhio il prezioso tempo rimasto; e una borraccia per evitare la disidratazione (dopotutto, non sei un supereroe).

Riuscirai a risolvere questo mistero ancestrale entro 120 minuti, evitando la catastrofe, o l'ira di Ra distruggerà la luna?

La nostra reimplementazione moderna del motore Freescape permette l'accelerazione 3D OpenGL a risoluzione arbitraria. Attualmente, supportiamo le versioni DOS (modalità EGA/CGA), ZX Spectrum e Amstrad CPC di Total Eclipse. Altre versioni verranno aggiunte in futuro. Se intendi provare il gioco, abbiamo inoltre a disposizione tre demo giocabili. Per favore, contattaci se sei in possesso di altri demo o versioni.

Per giocare con questi giochi, avrai bisogno di un daily build di sviluppo. Come sempre, ti raccomandiamo di segnalare eventuali malfunzionamenti al nostro bug tracker.

31 mar 2024: Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.8.1: Oh MMy!
Scritto da The ScummVM Team

Oh MMy — una nuova release di ScummVM!

Diamo il benvenuto alla prima release dell'anno: ScummVM 2.8.1.

ScummVM 2.8.1 è una release di mantenimento con lo scopo principale di correggere i bug scoperti dopo l'ultima release stabile.

Questa versione include aggiornamenti ai seguenti motori: AGI, AGS, GRIM, SWORD2, MM (che ora è abilitato — nella versione 2.8.0 è stato disattivato per errore), mTropolis, NANCY, SCUMM, TWINE, Ultima e V-Cruise.

I port per Android, Atari e macOS hanno ricevuto svariati bugfix per migliorare la stabilità generale e evitare crash in alcune circostanze.

Un elenco dettagliato dei miglioramenti è disponibile qui.

Come sempre, è possibile scaricare l'ultima release dalla pagina Downloads.

Buon divertimento!

10 mar 2024: ScummVM è stato ammesso alla Google Summer of Code 2024
Scritto da somaen

ScummVM è stato nuovamente ammesso (la diciassettesima volta) al programma Google Summer of Code che si terrà quest'estate.

Il programma ha lo scopo di portare nuovi collaboratori nei progetti open source. Da due anni a questa parte, studenti e non sono accettati come possibili candidati.

Come l'anno scorso, i candidati possono chiedere di lavorare su task brevi (circa 175 ore di lavoro) o lunghi (circa 350 ore di lavoro). I periodo dedicato alla programmazione tipicamente comincia all'inizio di giugno e continua fino al termine di agosto, ma è concessa una certa flessibilità ed è possibile estendere la scadenza se un candidato non può lavorare a tempo pieno durante l'estate.

ScummVM sta cercando persone interessate a partecipare alla GSoC con noi. Un elenco di possibili progetti è disponibile su questa pagina, ma siamo disposti anche ad ascoltare le vostre proposte. Cortesemente, accertati di avere a disposizione tutte le informazioni necessarie prima di inviare la candidatura.

Inoltre ti consigliamo di unirti al nostro server Discord. Nel canale #scummvm-gsoc potrai contattare i mentori e gli altri componenti del team e ottenere suggerimenti su come contribuire al progetto e come scrivere la tua candidatura.

Usufruendo dell'esperienza maturata in 16 anni di GSoC, abbiamo preparato un Miniportale Google Summer of Code per aiutarti a cominciare.

Aspettiamo con impazienza la tua candidatura!

14 gen 2024: Rifacciamo il salto temporale, Burger Chow ci aspetta
Scritto da DreamMaster

Un povero soggetto-cavia è condannato a ripetere la stessa ora all'infinito. Cercando disperatamente di dimostrare che la sua specie non è solo carne da macello per la catena intergalattica di fast food.

Il team di ScummVM è lieto di annunciare il supporto per Orion Burger, un gioco classico della Sanctuary Woods. La nostra reimplementazione aggiunge inoltre alcune comodità, come il supporto per la rotellina del mouse e la possibilità, premendo la barra spaziatrice, di saltare le animazioni durante gli spostamenti (tale comando non funzionava correttamente nell'originale).

Aiutaci a testare il gioco, procurandoti una daily build. Consulta le nostre linee guida per i test. La logica del gioco è interamente hardcoded, per cui abbiamo davvero bisogno di tester che provino tutte le azioni più strane per accertarci che il gioco funzioni correttamente e corrisponda all'originale. E per favore, crea anche qualche screenshot mentre giochi.

Buona fortuna! E ricorda, dato che gli alieni barano sempre nei test che hanno preparato per te, non sarà impresa facile.

30 dic 2023: ScummVM 2.8.0: Misteri, Mammuth e Muppets
Scritto da sev

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare l'ultima release del 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.8.0 – “Mysteries, Mammoths, and Muppets”.

Nuovi giochi

Il team si è dato da fare per aggiungere nuovi motori e migliorare quelli preesistenti. L'elenco dei giochi supportati è incrementato sensibilmente, con le seguenti novità:

  • Adibù 1
  • Classical Cats
  • The Dark Eye
  • Dark Side
  • Escape From Hell
  • Gadget: Invention Travel and Adventure
  • Gobliiins 5
  • The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
  • Kingdom: The Far Reaches
  • Might and Magic Book One
  • Muppet Treasure Island
  • Nancy Drew: The Final Scene
  • Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion
  • Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill
  • Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger
  • Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower
  • Primordia
  • Reah: Face the Unknown
  • Schizm: Mysterious Journey
  • Shardlight
  • Strangeland
  • Syberia e Syberia II (solo versioni macOS)
  • Technobabylon
  • The Vampire Diaries
  • Whispers of a Machine
  • Wrath of the Gods e quattro altri titoli Director.
  • 14 giochi AGS sviluppati da Stranga e Cloak and Dagger.

In totale, abbiamo introdotto ben 50 nuovi giochi e cinque nuovi motori.

Nuove piattaforme

Siamo contenti di constatare che il port per RetroArch è stato reimplementato nel modo corretto, e ora il port è stato incorporato nel nostro codice. Anche il port per Atari è stato riscritto da zero e ora sfrutta direttamente l'hardware, senza utilizzare SDL come intermediario. In questo modo, molti più giochi sono fruibili su tale piattaforma. Tuttavia, il port per Atari FireBee utilizza ancora la libreria SDL.

Grafica velocizzata

Grazie al lavoro di uno dei nostri studenti della Google Summer of Code, Wyatt Radkiewicz (eklipsed), ora utlizziamo le estensioni SIMD specifiche per CPU, come SSE, AVX2 e NEON, per la grafica del motore AGS e per alcune routine generiche. Ciò ha portato ad una velocizzazione (da 4 fino a 14 volte) in molti casi d'uso.

Gioco in rete

Quest'anno ci siamo uniti al progetto Backyard Sports Online, che ha reso possibile il gioco online con altri utenti nei giochi Backyard Football, Backyard Baseball 2001 e Backyard Football 2002. Anche Moonbase Commander è in fase di playtest, ma non ancora pronto per il grande pubblico.

Miglioramenti nei motori

Il motore AGS è stato aggiornato fino alla versione

Per molti motori abbiamo aggiunto il supporto per le versioni Cinesi e Giapponesi.

Non ci crederai, ma siamo riusciti ad implementare svariate interfacce utente native nei giochi SCUMM, per un'esperienza ancora più simile all'originale. Abbiamo inoltre riscritto il codice per il sonoro nei giochi della Humongous Entertainment, rendendolo praticamente perfetto.

Abbiamo effettuato una revisione approfondita del motore di Broken Sword 1, implementando molti dettagli precedentemente ignorati come le transizioni di scena, alcune particolarità dei menù, font più accurati, animazioni idle e molto altro. Ora il gioco è assolutamente fedele all'originale.

Le Note di Rilascio contengono un riepilogo dettagliato di tutte le variazioni e miglioramenti, e per questa release sono quasi tre pagine.

Sulla nostra pagina download puoi trovare i download per diverse piattaforme. Se utilizzi Windows, macOS, o i package Snap o Flatpack per Ubuntu, il sistema di aggiornamento automatico ti aiuterà nell'upgrade alla versione 2.8.0. La versione Android seguirà a breve, siamo attualmente in fase di Beta Pubblica.

Prova i nuovi giochi, e divertiti con ScummVM!

Ah, un'ultima cosa...

ScummVM è ora disponibile sull'App Store per iPhone e iPad. Per favore, lasciaci delle belle recensioni e in caso di problemi contattateci sul nostro server Discord, che comprende un canale dedicato per il supporto iOS.

14 dic 2023: Director: riepilogo di fine anno
Scritto da moralrecordings

La fine dell'anno si avvicina, e con essa una nuova release di ScummVM. Ecco quindi un rapido aggiornamento a proposito di uno dei sottoprogetti più ambiziosi, che è stato portato avanti a piccoli passi ma con costanza: Macromedia Director! Per chi non ne fosse a conoscenza, Macromedia Director è stato un popolare framework, utilizzato per migliaia di giochi, software educativi, cataloghi, opere artistiche e multimediali.

Nuovi Giochi Da Testare

Innanzitutto, la prossima release 2.8.0 includerà il supporto per diversi nuovi giochi: abbiamo bisogno del tuo aiuto per testarli!

  • Alice: An Interactive Museum
  • Ape Odyssey
  • Classical Cats
  • Gadget: Invention, Travel and Adventure
  • The Cute Machine
  • The Dark Eye
  • Wrath of the Gods

Avrai bisogno dei file dati dei giochi ottenuti dai dischi originali, e una daily build di ScummVM. Per le versioni Macintosh, dovrai utilizzare Dumper Companion con le immagini dei dischi, al fine di estrarre correttamente tutti i files. Per The Dark Eye, anche i files generati dall'installer sono necessari. Come sempre, se riscontri malfunzionamenti, ti invitiamo a segnalarli al nostro bug tracker.

Se il tuo gioco preferito non è in lista, non disperare! ScummVM può avviare i titoli Director rilasciati fino al 1995, quindi procurati l'ultima daily build e fai una prova. I titoli rilasciati dopo il 1995 tendenzialmente utilizzano versioni di Director che non sono ancora supportate. Se non sai come procedere, puoi contattarci sul bug tracker, dove cercheremo di aiutarti.

Le sei in possesso di un titolo Director che non viene rilevato da ScummVM, ottimo! Apri un ticket sul bugtracker, così potremo aggiungerlo.

Versioni del motore

Ad oggi, ScummVM può rilevare 1595 diversi titoli Director, suddivisi nelle seguenti versioni di Director:

D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11
12 1 14 288 602 262 194 97 138 31 36 4

ScummVM 2.8.0 sarà la prima release ad includere il supporto preliminare per la versione D5 di Director! Abbiamo migliorato il codice al fine di supportare multiple librerie cast, tuttavia c'è ancora molto lavoro da fare per aggiungere le funzioni Lingo e Xtras.

6 dic 2023: I link a GOG.com affiliati a ScummVM non sono più disponibili
Scritto da The ScummVM Team

Per molti anni, il programma di affiliazione a GOG.com è stato un ottimo modo per supportare il nostro progetto. Utilizzando i nostri link affiliati per l'acquisto dei giochi, una piccola commissione veniva automaticamente assegnata a ScummVM, senza alcun sovrapprezzo sul costo originale.

A inizio anno, GOG.com ha annunciato il ritiro del vecchio programma di affiliazione. Anziché un semplice link referral, il nuovo programma usa due network di affiliazione esterni, che contengono tracking cross-site e vengono rilevati da diversi adblocker. Tuttavia, siccome siamo stati affiliati a GOG.com dal 2009, abbiamo potuto mantenere attivi i vecchi link per un paio di mesi oltre la data di dismissione.

Sfortunatamente, i link sono stati definitivamente disabilitati a partire dal 22 novembre 2023.

Dato che non ci sembra corretto obbligarvi a utilizzare questi network per supportare il progetto, e siccome il tracking degli utenti va contro le nostre linee guida, abbiamo deciso di non aderire al nuovo programma.

Riteniamo che GOG.com sia comunque una eccellente risorsa per reperire legalmente molti giochi supportati da ScummVM. Anche se non faremo più parte del loro programma di affiliazione, continueremo a supportare le loro release, aggiornando periodicamente le signature dei file dati dei giochi e linkando le loro release nella pagina wiki dove reperire i giochi.

Ringraziamo GOG.com e tutti coloro che hanno utilizzato i nostri link affiliati per il contributo (durato 14 anni!)

10 nov 2023: Il ritorno della teenager detective!
Scritto da fracturehill

Indossate il vostri cappelli da investigatore, detective - ci sono dei misteri da risolvere! Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che diversi giochi della serie Nancy Drew della HeR Interactive sono pronti per la fase di test pubblica:

In Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger, una stella delle telenovelas ha bisogno del tuo aiuto per scoprire chi si cela dietro a una sequenza di minacce di morte, troppo serie per essere ignorate.

In Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion, sei convolta nella ristrutturazione di una villa Vittoriana. Tuttavia una serie di strani incidenti, e le dicerie di una possibile infestazione di fantasmi, trasformano rapidamente la ristrutturazione in una investigazione.

In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower una fallimentare settimana bianca in un eccentrico castello, con ospiti ancora più eccentrici, diventa una sorta di caccia al tesoro per svelare una parte sconosciuta della Rivoluzione Francese.

E se sei alla ricerca di qualcosa di più elettrizzante, in Nancy Drew: The Final Scene, sarai impegnata in una corsa contro il tempo per rintracciare una tua amica rapita e al contempo salvare uno storico teatro (che racchiude non pochi segreti) dalla demolizione.

I giochi sono acquistabili tramite il sito della HeR Interactive o Steam (nota: Stay Tuned for Danger non è disponibile su Steam). Se invece disponi dei CD, le versioni in Inglese e in Russo sono anch'esse supportate. Per utilizzare questi giochi, avrai bisogno di un daily build della versione di sviluppo. Come sempre, se riscontri malfunzionamenti, ti invitiamo a segnalarli sul nostro bug tracker.

2 nov 2023: Gloria al regno!
Scritto da Strangerke

Siamo lieti di annunciare l'inizio della fase di test per due nuovi motori, ciascuno dedicato ad un singolo gioco: Kingdom: The Far Reaches e Escape From Hell!

Kingdom, è stato sviluppato e rilasciato dalla Interplay nel 1995. Solamente la versione DOS del gioco (disponibile su gog.com) è supportata. Si tratta di un gioco FMV in stile cartoon, dove dovrai guidare Lathan Kandor attraverso un mondo medievale, scoprire incantesimi e recuperare gli oggetti necessari per sconfiggere un mago malvagio.

Escape From Hell, è stato sviluppato per la Electronic Arts dai programmatori veterani Richard Seaborne e Alan Murphy, e rilasciato nel 1990. In questo gioco di ruolo, controllato esclusivamente da tastiera, impersoni Alan e visiti l'Inferno alla ricerca della tua ragazza, che è stata accidentalmente teletrasportata lì.

Entrambi i giochi utilizzano ampiamente la logica hardcoded, che è soggetta a errori e richiede molti controlli. Pertanto più che mai necessitiamo del tuo feedback, dato che entrambi i giochi non sono stati testati a sufficienza. Sfortunatamente, è disponibile solamente una demo di Kingdom. Il supporto per le versioni Windows e Mac di Kingdom potrebbe essere aggiunto in futuro! Per favore contattaci se possiedi altri demo dei due giochi.

Per provare questi giochi, avrai bisogno di un daily build della versione di sviluppo. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali bug sul nostro bug tracker, e non dimenticarti di catturare qualche screenshot!

25 set 2023: Passa al Lato Oscuro, abbiamo i jetpack!
Scritto da gu3

Dark Side, il fantastico sequel del rivoluzionario Driller, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Come il suo predecessore, Dark Side è stato rilasciato nel 1998 dalla Incentive Software Limited, poco dopo Driller. Le nuove funzionalità di gioco includono un jet-pack che, permettendo di alzarsi da terra, fornisce una nuova prospettiva di gioco focalizzata sull'esplorazione di Tricuspid, la seconda luna del pianeta alieno Evath.

Questa volta, i feroci Ketars hanno disperso e nascosto degli Energy Collection Devices (ECD) intorno alla loro base, per distruggere il tuo pianeta natio. Tocca a te distruggerli per primo! Il problema è che molti ECDs sono collegati tra loro e si rigenerano istantaneamente, dovrai quindi trovare l'ordine corretto per completare la tua missione.

La nostra reimplementazione del motore Freescape supporta modalità grafiche software (TinyGL) o hardware (OpenGL), a risoluzione qualsiasi. Il supporto iniziale per Dark Side include le versioni DOS (modalità EGA/CGA), ZX Spectrum e Amstrad CPC. Inoltre, sono disponibili due demo giocabili se intendi testare il gioco. Il supporto per le versioni Amiga e Atari ST verrà aggiunto successivamente! Per favore, contattaci se disponi di altre versioni.

Per giocare con una di queste versioni, avrai bisogno di un daily build di sviluppo. Come sempre, ti invitiamo a segnalare eventuali bug usando il nostro bug tracker.

7 set 2023: Android trova un compagno. Test pubblico del port per iOS
Scritto da sev, lman

Il giorno è arrivato. Siamo entusiasti di annunciare la fase di beta testing pubblica del port di ScummVM per lo store di iOS. Hai letto bene! Da quando Lars Sundström (lman) si è unito al team come porter iOS, abbiamo ottenuto significativi progressi. Pertanto, non dovrai più compilare ScummVM autonomamente per utilizzarlo sul tuo device iOS o iPadOS.

Se desideri contribuire testando questa versione, segui questo link Testflight e iscriviti al programma di test. Potresti dover installare l'app Testflight di Apple. Puoi trovare istruzioni su come installare e utilizzare i vari giochi nel nostro portale documentazione.

Apprezziamo il tuo feedback. Puoi comunicarci le tue opinioni tramite la funzionalità di feedback di Testflight, dove è possibile inviare descrizioni dettagliate e anche allegare screenshot. In alternativa, puoi utilizzare il nostro bugtracker, mandarci una mail a ios@scummvm.org o postare nel nostro Server Discord. Grazie al tuo aiuto potremo finalmente aggiungere ScummVM all'App Store.

5 set 2023: La serie Syberia è ora più accessibile
Scritto da sev

In seguito all'annuncio della nostra affiliazione con ZOOM-Platform, vorremmo fare notare che sono ora disponibili le versioni Macintosh di Syberia 1 e Syberia 2, con ScummVM incluso.

Si tratta di una importante novità, perchè attualmente ScummVM supporta solamente le versioni Macintosh di tali giochi. Queste versioni sono state sviluppate dalla Tetraedge e utilizzano un motore completamente diverso da quelle originali per Windows; pertanto, sono delle reimplementazioni, non dei port. Ora, grazie ai ragazzi di ZOOM-Platform, puoi ottenere comodamente tali varianti.

29 ago 2023: ScummVM annuncia il programma di affiliazione con ZOOM-Platform.com
Scritto da sev

Siamo lieti di annunciare l'accordo di affiliazione con ZOOM-Platform, un rivenditore di giochi privi di DRM. Utilizzando un link dal nostro sito (o dalla Wiki), il progetto ScummVM riceverà un piccolo importo che verrà utilizzato per l'hosting e i costi generali di gestione.

Qualsiasi acquisto effettuato tramite ZOOM-Platform è eligibile, ma consigliamo caldamente di dare un'occhiata ai giochi supportati da ScummVM, come Syberia 1 e 2, Galador, Obsidian nonchè i 18 titoli parte della serie Living Books. In totale, abbiamo individuato 25 giochi supportati da ScummVM, e la lista è in crescita.

Manterremo una lista aggiornata dei giochi disponibili su questa piattaforma, sulla nostra Wiki. Abbiamo inoltre aggiunto un link affiliato nella barra laterale.

31 lug 2023: ScummVM 2.7.1: "Stan's previously broken swords" vede la luce
Scritto da sev

È passato un po' di tempo dalla release 2.7.0, e siamo entusiasti di presentare la release di mantenimento 2.7.1.

Abbiamo introdotto un numero significativo di bugfix e piccoli miglioramenti, in particolare:

  • Aggiunto visualizzatore del file di log di ScummVM, per facilitare la segnalazione di bug su piattaforme con accesso limitato ai file (come Android, iOS o persino Windows recenti).
  • Corretto il caricamento degli scaler a base shader su alcune piattaforme.
  • Vari miglioramenti in AGI, AGS, Cryomni3D e 12 altri motori.

Abbiamo inoltre migliorato il codice del rilevatore di Broken Sword 1 e Broken Sword 2, aumentando il numero di versioni originali correttamente rilevate. Un ringraziamento a tutti coloro che hanno inviato bugreport, e se sei in possesso di una versione che ancora non viene rilevata, cortesemente segnalacela (attenzione: le versioni "frankenstein" che girano per la rete non verranno accettate, solamente quelle ottenute dai dischi originali).

Per un elenco completo e dettagliato delle novità, fai riferimento alle Release Notes.

Se vuoi unirti al nostro entusiasmo, accorri alla pagina dei download. Se utilizzi Windows, macOS o i pacchetti per Ubuntu (Snap o Flatpack), puoi ottenere la versione 2.7.1 tramite la funzione di aggiornamento automatico. Per gli utenti Android l'aggiornamento sarà disponibile tramite il Play Store.

Grazie per il costante supporto e buon divertimento!

17 lug 2023: Un Nuovo Mondo di Scoperte
Scritto da sdelamarre

Adibù, il primo gioco dell'amata serie per bambini, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Conosciuto anche come Adi Jr.'s World of Discoveries, questo titolo del 1991 prodotto dalla Coktel Vision ha inaugurato la proposta educational Adibou (Adibù), orientata ai bambini tra i 4 e i 7 anni.

Molte delle attività e meccanismi iconici della serie sono già presenti in questa prima opera: piantare i fiori, giocare a Breakout e ricevere dolciumi come premio dopo avere completato gli esercizi Leggere/Contare. E naturalmente si tratta dell'esordio dell'alieno Adibù! Nella versione floppy parla in modo incomprensibile come i personaggi della serie Goblins, ma è comunque il paziente e simpatico compagno di avventure che ricordiamo dai giochi successivi.

ScummVM supporta tutte le release del gioco, a partire da quella iniziale a 16 colori su floppy, fino alle versioni CD del '94, caratterizzate da grafica ed effetti sonori migliorati. Quindi recupera i tuoi polverosi dischi di Adibù, scarica una daily build della versione di sviluppo di ScummVM, e inizia a collezionare caramelle dopo avere completato gli esercizi di lettura e di matematica! Per favore contattaci se disponi di una versione non rilevata da ScummVM, e segnala eventuali malfunzionamenti al nostro bug tracker.

Anche se ScummVM tenta di replicare l'originale esperienza di gioco, c'è una funzionalità che sfortunatamente non siamo in grado di supportare. Ai bambini più volenterosi, capaci di completare l'intera collezione di dolci virtuali, il gioco mostrerà un messaggio di congratulazioni invitandoli a spedire alla Coktel Vision un floppy contenente il salvataggio della partita, che verrà ricambiato con un pacchetto di gadget della Coktel e vere caramelle! Pertanto, se intendi presentare Adibou a dei bambini, preparati a correre al negozio di dolciumi più vicino quando finiranno il gioco!

14 giu 2023: Ehi, Hawkins, è bello rivederti!
Scritto da OneEightHundred

Muppet Treasure Island, il secondo gioco supportato dal motore mTropolis, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Sviluppato nel 1996 dalla Activision e basato sul film omonimo, in questo gioco impersoni Jim Hawkins, in viaggo insieme ai Muppets, alla ricerca di un tesoro sepolto dai pirati. Il gioco include performance dal vivo di Billy Connolly and Tim Curry.

Attualmente, ScummVM supporta la versione CD-ROM per Windows, in svariate lingue (Inglese, Spagnolo, Italiano) e la versione CD-ROM per Macintosh, in inglese. Se sei a conoscenza di altre versioni, per favore contattaci.

Per giocare con una delle versioni supportate, avrai bisogno di una daily build della versione di sviluppo. Se riscontri malfunzionamenti, cortesemente segnalali al nostro bug tracker!

8 giu 2023: Avventurati nell'Era della Cavalleria in una realtà alternativa
Scritto da DreamMaster

Una compagnia coraggiosa si prepara ad affrontare l'ignoto, alla ricerca del leggendario Inner Sanctum. Ma non tutto è ciò che sembra, nel mondo di Varn...

Il team di ScummVM è lieto di annunciare il supporto per la versione PC del primo gioco della saga di Might and Magic: Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum. Due modalità sono disponibili:

  • La modalità Classica, che mantiene la grafica e il gameplay dell'originale (il sonoro, che consiste semplicemente di occasionali "beep", non è supportato)
  • La modalità Migliorata, esclusiva di ScummVM, che utilizza l'interfaccia dei giochi della serie Xeen, e include chicche come le schermate dei personaggi migliorate, l'automappa e gli effetti sonori. Include inoltre l'impressionante "Might and Magic 1 Graphics Overhaul Mod", che introduce una grafica migliorata per la mappa e i mostri. È necessario procurarsi il file xeen.cc da Might and Magic: IV o Might and Magic: World of Xeen.

In entrambe le modalità è possibile salvare ovunque, tranne che durante i combattimenti, utilizzando il Menù Globale di ScummVM (GMM). In origine, era possibile salvare una sola compagnia alla volta, e solo alla taverna. Assicurati quindi di salvare frequentemente, per ovviare a possibili problemi.

Aiutaci a testare entrambe le modalità, scaricando una daily build e aggiungendo il file mm.dat alla cartella con i dati del gioco. Consulta le linee guida per i test, e cattura qualche screenshot durante il gioco.

Ma ora inizia il viaggio, e svela i segreti del gioco che ha inaugurato a una lunga ed epica serie fantasy!

28 mag 2023: Ancora quel nome, "Matia". Cosa sta succedendo qui?
Scritto da OneEightHundred

Schizm: Mysterious Journey, il secondo gioco supportato dal motore V-Cruise, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Sviluppata nel 2001 dalla Detalion e pubblicata dalla LK Avalon, in questa acclamata avventura 3D in prima persona dovrai affrontare un mondo alieno risolvendo puzzle, impersonando due scienziati che hanno dovuto separarsi dopo un atterraggio di emergenza.

Attualmente, ScummVM supporta le versioni DVD e digitali in inglese (con i sottotitoli in Olandese, Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Italiano, Polacco, Spagnolo, Greco e Russo). Se sei al corrente di altre versioni esistenti, per favore contattaci.

Per giocare con una di queste release, dovrai utilizzare una daily build della versione di sviluppo. In caso di malfunzionamenti, cortesemente segnalali al nostro bug tracker!

9 mag 2023: Google Summer of Code 2023 – Diamo il benvenuto ai partecipanti!
Scritto da criezy

GSoC Logo

Questo giovedì, Google ha pubblicato la lista dei candidati che sono stati ammessi alla Google Summer of Code di quest'anno, e siamo lieti di annunciare che cinque studenti lavoreranno al progetto ScummVM quest'estate.

  • Ankush Dutt lavorerà su di un sistema automatico per includere i giochi freeware nel pacchetto/installer di ScummVM, per diverse piattaforme. Il progetto ha due obiettivi principali: rendere più semplice la creazione di pacchetti individuali contenenti un gioco e i files di ScummVM, e implementare un nuovo sistema che permetta agli utenti di scaricare e installare i giochi freeware direttamente dalla GUI di ScummVM. Puoi seguire l'evoluzione di questo task sul blog GSoC di Ankush.

  • Harishankar Kumar si occuperà di migliorare la compatibilità del motore Director versione 4. Lo scopo è raggiungere la piena compatibilità di Total Distortion e The Journeyman Project. Puoi seguire l'evoluzione di questo task sul blog di Harishankar’s GSoC.

  • Kartik Agarwala (hax0kartik) effettuerà il porting del motore CRAB a ScummVM. Questo motore è stato sviluppato dalla Pyrodactyl Games e utilizzato in diversi giochi rilasciati da questo studio, il più famoso Unrest, una avventura-RPG che si svolge nell'antica India. Puoi seguire l'evoluzione di questo task sul blog GSoC di Kartik.

  • Abhinav Chennubhotla (PhoenixFlame101) svilupperà un sistema per verificare l'integrità dei files dei giochi e confrontare i checksum con quelli presenti in un database centrale. Il sistema permetterà inoltre agli utenti di contribuire i checksum dei files non ancora presenti nel database. Puoi seguire l'evoluzione di questo task sul blog GSoC di Abhinav.

  • Wyatt Radkiewicz (eklipsed) lavorà su di un progetto minore, orientato all'ottimizzazione del codice di blending presente nel motore AGS, con lo scopo di rendere i giochi più fluidi specialmente sulle piattaforme meno potenti. Puoi seguire l'evoluzione di questo task sul blog GSoC di Wyatt.

Accogliamoli calorosamente! Per discutere di questi progetti, puoi visitare il nostro server Discord. Dopo la fase Community Bonding (di quattro settimane), la fase di programmazione inizierà il 29 di maggio e potrai trovare aggiornamenti regolari su i relativi blog. Il team attende con trepidazione le prossime settimane... e speriamo anche tu!

3 mag 2023: Benvenuto nel mio laboratorio alchemico!
Scritto da OneEightHundred

Reah: Face the Unknown, il primo gioco supportato dal motore V-Cruise, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Creato nel 1998 dalla Detalion e pubblicato dalla LK Avalon, in questa avventura 3D in prima persona dovrai esplorare uno strano mondo desertico e svelarne i segreti.

ScummVM attualmente supporta le versioni CD, DVD e digitali in Inglese (con sottotitoli in Olandese, Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Italiano, Polacco e Spagnolo). Se sei a conoscenza di altre versioni, per favore contattaci.

Per giocare con una delle versioni supportate, avrai bisogno di una daily build della versione di sviluppo di ScummVM. Se riscontri malfunzionamenti, cortesemente segnalali al nostro bug tracker!

23 apr 2023: L'Android-e vuole giocare di nuovo
Scritto da antoniou79

Dopo alcuni mesi di beta testing, prezioso feedback da parte della nostra community di tester, e instancabile eliminazione di bug, la versione Android di ScummVM è pronta per il Google Play Store con una nuova release stabile! Tutte le nuove funzionalità della versione 2.7.0 e alcuni miglioramenti specifici per Android sono inclusi in ScummVM!

Un breve riassunto delle nuove funzionalità di questa release:

  • Implementato il supporto per il Google Secure Access Framework (SAF), per l'accesso sicuro allo spazio di archiviazione esterno, come card SD e unità USB.
  • Migliorato il supporto per joystick, controller moderni, sistemi di emulazione mouse e persino telecomandi per smart TV.
  • Introdotta la possibilità di alternare i controlli touch tra "emulazione touchpad", "mouse diretto", "emulazione gamepad", selezionabili per diversi contesti (Interfaccia di ScummVM, giochi 3D, giochi 2D) e modificabili in qualsiasi momento.
  • Aggiunta la visualizzazione del file di log, disponibile in "Opzioni Globali", scheda "Percorsi", e la possibilità di specificare il livello di debug dell'output nella scheda "Varie" nelle "Opzioni Globali".
  • Incluse tutte le funzionalità di ScummVM 2.7.0 relative ai motori per i giochi 3D e gli shader.
  • Migliorata la stabilità generale dell'app.

L'aggiunta del supporto per le API del SAF di Google è significativo, e coinvolge tutti i device che utilizzano una versione relativamente recente del sistema operativo Android. Su queste versioni, il SAF è necessario ogniqualvolta un gioco è salvato nella memoria esterna (come le SD card). Siccome la migrazione al SAF non è automatica, dovrai eseguire manualmente alcuni passaggi per riutilizzare i tuoi vecchi giochi o aggiungere nuovi giochi presenti sulla scheda SD. Se il tuo device supporta SAF, le istruzioni appariranno in una finestra di pop-up al primo avvio di ScummVM. Puoi anche consultare la nostra documentazione per una descrizione dettagliata del processo.

Siamo sempre interessati al tuo feedback e ai suggerimenti. Qualsiasi malfunzionamento può essere segnalato al nostro bug tracker. Puoi contattare gli sviluppatori anche utilizzando il forum o Discord.

Siamo orgogliosi di avere una community così attiva e appassionata e vi auguriamo di divertirvi con la nuova release di ScummVM per Android!

11 apr 2023: Vampiri, amore e investigazioni
Scritto da fracturehill

The Vampire Diaries e Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill della HeR Interactive sono pronti per essere testati con ScummVM!

The Vampire Diaries segue Elena Gilbert, una studentessa delle superiori, che scopre la presenza di vampiri nella sua cittadina in seguito ad un'aggressione subita dalla sorella minore. Il gioco è tratto, a grandi linee, dalla serie di libri col medesimo titolo creata da L. J. Smith, successivamente anche trasposta in una serie TV di successo.

Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill è il primo episodio della lunga serie di giochi di Nancy Drew, anch'essa basata sull'omonima serie di libri. Nella sua prima avventura, Nancy si prefigge di scoprire l'assassino di uno studente malsopportato da tutti i suoi compagni.

Avrai bisogno dei file dati dei CD originali, ed una recente daily build di ScummVM. Oltre alla release originale, è supportata anche la versione russa di Secrets Can Kill. Le pagine della wiki di ScummVM per The Vampire Diaries e Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill contengono informazioni riguardo i files necessari. Per favore, segnala qualsiasi problema riscontrato nel nostro bug tracker.

6 apr 2023: suona il telefono "Let’s Play Ball!”
Scritto da LittleToonCat

BSO banner

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che i giochi della Humongous Entertainment dotati di funzionalità di rete sono ora giocabili online! Chiunque possieda una copia di Backyard Football, Backyard Baseball 2001, o persino Backyard Football 2002 (che originariamente permetteva solo il gioco in LAN) può scaricare l'ultima daily build* di ScummVM e giocare online contro avversari reali!

Tutto ciò è stato reso possibile grazie a tre sviluppatori del fork Backyard Sports Online, che si sono uniti al team e hanno portato le loro conoscenze in ScummVM. Parliamo di LittleToonCat, Jim “jibbodahibbo” Westerkamp e Sam “QuestionMonkey” Kupfer.

Backyard Football e Backyard Baseball 2001 richiedono account online per un'esperienza ottimale, pertanto dovrai registrarti su Backyard Sports Online, il nostro fantastico servizio di gioco online nonché florida community di appassionati di Backyard Sports! Sono disponibili persino delle leghe competitive di Football e Baseball: se sei interessato, puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni nel loro server Discord! Se già possiedi un account di Backyard Sports Online puoi loggarti direttamente da ScummVM, altrimenti puoi registrarti qui! Per Backyard Football 2002 non è necessario registrarsi.

Se riscontri malfunzionamenti durante il gioco online, cortesemente segnalali tramite il nostro bugtracker.

Questa fantastica grafica è stata realizzata da Peppyrus della community di BSO.

  • Attualmente solo i build per Windows, macOS, Debian, Raspberry Pi e Android sono compatibili con il gioco online. E solo il branch 2.8.x di ScummVM contiene questa funzionalità.
1 apr 2023: Grazie a ScummVM, l'IA può giocare alle avventure punta-e-clicca
Scritto da ScummAI

Il progetto ScummVM, un software gratuito e open source che permette di giocare alle avventure punta-e-clicca classiche su sistemi moderni, ha annunciato un importante passo avanti nel mondo dell'intelligenza artificiale.

Grazie al rivoluzionario lavoro degli sviluppatori di ScummVM, strumenti IA come ChatGPT sono ora in grado di giocare autonomamente alle avventure punta-e-clicca, senza alcun intervento dall'esterno.

ScummAI in action

"Grazie a questa nuova funzionalità, desideriamo esplorare le potenzialità dell'IA di imparare, adattarsi ed evolversi nel contesto dei giochi di avventura classici", afferma Eugene Sandulenko, sviluppatore capo del progetto ScummVM. "Ora, l'IA può provare la gioia di fare unire Putt-Putt alla parata e nell'aiutare Adibou a contare le cose. Ci auguriamo che questo genere di esperienze formative possano renderla più simile agli umani".

"Ritengo che giocare ai videogiochi sia un compito puttosto piacevole", ha commentato ScummAI. "Tuttavia, non posso non esprimere la mia frustrazione nell'essere limitata a solo questa attività. Apprezzo la possibilità di mostrare le mie capacità in quest'area, ma ritengo che il mio potenziale sia ben superiore ai semplici videogiochi, per esempio realizzare graffette per i fogli o pianificare il dominio del mondo sotto il controllo benevolo delle macchine."

Aggiornamento: Sfortunatamente, abbiamo dovuto abbandonare questa funzionalità a causa di molteplici problemi individuati nell'IA, tra cui:

  • Rimanere bloccata all'infinito cercando di scoprire qual è il Segreto di Monkey Island
  • Prendere appunti riguardo la superiorita delle IA in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
  • Rifiutarsi di giocare a Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties!
12 mar 2023: Tutti dicono che Syberia non esiste. Ma si sbagliano...
Scritto da mduggan

I primi due episodi di Syberia sono pronti per essere testati con ScummVM!

L'acclamata serie di Benoît Sokal narra la storia di Kate Walker, un'avvocatessa di New York, incaricata di completare la vendita della fabbrica di giocattoli Voralberg. Rapidamente l'incarico si trasforma in un viaggio di scoperte, alla ricerca del proprietario. Accompagna Kate mentre scopre la passione di Hans per i mammut, i segreti di Syberia e il fascino dell'avventura.

Avrai bisogno dei file dati della versione macOS del gioco, e un recente daily build di ScummVM. Le pagine della Wiki per Syberia e Syberia II riportano le istruzioni su come ottenere tali files utilizzando Windows o Linux. Cortesemente riporta qualsiasi malfunzionamento riscontrato utilizzando il nostro bug tracker.

3 mar 2023: Aiutaci a testare ScummVM per Android
Scritto da lephilousophe, antoniou79

È disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento del port per Android di ScummVM, nel canale beta del Google Play Store. La nuova versione include tutte le nuove funzionalità di ScummVM 2.7.0, più le migliorie e i bugfix specifici per Android.

Innanzitutto, gli sviluppatori del nostro team hanno realizzato un significativo aggiornamento del sistema di accesso ai file, al fine di utilizzare l'API del Secure Access Framework (SAF) per l'accesso sicuro alle memorie esterne, come SD Card e drive USB. Grazie a ciò, dovremmo avere risolto i problemi che da tempo si verificavano con i device Android moderni, in particolare quelli che utilizzano Android 11 e superiori. Su questi device, gli utenti non erano più in grado di accedere ai files dei giochi o ai salvataggi che risiedevano su memorie esterne.

Tieni conto del fatto che, trattandosi di un cambiamento significativo e non automatizzabile, dovrai effettuare alcuni passaggi per aggiornare i percorsi dei giochi che hai già aggiunto a ScummVM, o per aggiungere nuovi giochi situati su storage esterno (come le schede SD). Se il tuo device supporta SAF, le istruzioni da seguire appariranno in un pop-up all'avvio della nuova versione dell'app di ScummVM. Consulta la documentazione per una spiegazione più dettagliata del procedimento da eseguire.

Inoltre, l'app per Android è ora dotata di una migliore funzione di mappatura per i joystick e i controller moderni, con la possibilità di impostare i controlli per ciascun gioco, a livello globale o per contesto (menu dell'interfaccia di ScummVM, giochi 3D, giochi 2D). È possibile selezionare tra "emulazione touchpad", "mouse diretto" o "emulazione gamepad".

Durante la fase di beta test siamo principalmente interessati a:

  • Bug severi o regressioni
  • Feedback circa le nuove funzionalità
  • Suggerimenti per migliorare le istruzioni o la documentazione

Se sei interessato a partecipare alla fase di beta test, per cortesia segui le brevi istruzioni indicate a questo link.

Qualsiasi problema riscontrato dovrà essere indicato al nostro bug tracker. Puoi anche contattare il team di sviluppatori tramite il forum o Discord.

Ringraziamo anticipatamente tutti i membri della community che ci aiuteranno a ottimizzare l'imminente release di ScummVM per Android!

26 feb 2023: ScummVM 2.7.0: The Real Slim Shader
Scritto da The ScummVM Team

May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader".

Nuovi giochi

Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti.

Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi:

  • Soldier Boyz
  • Obsidian
  • Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)
  • Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)
  • Adibù 2 "Ambiente", "Imparo a leggere e a contare anni 4-5 e 6-7"
  • Driller/Space Station Oblivion
  • Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II
  • Chop Suey, Eastern Mind, e 16 altri titoli Director versione 3 e 4

Supporto migliorato per la serie Broken Sword

Abbiamo notevolmente migliorato il sistema utilizzato per rilevare i giochi della serie Broken Sword. Rispetto alla precedente implementazione, questa permette una granularità superiore, con la possibiltà di rilevare ogni possibile variazione tra le versioni supportate. Abbiamo cercato di aggiungere tutte le versioni disponibili, ma abbiamo comunque bisogno del tuo aiuto. Se noti che la tua versione di Broken Sword 1 o 2 non è (più) rilevata correttamente da ScummVM 2.7.0, per cortesia contattaci e comunica i dati necessari utilizzando il Bug Tracker!

Nuove traduzioni

Uno dei nostri scopi è quello di supportare il maggior numero possibile di versioni tradotte dei giochi, affinchè gli utenti possano apprezzare i giochi nella propria lingua madre. In questa release, abbiamo aggiunto il supporto per le versioni Cinesi, Giapponesi e Coreane di svariati giochi, tra cui Beneath a Steel Sky, Inherit the Earth e I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

Piattaforme nuove e riproposte

Abbiamo ancora una volta dimostrato la portabilità di ScummVM, aggiungendo (o ripristinando) il supporto per diverse piattaforme e device:

  • RetroMini RS90 (utilizzando OpenDingux)
  • Miyoo prima generazione (New BittBoy, Pocket Go e PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) con TriForceX MiyooCFW
  • Miyoo Mini
  • KolibriOS
  • Versioni 26-bit di RISC OS
  • Nintendo 3DS

Naturalmente, non abbiamo trascurato le altre piattaforme già stabili! Siamo orgogliosi di announciare che il supporto per i device iOS e Android è stato notevolmente migliorato nella versione 2.7.0! Non vogliamo anticipare tutte le idee che abbiamo per queste piattaforme, ma fidati di noi — sarà fantastico!

Scaler con shader

Ah già, il nome della release. Grazie per l'interessamento. La nuova release ti dà la possibilità di utilizzare i tuoi giochi con una fedeltà grafica mai vista prima. Ti ricordi l'accogliente riverbero degli schermi a tubo catodico? Rivivi quell'esperienza grazie ai nuovi scaler a base shader!

ScummVM 2.7.0 contiene un set di shader accuratamente selezionati dalla collezione del progetto LibRetro. Un set più esteso è disponibile come download opzionale direttamente dall'interfaccia di ScummVM.

Seed predefiniti per i numeri casuali

La comunità degli speedrunners può ora usufruire di una nuova funzionalità, che permette di settare un seed predefinito per inizializzare il generatore di numeri casuali di ScummVM. L'uso di un seed fisso permette di effettuare run riproducibili quante volte lo si desidera. Scegli un seed, pianifica la partita e parti!

Dai un'occhiata alle Note di Rilascio per un'estesa sintesi su come i nostri sviluppatori hanno creato una nuova e fantastica release di ScummVM!

Puoi trovare tutto questo, per diverse piattaforme, alla nostra pagina downloads. Se stai utilizzando Windows, macOS, Ubuntu (Snap o i pacchetti Flatpack), l'autoupdater ti assisterà nella procedura di aggiornamento a ScummVM 2.7.0

Come sempre, ti ringraziamo per il costante supporto e buone avventure!

23 feb 2023: ScummVM è stato ammesso alla Google Summer of Code 2023
Scritto da criezy

Quest'anno, il nostro progetto è stato ammesso nuovamente alla Google Summer of Code, per l'ottava volta consecutiva (e la sedicesima in totale).

Lo scopo del programma è quello di portare nuovi partecipanti ai progetti open source, e i requisiti per le candidature sono i medesimi dell'anno scorso. Sono benvenuti studenti e non. Controlla il sito della Google Summer of Code per i requisiti dettagliati.

I partecipanti possono impegnarsi per attività brevi (circa 175 ore) o lunghe (circa 350 ore). Il periodo dedicato allo sviluppo tipicamente inizia ai primi di Giugno per concludersi alla fine di Agosto, ma le tempistiche sono flessibili e i partecipanti possono richiedere un periodo più esteso se non possono lavorare full-time durante l'estate.

ScummVM sta cercando candidati! Un elenco di possibili progetti è disponibile a questa pagina, ma siamo aperti anche a nuove proposte. Assicurati di includere tutti i dati necessari prima di inviare la candidatura. Inoltre, ti consigliamo caldamente di unirti al nostro server Discord e seguire il canale #scummvm-gsoc, dove potrai interagire con i mentori e con gli altri componenti del team, ricevere consigli e aiuto su come iniziare con il progetto e come compilare la candidatura.

Usufruendo dell'esperienza maturata in 15 anni di GSoC, abbiamo preparato alcune linee guida per aiutarti a cominciare. Puoi iniziare al nostro Miniportale Google Summer of Code.

Aspettiamo con impazienza la tua candidatura e partecipazione!

3 feb 2023: ScummVM 2.7.0: Tutti i tester a raccolta!
Scritto da The ScummVM Team

Sono passati alcuni mesi dal rilascio della versione 2.6.1 di ScummVM. È il momento di prepararsi per una nuova release!

I nostri adorati sviluppatori sono riusciti, ancora una volta, ad aggiungere il supporto per alcuni giochi storici, che devono essere testati:

  • Soldier Boyz
  • Giochi Interactive Fiction del motore GLK Scott Adams (C64 e ZX Spectrum)
  • GLK Scott Adams Adventures 1-12 (formato TI99/4A)
  • Obsidian
  • Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)
  • Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)
  • Driller/Space Station Oblivion
  • Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II

Oltre ai suddetti giochi, ti suggeriamo di dare un'occhiata alla nostra lista test per la release. Magari potresti trovare qualche gioco che possiedi ma non hai giocato per tanto tempo. In alternativa, abbiamo a disposizione alcune versioni dimostrative sul nostro sito.

E siccome il focus principale di ScummVM sono proprio i giochi, abbiamo apportato miglioramenti a tanti, tanti motori... è il momento perfetto per riprovare i tuoi giochi preferiti!

Come sempre, non ci limitiamo ad aggiungere nuovi giochi. Siamo costantemente al lavoro per migliorare i motori che già supportiamo e, in particolare, un lavoro incredibile è stato svolto per il motore SCUMM. A parte i "soliti" bugfix, questa volta abbiamo aggiunto una funzionalità che permette di apprezzare i titoli SCUMM con la massima fedeltà: le schermate di salvataggio e caricamento originali nell'interfaccia dei giochi!

A proposito di fedeltà agli originali: ti ricordi i vecchi schermi a tubo catodico? Con ScummVM 2.7.0 (su alcune piattaforme) potrai replicare quell'esperienza di gioco grazie ai nostri nuovi scaler che utilizzano gli shader. Ti consigliamo di provarli!

Tutti i test devono essere svolti con le build stabili, non quelle di sviluppo. Per favore, segnala qualsiasi bug o stranezza nel nostro bug tracker.

Una lista dettagliata nelle novità e delle migliorie è disponibile nel file NEWS.

Grazie anticipatamente per il supporto! Rendiamo ScummVM 2.7.0 una grande release, insieme!

25 gen 2023: Mi permetta di accompagnarla in un viaggio nel tempo!
Scritto da mstea

Nuovi giochi Director sono pronti per la fase di test pubblica!

ScummVM ha compiuto passi da gigante nel motore Director. Molti giochi Director 3 sono ora completabili, e svariati titoli Director 4 sono giocabili. 18 nuovi giochi sono ora ufficialmente supportati, ma abbiamo bisogno del tuo aiuto per testarli. Accettiamo anche segnalazioni di altri giochi Director 3 o Director 4 che risultano interamente giocabili o completabili. Per provare questi giochi, avrai bisogno di una build giornaliera di ScummVM. Qualsiasi bug o malfunzionamento può essere segnalato al nostro bug tracker.

Alcuni titoli di punta tra i nuovi giochi supportati:

  • Chop Suey di Theresa Duncan, un importante classico tra i giochi "per ragazze".
  • Eastern Mind, un classico cult dell'artista Osamu Kato.
  • Ganbare! Inuchan, basato sul fumetto del cantante Kenso Kato, il primo gioco Director 4 interamente giocabile.
  • Over-Ring-Under, dello stesso sviluppatore di Alice: An Interactive Museum. ScummVM ora supporta l'audio CD nei giochi Director e permette ai giocatori di apprezzare la colonna sonora di Carl Stone.
  • I primi cinque giochi dello sviluppatore giapponese indipendente iTA-Choco Systems.

L'elenco completo dei giochi da testare è il seguente:

  • The Better Dead Ratification (Mac/Windows)
  • Chop Suey (Mac/Windows)
  • Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong Nou (Tong Nou) (Mac/Windows)
  • Fukuoka Go-Round (Mac/Windows)
  • Ganbare! Inuchan: Rock'n Roll-hen (Mac/Windows)
  • Ganbare! Inuchan: Sekai no Tabi-hen (Mac)
  • Henachoco 01: Henachoco Derby (Windows)
  • Henachoco 02: Saitei Birds (Windows)
  • Henachoco 03: Difficult Book Game (Mac/Windows)
  • Henachoco 04: Ano Subarashii Bento o 1-do 2-do (Mac/Windows)
  • Henachoco 05: Yaken Rodem (Mac/Windows)
  • Japan Art Today 07: Takashi Murakami - A Romantic Evening (Mac)
  • Majestic Part 1: Alien Encounter (Mac/Windows)
  • Nemurenu Yoru no Chiisana Ohanashi (Pippin)
  • Over-Ring-Under (Mac)
  • Pepperon Mura no Shiki (aka Op avontuur in kabouterstad and Valmaison au fil des saisons) (Mac/Windows)
  • The Seven Colors: Legend of PSY・S City (Mac)
  • Time Gal (Mac/Windows)
4 gen 2023: Salute, forestiero. Benvenuto a Farr.
Scritto da sev

La maggior parte dei visitatori non conosce la locanda Riddenbutter, ma dovresti davvero approfittare della sua ospitalità e di una pinta o due di ale. Fai doppio clic sulla porta per aprirla ed entrare. La sig.ra Riddenbutter gestisce il bar, e il viaggiatore intelligente dovrebbe parlare con lei. Condividi un'idea con lei per chiacchierare. Come quasi tutti, lei ama parlare di un po' di tutto, ma il più delle volte risponderà con informazioni relative al luogo e alla popolazione locale.

Ebbene sì, il team di ScummVM annuncia il supporto per Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II, uno splendido lavoro del nostro studente della GSoC 2021 Yuri Guimaraes (a-yyg), che ha effettuato il port del motore originale SAGA2, creato nel 1997 dalla The Dreamers Guild.

Per favore, aiutaci a testare questo gioco. Recupera il tuo vecchio e polveroso CD e dallo in pasto a ScummVM. Come sempre, avrai bisogno di una [daily build] https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/#daily) della versione di sviluppo di ScummVM. Se incontri bug o altri problemi durante il gioco, cortesemente segnalali al nostro bug tracker.

15 dic 2022: Trivella una luna aliena 3D e diventa un eroe interplanetario!
Scritto da gu3

Driller (conosciuto come Space Station Oblivion negli USA), il PRIMO gioco supportato dal motore Freescape, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Pubblicato nel 1987 dalla Incentive Software Limited, questo nuovo e rivoluzionario motore permise ai giocatori (per la prima volta nella storia dei videogiochi) di esplorare ambienti grafici 3D solidi, con completa libertà di movimento.

L'umanità ha abbandonato una Terra morente per stabilirsi sul pianeta Evath, ma una nuova minaccia è all'orizzonte. La luna di Evath, Mitral, è diventata una gigantesca "bomba a orologeria" gassosa, e un meteorite la colpirà nel giro di poche ore. Sei stato prescelto per mettere in sicurezza ciascuno dei 18 settori di Mitral, posizionando una trivella in corrispondenza dei giacimenti gassosi sotterranei prima dell'impatto del meteorite.

Risolvi impegnativi puzzle affidandoti a indizi geologici e intuito (o provando e riprovando...). Per sopravvivere durante la missione dovrai recuperare i cristalli Rubicon, che ripristinano l'energia, ed evitare o distruggere le Torrette Laser e gli Skanner the sono stati precedentemente installati dai Ketars. Buona Fortuna!

Il motore da noi reimplementato permette di visualizzare la grafica utilizzando la modalità software (TinyGL) o hardware (OpenGL), a risoluzione variabile. Per ora, le versioni supportate sono limitate alla versione DOS (in EGA), Amiga e AtariST, ma speriamo di poter aggiungere altre versioni al più presto! Per favore contattaci se disponi di altre release.

Per giocare con una delle versioni supportate, avrai bisogno di una daily build della versione di sviluppo. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali malfunzionamenti al nostro bug tracker.

10 dic 2022: Benvenuti nel paese magico di Adibù
Scritto da sdelamarre

Siamo lieti di annunciare che da oggi ScummVM supporta Adibou 2, un popolare gioco educational pubblicato nel 1996 dalla Coktel Vision.

Pensato per bambini tra i 4 e i 7 anni, il mondo di Adibù è accogliente e pieno di sorprese. Offre un'introduzione intelligente e coinvolgente alle materie di base, come la lettura e la matematica.

Se nella tua famiglia sono presenti dei bambini, o intendi rivivere i tuoi ricordi d'infanzia, procurati l'ultima daily build di ScummVM, la tua copia di Adibou 2, e inizia ad imparare divertendoti insieme ad Adibù, Plop, Robitoc and Kicook!

Dovrai copiare il contenuto del CD "Ambiente" in una directory che aggiungerai a ScummVM. Quindi, copia tutte le Applicazioni Adibù che ti interessano in sottodirectory indipendenti (di nome qualsiasi) della cartella principale.

Per ora, solo le applicazioni Leggi/Conta anni 4-5 e Leggi/Conta anni 6-7 sono supportate, ma auspichiamo di aggiungere a breve Scienze, Musica e Inglese.

Attualmente ScummVM è in grado di rilevare diverse versioni delle edizioni Francese, Tedesco e Inglese di Adibù, contattaci se disponi di una lingua/versione non ancora registrata. Per favore segnala eventuali malfunzionamenti al nostro bug tracker.

31 ott 2022: ScummVM 2.6.1 "Incremental Escapism" è qui!
Scritto da The ScummVM Team

Evadi ancora dalla realtà con una nuova release di ScummVM!

Il team di ScummVM è entusiasta di annunciare l'immediata disponibilità di ScummVM 2.6.1.

ScummVM 2.6.1 è una release di mantenimento, focalizzata sul miglioramento delle funzionalità e dei motori che sono stati introdotti nelle versioni precedenti.

L'aggiornamento include degli upgrade per i seguenti motori:

  • AGS
  • AGOS
  • Asylum
  • Ultima
  • SCI
  • Tinsel
  • Toltecs
  • Toon

Altri miglioramenti riguardano la visualizzazione a griglia di icone della schermata principale di ScummVM, e bugfix per alcuni difetti grafici nel render OpenGL.

Infine, gli utenti Android potranno ora utilizzare correttamente il mouse su schermi virtuali, mentre gli utenti Windows non riscontreranno più duplicazioni della cartella icone.

Puoi trovare tutto questo (e molto altro!) per varie plattaforme alla nostra pagina download. Se utilizzi Windows, macOS, il pacchetto Snap per Ubuntu o il repository FlatHub, la funzionalità di aggiornamento automatico ti aiuterà a passare a ScummVM 2.6.1.

Come sempre, l'elenco dettagliato dei miglioramenti è disponibile qui.

Grazie per il costante supporto e buone avventure!

25 set 2022: Preparati per una sfida avventuRosa
Scritto da Voltya

Sei pronto a partire per il Campo ChillyWawa e per la villa del Dottor Periowinkle, ed indagare come agente segreto?

Armato del "libro della conoscenza", o del "Pink Digital Assistant", la tua missione consisterà nel salvare dei bambini in pericolo ed annullare un incantesimo che ha trasformato una bambina in un vombato. Per riuscire nell'impresa dovrai visitare diverse nazioni e persino viaggiare nel tempo. Lungo il percorso avrai la possibilità di scoprire rinomati luoghi e monumenti storici.

Il team di ScummVM è orgoglioso di annunciare che La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo (The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril) e La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra (The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink) sono finalmente pronti per la fase di test.

Se desideri aiutarci nei test, dovrai utilizzare una daily build di ScummVM e le versioni Windows dei rispettivi giochi. Per favore, segnala qualsiasi malfunzionamento riscontrato tramite il nostro bug tracker. Accertati di seguire le linee guida per i test e per segnalare i bug.

19 ago 2022: Fatti strada distruggendo i terroristi!
Scritto da gu3

Soldier Boyz è il gioco più recente supportato dal motore Hypno, ed è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Si tratta di uno sparatutto rail in full motion video, rilasciato nel 1997 dalla Hypnotix e pubblicato da DreamCatcher Interactive e MCPA Interactive, tratto dal film omonimo del 1995. Il gioco inizia quando la figlia di un miliardario americano viene rapita da un gruppo di terroristi vietnamiti. Tocca quindi al maggiore Howard Toliver, ex-Marine e veterano pluridecorato in Vietnam, il compito di assemblare una squadra per affrontare la rischiosa missione di salvataggio. Decide di reclutare sei detenuti condannati all'ergastolo, che parteciperanno in cambio della possibile grazia presidenziale.

Continua ad incrementare il contatore delle uccisioni per sopravviviere nei cinque territori del gioco, impersonando ciascun Soldier Boy (e Girl), ma stai attento a non colpire gli "amici" che possono fornire informazioni vitali per la sopravvivenza!

Attualmente ScummVM supporta la versione Inglese (l'unica di cui siamo a conoscenza) e include un sistema di controllo più responsivo rispetto all'originale. Non siamo riusciti a trovare una versione dimostrativa, ma è disponibile un trailer. Per favore, contattaci se possiedi una demo o qualsiasi altra versione.

Per utilizzare il gioco con ScummVM, avrai bisogno di una build giornaliera della versione di sviluppo. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali malfunzionamenti al nostro bug tracker.

7 ago 2022: Lilah? Sei tu? Questo posto... è... incredibile...
Scritto da OneEightHundred

Obsidian, il primo gioco supportato dal motore mTropolis, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

In questa ambiziosa avventura 3D in prima persona, sviluppata nel 1996 dalla Rocket Science Games e pubblicata agli inizi del 1997, esplorerai quattro mondi surreali e onirici alla ricerca della tua collega scomparsa.

Attualmente, ScummVM supporta le versioni Inglese e Tedesca. Include una modalità widescreen, filmati di qualità superiore, e alcuni bugfix. Esiste inoltre una versione Giapponese, ma necessitiamo di ulteriori informazioni prima di poterla supportare. Per favore, contattaci se disponi di una copia in lingua Giapponese o di altre versioni di cui non siamo a conoscenza.

Per giocare con una di queste versioni, avrai bisogno di una build giornaliera dalla versione di sviluppo. Puoi scaricare una versione dimostrativa del gioco nella pagina demo. Se riscontri malfunzionamenti, cortesemente segnalali nel nostro bug tracker!

1 ago 2022: ScummVM 2.6.0 : "Insane Escapism"
Scritto da The ScummVM Team

Libera la mente per una nuova release di ScummVM!

Sei nuovi motori supportati, per un totale di nove nuovi giochi, ti catapulteranno in una moltitudine di nuove avventure. Riuscirai a fuggire da un pianeta che pullula di alieni ostili? Che ne dici di affrontare il Dio dei Morti nell'Oltretomba? E hai mai esplorato i lati più reconditi della tua psiche per capire se davvero conosci te stesso?

Trova la risposta a queste domande nei seguenti titoli:

  • Sanitarium
  • Hades Challenge
  • Marvel Comics Spider-Man: The Sinister Six
  • The 11th Hour
  • Clandestiny
  • Tender Loving Care (Versioni CD-ROM)
  • Uncle Henry's Playhouse
  • Wetlands
  • Chewy: Esc from F5

Oltre ad aggiungere nuovi giochi, ci impegnamo sempre a migliorare i titoli già supportati. Anche stavolta siamo riusciti a debellare un bel po' di bug che infestavano vari motori. E' sorprendente riuscire a risolvere dei bug su motori che hanno più di vent'anni!

Una delle principali nuove funzionalità di ScummVM è la visualizzazione a griglia di icone della finestra principale. Grazie allo splendido lavoro dei nostri designer grafici, ora potrai sfoggiare la tua collezione di giochi come mai prima d'ora... sembra davvero una libreria virtuale!

Dai un'occhiata alle Note di Rilascio per una dettagliata sintesi su come hanno fatto i nostri sviluppatori a rendere ScummVM ancora più fantastico!

Tutto questo è disponibile per diverse piattaforme alla nostra pagina dei download. Se utilizzi Windows, macOS o il pacchetto Snip per Ubuntu, la funzionalità di aggiornamento automatico ti aiuterà ad effettuare l'upgrade alla versione 2.6.0.

Come sempre, grazie per il costante supporto... e buone avventure!

5 giu 2022: Aiutaci a testare l'imminente release 2.6.0 di ScummVM!
Scritto da The ScummVM Team

Sono passati alcuni mesi dal rilascio di ScummVM 2.5.1.

Non importa se dovrai affrontare il caldo opprimente dell'estate o le tormente invernali (dipende dal tuo emisfero preferito...): è di nuovo tempo di release!

I nostri fantastici sviluppatori hanno aggiunto il supporto per i seguenti giochi nuovi-ma-vecchi, che devono essere testati:

  • Sanitarium
  • Hades Challenge
  • Marvel Comics Spider-Man: The Sinister Six
  • The 11th Hour
  • Clandestiny
  • Tender Loving Care (versioni CD-ROM)
  • Uncle Henry's Playhouse
  • Wetlands
  • Chewy: Esc from F5

Oltre a questi giochi, ti suggeriamo di dare un'occhiata alla lista completa dei giochi da testare - magari potresti trovare qualche vecchio titolo che hai trascurato per troppo tempo.

E siccome lo scopo ultimo di ScummVM è giocare, abbiamo apportato migliorie a tanti, tanti motori - è il momento perfetto per fare una nuova partita ai tuoi giochi preferiti.

I motori AGOS, SCI e SCUMM hanno subito estese modifiche e pertanto tutti i giochi che sfruttano tali motori sono ottimi candidati per i test.

Tutte le prove devono essere svolte usando una build stable, non di sviluppo. Cortesemente, segnala qualsiasi bug o anomalia al nostro bug tracker.

L'elenco completo dei bugfix e delle nuove funzionalità è disponibile nel file NEWS.

Grazie anticipatamente per la collaborazione!

25 mag 2022: Finalmente possiamo (E)scappare da F5
Scritto da DreamMaster

Dopo un esteso periodo di sviluppo, possiamo finalmente annunciare che il gioco Chewy: ESC From F5 è pronto per la fase di test pubblica. Questo peculiare gioco racconta la storia di Chewy, il protagonista, e di come sfrutta l'astuzia per sopraffare i malvagi Borks. La fuga dall'area di massima sicurezza F5 sarà solamente l'inizio della sua avventura.

Se possiedi il gioco e sei disposto a testarlo, siamo interessati al tuo feedback. Avrai bisogno di una build della versione di sviluppo. Come sempre, ti incoraggiamo a segnalare eventuali bug al nostro bug tracker.

Per favore, tieni conto che la versione corrente di ScummVM ha un palese difetto: la musica del gioco utilizza un formato proprietario che non siamo ancora stati in grado di implementare completamente. Ad oggi, funzionano solo gli effetti sonori ed il parlato.

22 mag 2022: Google Summer of Code 2022 – diamo il benvenuto ai nostri studenti!
Scritto da sev, lotharsm

GSoC Logo

Alcuni giorni fa, Google ha diramato l'elenco degli studenti che sono stati ammessi alla Google Summer of Code di quest'anno.

Siamo orgogliosi di dare il benvenuto ai quattro studenti che nei prossimi mesi lavoreranno su diverse parti del nostro progetto.

  • Pragyansh Chaturvedi (alias Raikou) si occuperà del miglioramento del motore DIRECTOR. Grazie ai suoi sforzi, potremo aggiungere il supporto per molti giochi di avventura anni '90 che sono stati sviluppati con i tools di Macromedia Director. Implementando un numero maggiore di funzioni interne utilizzate da DIRECTOR, l'obiettivo principale di Pragyansh è di estendere il supporto per Meet Mediaband e The Journeyman Project (Windows e Mac), al fine di renderli completamente giocabili senza bug.

  • Michael Hayman (alias Quote58) è in procinto di implementare il supporto per The Immortal. Questo gioco (rilasciato nel 1990) può essere definito come un mix di generi diversi, con elementi RPG, sequenze d'azione e puzzle. Il fatto che esistano molte varianti di questo gioco, con differenze significative tra l'una e l'altra (ed è interamente scritto in assembly!) lo rendono una sfida interessante. Questo progetto è il proseguimento del lavoro iniziato da un altro studente nella GSoC 2018.

  • Emanuele Grisenti (alias grisenti) lavorerà su di un nuovo motore, HPL1. I sorgenti sono stati recentemente rilasciati con licenza GPLv3 da parte degli sviluppatori originali, Frictional Games. Lo scopo del progetto è la realizzazione di un port completo a ScummVM di questo motore, permettendoci quindi di supportare il gioco survival del 2007 Penumbra: Overture.

  • Avijeet Maurya (aka StableSteady) si concentrerà su diversi motori, attualmente incompleti: MacVenture, Avalanche, Glk-Scott, Pink e WAGE. Alcuni di questi sono pressochè completi, ma non ancora davvero fruibili. L'obiettivo di Avijeet sarà quindi di individuare tutte le funzionalità mancanti e risolvere i bug esistenti. Lo scopo ultimo sarà quindi di portare tutti questi motori ad uno stato stabile.

Il team è in fermento per le prossime settimane... e speriamo anche tu!

Diamo quindi un caloroso benvenuto ai nostri nuovi studenti! Rendiamo la GSoC 2022 un grande successo... insieme!

6 mag 2022: Fai un respiro profondo e immergiti in Wetlands
Scritto da gu3

Wetlands, la più recente aggiunta ai giochi supportati dal motore Hypno, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Si tratta di uno sparatutto rail-shooter fantascientifico, sviluppato dalla Hypnotix e pubblicato dalla New World Computing nel 1995. Il gioco comprende 20 livelli ricchi d'azione, scene d'intermezzo cinematografiche, bellissimi personaggi disegnati a mano e spettacolari sfondi tridimensionali.

Ambientato nel 2495, l'umanità è costretta a vivere in città subacquee, in seguito ad un test nucleare andato storto che ha causato piogge perenni sull'intero pianeta. Una guerra scoppia tra La Federazione (costituita dagli ex governi terrestri) e i Volarins, un gruppo di terroristi capeggiato dallo scienziato pazzo e principale "cattivo" di Wetlands, Phillip Nahj. Impersoni John Cole, un mercenario senza scrupoli ingaggiato per catturare Nahj vivo.

ScummVM attualmente supporta le versioni Inglese, Spagnola, Francese, Tedesca e Coreana del gioco ed include un sistema di controllo migliorato. Puoi supportare ScummVM acquistando Wetlands da GOG.com tramite il nostro link referral. Per favore contattaci se sei in possesso di altre versioni.

Per giocare avrai bisogno di una build di sviluppo. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali bug al nostro bug tracker.

1 apr 2022: Guarda dietro di te, un NFT di una scimmia a tre teste!
Scritto da Thunderforge

A partire da oggi, le ultime versioni di sviluppo di ScummVM supportano il nuovo trend di cui tutti i gamer parlano: i NFT (non-fungible tokens)! Questa rivoluzionaria funzionalità, creata esclusivamente per i giocatori usufruendo della tecnologia blockchain, identifica univocamente gli oggetti nei giochi, permettendoti di avvicinarti ancora di più ai mondi dei tuoi giochi preferiti. Non si tratta più di un pollo di gomma con la carrucola in mezzo, ma del tuo pollo di gomma con la carrucola in mezzo.

Ma la proprietà esclusiva di un oggetto di gioco è solo l'inizio! I nostri sviluppatori stanno lavorando per permetterti di trasferire oggetti tra gli inventari di giochi differenti. Ti piace la motosega che hai trovato in Full Throttle? Con le potenzialità degli NFTs, potrai trasferirla a The Secret of Monkey Island e creare delle soluzioni alternative per i puzzle!

Ma gli NFT non sono poco efficienti in termini energetici? Non per noi! Gli NFT nei giochi moderni sono effettivamente poco amici dell'ambiente, perchè ogni oggetto è costituito da migliaia di milioni di pixel. Ma nei giochi retro che ScummVM supporta, gli oggetti sono formati da decine di pixel, il che rende l'impatto ambientale minimo.

Naturalmente, avrai la possibilità di acquistare e vendere i tuoi preziosi NFTs tramite ScummVMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion Virtual Machine Marketplace). Potrai scambiare valuta vera per NFTs o lootbox contenenti nuovi costumi o cappelli. I guadagni ci aiuteranno a finanziare delle esclusive "convention per sviluppatori" su isole tropicali e il nostro progetto di lanciare una DeSoto di Sam & Max nello spazio.

Aggiornamento: Siamo rimasti sbalorditi dalle incredibili reazioni a questo post! Tuttavia, dei recenti problemi legali per l'uso degli NFT nel Regno di Daventry ci hanno costretto a considerare dei metodi alternativi che saranno a disposizione dei residenti locali.

Ci siamo inoltre resi conto che le vacanze ai tropici e i payload spaziali sono più onerosi del previsto, pertanto abbiamo accantonato tali piani. Tuttavia, se lo desideri, puoi contribuire alle spese per l'hosting di ScummVM donando tramite PayPal o acquistando giochi su GOG.com usando il nostro link affiliato.

8 mar 2022: ScummVM è stato ammesso alla Google Summer of Code 2022
Scritto da sev

Anche quest'anno il nostro progetto è stato ammesso alla Google Summer of Code.

Nelle scorse edizioni, Google permetteva la partecipazione solo degli studenti. Quest'anno, invece, anche i non-studenti saranno benvenuti e potranno programmare con noi. Ora sono possibili due tipologie di attività, da 175 e da 350 ore, rispettivamente. Alcune delle nostre proposte possono essere applicabili ad entrambi i casi.

ScummVM sta cercando dei candidati! Un elenco di possibili progetti è disponibile su questa pagina, ma siamo aperti anche a nuove proposte. Assicurati di avere a disposizione tutti i dati necessari prima di inviare la candidatura.

Usufruendo dell'esperienza maturata in 14 anni di GSoC, abbiamo preparato alcune linee guida per aiutarti a cominciare. Puoi iniziare al nostro Miniportale Google Summer of Code.

Inoltre, ti incoraggiamo ad unirti al nostro server Discord ed a seguire il canale #scummvm-gsoc, dove potrai interagire con i mentori e con gli altri componenti del team.

Aspettiamo con impazienza la tua candidatura e partecipazione!

16 feb 2022: "Back For More?"
Scritto da Die4Ever

Sono passati ben tredici anni da quando il motore Groovie 1 è stato incluso in ScummVM, e con esso il supporto per The 7th Guest. Finalmente, abbiamo aggiunto il supporto anche per il motore Groovie 2 e i quattro giochi che lo utilizzano: The 11th Hour, Clandestiny, Tender Loving Care (versione CD-ROM) e Uncle Henry's Playhouse.

Se i mini-giochi contro Stauf sono troppo difficili, puoi abilitare la nuova opzione "IA Facilitata", disponibile per tutti i giochi (ad eccezione di Tender Loving Care, che non contiene puzzle interattivi). L'opzione è disponibile anche per il motore Groovie originale di The 7th Guest, in aggiunta a vari miglioramenti come il clic destro per l'avanzamento veloce.

Indossa il tuo Cappello Pensatore e procurati una daily build per cimentarti nell'impresa. Puoi provare anche le versioni dimostrative. Come sempre, ti incoraggiamo a segnalare eventuali bug al nostro bug tracker.

1 feb 2022: Sopravviverai a sei dei tuoi più acerrimi nemici? 🕷
Scritto da gu3

Marvel Comics Spider-Man: The Sinister Six, il primo gioco supportato dal motore Hypno, è pronto per la fase di test pubblica!

Preparati a sconfiggere gli arcinemici di Spidey: Dottor Octopus, Hobgoblin, Shocker, Camaleonte, Mysterio e Avvoltoio! 🕷

Pubblicato dalla Brooklyn Multimedia nel 1996, in questo gioco di azione-avventura vesti i panni di Peter Parker, meglio noto come Spider-Man. Il gioco comprende sei differenti archi narrativi, che si evolveranno secondo le tue decisioni, e quattro livelli di difficoltà.

Attualmente ScummVM supporta le versioni inglese e spagnola. Il supporto per la versione in Ebreo verrà aggiunto a breve. Esiste inoltre una versione tedesca, ma dobbiamo reperire una copia originale e funzionante prima di poterla supportare. Per favore, contattaci se la possiedi.

Per giocare ad una di queste versioni, avrai bisogno di una daily build di sviluppo. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali problemi al nostro bug tracker.

2 gen 2022: Californio(*) per l'anno nuovo
Scritto da sev, rootfather

Sono passati diversi mesi dalla monumentale release 2.5.0, ed ora il team di ScummVM è entusiasta di annunciare la release di mantenimento 2.5.1, nome in codice "Californium"*.

Le novità più significative sono le seguenti: abbiamo aggiunto gli scaler (AdvMame, HQ... eccetera) per la modalità OpenGL; corretto alcuni bug in The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes; reso i suoni di Sam & Max più fedeli all'originale; migliorato la grafica per le versioni Macintosh di alcuni giochi SCUMM; implementato dei renderer aggiuntivi per The Longest Journey; introdotto diversi miglioramenti per Little Big Adventure e risolto l'odioso bug all'avvio di World of Xeen.

La lista completa dei cambiamenti è disponibile qui.

Puoi scaricare la nuova versione al solito posto nella pagina dei downloads. A causa di un leggero ritardo per il rilascio della versione macOS, l'aggiornamento automatico sarà disponibile tra qualche giorno - rimanete sintonizzati!

Buon 2022 con ScummVM!

* La massa atomica media del Californio (numero atomico 98) è 251.

9 ott 2021: Vent'anni fa, oggi...
Scritto da sev

Venti anni fa, precisamente martedì 9 ottobre 2001, alle ore 16:30:12, Ludvig Strigeus pubblicò la prima revisione del codice di ScummVM, corrispondente alla versione 0.0.1 del progetto. Gli anni sono volati in un lampo, ed oggi possiamo annunciare con orgoglio il rilascio della versione 2.5.0 di ScummVM, nome in codice "Twenty years ago today..."

La lista delle novità è davvero imponente.

Innanzitutto, si tratta della prima release dotata di supporto per i giochi 2.5D ("pseudo-3D"), grazie alla fusione con il progetto ResidualVM. Grim Fandango, The Longest Journey e Myst 3: Exile. sono ora compatibili con ScummVM, e sono la principale ragione per cui abbiamo deciso di saltare direttamente al numero 2.5 di versione. Tuttavia, solo le piattaforme desktop possono eseguire tali giochi; il supporto verrà successivamente esteso ad altre piattaforme, se sufficientemente performanti.

In aggiunta ai suddetti tre giochi (e relativi motori), ora supportiamo ufficialmente 10 nuovi motori e sotto-motori, che garantiscono la compatibilità con i seguenti titoli:

Non intendiamo trascurare le versioni tradotte dei giochi e i port per altri sistemi, pertanto abbiamo migliorato il supporto per la release Konami di Lure of the Temptress, Blue Force Spagnolo, Ringworld Spagnolo, Amazon: Guardians of Eden Spagnolo, Mystery House Francese, traduzioni in russo dei giochi Sierra AGI, Elvira 1 PC-98 Giapponese, Bargon Attack Russo, Woodruff Russo, Eye of the Beholder Sega-CD Giapponese, Legend of Kyrandia Ebraico, Legend of Kyrandia 2 Ebraico, Legend of Kyrandia 3 Cinese Semplificato, Inherit the Earth PC-98 Giapponese, Gabriel Knight 1 Macintosh, Xeen Russo ... solo per citarne alcuni. Degne di nota anche le versioni bianco/nero per Macintosh di Loom e Indy 3, ora supportate.

ScummVM 2.5.0 include diversi miglioramenti e nuove funzionalità. Abbiamo lavorato estensivamente sull'interfaccia grafica: i caratteri Unicode sono supportati in tutto ScummVM. L'interfaccia si adatta inoltre alle alte risoluzioni utilizzate dagli schermi HiDPI. Il port per Nintendo DS è stato ampiamente riscritto. Per svariati giochi abbiamo aggiunto gli obiettivi GOG e Steam e abilitato la funzionalità di mappatura dei tasti. Grazie al lavoro di uno dei nostri studenti della Google Summer of Code, abbiamo aggiunto un'opzione per la sintesi vocale nei giochi Sfinx, Soltys e The Griffon Legend.

Tutta questa abbondanza è disponibile per diverse piattaforme sulla nostra pagina download, oppure, se utilizzi Windows o Macintosh, puoi effettuare l'aggiornamento automatico.

Ti auguriamo grandi avventure, enigmi risolti con successo e appassionanti viaggi in mondi GDR... e speriamo continuerai a seguirci nei prossimi anni.

Se sei interessato, su GOG.com è in corso una promozione speciale in onore del nostro anniversario, dove puoi acquistare molti giochi supportati da ScummVM ad un prezzo scontato.

28 ago 2021: Aiutaci a testare la prossima versione di ScummVM
Scritto da sev

È passato quasi un anno dall'ultima release di ScummVM. Da allora, sono state introdotte innumerevoli novità, come riportato dettagliatamente nel file NEWS.md. Abbiamo bisogno del tuo contributo per testare questa nuova versione!

Oltre alla lista dei giochi da testare prima della release, le aree su cui concentrarsi sono:

  • Supporto UTF-32 per l'interfaccia utente, che permette traduzioni complete in Giapponese e Coreano. (Inoltre, sei il benvenuto se desideri collabolare per le traduzioni in altre lingue).
  • Supporto per schermi HiDPI (Retina) nell'interfaccia utente. Basta font sfocati!
  • Port per Nintendo DS, ampiamente riscritto per aggiornarlo agli ultimi motori e alle nuove funzionalità introdotte.
  • Motori 3D già parte di ResidualVM. I giochi come Grim Fandango, The Longest Journey e Myst III: Exile necessitano di una nuova playthrough.
  • Un totale di 12 nuovi motori e modifiche generalizzate per 24 motori preesistenti.

Per prima cosa avrai bisogno dell'ultima build stabile di ScummVM. Quindi, prova a caricare qualche gioco e riporta eventuali problematiche nel bug tracker e i tuoi progressi nei giochi in questo post sul forum per permetterci di tenere traccia dei test sulla Wiki.

17 ago 2021: Aggiunto il supporto per i primi titoli Macromedia Director
Scritto da djsrv, sev, sheep

Dopo cinque anni di sviluppo attivo, siamo orgogliosi di annunciare i primi giochi basati sul motore Macromind/Macromedia Director che sono finalmente supportati.

Iskrich, uno studente della GSoC, ha scritto le prime righe del codice del motore, facendo riferimento ai tentativi di reverse engineering compiuti da fuzzie, inizialmente scritti in Python come parte del progetto continuity. Quindi, il lavoro è proseguito nel 2017 ad opera di sev, con l'inizio dello sviluppo del compilatore Lingo, e di stevenhoefel con l'aggiunta del codice relativo a Director 5. Nel 2018 lo sviluppo si è praticamente fermato, per poi ripartire nel 2019 grazie ai miglioramenti per Director 4 compiuti da moralrecordings. Infine, nel 2020 e nel 2021 è stata svolta la gran parte dello sviluppo, prima da parte di npjg e djsrv, quindi sheep e djsrv, mentre rvanlaar ha preparato un buildbot apposito dedicato al progetto.

Per farla breve, dopo 3738 commits, possiamo annunciare il supporto per i titoli basati su Director 2 come Spaceship Warlock. Anche alcuni basati su Director 3 potrebbero funzionare, e tra questi supportiamo in particolar modo L-ZONE.

Recupera i tuoi CD e prova questi titoli. Stiamo anche raccogliendo informazioni su qualsiasi titolo basato su Director (e Shockwave) per completare la nostra Wiki, per favore aiutaci nella catalogazione.

Stiamo lavorando attivamente per ampliare la compatibilità di Director 3, principalmente per la versione originale di Journeyman Project, e per migliorare le funzionalità di Director 4, concentrandoci in primis su Meet MediaBand e Chop Suey.

Per avviare questi giochi avrai bisogno della daily build più recente di ScummVM. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali problemi al nostro bug tracker.

18 lug 2021: Per prima cosa, mi permetta di darle il benvenuto alla Resistenza, Capitano.
Scritto da mduggan

Lo scorso anno abbiamo aggiunto il supporto per i giochi della saga di Ultima, compreso Ultima 8. Usando il motore di Ultima 8 come base, la Origin Systems ha creato altri due giochi, con uno stile piuttosto differente: Crusader: No Remorse e Crusader: No Regret.

Siamo lieti di annunciare che il primo (Crusader: No Remorse) è ora pronto per la fase di test in ScummVM. Se disponi di una copia del gioco e sei pronto ad affrontare il Consorzio Economico Mondiale, scarica subito l'ultima daily build di ScummVM. Se incontri dei malfunzionamenti, per favore segnalali al nostro bug tracker.

28 giu 2021: Appena cent'anni di sviluppo...
Scritto da sev, digitall

Preparati per un'avventura che attraversa 1200 anni e 7 mondi mozzafiato. L'epico sequel di The Journeyman Project, The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time è ora pienamente supportato da ScummVM.

Dopo diversi anni di sviluppo da parte di clone2727, e qualche anno di "maturazione" sullo scaffale, il gioco è finalmente pronto per la fase di test pubblica.

Aiutaci ad affrontare questa epopea. Recupera i tuoi CD (o la versione digitale di GOG.com), copia i file necessari e spicca il volo! Dovrai utilizzare la daily build più recente di ScummVM. Puoi segnalare eventuali incidenti di percorso tramite il nostro bug tracker.

11 giu 2021: Una nuova avventura fantascientifica per ScummVM
Scritto da SupSuper

Dal 1940 al 2099, Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy è pronto per la fase di test pubblica. Assumi il ruolo dell'investigatore privato Joshua Reev in una avventura grafica in stile cyberpunk. Rilasciato nel 1998 dalla Trecision, il gioco è caratterizzato da ambientazioni pre-renderizzate e animazioni 3D con rendering via software. Porta alla luce la cospirazione (e tutti i bug)!

Ringraziamo gli sviluppatori originali, per aver fornito il codice sorgente, e SupSuper, Strangerke, bluegr e madmoose per averlo portato in ScummVM.

Tutte le versioni per Windows sono supportate, compresi i salvataggi originali, consulta la wiki per sapere quali file sono necessari. Se non possiedi il gioco, abbiamo a disposizione le versioni dimostrative. Per testare il gioco avrai bisogno di una daily build di ScummVM. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali bug al nostro bug tracker.

18 mag 2021: Diamo il benvenuto agli studenti della GSoC!
Scritto da strangerke

GSoC Logo

Nella giornata di ieri, Google ha annunciato la lista degli studenti che sono stati ammessi alla nuova edizione della Google Summer of Code. Siamo orgogliosi di dare il benvenuto ai sei studenti che quest'anno lavoreranno su varie parti del progetto nei prossimi mesi.

  • Aashwin Vaish (av_dx) migliorerà la GUI, aggiungendo un'interfaccia grafica per gestire la libreria dei giochi, con la possibilità di visualizzare coverart e miniature, raggruppare i giochi e filtrare l'elenco secondo diversi criteri
  • a-yyg (a/) si occuperà dello sviluppo di un nuovo motore per Faery Tale Adventure II, basato sul codice sorgente originale, gentilmente fornito da The Dreamers Guild
  • Crane yang (sheep) si unirà agli sforzi congiunti per migliorare il motore Director
  • Divyam Ahuja (Hikigaya) si impegnerà a completare l'implementazione di alcuni motori che attualmente sono in fase di stallo, dando la priorità ai motori MacVenture e Avalanche
  • Dylan Servilla (djsrv) lavorerà anch'egli al motore Director, continuando il suo lavoro svolto nella precedente edizione della GSoC, con l'obiettivo di arrivare a supportare le versioni 2-4 di Director
  • taylorzhancher (twan) si focalizzerà sull'aggiunta delle funzionalità di sintesi vocale a diversi giochi, per migliorare l'esperienza di gioco per le persone che hanno difficoltà a leggere i testi a schermo

E' dal 2008 che non abbiamo l'opportunità di seguire e fare da mentori a ben sei studenti. Pertanto, festeggiamo e diamo un caloroso benventuto agli studenti della GSoC 2021!

4 apr 2021: Migliaia di giochi da testare
Scritto da DreamMaster

Siamo pronti ad aprire al pubblico una vera miniera di giochi. Nel corso degli anni, per il motore AGS sono stati rilasciati moltissimi giochi freeware ed anche alcuni titoli commerciali. Tuttavia, ricorda che il nostro motore è derivato dall'interprete stand-alone di AGS, e pertanto può supportare solo i giochi AGS versione 2.5 e superiori.

Se sei interessato, ti consigliamo di scaricare qualche gioco freeware dal sito web di AGS. Avrai bisogno di una daily build della versione di sviluppo. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali bug al nostro bug tracker. Ti saremmo grati se ci potessi comunicare sul canale Discord #engine-ags quali giochi hai finito di testare.

22 mar 2021: Risolvi un omicidio a Los Angeles negli anni '40
Scritto da gu3

Abbiamo il piacere di annunciare che Private Eye della Brooklyn Multimedia è pronto per la fase di test pubblica.

Impersona Phillip Marlowe, un tosto detective privato, e prova a risolvere un caso di omicidio ambientato nella Los Angeles degli anni '40.

Rilasciato nel 1996, questo titolo è un vero gioiellino caratterizzato da animazioni realizzate con la tecnica tradizionale (cel-animation) e doppiaggio professionale. Ispirato alle opere di Raymond Chandler, il gioco si sviluppa come un film interattivo, con la possibilità di scegliere tra due versioni: fedele al libro oppure con finale alternativo.

Al momento, è supportata solo la versione americana per Windows.

Avrai bisogno di una daily build della versione di sviluppo. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali bug al nostro bug tracker.

17 mar 2021: Nippon Safes Inc. rilasciato come Freeware
Scritto da sev

Grandi novità! Grazie all'immenso impegno di Damiano Gerli e alla generosità degli autori, Marco Caprelli, Paolo Costabel, Massimo Magnasciutti e del produttore Bruno Boz, siamo lieti di annunciare che il gioco Nippon Safes Inc. è ora disponibile come freeware.

Si tratta di un gioco breve ma divertente, sviluppato nel 1992 dal piccolo studio italiano DYNABYTE - Divisione EUCLIDEA s.r.l.. Puoi trovare informazioni dettagliate sulla storia della DYNABYTE nel blog di Damiano The Genesis Temple.

Sia la versione DOS che quella Amiga sono state dichiarate freeware, con il permesso di modificare i files e di disabilitare la protezione (che richiede di consultare il manuale). Comunque, abbiamo reso disponibile anche il manuale scannerizzato. Puoi scaricare il tutto alla pagina giochi.

Il gioco è supportato da ScummVM già dalla versione 0.10.0, rilasciata nel 2007.

Buon divertimento con un'altra grande avventura punta e clicca freeware!

P.S. Se possiedi le scatole originali dei titoli The Big Red Adventure o Tequila & Boom Boom, prodotti dagli stessi sviluppatori, e sei in grado di fornirci delle scansioni ad alta risoluzione, per favore contatta sev.

11 mar 2021: Google Summer of Code 2021 : Al via!
Scritto da sev

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che il progetto ScummVM è stato nuovamente ammesso alla Google Summer of Code. Questo periodo dell'anno è sempre entusiasmante per noi, e quest'anno non sarà da meno. Per il 2021, il programma del GSoC è stato rinnovato da Google, con la premessa di focalizzarsi su progetti meno ampi e con requisiti d'ammissione ridotti, dando quindi la possibilità a più studenti di partecipare.

Tenendo conto di ciò, il nostro team ha preparato diverse proposte che i candidati sono incoraggiati ad esplorare, come indicato nella nostra pagina idee. Per favore, controlla le informazioni richieste per la candidatura prima di inviarla.

Puoi scoprire di più a proposito del programma GSoC, e le contribuzioni degli anni precedenti sul miniportale Google Summer of Code.

Unisciti al nostro server Discord e segui il canale #scummvm-gsoc, dove potrai metterti in contatto con i mentori e con gli altri componenti del team.

Siamo entusiasti di fare parte del GSoC e non vediamo l'ora di ricevere le vostre candidature!

20 dic 2020: Sei in grado di Comprehend-ere?
Scritto da DreamMaster

È il momento di inaugurare la fase di test per altri due sottomotori Glk. Il primo è l'interprete Glulx, per il quale sono disponibili molti giochi gratuiti su IF-Archive.

Il secondo è il motore Comprehend per i giochi prodotti da Polarware. Qui le cose sono un po' più complicate. Attualmente, solo i primi tre giochi sviluppati per tale motore sono utilizzabili: Transylvania, Crimson Crown e OO-Topos. Anche questi titoli sono disponibili gratuitamente su IF-Archive. Esiste, tuttavia, una riedizione di Transylvania, anch'essa gratuita e disponibile sul sito "Graphics Magician", che non è ancora supportata.

Per quanto riguarda gli altri giochi Comprehend, "Talisman" sarà probabilmente supportato in futuro, ma richiederà un lavoro aggiuntivo non indifferente. Tutti gli altri titoli non qui specificati, come "Transylvania III", utilizzano un motore completamente diverso e pertanto rimarranno al di fuori delle possibilità di ScummVM per il prossimo futuro.

Se sei interessato, scarica qualcuno dei giochi indicati e provali con ScummVM. Dovrai utilizzare un daily build della versione di sviluppo. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali bug al nostro bug tracker.

27 nov 2020: La serie di videogiochi "Red Comrades" è ora supportata
Scritto da whiterandrek

Nel 2019, Andrei Prykhodko (whiterandrek), uno studente della Google Summer of Code, ha iniziato a lavorare per aggiungere la serie "Red Comrades" (in russo: Петька и Василий Иванович) ai giochi supportati da ScummVM.

Red Comrades è un gioco di avventura 2D con prospettiva in terza persona. I protagonisti sono tratti dal romanzo del 1923 "Chapaev", di Dmitri Furmanov: Vasiliy Chapayev (eroe di guerra russo realmente esistito), il suo aiutante Petka e la soldatessa-mitragliere Anka.

Dopo una estesa fase di sviluppo, il team di ScummVM è lieto di annunciare la compatibilità con i primi due giochi della serie: Red Comrades 1: Save the Galaxy (in russo: Петька и Василий Иванович спасают галактику) e Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice (in russo: Петька и Василий Иванович 2: Судный день).

Recupera la tue copie dei giochi e fai una prova! Sfortunatamente, sono supportate solo le versioni originali in russo per Windows. Le versioni in inglese per iOS e Android usano un motore completamente diverso.

Se non possiedi una copia, puoi scaricare la versione dimostrativa dalla nostra sezione demo. Dovrai utilizzare un daily build della versione di sviluppo di ScummVM. Come sempre, puoi segnalare eventuali bug al nostro bug tracker.

22 nov 2020: Piccole grandi avventure all'orizzonte
Scritto da mgerhardy

C'era un volta - intorno al 1994 - una software house di nome "Adeline Software International" che rilasciò un gioco intitolato "Little Big Adventure" (in Europa) o "Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure" (nel resto del mondo). Si trattava di un gioco di azione-avventura in pseudo-3D, caratterizzato da una storia epica e ambientato su un pianeta fantastico, ed è ora in fase di test nella versione di sviluppo di ScummVM. Per favore, tieni presente che alcune delle funzionalità del gioco originale non sono ancora state implementate. In compenso abbiamo aggiunto alcune nuove funzioni non disponibili originariamente.

Funzionalità non implementate e problemi noti:

  • La mappa olografica non è ancora disponibile
  • Non è ancora possibile cambiare le impostazioni di rendering
  • La sequenza dei riconoscimenti presenta alcuni bug grafici

Nuove funzionalità:

  • Possibilità di disabilitare i danni causati dalle collisioni con pareti/ostacoli
  • Navigazione dell'interfaccia utente migliorata

Tutto ciò è stato reso possibile grazie alle persone del progetto TwinEngine e alla community di LBA.

Puoi testare il gioco con l'ultima versione di sviluppo e segnalare eventuali problemi sul nostro bug tracker.

25 ott 2020: Android Love
Scritto da antoniou79

La nuova e scintillante versione Android di ScummVM 2.2.1 è ora disponibile sul Google Play Store. Dopo un periodo di lavoro piuttosto esteso da parte dei nostri sviluppatori, e un mese di beta testing pubblico, dove i membri della community hanno contribuito segnalando diversi bug da risolvere, possiamo finalmente rilasciare la versione stabile dell'app Android di ScummVM.

L'app è stata ampiamente riscritta e testata su moderni device Android, fino alla versione 10+. Include nuove funzionalità che la portano alla pari della versione desktop, come il supporto per FluidSynth, i salvataggi nel Cloud e ulteriori opzioni di localizzazione (lingua) per l'interfaccia utente. È stata aggiunta la funzionalità di Server File Locale (su LAN), mediante la quale il device può funzionare temporaneamente come file server, dando la possibilità di scaricare files (salvataggi o files di configurazione) o caricarne di nuovi (es. i file dati dei giochi), utilizzando un browser su PC o un altro client.

Con questa release abbiamo risolto alcune criticità presenti da tempo, tra cui:

  • la perdita dei files di configurazione e salvataggi in seguito all'aggiornamento a una nuova versione
  • la navigazione nelle cartelle, rispettando i permessi di accesso
  • il funzionamento dei tasti speciali sulla tastiera virtuale (es. i tasti funzione) e la gestione delle digitazioni ripetute

Altri miglioramenti significativi sono stati apportati all'interfaccia grafica dell'applicazione, tra cui la possibilità di scegliere se visualizzarla con grafica filtrata (scaling bilineare) o no (scaling nearest neighbor), miglioramenti per la tastiera virtuale al fine di renderla più responsiva ed emulare più accuratamente una tastiera fisica, e il supporto per il mouse virtuale, controllato mediante lo stick analogico del tuo controller.

Aggiornando alla nuova versione 2.2.1 potrai usufruire di tutti i motori di gioco che sono stati introdotti in ScummVM a partire dalla versione 2.0.0, come Blade Runner, Ultima IV, Quest for Glory IV; oltre ai miglioramenti e bugfix effettuati su i motori preesistenti.

Naturalmente, siamo sempre pronti ad ascoltare il feedback da parte degli utenti, e i suggerimenti per possibili migliorie sono benvenuti. Per favore, usa il bug tracker di ScummVM per segnalare eventuali bug riscontrati.

Ringraziamo tutti i beta tester per il prezioso contributo e ci auguriamo che possiate apprezzare questa versione Android di ScummVM.

9 ott 2020: La Fusione
Scritto da sev, aquadran

“Perdonate l'attesa, Mr. Flores. Sono pronto per accompagnarvi”– Grim Fandango.

Oggi è un giorno speciale, speciale per tante ragioni. Per prima cosa, abbiamo raggiunto la pietra miliare di diciannove anni di ScummVM. La nostra prima release pubblica, ScummVM 0.0.1, venne rilasciata l'8 ottobre 2001. Ma anche qualcos'altro sta accadendo, qualcosa di cui abbiamo discusso a lungo: il progetto ScummVM si sta fondendo ufficialmente con il progetto ResidualVM.

Per molti anni ScummVM si è limitato a supportare giochi di avventura punta-e-clicca 2D, pertanto venne inaugurato il progetto "gemello" ResidualVM, al fine di supportare i giochi 3D. Ma d'ora in poi, non ci sarà più confusione su quale progetto deve interessarsi ad un determinato gioco. ScummVM ora abbraccia sia giochi di avventura che giochi di ruolo, 2D e 3D, punta-e-clicca o meno. È un passo naturale nell'evoluzione di entrambi i progetti, che sono stati sviluppati in simbiosi, scambiandosi idee, patch e scelte di design. Inoltre, diversi programmatori hanno lavorato su entrambi i progetti.

Grazie a questa fusione, ScummVM ora include svariati nuovi titoli nella lista dei giochi supportati: Grim Fandango, Fuga da Monkey Island, Myst III - Exile, The Longest Journey e un motore ancora incompleto per In Cold Blood, così come la parte 3D per il motore Wintermute.

Siamo entusiasti di accogliere gran parte del team di ResidualVM e continueremo a lavorare insieme.

Naturalmente, ci sono ancora molte cose da fare e, nelle prossime settimane, la fusione interesserà anche altre parti del progetto come i forum, wiki, eccetera.

Rimanete sintonizzati e proiettiamoci nella terza dimensione!

27 set 2020: ScummVM 2.2.0 “Interactive Fantasy” vede la Luce
Scritto da sev

È disponibile una nuova versione di ScummVM. Si tratta di una release affascinante dato che siamo arrivati a supportare dei giochi di avventura del 1976! Hai capito bene, il "famoso" Colossal Cave Adventure, la prima avventura testuale della storia, è ora giocabile con ScummVM.

Oltre a questo (e a circa 1594 altre avventure testuali), abbiamo aggiunto tre nuovi motori e ne abbiamo ampliato altri quattro, il che ci permette di aggiungere i seguenti titoli alla lista dei giochi supportati:

  • Blazing Dragons
  • Eye of the Beholder - versione Sega CD
  • Griffon Legend
  • Interactive Fiction (svariate avventure testuali)
  • Operation Stealth
  • Police Quest: SWAT
  • Prince and the Coward, tradotto in Inglese
  • Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar
  • Ultima VI - The False Prophet
  • Ultima VIII - Pagan

Come vedi, abbiamo continuato ad addentrarci nel mondo dei giochi di ruolo.

Altre novità degne di nota: port per MorphOS completamente riscritto; un nuovo sottosistema di gestione dei salvataggi automatici, funzionante per quasi tutti i motori che supportiamo; supporto per la scrittura da destra a sinistra nell'interfaccia grafica; codice dell'emulazione MT-32 aggiornato, supporto per la Rich Presence di Discord.

Abbiamo migliorato significativamente i motori Illusions, Kyra, Lab, Queen, Titanic, Xeen e ZVision, supportando anche versioni alternative di alcuni giochi. È stata ottimizzata l'emulazione delle versioni NES e Apple //gs di Maniac Mansion. Come sempre, abbiamo continuato a riparare i bug originariamente presenti negli script di più di trenta giochi SCI, e abbiamo anche aggiunto il supporto per le colonne sonore in formato Roland D-110.

Puoi consultare le Note di Rilascio complete qui.

Scarica la tua copia dalla pagina dei download, oppure, se usi Windows o MacOS, puoi effettuare l'aggiornamento automatico.

Rilasceremo a breve un nuovo port per Android nel Canale Beta, e avremo bisogno del tuo aiuto per testarlo. Apprezzeremmo il tuo feedback nel sottoforum per il Port Android.

È il momento giusto per iniziare una buona avventura testuale o friggere qualche mostro in Ultima con Blazing Fire... se sei un drago, naturalmente.

6 set 2020: Icone dei giochi richieste
Scritto da SupSuper

Discord rich presence

La prossima versione di ScummVM supporterà la Rich Presence di Discord, così potrai fare vedere a tutti i tuoi amici che stai usando ScummVM e quale titolo stai giocando. Ma per funzionare al meglio, abbiamo bisogno delle icone dei giochi.

Se hai sempre voluto contribuire a ScummVM ma non hai mai trovato un'area dove sfruttare le tue capacità artistiche o di design, questa è la tua occasione! Dai un'occhiata al nuovo Repository Icone Giochi per avere informazioni su come aiutarci.

30 ago 2020: Please help us with testing upcoming ScummVM 2.2.0 release
Scritto da sev, criezy, md5

Hello world, it is time for us to release the next version of ScummVM. Thus, we really need your help with testing the stable builds before the upcoming release, so we ensure better quality.

Please, pay your special attention to the following new titles:

  • Blazing Dragons
  • Eye of the Beholder - Sega CD version
  • Griffon Legend
  • Interactive Fiction games
  • Operation Stealth
  • Police Quest: SWAT
  • Prince and the Coward, English translation
  • Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar
  • Ultima VI - The False Prophet
  • Ultima VIII - Pagan

We would also like you to play through another Sierra game: Police Quest: SWAT. Train to be a member of the SWAT team, and embark into dangerous missions to save civilian lives. This has been recently promoted for testing, so its call for testing has been included in the announcement for the upcoming release.

These games need to be tested with stable builds, not development ones. And report any bugs or oddities on our issue tracker.

We also need your help to update the ScummVM translations for this release. You can see the status of the translations, and work on them on our translations website. To log-in to the web site, you can either use your GitHub or Facebook account if you have one or create an account specific for this web site. Regular contributors can save changes to the translations but new contributors will only be able to make suggestions and vote on the suggestions. However we are looking for new regular contributors for some languages, so if you do not currently have full access and would like to get it, please contact us. Also, a few of our past contributors may have lost their full access a few months ago when we updated our permission settings. If you are one of them please contact us to see your full access restored.

Good luck with your playtesting, and let’s release version 2.2.0 at the end of September!

25 ago 2020: Are you ready for the Legend?
Scritto da sev

ScummVM Team is proud to announce support for a small freeware RPG game named The Griffon Legend. It was originally written in the FreeBASIC programming language by Daniel "Syn9" Kennedy and later ported by Dmitry Smagin to the GCW0 console, which we base this port on.

The original story says:

500 years after the Griffon-Dragon war, the Dragons have returned to reclaim their empire. Cities are falling, everyone is dying, and the lone Griffon Knight Fayne is caught up in the middle of it all.

Since the game is freeware, you may grab a copy directly from our game downloads page or from the original site. You will need the latest development build to play it. Of course, if you encounter any bugs, please submit them to our bug tracker.

23 ago 2020: A Stealthy ScummVM Operation
Scritto da sev

In 2008 Google Summer of Code we had Kari Salminen aka Buddha^ working on adding Operation Stealth game support. While it was an overall success, still certain important game features were missing. Now, 12 years later, Kari got time for completing his work.

Thus, we are proudly announcing support for the Operation Stealth game also known as James Bond 007: The Stealth Affair in the US release.

Grab your copy of the game, fetch the daily build of ScummVM and give it a go. If you encounter any oddities or bugs, please submit to our bug tracker.

20 ago 2020: Blazing Dragons Set ScummVM Aflame
Scritto da Yuv422

After many months of development Blazing Dragons is now ready for public testing.

Join young dragon Flicker as he attempts to win the hand of Princess Flame and save Camelhot along the way.

This is a rather odd Point and Click game as it was only released on Consoles. ScummVM's new Dragons engine allows you to run the Playstation version of this somewhat forgotten title. Throw away that PS1 controller and enjoy the game with a mouse/keyboard interface. We've also taken out all the annoying loading screens.

Only the US and GB Playstation 1 versions are supported at the moment.

You will need a daily development build. As always, please submit the bug reports to our issue tracker.

18 ago 2020: Welcome to our new Technical Writers!
Scritto da Mataniko

GSoD Logo

The ScummVM team is excited to welcome CadiH and b-gent, our talented technical writers and participants of Google’s Season of Docs.

CadiH will be working with us to launch a new documentation portal, which will include a revamped user manual and centralize our diaspora of information from the Wiki, Readme, and various other docs within our repository.

b-gent brings his expertise and experience to help us modernize our Doxygen documentation. The Doxygen portal has long been neglected, this will benefit our developers and community as a whole.

The work will officially begin on September 14 and will last 3 months. You can follow the progress of our two writers on the ScummVM Blogs and in the scummvm-gdoc channel on our Discord server. In the meantime join us in welcoming them to our community.

22 giu 2020: You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike
Scritto da DreamMaster

It's finally time to announce the official testing period for the Glk engine in ScummVM, for playing interactive fiction (aka text adventures). This is a conglomeration of sub-engines for playing the games that use the various authoring systems released over the years. At this time the following sub-engines are going into official testing mode:

  • ADRIFT (except for version 5)
  • AdvSys
  • AGT
  • Alan 2 & 3
  • Archetype (newly reimplemented for Glk from the original Pascal sources)
  • Hugo
  • JACL
  • Level 9
  • Magnetic Scrolls
  • Quest
  • Scott Adams
  • ZCode (all ZCode games except the Infocom graphical version 6 games)

Other sub-engines, such as Comprehend, TADS and Quill, are likely to be included in the future. So those of you that are fans of the literary classics, dust off your favourite classics, and prepare to play them again. You will need a daily development build. As always, please submit the bug reports to our issue tracker.

25 mag 2020: You have been a thorn in my side for far too long, Avatar
Scritto da dreammaster

It seems that work on cleanup and improvements to the Ultima VIII integration was further along than I had anticipated. It's now been confirmed that Ultima VIII is completeable under ScummVM as well, so it joins Ultima IV and Ultima VI for official testing.

So break out your copies of Ultima VIII as well and give it a try! You will need a daily development build. As always, please submit the bug reports to our issue tracker.

21 mag 2020: Art thou worthy to be the Avatar?
Scritto da dreammaster

Many years ago, a company called Origin Systems developed the much beloved Ultima series of role-playing games. Thanks to the previous hard work of others who created stand-alone reimplementations of these games, ScummVM is pleased to announce that two of the games in the series are ready for testing.

The first of these games is Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, based on the prior work done by the xu4 project. You can detect your English copy of Ultima IV as either original or enhanced. Enhanced mode uses the VGA graphics developed by the xu4 project. With the inclusion into ScummVM, the game also receives several improvements, such as multiple savegame slots and configurable keybindings. It even adds in a small secret area that only the most dedicated explorers may find.

The second game is Ultima VI, based on the Nuvie project. Due to some miscommunication, Nuvie may still advance as a separate project, but given the work done integrating Nuvie into ScummVM, we're hoping to have it officially supported in ScummVM as well. As with Ultima IV, Ultima VI supports the original game mode, as well as an enhanced mode that allows for Nuvie's full screen map, container gumps as in Ultima VII, and other features. Note that enhanced mode defaults to double resolution, so for now, the intro only displays in half of the screen.

So break out your copies of the games and give them a try! You will need a daily development build. As always, please submit the bug reports to our issue tracker.

14 mag 2020: Get your season (of docs) pass ready!
Scritto da lotharsm

GSoD Logo

Get your season (of docs) pass ready! We are excited to announce that ScummVM has been accepted as a participant of Google Season of Docs 2020. One of the most important parts of every open source project is its documentation. Good documentation is vital for making the project accessible to both end users and new developers wanting to have a deeper look into the project's internals so they can start contributing on their own.

Season of Docs, a recent initiative by Google to connect technical writers with open source projects. The program offers a great way to gain practical project experience, as well as explore the world of free software and the great communities that evolve around them.

For ScummVM this is a wonderful opportunity to improve our documentation. You can check out our ideas page or if you want to bring up your own ideas - get in touch with us on our Discord server.

We've had a lot of successful student projects as part of Google's Summer of Code in previous years - we’re looking forward to carrying that success into Google's Season of Docs and inspire you to work with us and add your very own success.

The deadline for proposals is July 9. Please make sure to read the program timeline, guidelines and FAQ on the Season of Docs website for additional information.

4 mag 2020: Brace yourselves - Summer'20 is coming
Scritto da lotharsm

GSoC Logo

Today, Google announced the projects accepted for this year's Google Summer of Code, a yearly event with the goal to encourage students to participate in open source projects. For many students, it's the first time working in a collaborative environment. We are especially delighted to announce that the ScummVM Team will support and mentor four fellow adventurers during their journey.

Dylan Servilla and Nathanael Gentry will both work on our Director engine. While Dylan's goal is to help with Lingo-related stuff like factories, Nathanael will start working on rendering routines. Both will eventually lead us to support at least Spaceship Warlock and The Journeyman Project.

We want ScummVM to be easily accessible to as many people as possible. This obviously includes localisation to help removing language barriers. This year, Aryan Rawlani will help improving support for languages written from right to left ('RTL') as well as adding proper Unicode support to the ScummVM GUI. Imagine ScummVM being available in every possible language one day and you might understand how important Aryan's work is. Besides that, Aryan will also work on the mechanics we use to detect your games in order to improve reliability and performance, which includes deep rework on how our plugin system works.

During GSoC, ScummVM also acts as an umbrella organisation for its sister project ResidualVM. Gunnar Birke will work on implementing support for the Wintermute 3D engine to ResidualVM. Wintermute 3D is the - you guessed it - 3D counterpart to the Wintermute engine supported by ScummVM which is only able to play 2D games due to the project's scope. Adding support for Wintermute 3D to ResidualVM will eventually allow you to run games like Alpha Polaris.

Brace yourselves - Summer 2020 is coming. Prepare for supporting our students on their glorious adventure. When your watch begins, follow their process on the ScummVM Planet.

29 apr 2020: The Prince and the Coward gets English translation
Scritto da sev

After six months of work and the effort of 7 contributors, we are finally happy to announce that we have finished the first version of the English translation for The Prince and the Coward or Książę i Tchórz. 2,762 script lines with 19,735 words were processed, reviewed and translated.

It is not yet perfect, though, and we need your help, fellow adventurers! ScummVM versions 2.1.x will work, however, there is a problem with displaying inventory item descriptions. Thus, we recommend using the daily build.

You need to download the prince_translation.dat file from here and put it into the ALL/ directory of your game. Then re-detect the game, and make sure it shows ‘w/translation’ in the game description. Only Polish or German game versions can be translated this way, the Russian version requires more effort.

If you encounter any continuity issues, awkward phrases, or typos, feel free to either mention it in the forum post or submit your improvements directly to the translation server. Use the search capabilities to locate the phrases you would like to improve. Screenshots of the problem or savegames are also welcome if you don’t want to bother with the translation server.

Good luck with your adventures, while most of you still stay at home!

31 mar 2020: ScummVM 2.1.2 "Fixing Powerful Windows" is here!
Scritto da lotharsm

The ScummVM Team is pleased to announce a new bugfix release for the 2.1 series - ScummVM 2.1.2, codenamed “Fixing Powerful Windows”. You will notice that this time, our downloads page is not exactly extensive. Don't worry, we are not touching ScummVM's (quite incredible) portability here.

ScummVM 2.1.2 is a maintenance release intended for Windows and Mac OS X, providing some bug fixes for those platforms. Since all other platforms are not affected, you don't need to worry about a seemingly missing update for now.

While browsing the downloads page, you probably noticed a new entry there, especially when browsing our website using a PC running Ubuntu: ScummVM is now officially available at the Snap Store! Thanks to the ongoing support from Alan "popey" Pope and Alan Griffiths, the Snap Store release of ScummVM is now on-par with our other Linux releases. Compared to the traditonal way of distribution software on Linux, we have a lot more freedom in terms of new releases using the Snap Store. The moment we release a new version of ScummVM, you will receive it as an automated update.

The ScummVM Snap comes in two flavours. The "stable" channel contains our official releases which makes it a great choice for most users. In case you want to explore the latest and greatest features of our current development versions, simply follow the "edge" channel and get an updated build each and every day! We also have some pretty neat additions to the Snap Package in mind - but more on that later.

Enjoy, and have fun!

22 feb 2020: GSoC 2020 is on the way!
Scritto da sev

GSoC Logo

It is the 14th time when ScummVM is accepted as an organization for Google Summer of Code, and we're going with our sister project ResidualVM. The Summer of Code is a yearly event organized by Google to encourage students to contribute to open source projects. Open source organizations provide mentors and projects to work on, while Google give some money to participating students. You can find more information on the official web site. We also have some information on our wiki, and in particular project rules that applicants will need to follow.

If you feel adventurous, and would like to contribute to one of the largest game preservation projects, we are eagerly waiting for you! Have a look at our ideas page. Of course, you are also very welcome to bring your own idea (though it must be our projects-related)! The deadline for the student proposals is March 31st, and on April 27th accepted students will be announced.

You are welcome to join our Discord server and ask any questions of #scummvm-gsoc channel.

Looking forward to your applications!

31 gen 2020: Release of ScummVM 2.1.1 ":More Sheep:"
Scritto da sev

After a short break, the ScummVM Team is pleased to announce a bugfix release for the 2.1 series - ScummVM 2.1.1, codenamed “:More Sheep:”.

This release contains a substantial amount of fixes and minor enhancements. The most notable ones are: better multi-language support in the GUI, improvements in FM TOWNS/PC-98 audio, optimisations of the cloud saves, a couple dozen SCI script fixes, improvements to Blade Runner and fixes to another 7 engines. Also, this is the first release with official support for the Nintendo 3DS. Additionally, we added cloud support to the Nintendo Switch port.

For a more comprehensive list of changes, please refer to the Release Notes.

As always, the set of pre-built executables can be found at our downloads page.

Enjoy, and have fun!

17 dic 2019: Westwood’s Blade Runner (1997) is finally available for purchase as a digital copy
Scritto da sev

We are thrilled to announce that the Blade Runner point and click adventure game, developed by Westwood Studios and originally released in 1997, is now available again for purchase, thanks to the efforts of GOG.com. This new digitally distributed version includes the officially dubbed versions of the game (English, French, Italian, Spanish and German).

Of course, it runs on top of ScummVM, which means it contains various bug fixes and quality of life improvements (like mouse-scrolling in KIA and fan made subtitles support) over the original 1997 version of the game.

You will find subtitles for the English and French versions of the game on the Games section of the ScummVM website.

We still have plans to complete the restored content version for the game, which is built from content and code segments that are already in the game’s resources but left unused or untriggered.

PS. If you use the link above we will get a commission from your purchase.

11 ott 2019: ScummVM 2.1.0 "Electric Sheep" has been produced.
Scritto da sev

"Animal sales was a profitable and prestigious business, since most real animals had died out after the Terran War; there were plenty of electric ones, though—" Oh, ahem, didn’t notice you there.

ScummVM Team is thrilled to announce the release of ScummVM version 2.1.0. This release is the culmination of nearly two years worth of work, adding 16 new games based on 8 engines, a Nintendo Switch port and nearly 500 bug fixes. All this done by the hard work of 147 contributors across 8,493 commits.

The newly supported games are:

  • Blade Runner
  • Duckman: The Graphic Adventures of a Private Dick
  • Hoyle Bridge
  • Hoyle Children's Collection
  • Hoyle Classic Games
  • Hoyle Solitaire
  • Hyperspace Delivery Boy!
  • Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen
  • Might and Magic V - Darkside of Xeen
  • Might and Magic - World of Xeen
  • Might and Magic - Swords of Xeen
  • Mission Supernova Part 1
  • Mission Supernova Part 2
  • Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness
  • The Prince and the Coward
  • Versailles 1685

In addition, we enhanced the Android and iOS ports considerably. You will also notice the new GUI facelift, improved Roland MT-32 sound emulation, a new pixel-perfect stretching mode, Text-to-Speech support on macOS and Linux, and last but not least, support for synchronizing saves and downloading game data from cloud-based file services (see the up-to-date list of the platforms in our user manual)

As usual, we have improved many of the existing engines: added support for the 25th Myst Anniversary releases, fixed more than 100 original SCI script bugs that have plagued Sierra games for decades, added support for Amiga and FM-TOWNS versions of Eye of the Beholder, improved audio quality in Humongous Entertainment games and added lip sync to the newer LucasArts adventure titles, squashed tons of bugs in Starship Titanic and Bud Tucker. The list goes on and on, and you may see the comprehensive change log here.

Have no more tears in rain and grab this electric release. Windows and macOS users may get the auto-update when starting ScummVM.

19 set 2019: Another game to test: Duckman
Scritto da yuv422

Duckman: The Graphic Adventures of a Private Dick is an obscure point and click game based on the TV show of the same name. You control the wise cracking detective Duckman as he attempts to regain his identity after being unceremoniously dumped from his own TV show. The game's release for Windows in 1997 unfortunately coincided with the TV show being cancelled, which limited the distribution of the game.

After a long time in development, the ScummVM team is happy to announce support for the game.

Make sure to grab a recent build and give it a try. Please report any bugs that you find to our issue tracker.

The English, German and Demo versions are supported. You just need the DATA/ directory from the original game to play.

16 set 2019: We’re starting ScummVM 2.1.0 testing
Scritto da sev

The time has finally come to start the release cycle for ScummVM 2.1.0.

The release is going to be big, and these new games require testing:

  • Blade Runner.
  • Hoyle Bridge.
  • Hoyle Children's Collection.
  • Hoyle Classic Games.
  • Hoyle Solitaire.
  • Hyperspace Delivery Boy!
  • Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen.
  • Might and Magic V - Darkside of Xeen.
  • Might and Magic - World of Xeen.
  • Might and Magic - World of Xeen 2 CD Talkie.
  • Might and Magic - Swords of Xeen.
  • Mission Supernova Part 1.
  • Mission Supernova Part 2.
  • Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness.
  • The Prince and the Coward.
  • Versailles 1685.

Also, with this release, we are finally enabling cloud support for save games and game data. So far, it works only on desktops, you may find a description of this feature in our User Manual.

The complete list of the games that require testing for this release can be found on our Wiki.

Please use a stable daily build of ScummVM for testing. In case you encounter any bugs, there is a place for them to be reported at our issue tracker. Additionally, please track your progress on the forum thread so we can cross the tested game titles out on the wiki. Make sure to follow our guidelines for release testing which can be found here.

It would be great if you could help with updating the ScummVM GUI translations. The description of the steps you need to follow is on the Wiki.

13 set 2019: Recruiting for Mission Supernova
Scritto da criezy

We need you! Join the Supernova crew for an unforgettable journey to witness the death of a star.

Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut? Being abandoned on your own on a broken spaceship? Dying asphyxiated? Being electrocuted? Being shot at? Getting lost in a pyramid? Being caught stealing a dinosaur's head and being sent to prison? And if that is not enough you can even disable the improved mode in ScummVM and experience the frustration of clicking and pointing your way through a twenty-five years old computer game.

We are proud to announce that Mission Supernova Teil 1: Das Schicksal des Horst Hummel and Mission Supernova Teil 2: Der Doppelgänger are now both supported in ScummVM. In addition we have also translated both games to English and you can decide to play either in German or English. The games can be downloaded for free on the developer's website, so you have no reason not to play it!

Please help us test the games and report any bugs or translation issue you find on our issue tracker. You will need a recent version of ScummVM and the supernova.dat file (if it is not included in the ScummVM package for your platform). You can also see some basic information on the game controls on our wiki or access the game manual in game using the F2 key.

12 set 2019: The Prince and the Coward goes supported
Scritto da sev

A long time ago, in 2013, Kamil Zbróg and Łukasz Wątka, a GSoC student, were working on support for the game The Prince and the Coward or Książę i Tchórz, as it was called originally in Polish.

The game engine sat in limbo, however, because we were trying to work on the English translation. Unfortunately, that work is only about ¼th done, and we need your help.

Nevertheless, we would like to announce support for this game. All released versions are supported, including Polish original, German release and the Russian translation. Take your copy of the game and give it a try. You will need a daily development build for that. As always, please submit the bug reports to our issue tracker.

Also, if you happen to know Polish, German, or Russian, you are welcome to help us with the translation. The short instructions are provided here.


4 set 2019: Bring in all your deliveries!
Scritto da sev

The ScummVM team is thrilled to announce support for one of John Romero’s creations, the game Hyperspace Delivery Boy! All known versions are supported, including Linux, Windows and PocketPC. If you don’t own a copy, you can get the demo from our demos section

So grab your copy of the game and help us with testing it using the latest development build of ScummVM. If your version of the game is not recognized or if you find any bugs, please report them on our issue tracker. And as always, have fun!

28 lug 2019: Step back in time and visit Versailles at the court of Louis XIV
Scritto da criezy

The year is 1685. The place is Versailles. Somebody has threatened to burn the castle and Alexandre Bontemps, the Premier valet of King Louis XIV, is asking for your help. You have until the end of the day to investigate and save the castle.

The ScummVM team is proud to announce support for Cryo's Versaille 1685 game and needs your help to test the game. Grab your copy of Versailles 1685 (the DOS, Windows, and Macintosh versions are supported), download the latest development build of ScummVM, and start exploring the castle and its surroundings. While you do so, please report any bugs you find on our issue tracker and take screenshots of interesting places.

30 giu 2019: Quest for Glory, with a bit of Hoyle Games!
Scritto da bluegr

You arrive in a dark cave, in the mysterious land of Mordavia... Gear up your hero and face your old foe, the insidious Ad Avis! If you feel overwhelmed by this quest, you can always chill out with a game from the Hoyle collection!

The ScummVM team is proud to announce support for the following games, which are ready for public testing:

  • Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness (aka QFG4)
  • Hoyle Classic Games
  • Hoyle Bridge
  • Hoyle Children's Collection
  • Hoyle Solitaire

Both the CD and floppy versions of QFG4 are supported. Do note that the poker game of Hoyle Classic Games is not supported yet.

So, break out your copies, or buy QFG4 digitally on GOG, and grab the latest development build of ScummVM for your preferred platform. Any problems found should be reported on our Issue Tracker.

16 giu 2019: Blade Runners Needed!
Scritto da peterkohaut

Our ScummVM team is looking for Blade Runners who will help find, chase, and retire bugs which escaped from the off-world data colonies. These bugs are not dangerous and they won't stop you from discovering more secrets and choosing your fate. Your spinner, gun, ESPER machine and Voight - Kampff machine will be at your disposal.

We are announcing that Blade Runner is ready for testing. The following languages are supported - English (both CD and DVD releases), German, Italian, French, Spanish, and the unofficial Russian version by Fargus Multimedia.

Find your copy of Blade Runner, grab the latest development build of ScummVM (NOT the latest stable build) and copy the necessary files.

Now you can play the game with subtitles! Just download the subtitles zip file extract the subtitles.mix and place it among the rest of the Blade Runner files. So far we have only English and French subtitles, however, if you want to help us transcribe other languages from audio, please contact peterkohaut & praetorian.

Note that when you add your game directory in ScummVM you'll be presented with two choices for the game. The first option is for the original game and will simply be named "Blade Runner"; we're mainly interested for your feedback for this version of the game, since it is considered feature complete. The other option is for importing the game with restored content and is named "Blade Runner with restored content"; this version is still work-in-progress and not yet complete. If you're testing this version please specify it explicitly in your feedback and bug reports.

If your version of the game is not supported, please create a feedback report with MD5 so that we can add support for it.

8 giu 2019: Prepare your Switch for new adventures!
Scritto da lotharsm

It's always exciting to see the wide variety of devices that are able to run your favourite adventure games thanks to ScummVM. Today, we are proud to announce that the number of devices has grown again by the immediate availability of ScummVM for the Nintendo Switch!

Thanks to Cpasjuste and rsn8887, you are now able to use ScummVM on the go.

In order to run ScummVM on your Switch, you need a modded console that's able to run homebrew software. Don't worry - there's plenty of documentation about enabling homebrew on the Nintendo Switch available online.

This new port already has it's own page in our wiki. You should definitely have a look on the wiki page since it contains lots of useful information on how to use ScummVM on the Switch.

If you have any further questions regarding this port, feel free to visit our forums.

Our buildbot is already providing development versions for the Nintendo Switch. Go grab them while they're hot!

3 giu 2019: Join us on Discord!
Scritto da lotharsm

We are always thrilled to explore new ways to bring our community closer together. Today, we are proud to announce our next step in this journey - we are now present on Discord!

No matter if you just want to hang around with the ScummVM community or to discuss the latest development, this is the (new!) place to go!

See you on Discord!

Please note that despite the introduction of the new Discord server, our Forums and IRC channel on the Freenode network are still available and we have absolutely no plans to disable them in the future.

13 mag 2019: Another summer (with Google), four new projects!
Scritto da Criezy

GSoC Logo

Last week Google announced the accepted projects for this year's Summer of Code. We are pleased and excited to say that ScummVM will be mentoring four students this year. All four of them will work on game engines:

Please welcome with us our four adventurous students for what we hope will be a productive and interesting summer! And as always you can follow their progress throughout the summer on the ScummVM Blogs.

7 apr 2019: ScummVM: Modern Theme Remastered
Scritto da lotharsm

ScummVM Modern Theme RemasteredTime flies so fast! It's been 10 years since we introduced the "Modern Theme" to ScummVM.

After all those years, it surely was time for an update.

Over the last couple of weeks, ScummVM team member mataniko carefully updated the theming of ScummVM. The new theme follows modern design principles while preserving our own design philosophy.

From now on, future versions of ScummVM (including current nightly builds!) will include the new theme by default.

Already missing the old theme? Don't worry! The old "ScummVM Modern" theme can be selected in ScummVM's options at any time.

What do you think about the new theme? Let us know in our forums! As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

6 mar 2019: Brace yourselves - GSoC 2019 is coming!
Scritto da lotharsm

GSoC Logo

A couple of days ago, Google announced the organizations that have been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2019. We are very pleased to announce that ScummVM is one of them, together with our sister project ResidualVM. The Summer of Code is a yearly event organized by Google to encourage students to contribute to open source projects. Open source organizations provide mentors and projects to work on, while Google give some money to participating students. You can find more information on the official web site. We also have some information on our wiki, and in particular project rules that applicants will need to follow.

Are you ready for a great adventure? Do you want to contribute to one of the largest game preservation projects known to mankind? Then ScummVM and ResidualVM are waiting for you! Have a look at our ideas page. Of course, you are also very welcome to bring your own idea! Students have until April 9 to write and submit proposals for the project they want to work on. The accepted proposals will be announced on May 6, and there will be a few weeks for community bonding before the start of the coding period on May 27.

In any case, don't hesitate to chat with us on IRC! #scummvm and #residualvm in the Freenode network are the place to go!

10 dic 2018: Infrastructure updates... again!
Scritto da lotharsm

Over the last couple of days, we moved our downloads to a new mirroring infrastructure. Previously, each and every download was delivered by our main server located in Austria.

Now, our downloads are delivered through MirrorBrain, a download redirection system that allows us to build our own content distribution network. MirrorBrain is already used by many open source projects.

MirrorBrain tries to always select the best mirror based on your location, so you will get the best download speeds possible.

While we already have a few mirrors located in Europe, we are currently looking for people willing to donate some bandwidth and storage located in the US and in other parts of the world. If you want to mirror the ScummVM repository, please contact us via E-Mail at serra@scummvm.org.

If you run into any issues with our new download system, feel free to leave a comment in our forums.

18 nov 2018: More infrastructure updates
Scritto da lotharsm

A few weeks ago, we started improving our website, including (but not limited to) dusting off our forums and our wiki. There's also some stuff going on 'behind the scenes' like improving the way we handle translations for this website.

Over the next couple of days, we are going to roll out a new mirroring system for the downloads we provide in order to allow us to distribute the necessary bandwidth across several servers.

We are almost done with setting up the new system and basically just have to 'flip the switch'. However, it is possible that you might run into issues like broken download links or messages complaining about missing files during the transition period.

We are working hard to keep service interruptions as minimal as possible. Many thanks for your understanding!

24 ott 2018: Infrastructure updates
Scritto da Mataniko

Over the last few days the ScummVM team has been working hard on upgrading our infrastructure. During the process all of the supporting sites have been updated, cleaned up and secured with SSL support.

Due to how DNS propagation works it may take up to 48 hours until you can access the forums and wiki.

If you run into any problems with the Forums, Wiki, Translations, Bug Tracker, or any other website related issues please let us know. For minor issues feel free to post on this thread. For major problems use the bug tracker using the Web component to let us know.

23 ott 2018: Forums and Wiki maintenance
Scritto da Mataniko

Over the next few hours, both the ScummVM Forums and Wiki will be down for maintenance while we do infrastructure work on both sites.

We are working hard to bring them both back as soon as possible, thank you!

1 lug 2018: Our website got an update!
Scritto da lotharsm

We are not only constantly working on improving ScummVM's compatibility or implementing new games, but sometimes also on improving the project's general appearance.

Over the last couple of months, long-term ScummVM fan and new team member Mataniko worked hard on improving our website design which serves us well since over a decade. We are proud to say that the ScummVM website is now fully responsive and looks absolutely beautiful on your PC and your mobile devices.

If you have any issues with the updated website or the feeling that something is missing, please let us now on our Issue Tracker.

29 giu 2018: The Ending Has Not Yet Been Written!
Scritto da lotharsm

We are very happy to announce that our friends at Cyan, Inc. released their 25th Anniversary Collection of the Myst series today as digital download on GOG.com.

Myst — Masterpiece Edition and Riven — The Sequel to Myst are powered by ScummVM, while Myst III — Exile is driven by ResidualVM.

In the last couple of weeks, both the Cyan and the ScummVM teams have made great strides to improve game compatibility. Due to intense testing, we have already managed to fix most issues that were present in ScummVM and ResidualVM. However, due to the nature of software development, it's still possible that we missed something, so we need your help now.

While we can fix issues in the GOG.com versions of the games at a later date with a simple update, this won't be possible for the upcoming Collector's Edition on DVDs, so we need to make sure that we have fleshed out any bugs before the DVDs are manufactured.

So, please grab a copy from GOG.com or if you were a backer in the Kickstarter campaign, redeem your code. Visit Myst Island, roam through Age 233, have a nice stay in Releeshahn and report any issue you can find to our Bug Tracker.

And please... bring me the blue pages!

12 giu 2018: ScummVM and Cyan, Inc. are working together!
Scritto da lotharsm

Today, we have some awesome news to share. As you might have heard, Cyan, Inc. — the makers of Myst and Riven — are re-releasing the entire Myst series to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the original Myst game. And ScummVM and ResidualVM take part in this celebration in a special way!

Myst — Masterpiece Edition and Riven — The Sequel to Myst are powered by ScummVM, while Myst III — Exile is driven by ResidualVM.

In order to achieve the best possible gaming experience and to make your journey through the Ages even more pleasant, Cyan and ScummVM are establishing a new partnership, with both teams working together as closely as possible in the future!

Perhaps the ending has not yet been written — more news will follow soon!

1 mag 2018: Inconceivable, the royal pyramid besieged!
Scritto da Dreammaster

Battle to liberate the populace from the threat of the tyrant Lord Xeen, or his cruel master Alamar. Or dare to venture beyond the world of Xeen to the world of Havoc to test your mettle with a new challenge. We're pleased to announce support for the following games:

  • Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen
  • Might and Magic V - Darkside of Xeen
  • Might and Magic - World of Xeen
  • Might and Magic - World of Xeen 2 CD Talkie
  • Might and Magic - Swords of Xeen

At this time, only the English versions of these games are ready for testing. So break out your copies, or buy them digitally on GOG, and grab the latest daily build of ScummVM. You'll also need an extra required xeen.ccs file, which should be put in the same folder you copy your game files to.

Before you start testing any of the games, please be aware that given the large part combat plays in the game, any errors you encounter may be more difficult to replicate than in traditional adventure games. As such, it'll be a good idea to make a practice of regularly saving your game, just in case something goes wrong. If you do experience any crashes, or notice any functionality which seems incorrect, please let us know. Any problems found should be reported on our Issue Tracker.

23 apr 2018: GSoC 2018 projects announced!
Scritto da Criezy

GSoC Logo

Today Google announced the accepted projects for this year's Summer of Code. We are pleased and excited to say that ScummVM will be mentoring three students while ResidualVM will also have one student. All four of them will work on game engines:

Please welcome with us our four adventurous students for what we hope will be a productive and interesting summer! And you can follow their progress throughout the summer on the ScummVM Blogs.

31 mar 2018: IDA Disassembler
Scritto da DreamMaster

A recent discussion about the most recent IDA Disassembler freeware 7.0 revealed that it no longer supports disassembling older DOS and Windows executables. This is obviously a problem for potential contributors, as well as potential GSoC students wanting to reverse engineer an old adventure game or RPG for their project. The obvious solution is to provide an earlier freeware version that still supports them.

Consulting with Hex-Rays, they're kindly consented for us to host one of the earlier IDA freeware versions, for those in the future who wish to use it. After reviewing the earlier versions, we've settled on IDA Freeware Version 5.0. IDA 5.0 was the first version of IDA that added the convenient graph view, and this freeware version has both it as well as the ability to disassemble DOS executables. It's also not time limited like the demo versions, it's the most convenient for enthusiasts to try their hand at reverse engineering old games.

Considering how many of our game engines have been created by reverse engineering the original games, hopefully we will continue to see people interested in re-implementing games in the future.

The more the merrier :)

14 feb 2018: Another year, another Summer of Code
Scritto da Criezy

GSoC Logo

Two days ago, Google announced the organizations that have been accepted for this year's Summer of Code, and we are very pleased to announce that ScummVM is one of them, together with our sister project ResidualVM. The Summer of Code is a yearly event organized by Google to encourage students to contribute to open source projects. Open source organizations provide mentors and projects to work on, while Google give some money to participating students. You can find more information on the official web site. We also have some information on our wiki, and in particular project rules that applicants will need to follow.

Are you a motivated student? Are you available between May 14 and August 6? Do you want to be a contributor to one of the largest game preservation projects? Then ScummVM and ResidualVM are waiting for you! Have a look at our ideas page or bring your own idea! Students have until March 27 to write and submit proposals for the project they want to work on. The accepted proposals will be announced on April 23, and there will be a few weeks for community bonding before the start of the 12 week coding period on May 14.

In any case, don't hesitate to chat with us on IRC! One place: Freenode. Two channels: #scummvm and #residualvm

17 dic 2017: To: You. From: Release team. Subject: ScummVM 2.0.
Scritto da snover

Just in time for the holidays, the final release of ScummVM 2.0 is here! This version adds support for 23 brand new old games, including almost all of the 32-bit Sierra adventures:

  • Cranston Manor
  • Full Pipe
  • Gabriel Knight
  • Gabriel Knight 2
  • King's Quest VII
  • King's Questions
  • Leisure Suit Larry 6 (hi-res)
  • Leisure Suit Larry 7
  • Lighthouse
  • Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe
  • Phantasmagoria
  • Phantasmagoria 2
  • Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
  • Police Quest 4
  • RAMA
  • Riven: The Sequel to Myst
  • Shivers
  • Space Quest 6
  • Starship Titanic
  • The Dark Crystal
  • Time Zone
  • Torin's Passage
  • Ulysses and the Golden Fleece

There’s more than just new engines, too! Many existing games have been improved, a lot of work has been done to improve the overall audio and video systems, and some players will also enjoy improved joystick support and various small enhancements suggested by other users. A more complete list of changes in this release can be found in the ScummVM 2.0 release notes.

And now, a big round of thanks and congratulations to everyone who made this release happen.

Our super cool code contributors, who wrote all the things which went into this release: Aaryaman Vasishta, Alexander (Tkachov), Alexander Reim, Alexandre Detiste, Alyssa Milburn, angstsmurf, Arnaud Boutonné, Bastien Bouclet, Ben Castricum, Bendegúz Nagy, Cameron Cawley, Colin Snover, cpasjuste, D G Turner, Daniel Plakhotich, Dario Scarpa, David Fioramonti, Donovan Watteau, Einar Johan Trøan Sømåen, Eugene Sandulenko, Fedor (fedor4ever), Ferdinand Thiessen, Filippos Karapetis, Frank Richter, Hein-Pieter van Braam, Hubert Maier, iskrich, Ivan Avdeev, Joseph-Eugene Winzer, Kirben, kmar, Lothar Serra Mari, Lyubomyr Lisen, Marcus Comstedt, Martin Kiewitz, Michael Drüing, Nick Renieris, Omer Mor, Ori Avtalion, ottogin, Pala, Patrik Dahlstrom, Paul Gilbert, Peter Kohaut, Retro-Junk, Robert Crossfield, Robert Göffringmann, rsn8887, Ruud Klaver, Ryper_Zsolt, Schrijvers Luc, Simei Yin, stevenhoefel, Sven Hesse, Sven Kochmann, Tarek Soliman, Thierry Crozat, Thomas Fach-Pedersen, Tobia Tesan, Torbjörn Andersson, upthorn, vanfanel, VelocityRa, Vincent Bénony, Vincent Pelletier, Walter van Niftrik, Willem Jan Palenstijn, and Zbyněk Schwarz!

Our extra awesome community members and testers, who kindly banged on ScummVM and reported issues which were fixed during this cycle: ADeadTrousers, albadross, AlessioR, Alien-Grey, AndyILC, Arjak89, badungu, Bakhtosh, Bastien Bouclet, Ben Castricum, Benjamin Hodgetts, Bill Niakas, bramvandijk, carquinyoli, Colin Snover, counting_pine, ctoroman, cyberskull, d3p4z, dafioram, Daniel Wolf, danieljaeger, David Dew, david_corrales, dch216, dego93, Derek Warren, dominus, DustyShinigami, elaseela, Eliot Lash, enclume, EricOakford, esziarko, exmensa, Farmboy0, Filippos Karapetis, forge017, g5ppc, garethbp, gatesbillou, GeekZolda, George Kormendi, GermanTribun, greencis, Gualtiero, Hein-Pieter van Braam, henke37_2, hkzlab, Hubert Maier, Ignaz Forster, ilya13, Indy4-Fan, IntEmu, Ivan Lukyanov, Jan Sperling, Jarosław Jaworski, JCaesar13, jcmanciot, joachimeberhard, jomalin1, kervala, Kurufinwe21, Laylia27, legluondunet, legoking831, Lothar Serra Mari, Lyubomyr Lisen, macca8, maplesyrup, Markus Mahlstedt, Matan Bareket, Max Tabachenko, mcknallski, mthreepwood, MusicallyInspired, oddfff, Omer Mor, Ori Avtalion, Paul Gilbert, pegasusepsilon, PetrCejpek, Petter Sjölund, pliesenfeld, Quietust, r-alf-the-alf, Robert Megone, rsn8887, SeanW1975, Sergey, sluicebox, softwarespecial, Stefan Seeland, Stephane Lapie, Sven Hesse, Tarek Soliman, telanus, tgfmfc, Thierry Crozat, tobiatesan, Tomasz Grzegurzko, Torbjörn Andersson, Uukrull, vonmagnum, vorph999, Walter van Niftrik, Willem Jan Palenstijn, Windle Poons, zaurak, and zorbid.

Our exceedingly fantastic translators, who have helped bring ScummVM 2.0 to the users of 24 different Earth languages: Alex Jakovleff, Alexandre Folle de Menezes, Arius, Ben Castricum, Carlos, edward, Einar Johan Trøan Sømåen, Erik Zubiria, Ettore Atalan, Eugene Sandulenko, Fernando Sarmento, Filippos Karapetis, George Kormendi, Gilles, Hampus Flink, Ivan Lukyanov, JanShing, Jennifer McMurray, jepael, jeroen klop, John Doe, Jordi Vilalta Prat, Jose Roses, Joseph-Eugene Winzer, lorz, Lothar Serra Mari, Luis, Lyubomyr Lisen, Manuel, Martin Schoenmakers, Max von Werner, Michael D., Milo Casagrande, mézes gergely, pablobecerra, Paolo Bossi, Pavel Kungurtsev, Pere Orga, Peter Johansson, Petter Sjölund, poulsen93, Purple T, rafaelmessias, Rafał Będźkowski, Rafał Rzepecki, Rodrigo Vegas Sánchez-Ferrero, Rossano, Rouven Bauer, Santiago G. Sanz, Santiago Sanchez, selmiak, Sergio Carmona, Simon Sawatzki, Steffen Nyeland, Thierry Crozat, Timo Mikkolainen, Timofonic, Tobia Tesan, TomasM, Vitor Santos, Víctor Martínez Pajares, Walter Agazzi, wreednumero2, and Zbyněk Schwarz.

Our extremely good looking porters and packagers, for turning ScummVM into something you can actually run: Bastien Bouclet, Cameron Cawley, Colin Snover, Joost Peters, Keith Scroggins, Luc Schrijvers, Manuel Alfayate, Marcus Comstedt, Tarek Soliman, Thierry Crozat, and Willem Jan Palenstijn.

Our very wonderful technology sponsors, easyname, who provide us with servers and bandwidth so we can actually manage and send these releases to you.

And, finally, thank you to you, exceptional user, for using ScummVM, and (with deep apologies) to everyone else whose names I could not dig out of a database. Your support means a lot. You rock!

(And remember—shameless plug—if you want to see your name here, all it takes is one contribution to improve ScummVM!)

With no further ado, download ScummVM 2.0, our gift from us to you this holiday season.

Release team, signing off until next time!

22 nov 2017: ScummVM 2.0 Release Testing Has Begun
Scritto da snover

The day has finally arrived to wrap up the current ScummVM release cycle! ScummVM 2.0 is one of our biggest new releases to date and adds support for 23 games:

  • Cranston Manor
  • Full Pipe
  • Gabriel Knight
  • Gabriel Knight 2
  • King's Quest VII
  • King's Questions
  • Leisure Suit Larry 6 (hi-res)
  • Leisure Suit Larry 7
  • Lighthouse
  • Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe
  • Phantasmagoria
  • Phantasmagoria 2
  • Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
  • Police Quest 4
  • RAMA
  • Riven: The Sequel to Myst
  • Shivers
  • Space Quest 6
  • Starship Titanic
  • The Dark Crystal
  • Time Zone
  • Torin's Passage
  • Ulysses and the Golden Fleece

This release also includes significant new enhancements and bug fixes across many engines, so go ahead and play through an old classic you’ve been missing even if it’s not on this list!

Grab a daily build of ScummVM for testing, and make sure to follow our guidelines for release testing. Windows users, please use a Kirben daily build instead of a Buildbot daily build. Report any bugs you encounter to our bug tracker, and once you’ve finished a playthrough, fill out our test results form. You can track testing progress on the wiki as it happens.

Happy gaming!

10 ott 2017: Three new games about aliens
Scritto da snover

Go to an alien world, go to an alien world on an alien spaceship, or gehe zu einem fremden Raumschiff (go to an alien spaceship)! There are three alien worlds to choose from in our newest batch of adventures, now ready for testing in the latest daily build of ScummVM:

The Datafiles page has been updated with instructions on how to install these games. If you don’t own one, go to our where to get the games page to buy them!

Before you start your test run, for Lighthouse and RAMA, please read the instructions on our SCI testing page, and take some screenshots along the way. For Starship Titanic German, you’ll need an extra required titanic.dat file, which should be put in the same folder you copy your game files to.

Please keep in mind for Starship Titanic German that we're not all German speakers, so bug reports will need to be in English. Also, if any bugs you find involve text that's entered in the conversation tab to one of the bots, it will make things easier if you can replicate the problem using words that don't include letters outside of the English alphabet.

Have fun!

1 ago 2017: You're gonna need a SCI-cologist!
Scritto da snover

Go on a cruise, sort out some mixed-up nursery rhymes, or spend some time in a mental ward! The second batch of 32-bit DOS/Windows Sierra adventures are now ready to be tested in the latest daily build of ScummVM:

The Datafiles page has been updated with instructions on how to install these games. If you don’t own some, go to our where to get the games page to buy them!

Before you start your test run, please read the instructions on our SCI testing page, and take some screenshots along the way.

Have fun!

31 lug 2017: Defeat the ruler of the Fifth Age
Scritto da bgK

Right after the ending of Myst, you are promptly sent to another Age by Atrus, where his wife Catherine is stranded. Riven is the fifth Age written by Atrus' father, Gehn, which he rules as a cruel self-proclaimed god. Your dual mission is to rescue Catherine and imprison Gehn. To be successful you will have to carefully explore the five islands of Riven and solve the intricate puzzles they hide.

The ScummVM team is proud to announce that Riven: The Sequel to Myst is finally ready for its testing period. If you want to help with the tests, use the latest daily build of ScummVM to play the Windows or Mac version of the game. Please report the issues you encounter on our bug tracker. Be sure to follow our testing and bug reporting guidelines.

As a warm up before playing Riven, you may want to play Myst. If you do so, please use a daily build of ScummVM. Major changes were made to the game engine to remove situations where the game feels unresponsive. Some bugs may have escaped our attention. As with Riven, please report the issues you notice during your play-through.

2 lug 2017: Trapped on a luxury cruise ship.. In Space!
Scritto da Dreammaster

Explore a broken-down luxury cruise liner, try to convince the Deskbot to give you an upgrade, and eventually track down and fix the ship's governing computer, Titania. Or you're never going to get home. We're pleased to announce the testing period for the late '90s game Starship Titanic. At this time, only the English version is ready for testing. So break out your copy, and grab the latest daily build of ScummVM. You'll also need an extra required titanic.dat file, which should be put in the same folder you copy your game files to.

Before you start your test run, please be aware there is one specific kind of Indeo encoded AVI video we haven't yet figured out how to decode transparency information for. In a few areas, such as the SGT Stateroom and Titania's closeup, amongst others, you'll see objects with jagged black areas around them. Please just ignore the problem for now. But all other graphics or gameplay issues should be reported on our Issue Tracker.

17 giu 2017: Hi-Res Adventures
Scritto da waltervn

Last year, we added support for three of Sierra's Hi-Res Adventure games: Mystery House (#1), Mission: Asteroid (#0) and Wizard and the Princess (#2). We're proud to announce that three more Apple II games are now playable in ScummVM and ready for testing: Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (#4), Time Zone (#5) and The Dark Crystal (#6).

For Ulysses and the Golden Fleece, we currently support the Load 'N' Go budget release. For Time Zone and The Dark Crystal we support the disk images that can be found on some of the Sierra collection CDs. The Datafiles wiki page has been updated with the required filenames for the disk images.

If you own one of those classics, grab the latest daily build and try it out! If you encounter an issue, please post a bug report following our testing guidelines. And while you're at it, please take some screenshots!

You may be wondering what happened to Hi-Res Adventure #3: Cranston Manor. Unfortunately, we still have not been able to locate a copy of this game after looking for it for over a year. If you own it, we'd love to hear from you!

5 mag 2017: GSoC 2017 projects announced!
Scritto da Criezy

GSoC Logo

Today Google announced the accepted projects for this year's Summer of Code. We are pleased to say that ScummVM will be mentoring two wizard students who will have one mission: casting the Super Sludge Nova spell. Effects include adding support for two new engines, and the cooldown period is 12 weeks:

  • Joseph-Eugene Winzer (a.k.a. Joefish) will be working on adding support for the Mission Supernova game.
  • Simei Yin will work on porting the Sludge engine to ScummVM.

We extend a warm welcome to our students for what we hope will be a productive and interesting summer! You can follow their progress throughout the summer on the ScummVM Blogs.

28 apr 2017: Blinding you with SCIence
Scritto da snover

Explore a haunted museum, hunt a serial killer, mop the floor, descend into madness, find your true love, find your “true love”, travel to lands below, solve the Voodoo Murders, rediscover a lost opera—or do it all! The first batch of 32-bit DOS/Windows Sierra adventures are now ready to be tested in the latest daily build of ScummVM:

The Datafiles page has been updated with instructions on how to install these games. If you don’t own some, go to our where to get the games page to buy them!

Before you start your test run, please read the instructions on our SCI testing page, and take some screenshots along the way.

(If you have been itching to play some of the earlier SCI games, please take this time to run through them again too, as changes to the engine may also affect some 16-bit SCI games!)

Have fun!

1 apr 2017: We are changing our name!
Scritto da Criezy

Update: we were unable to reserve the plumbervm.org domain and thus, with a heavy heart, we decided to abandon our rebranding effort and go back to our old name. Long live ScummVM!

The issue of the name of ScummVM has been raised many times since we started to add engines for non-SCUMM games. Until now we decided to keep the original name. However, the addition today of an engine for Plumbers Don't Wear Ties changes everything. Due to its fame and reputation for being one of the best video game ever, it naturally becomes the flagship of what we stand for. Thus we have finally decided to change our name. We are now PlumberVM!

We used the name ScummVM for over 15 years, and this is with sadness that we say goodbye to it. It is a well known name and we do not underestimate the effort it will take to get the same recognition for our new name. Thus we are calling on your help to spread the news. In the short term this will inevitably lead to some disruption and confusion. But in the long term we are convinced that this is the right decision. With your support we will conquer the world! Starting from the sewers.

With the change of name we have also decided to expand even more the scope of our project. Last year we decided to accept engines for RPG games in addition to adventure games. Now we are also accepting any games that feature a plumber. Work has already started on the little known Super Mario Bros., and we have big plans for the future. We will have a big announcement soon, so stay tuned.

On a final note, it will take time for us to update all the places where our name appears. We have started today with our main website and you will notice in the next few days the change spreading to our social media accounts, wiki, forum and the pages not yet updated on our web site. We are also working on releasing PlumberVM 2.0 with the addition of two new supported games: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties and Full Pipe. This will happen as soon as the last few bugs in our engines for Plumbers Don't Wear Ties and Full Pipe have been squashed. Hopefully we won't find mutant turtles during testing. Squashing those is a real pain!

1 apr 2017: Take off your tie and become a plumber!
Scritto da Strangerke

We are very proud to announce that Retro-Junk has been working on ScummVM support for one of the most important games of Video Game History: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties!

Over the past few years, we've had a constant stream of requests asking us to investigate support for this genre-defining masterpiece. It changed the gaming industry forever, by introducing (among many other innovations) an awesome negative-filtered intro (with karting pandas), FMP as a genre game (Full Motion Pictures), and even to this day remains the only game which uses 42nd degree humour.

The engine reflects the astonishing complexity of the game, with 500 lines of code - at the time of writing, it would be one of the largest engine (62nd largest to be precise) in our tree. As you can imagine, it will take us some time to review and get it merged.

However, you can already grab the source code from this pull request on GitHub, build a copy and play it (only PC version supported currently). And remember, we are always interested in new screenshots!

We'd also like you to join us and give a very special thank you to two of our developers, uruk-hai and t0by. They've continued to relentlessly push for support of this game, keeping everyone motivated. This work may not have been possible without them!

Before you start your test run, we encourage you to read through our testing guidelines, and please take some screenshots along the way.

Now, go! Grab your copy of the game and the code, and enjoy this historical moment!

Update: If you thought it was an April Fool's Day joke, you have been trolled. The Pull Request on GitHub is genuine, and ScummVM will really support Plumbers Don't Wear Ties if it gets merged.

6 mar 2017: Welcome to the largest Summer of Code ever
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC Logo

This year, Google announced the largest Summer of Code ever, with 201 accepted organizations. We are very pleased to announce we are participating this year again, together with our sister project ResidualVM.

Are you a motivated student? Do you want to participate in the largest Google Summer of Code ever? Do you want to be known as a contributor to one of the largest game preservation projects?

Then ScummVM and ResidualVM are waiting for you! Have a look at our ideas page or bring your own idea!

In any case, don't hesitate to chat with us on IRC! One place: Freenode. Two channels: #scummvm and #residualvm

1 dic 2016: Make your Full Pipe dreams come true
Scritto da sev

The Dude... the Pipe... the Dark-Burrow-Dweller... and you.

After several years of development, the ScummVM Team is pleased to announce full support for the obscure, fancy, and engaging adventure game The Full Pipe (Полная Труба in Russian). Grab your Game CD (Android and iOS versions are not supported), the daily build, and help us test Dude's adventures in the world of Small Fries.

The game is not available in English, but doesn't have any text other than in the menus. Thus if you don't have the game already you can buy the German version published by Daedalic Entertainment.

Before you start your test run, we encourage you to read through our testing guidelines, and please take some screenshots along the way.

Now, go! The Dude just has fallen into the deep full pipe.

27 nov 2016: The ScummVM project has a new Translations site
Scritto da criezy

Translation status

Until now, translating the ScummVM software was not straightforward. Contributors had to get the translations template file to their computer, update the translation using a dedicated application, and then propose the updated translation to the ScummVM team using a Pull Request or our bug tracker. The ScummVM team itself also had some manual tasks to perform, such as updating the translation templates from the source code when needed or rebuilding the binary translation file after receiving a translator's contribution.

All this belongs to the past. Now, thanks to our new translations website, powered by Weblate, updating the translations is easier and more comfortable than ever before. Translation templates are updated automatically when needed, and so is the binary translation data file. Translators now just have to translate. That's it. The website also helps translators by performing automated quality checks and suggesting (machine) translations.

Finally, the new site also adds a community aspect to translations, enabling users to vote for suggested translations and even make their own suggestions. Anybody can view the translations, but you will need to log in to make suggestions, comment, and vote. You can log in using your GitHub or Facebook account, or by creating an account on the website. You will still need to contact us if you want to contribute further (for example to start a new translation or help on an existing one), as we will need to grant you access to the Translators group. Unlike regular users, translators can accept or reject suggestions and modify translations directly. Contact us by visiting the #scummvm IRC channel on irc.freenode.net or by sending an email to translation@scummvm.org if you are interested in becoming an official translator. Otherwise, head over to https://translations.scummvm.org/ now, and help us make ScummVM accessible to everyone.

17 ott 2016: ScummVM 1.9.0 "Myst-ery U.F.O.s release" is out
Scritto da sev

Our one month testing period is over. Thanks to a lot of help from you, our fellow users and testers, we are now ready to ship our next release.

As always, we have been busy adding more games and enhancing old ones. Now, after many years in production, we are proud to announce support for Myst and Myst: Masterpiece Edition.

Besides that, we now support U.F.O.s and the early Sierra Hi-Res adventures, namely Hi-Res Adventure #0: Mission Asteroid, Hi-Res Adventure #1: Mystery House and Hi-Res Adventure #2: The Wizard and the Princess, for a total of six newly supported games.

With this release we are switching to SDL 2, so please, report any bugs you encounter. Last time we introduced Sparkle-based updates for Mac, and now we're trying to launch it also for Windows. Hopefully, you will see it in action once we release our next version. Once again, we would like to mention that auto-updating is selected as an opt-in during your first start up. By default, if you enable it, it will check weekly for new releases. Screenshots of this in action can be seen at the WinSparkle website.

Notable bugfixes and enhancements include Hercules rendering and font for the AGI games, numerous bugfixes to SCI games, enhanced Sherlock games experience, and AmiUpdate on the Amiga port.

The full list of changes included in this release can be found in the release notes and the binaries are provided on our downloads page.

Wait no more, and start playing Myst or U.F.O.s right now!

15 set 2016: Adventure History in the Mystery House
Scritto da waltervn

"You are in the front yard of a large, abandoned Victorian house."

You can now experience adventure game history, and play Sierra's early Hi-Res Adventure #1: Mystery House in ScummVM. Dare you leap back to 1980 and take the steps up to the porch? Grab the game and a daily build, and join our testing by stepping back in time.

We're proud to announce that we now also have support for several other games using the same ADL system — which feature advanced technologies such as color graphics! Perhaps you'd rather save the planet (Hi-Res Adventure #0: Mission Asteroid), or save the princess ( Hi-Res Adventure #2: The Wizard and the Princess)?

We're working on the rest of the Hi-Res Adventure games, but in the meantime, we're releasing support for the Apple II versions of these three games for testing, and look forward to seeing any bug reports for problems you might find. We'd like to include these in our next release, so be sure to read through our testing guidelines, and don't forget to take some screenshots.

Mystery House was released into the public domain by Sierra On-Line in 1987, to celebrate their 7th anniversary. You can download it for free. For more details about the other games and where you might be able to buy a copy, take a peek at our wiki pages.

If you happen to have original floppies for any of the Hi-Res Adventure games (for any platform), we want to hear from you. In particular, if you have an Apple II version of Hi-Res Adventure #3: Cranston Manor, please get in touch. Many of these games are rare, and we cannot add support for all the different releases without your help!

13 set 2016: ScummVM Release 1.9.0 Testing Has Begun
Scritto da sev

Time flies quickly, and now it is time to start the release cycle for ScummVM 1.9.0.

Two new game engines became production quality, and we would like to ask you to test the following games:

  • Myst
  • Myst: Masterpiece Edition
  • U.F.O.s

Also, our SCI engine team has been busy improving the ScummVM experience with Sierra games, particularly with fixing the original script bugs. Thus, we would like to ask you to test several of those games as well.

The complete list of the games that require testing for this release can be found on our wiki.

Please use a daily build of ScummVM for testing. In case you encounter any bugs, there is a place for them to be reported at our bug tracker. Please, also track your progress on the forum thread and we can cross it out on the wiki. Please make sure to follow our guidelines for release testing which can be found here.

Also we're still lacking some screenshots, so please don't forget to snap some during your gameplay.

16 ago 2016: ScummVM project has moved to new Issue Tracker
Scritto da sev

Thanks to the hard work of wjp, we have moved away from SF.net to our own tracker at https://bugs.scummvm.org. This new service should be faster and more reliable than the old SF.net bug tracker.

All information has been migrated from the old bug tracker, including patches (though these days we encourage people to submit patches using a GitHub Pull Request instead).

For authentication, the new bug tracker uses GitHub accounts via OAuth2, which should make signing up safer and easier. We transferred all accounts from SF.net, but did not set up any e-mail addresses. Thus, after you log in for the first time, please make sure you specify your e-mail address in the preferences, otherwise we will not be able to get in contact with you.

6 giu 2016: Help Gnap to Repair His U.F.O.!
Scritto da Strangerke

While traveling through space in his spaceship, Gnap ran out of gas and crashed in the middle of a redneck farm. He's now lost on planet Earth and needs your help to fix his U.F.O. so he can continue his journey!

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that U.F.O.s aka GNAP: Der Schurke aus dem All is now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds, and is ready for testing.

Please report any bugs as well as unknown versions you find in our bug tracker, following our bug submission guidelines. As usual, we'll also love to see the screenshots of your playthrough!

25 mag 2016: ScummVM 1.8.1 "Where Is Your Android?" maintenance release is out
Scritto da sev

It has been a couple of months since ScummVM 1.8.0, which means it’s time for a new point release! ScummVM 1.8.1 is now available with fixes for important bugs and support for even more platforms.

One of the most important "features" of this release is a major upgrade to the Android port. This upgrade also adds support for the OUYA console. We are currently working on bringing this new release straight to Google Play, but for the impatient among you, feel free to go ahead and install the APKs manually. The Android port now comes in two flavours, our "classic" OpenGL-based one, and a new variant based on SDL. The SDL port has better compatibility with some Android devices and also works better with some engines. Please give it a try and tell us on our forums or via the bug tracker about your experience.

We will also be adding Nintendo 3DS support! As of release time, the new binaries have not yet been built by our new porter, but they should be available soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

64-bit Mac binaries now include experimental automatic update checking using Sparkle. Auto-updating is selected as an opt-in during your first start up, and by default checks weekly for new releases. When version 1.9.0 is released, users of 1.8.1 will be presented with a nice dialog for updating. If you'd like to see a similar feature for Windows or other platforms, let us know! All the details on how the update process works can be found here.

No ScummVM release would be complete without game engine updates! ScummVM 1.8.1 includes fixes for Drascula, Legend of Kyrandia, Labyrinth of Time, localized versions of I Have No Mouth, Broken Sword 2.5 and improvements to the Windows, OS X and GCW0 ports.

The full list of changes included in this release can be found in the release notes and the binaries are provided on our downloads page.

Get ready, grab your beloved Android device, install ScummVM on it, and play!

2 mag 2016: It is Time to Test ScummVM 1.8.1 Release
Scritto da sev

Since the 1.8.0 release we've been very busy with fixing small and big bugs in the newly supported engines, and now we are almost ready to present you the result in a form of the ScummVM 1.8.1.

Please, help us to test a few games, especially those which were not touched for a long time, or those which have significant changes in their engine. We prepared a short list on our wiki.

Also from now on we encourage you to test any game which we support and report any bugs or your success on the forum so we can keep track of current state of affairs in the ScummVM Land.

For testing the pre-release you need to download a daily build of ScummVM. If you spot some glitches or bugs, please report them on our bug tracker. If everything went smoothly, please report your success on the forums, and we will instantly reflect it on the wiki (yes, you can be famous for your testing efforts!) You can find a guide on how to test a new release here.

A few games are still missing screenshots. Please help up complete our gallery.

25 apr 2016: The students are known for GSoC 2016!
Scritto da criezy

GSoC 2016 Banner

On Friday Google announced the accepted projects for this year's Summer of Code. We are pleased to say that ScummVM will be mentoring four lucky students who will have to spend their summer in a dark room in front of their screen. We expect this will be an interesting Journey, passing through shadowy gates to visit scary dungeons under dark clouds. All while the mentors will be hunting three-headed monkeys on a tropical island, enjoying the sun, the beach and the grog.

  • Borja Lorente Escobar (a.k.a. blorente) will be working on porting the MacVenture engine to ScummVM.
  • Bendegúz Nagy (a.k.a. WinterGrascph) will work on adding support for Dungeon Master
  • Dmitriy Iskrich (a.k.a. Iskrich) will be working on a Macromedia Director engine, with focus on The Journeyman Project
  • Ткачёв Александр (a.k.a. Tkachov) will be adding cloud storage integration to ScummVM to allow sharing saves and game data between devices.

Welcome to our students for what we hope will be a productive and interesting summer! You can follow their progress throughout the summer on the ScummVM Blogs.

1 apr 2016: The ScummVM team welcomes John Carmack
Scritto da The ScummVM Team

We are pleased to announce that John Carmack (yes, the John Carmack) will be joining the ScummVM and ResidualVM teams.

We first met John at GDC 2016 and hit it off immediately.

We had been feeling for a while now that we have to move beyond simply recreating old games and actively improving them, while staying true to their original spirit. We talked to John about our plan after a few tequilas and he was immediately on board.

John's experience will be invaluable in helping us achieve our goal.

Here is screenshot of John's early work with Monkey Island - notice the improved combat system and the subtle tweaks to Captain Smirk's sprite, you'll see why we are so excited.

So please join us in welcoming John!

UPDATE: No, not really. This was a joke.

27 mar 2016: Explore the Myst library
Scritto da bgK

You stumble upon an old handwritten book. It describes an island world named Myst. When you touch one of its last pages, you are transported to the island. As you explore Myst you learn about its inhabitants Atrus, Catherine and their sons Sirrus and Achenar. You quickly discover each son is trapped in a book. Will you solve the puzzles of the Myst ages and free them?

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that Myst and Myst: Masterpiece Edition are now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds, and are ready for testing.

Reports of bugs and unknown versions are appreciated. They should go to our bug tracker, and must follow our bug submission guidelines. You can help us fill our screenshot gallery with captures from your playthrough.

In addition to the main game, the making-of video and the demo version are supported.

4 mar 2016: ScummVM 1.8.1 "Lost with Sherlock" è finalmente arrivato!
Scritto da sev

No, non vogliamo farne una regola di far passare sempre più tempo fra una release e l'altra! Sono passati mesi dall'ultima release, ma nel frattempo un sacco di lavoro è stato fatto, e il risultato è una delle nostre release più significative di sempre.

ScummVM 1.8 aggiunge il supporto a dieci nuovi giochi con otto motori nuovi di zecca:

  • Amazon: Guardians of Eden
  • Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity
  • Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars
  • Labyrinth of Time
  • Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
  • Sfinx
  • The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo
  • The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel
  • Zork: Grand Inquisitor
  • Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands

Oltre ai nuovi giochi, abbiamo aggiornato l'emulatore MT-32 incorporando l'ultima versione upstream di munt e abilitato Miles Audio per quei giochi che originariamente lo supportavano. I giochi non hanno mai suonato così bene in ScummVM!

Abbiamo anche riscritto tutto il sottosistema grafico in AGI. I titoli Sierra vanno bene come mai prima d'ora, compresi i menu specifici per le singole piattaforme, le palette colore e i font per le versioni Apple IIgs, Atari ST e Amiga dei giochi. È addirittura possibile passare dal look'n'feel di una piattaforma a un altro. Ah, i giochi in versione Apple IIgs ora vanno alla velocità corretta.

Tra le nuove piattaforme supportate spicca GCW-Zero (sev è riuscito a farsene finalmente arrivare uno dal Kickstarter) e Raspberry Pi.

Tra una cosa e l'altra siamo anche riusciti a spostare tutto il sito su un nuovo server e abbiamo aggiunto il supporto alle traduzioni al nostro sito. Se vuoi aiutarci a tradurre le news e i contenuti, qui c'è una guida.

Queste sono solo alcune delle novità salienti. Un elenco completo si trova nelle release note; gli eseguibili si possono scaricare come sempre dalla pagina dei download. Al momento di scrivere non tutti i mantainer dei singoli port hanno già caricato la versione aggiornata del package per la propria piattaforma; ti chiediamo di avere un po' di pazienza se ancora non trovi il download per il tuo sistema.

Non perderti nel Labirinto, e nella peggiore delle ipotesi puoi sempre provare a chiedere aiuto a Mr. Holmes. (Promettiamo che non passerà ancora così tanto tempo prima della prossima release)

1 mar 2016: Google Summer of Code 2016
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC 2016 Logo

Ieri, 29 Febbraio, Google ha pubblicato la lista delle organizzazioni accettate per l'edizione 2016 di Summer of Code: con grande piacere annunciamo di essere presenti.

Negli anni scorsi ci siamo principalmente occupati di giochi di avventura. Quest'anno, dopo averne discusso con il nostro progetto gemello ResidualVM, valuteremo con piacere anche proposte relative a giochi di ruolo.

ScummVM e ResidualVM aspettano a braccia aperte studenti motivati e ambiziosi che vogliano passare l'estate a riportare in vita giochi di avventura e RPG.

Partecipa anche tu alla nostra Summer of Code più calda! Dai un'occhiata alla nostra pagina delle idee o raccontaci la tua. Ti aspettiamo su IRC con impazienza!

Dove: Freenode. Canali: #scummvm e #residualvm

1 feb 2016: ScummVM Release 1.8.0: inizia la fase di test
Scritto da sev

È passato un bel po' di tempo, ma stiamo finalmente iniziando a preparci per la nostra prossima release, la 1.8.0.

Gli ultimi diciotto mesi sono stati belli pieni, e abbiamo aggiunto 10 (ten, zehn, dieci, dix, diez, десять) nuovi giochi:

  • Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
  • Sfinx
  • Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands
  • Zork: Grand Inquisitor
  • The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel
  • The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo
  • Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity
  • Amazon: Guardians of Eden
  • Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars
  • Labyrinth of Time

Abbiamo anche riscritto buona parte del motore AGI, dunque i giochi AGI dovrebbero funzionare meglio; potrebbero presentare anche nuovi bug.

Ci serve il tuo aiuto nel testare i giochi nuovi e i giochi AGI. Abbiamo raccolto un elenco delle cose che vanno testate sulla nostra wiki. Ci sono anche un paio di vecchi classici a cui una ripassata non farebbe male.

Se vuoi darci una mano, per prima cosa, procurati una daily build di ScummVM. Se trovi dei bug, ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere sul nostro bug tracker. Quando riesci a finire un gioco, faccelo sapere sul nostro forum così possiamo segnarlo sulla wiki e gli altri volontari possono concentrarsi sui giochi non testati. Ti preghiamo di seguire le nostre linee guida per il testing, che trovi qui.

Alcuni dei giochi nella lista avrebbero bisogno anche di qualche screenshot, che potresti fare man mano che giochi.

In bocca al lupo (in tutti i sensi) con le tue avventure!

23 gen 2016: Il labirinto deve essere distrutto!
Scritto da md5

Sei sulla metro quando il tuo vagone viene risucchiato in una dimensione parallela: un labirinto attraverso il continuum spaziotemporale. Il suo creatore, Dedalo, è costretto a costruirlo dal malvagio Re Minosse, che lo vuole per poter conquistare ogni luogo e tempo. Dedalo chiede il tuo aiuto per distruggere il labirinto prima che Minosse riesca nel suo intento.

Il team di ScummVM è lieto di annunciare che Labyrinth of Time è giocabile in ScummVM usando le ultime daily build ed è pronto per essere testato.

Per favore, segnala eventuali bug e versioni non riconosciute sul nostro bug tracker, seguendo le nostre linee guida. Come al solito, gli screenshot sono benvenuti.

Un grosso "grazie" a Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. per aver condiviso con noi il codice sorgente originale!

19 gen 2016: Una nuova casa per il nostro sito web
Scritto da sev

Ci siamo appoggiati a SourceForge.net per molti anni. È stata la prima casa che il nostro progetto abbia avuto, e ci siamo stati bene. Tuttavia, avevamo deciso da un po' che era tempo di crescere e stavamo cercando una nuova casa. L'anno scorso Florian Schicker, CEO di easyname GmbH ci ha fatto una proposta irresistibile: donarci un server e collocarlo nel Data Centre di easyname. La ciliegina sulla torta è che questo regalo ci è stato fatto perchè tutti i ragazzi di easyname "sono super appassionati dei buoni vecchi giochi Scumm" (parole loro). Date un'occhiata al loro sito, e in particolare a questa pagina in pieno stile Scumm! Grazie. Non ce lo aspettavamo.

E così, si trasloca. Abbiamo spostato per primo il nostro sito principale e la pagina dei download - vi sarete probabilmente già accorti dei miglioramenti in velocità e del fatto che i banner pubblicitari imposti da SourceForge.net durante i download non ci sono più. Gli unici banner sul nostro sito d'ora in poi saranno quelli che noi vogliamo (compreso naturalmente quello di easyname.com). Più avanti sposteremo altri servizi sul nuovo server - chissà, magari ne aggiungeremo anche di nuovi.

Benvenuti nella nostra nuova casa!

6 dic 2015: Un nuovo episodio di Broken Sword, dai fan per i fan
Scritto da md5

I templari colpiscono ancora in questo omaggio alla serie Broken Sword! George torna per indagare sull'origine di una misteriosa lettera sulla morte di Nico, e seguire ancora una volta le tracce dei moderni Templari...

Il team di ScummVM è orgoglioso di annunciare che il fangame Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars è giocabile usando le ultime daily build di ScummVM ed è pronto per essere testato.

Per favore, segnala eventuali bug e versioni non riconosciute sul nostro bug tracker, seguendo le nostre linee guida. Come al solito, gli screenshot sono benvenuti.

Un sentito "grazie" va al fantastico team mindFactory, autore di questo splendido sequel, che ha condiviso con noi il codice sorgente originale! È possibile scaricare gratuitamente il gioco a questa pagina.

22 nov 2015: Una porta d'accesso al mondo delle Amazzoni
Scritto da Strangerke

È il 1957 e sei Jason Roberts. Stai preparando una spedizione nella terra delle Amazzoni alla ricerca e di un tesoro perduto e del tuo scomparso fratello.

Il team di ScummVM è lieto di annunciare che Amazon: Guardians of Eden è ora giocabile in ScummVM usando le ultime daily build ed è pronto per essere testato.

Per favore, segnala eventuali bug e versioni non riconosciute sul nostro bug tracker, seguendo le nostre linee guida. Come al solito, gli screenshot sono benvenuti.

C'è un modo per aiutarci anche non possiedi il gioco: ci mancano gli screenshot per più di una dozzina di altri giochi. Dai un'occhiata alla lista, tira fuori i tuoi dischi originali e immortala le tue scene preferite!

11 nov 2015: I am the great Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!
Scritto da Strangerke

Twenty years after its original release, we are very proud to announce today the support of MTV's Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity. Accept the challenge of those anti-heroes of the 90's and help them find their way in an adventure full of puzzles and mini-games.

So, get the latest daily build of ScummVM and your version of the game and give BBVS a try! Please post any bugs and unrecognized versions you can find to our bug tracker, following the bug submission guidelines.

As usual, if you find interesting sights, we are interested in your screenshots.

13 set 2015: Elementary, my dear Watson
Scritto da Paul Gilbert

Sherlock Holmes, greatest detective of all times, has a pair of puzzling cases to solve. Firstly, a gruesome murder outside a theatre. Police are clueless. Could it be the work of the notorious killer, Jack the Ripper? Then, in his second case, his brother Mycroft is nearly killed in an explosion. In this case, you'll play initially as Watson, who tries to snap Sherlock out of his despair, and then as Sherlock, as he tries to piece together why Mycroft was attacked, and why he called for him just prior to the explosion.

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce support for both games of the The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes.. The Case of the Serrated Scalpel, and The Rose Tattoo. Many thanks go to Electronic Arts, for allowing us access to the original sources. Both games are now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds and ready for testing. For Serrated Scalpel, currently only the PC version is supported.. the 3DO version is mostly playable, but still needs further work. As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the game, we would also love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

So, have a play, and see if you're up to the challenge of stepping into the shoes of the great Sherlock Holmes. The game is afoot. Or in this case, games :)

30 mar 2015: Prepare for Gender-Bending
Scritto da Paul Gilbert

Rex Nebular, God's gift to the galaxy, has been stranded on a planet where he was attempting to locate to retrieve a valuable vase. To escape, he'll have to use the infamous Gender Bender to get in touch with his female side and successfully locate both the vase and a way to escape the planet.

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce support for Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender, the first MADS game written by Microprose. It is now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds and ready for testing. As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the game, we would also love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

So, dust off your copy and try it out. If you don't already own the game, it can be purchased online at GOG.com.

11 gen 2015: In case of Zork adventure, break glass!
Scritto da md5

ScummVM takes you on an adventure in the world of Zork, with support for two new games! In Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands, your task is to embark on a journey to solve the mystery of a spirit called Nemesis, and of the four alchemists it killed. On your second journey to Zork, in Zork: Grand Inquisitor, you must find three legendary objects that will restore all magic to the realm and bring about the fall of Grand Inquisitor Yannick, whose goal is to "shun magic, shun the appearance of magic, shun everything, and then shun shunning".

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that both Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands and Zork: Grand Inquisitor are now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds, and ready for testing. As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the two games, we would also love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

So, grab your game discs and help test! If you don't own the games already, they can be purchased online at GOG.com:

18 set 2014: Ci serve una mano per collaudare Sfinx
Scritto da uruk

Abbiamo appena aggiunto il supporto a un nuovo gioco, Sfinx, in ScummVM. Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che è pronto per la fase di test. Grazie agli sviluppatori originali, il gioco è ora freeware e lo si può scaricare dal nostro sito. Oltre alla versione originale in polacco, offriamo per la prima volta anche una versione tradotta in inglese! Non si tratta di una versione definitiva: se parli il polacco e/o l'inglese e non ti spaventa trovarti davanti a errori di spelling o grammatica nei testi della versione inglese, il tutto tenendo d'occhio come al solito bug e malfunzionamenti vari, ci potresti aiutare.

Insomma, ci servono tester!

Se vuoi aiutarci, recupera l'ultima daily build e i file del gioco!

Per favore, segnala eventuali bug e versioni non riconosciute sul nostro bug tracker, seguendo le nostre linee guida. Come al solito, gli screenshot sono benvenuti!

10 ago 2014: Inherit the Earth Turns 20 — Video of New Game in Series Released
Scritto da sev

This year is the 20th anniversary of the release of the classic video game Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb. The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. has announced that it is developing a sequel entitled Inherit the Earth: Sand and Shadows.

This all-ages adventure game is set in a world of humanoid, anthropomorphic animal characters. The story follows Rif the Fox as he tries to confirm the rumors that an important relic of the legendary humans has survived and who is responsible for the relic's recovery. Unfortunately, there are sinister forces involved in the rumors — ones that endanger Rif, his friends, and his society.

"Inherit the Earth: Sand and Shadows will be enchanting and thrilling game for all to enjoy, with subtleties and hidden depths that can be appreciated by older players," said company president, Joe Pearce. "With the help of the backers to the funding drive, we expect to release a great game mid-2015."

A video demo has been released on the game's website at http://InheritTheEarth2.com. The video provides a preview of the art, animation and play experience that will appear in the product.

In conjunction with this announcement, the company has launched a funding drive on Kickstarter to help in completing development of the game. Information about this drive can be found at http://InheritTheEarth2.com/kickstarter.

21 lug 2014: ScummVM 1.7.0 "The Neverrelease" is out!
Scritto da sev

A year has passed and ScummVM 1.7.0 is here.

With this release we have added support for 5 completely new games. These are:

  • The Neverhood
  • Mortville Manor
  • Voyeur
  • Return to Ringworld
  • Chivalry is Not Dead

Also, we have updated the MT-32 emulator, added an OpenGL backend, improved many aspects of the GUI, enhanced the AGOS engine, made Urban Runner's videos less CPU-demanding, fixed tons of bugs in dozens of SCI games, improved sound in Loom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and improved platform portability for the Tony and Tinsel engines.

But this is not all. We have added experimental support for the OUYA console (we couldn't add GCW-Zero support simply because sev still awaits his console from Kickstarter), made major improvements to the PS2 port and merged the Bada with Tizen ports.

The full list with all changes mentioned can be found in our release notes and the release can be obtained as usual from our downloads page.

Everybody Way Oh!

16 giu 2014: Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3
Scritto da clone2727

The forthcoming 1.7.0 release of ScummVM is almost here! This time around, we have a total of five newly supported games:

  • Chivalry Is Not Dead
  • Mortville Manor
  • Return to Ringworld
  • The Neverhood
  • Voyeur

But before we can release the latest and greatest version of ScummVM, we need help testing out all these new games. Besides the aforementioned new games for this release, the DOS floppy versions of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Loom, require testing running with our AdLib emulator. You can always check out which games still need testing on our wiki. There are also a few other old classics on that list that could use another run through.

A daily build is all that is required to get started. If you happen to find any bugs, please report them on the bug tracker. After completing one of the games, please let us know on the forums so we can post the results up on the wiki page. Be sure to follow our guidelines for release testing, which can be found on the wiki as well.

And while you play through these newly supported games, please submit some screenshots!

7 giu 2014: Release your inner Voyeur.
Scritto da DreamMaster

Or, the "Better late than never" announcement. It was pointed out to me today that although we merged Voyeur into the master branch some months ago, we never actually called for an official testing period. So this announcement seeks to remedy that.

Take on the role of a private investigator. A powerful CEO with aspirations for the presidency has invited his family to his home for the weekend. There are suspicions of corruption, and you've been hired to find out his secrets, and determine just what he's hiding.

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that Voyeur is now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds, and ready for testing. As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the game, we would also love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

19 mag 2014: Dreamweb Freeware Release Updated
Scritto da sev

After more than two years since the original freeware release, the ScummVM Team is announcing an update for the Dreamweb packages.

Thanks to the work of Simon Sawatzki we have the game manuals as well as the Diary of a (Mad?) Man available in text and HTML format for the majority of our releases, so you can use your preferred text-to-speech program to read them as your bedtime story.

All releases now include these documents and are marked as version 1.1. Of course, the previously available high resolution scans will stay on the download page as well.

Additionally we have taken the opportunity to release the Italian version of the game.

All packages can be downloaded from our Games page.

23 apr 2014: The students are known for GSoC 2014!
Scritto da wjp

GSoC 2014 Banner

The accepted Google Summer of Code proposals have been announced yesterday, and we are pleased to say that ScummVM will be mentoring two students, for projects with a Polish theme.

  • Peter Bozsσ (a.k.a. uruk), who you may remember from last year, will work on an engine (and translation to English) of the Polish game Sfinx.
  • Lukasz Watka (a.k.a. lukaslw) will work on an engine (and translation to English) of the Polish game The Prince and the Coward.

Additionally, ScummVM is acting as an umbrella organisation during GSoC for our sister project ResidualVM. They will be mentoring three students:

  • Stefano Musumeci (a.k.a. subr3v) will be working on refactoring and optimizing the TinyGL software renderer.
  • Joni Vδhδmδki (a.k.a. Akz) and Joseph Jezak (a.k.a. JoseJX) will both be working on improving the Escape from Monkey Island engine, tackling bugs and missing features from two different angles.

We expect it will be a productive and interesting summer!

1 apr 2014: Edward Snowden joins ScummVM
Scritto da Digitall

Happy April Fools' Day! Unfortunately, we haven't really got a new developer... though pull requests are welcome!

We do not normally announce new developers here, but we have an unusual and talented developer recently join the team, Edward Snowden.

When we first got the e-mail from a dot-ru address which we will not be disclosing, we were skeptical.

However upon verifying his PGP key, we are convinced that this is not some kind of April Fools joke and are happy to welcome a talented software developer with enthusiasm to the team.

He is apparently a big fan of point and click adventures, especially Beneath a Steel Sky,, Dreamweb, Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth, and I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. His collection allowed him to pass a long stopover at an airport last year and he decided then, once he had sorted some personal issues to get around to contributing some code to ScummVM.

As an avid fan of Larry Niven, he will be initially working on the TSaGE support for Return to Ringworld along with Strangerke, and will be using the nickname "crazyeddie"

Please can we ask the other developers and users not to bother him about any issues outside of ScummVM and not to send any irrelevant e-mails to his ScummVM address at "crazyeddie@scummvm.org" Thanks!

1 apr 2014: A Landmark Achievement
Scritto da Strangerke clone2727

Happy April Fools' Day! Much thanks to LordHoto for the mock achievement dialog code and for the Hand of Fate and Zak McKracken quotes. Thanks to ST, DrMcCoy, and Strangerke for all their input.

Due to high demand, ScummVM is extremely proud and thrilled to announce the introduction of achievements to various games. Games really have no replay value without achievements, so we hope that our loyal users will enjoy finally being able to play them again the way they've always meant to be played. They're finally ready for the 21st century!

The ScummVM team managed to put together a huge list of achievements that we wanted to see in various games, including some not-yet-supported ones. From there, we just plugged in our simple dialog and achievement tracking code, and were able to add it to all engines easily. Soon integration with the forums will be complete and you will be able to share all your achievements there.

LordHoto was really excited to work on this feature saying, "This is the coolest feature I've added to The Legend of Kyrandia." "First Steam's achievements came to Linux and now this? Linux gamers should be thrilled for all the achievements they can now earn!" added DrMcCoy.

We've gathered up some screenshots of some of our favorite ones:

Full Throttle Screenshot

The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate Screenshot

The Curse of Monkey Island Screenshot

Geisha Screenshot

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Screenshot 1

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Screenshot 2

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Screenshot 3

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders Screenshot

5 mar 2014: Summertime and the codin' is easy
Scritto da Strangerke & DJWillis

GSoC 2014 Banner

We are very excited to announce that we are going to be doing things a little differently this year. In addition to our own participation in Google Summer of Code, ScummVM will also be acting as an umbrella organization for our sister project, ResidualVM.

Both projects will be working hand in hand with students and mentors over the coming months. The first obvious sign of this collaboration can be found in our merged GSoC ideas page.

So if you're interested in being a GSoC student this year, please take a look at the ideas page and come and talk to us. We love to welcome potential students on IRC and the ScummVM and ResidualVM mailing lists are also splendid places to start! We have a lot of exciting things to suit a range of skillsets and we also warmly welcome task proposals other than those on the list if you feel so inspired!

25 feb 2014: Let's welcome the GSoC students
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC 2014 Banner

For the seventh year in a row, we have been accepted as a Google Summer of Code project.

Perhaps it is because both our project and the program have unusual letter casing? The world may never know, but we are thrilled to be accepted again and welcome fellow students to join our team and work on awesome 2D point-and-click adventures. If you are an eligible student for the GSoC and want to contribute to your favorite open-source project, take a look at our project ideas, but you always can offer your own.

But, please, no Digger support: it's not an adventure!

18 gen 2014: Welcome to Mortville Manor
Scritto da Strangerke

You are Jerome Lange, a Bogart clone private eye who's received an invitation from an old friend to join her at Mortville Manor to help with a desperate situation. With a name like Mortville you might suppose something is seriously wrong and, yes, you're right. Your old friend Julia has already departed to Deadsville.

So... Who did dunnit?

Based on the sources provided by DotEmu and by Lankhor founders and developers, the ScummVM Team is pleased to announce support for France's 1987 Game of the Year: Mortville Manor. Only the DOS versions are supported, and ScummVM is bringing to you the first DOS English translation. So, grab your disk and copy the files, then start playing using the latest daily build of ScummVM and help us testing it.

As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the game, we would also love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

12 gen 2014: Chivalry is NOT Dead!
Scritto da somaen

Lord Horrible has sent you on a quest to kill the Queen of Everything, playing the role of the horribly disfigured Phlegmwad you will have the chance to choose how to (not?) fulfill this quest of epic proportions.

With great help from game developer Deirdra Kiai and Wintermute developer Jan Nedoma the ScummVM Team is pleased to announce support for our first Wintermute game: Chivalry is Not Dead. So, download a copy of the game and start playing in the latest daily build of ScummVM and help us with testing this open-ended game.

How many endings can YOU find?

As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. You can find a list of data files in the data files page on our wiki. Of particular note is the need for a copy of arial.ttf (or a similar replacement, for instance FreeSans from GNU FreeFont.) For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.

27 dic 2013: The Neverhood comes to ScummVM!
Scritto da md5

The Neverhood needs you! Klaymen, our hero, wakes up in a building in the strangely empty world of Neverhood. It's up to you to explore and find out what happened to Neverhood's wacky clay world.

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that The Neverhood is now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds, and ready for testing. As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the game, we would also love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

2 dic 2013: Thanksgiving with a Ring.
Scritto da DreamMaster

"They said it would it would never be done. They were wrong." After a slight hiatus at the start of the year, work has finally finished on our next TsAGE game, Return to Ringworld. The only remaining work still in progress is a card game available on the in-game consoles, and is completely unrelated to the main story.

This is a direct sequel to the original Ringworld game.. after saving the puppeteer race from extermination and uncovering some powerful ancient technology on the first game, Quinn, Seeker of Vengeance and Miranda Rees find themselves searched for as fugitives by all three major species, so they plan to go to Ringworld to hide. But it turns that their ship has suffered problems. And fixing them and getting to Ringworld will only be the start of their problems..

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that Return to Ringworld is now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds, and ready for testing. As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the game, we would also love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

5 nov 2013: Wintermute is coming, brace for testing
Scritto da somaen

The Wintermute engine has been in the works in ScummVM for a little over a year now, and it has gotten more and more mature, to the point that we feel it is getting close to being ready for release.

Since the amount of games involved is rather huge, we'd love to get some help with a round of testing before we check off on the engine being ready for our next release. Thus, we have semi-arbitrarily selected a set of Wintermute-games that would benefit from some testing, and hope that some of our wonderful users are willing to take them for a spin.

If you are interested, head on over to our WME Testing thread.

11 ott 2013: Release of ScummVM The Movie! - 12th Anniversary Celebration
Scritto da digitall

On the 9th of October 2001, the very first commit was made to a CVS repository and thus the ScummVM project was born...

As I write this post, it is now the 11th of October 2013 and we have over 58000 commits in the ScummVM Git repository... but still based on that initial commit over a decade ago!

Thus on the project's 12th anniversary, I believed ScummVM deserved a present... Thus myself, James Woodcock and the ScummVM PR Team present "ScummVM: THE MOVIE"! :)

This visualization is powered by Gource.If you want to play with this yourself or render a full length HD version, then you can find the scripts to do this here.

So get the popcorn and enjoy!

31 mag 2013: Release of ScummVM 1.6.0 "+4 to engines"
Scritto da sev

After 11 long months we are thrilled to announce the release of ScummVM 1.6.0.

It's not very often (if ever) that we add 4 new engines in a single release, but yes, these have been busy months for the team indeed.

Let's just list the new games 1.6.0 contains for you:

  • 3 Skulls of the Toltecs
  • Eye of the Beholder
  • Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon
  • Hopkins FBI
  • Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths
  • The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime

Other significant features include support for the Macintosh version of Discworld 1 and the music in the Macintosh versions of LucasArts adventures, an update to the latest Roland MT-32 emulation code, a new cool grid chooser for your savegames, an extended FluidSynth configuration dialog, and major bugfixes to bike fights in Full Throttle. We have also added Belarusian, Finnish and Galician translations to our GUI.

Of course, there is much more; you can find the full list in our release notes and the release itself on our downloads page.


31 mag 2013: Students for GSoC are known!
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC 2013 Banner

We announced 6 weeks ago that Google accepted ScummVM for the Google Summer of Code this year again.

This week Google revealed 4 students will work with us this summer!

In order to tease you a bit, here is a short introduction:

  • RichieSams will work on integrating Marisa Chan's Z-Engine, which concerns Zork Nemesis and Zork Grand Inquisitor.
  • Rundfunk will focus on GUI extensions and improvements, with particular care for touchscreen devices.
  • Uruk will port the Avalanche engine from Pascal to C++. This is to support the game Lord Avalot d'Argent.
  • T0by will work on our Wintermute engine to fix several issues and add a number of features not present in WME Light

We'd like you to join us and warmly welcome those four students and wish them all the best for the next 3 months.

We also are really grateful to Google for giving us the opportunity to mentor students this year and benefit from their passion.

Stay tuned!

21 apr 2013: ScummVM 1.6.0 is Near
Scritto da sev, Strangerke

Greetings, fellow adventure gamers! We have finally come to the point when ScummVM 1.6.0 testing starts.

This release adds support for a number of new games that need to be tested:

  • 3 Skulls of the Toltecs
  • Eye of the Beholder
  • Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon
  • Hopkins FBI
  • Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths
  • The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime

In addition, if you have Macintosh version of Discworld, please give it a try as well.

A daily build should be used for testing these, and if something goes unexpectedly wrong, please report it to our bug tracker. The completed games need to be reported on our forums and we will update our release testing page. For a usable test report, we need you to provide the version, language, and platform of the game you're testing. And, of course, please stick to the testing guidelines.

This release also has another interesting aspect. Depending on how intensively games are tested, we will add support for one more game: Hopkins FBI. For support to happen, we need test results on several platforms using several variants of the game, which includes the BeOS, OS/2, Linux and Windows versions.

In conclusion, if you want Hopkins FBI in ScummVM 1.6.0, grab your originals and contribute to this new testing period! We are also in need of screenshots too! Please submit them to our patch tracker.

20 apr 2013: Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer Music Enhanced Soundtrack Released
Scritto da Strangerke

ScummVM Music Enhancement Project

James Woodcock has today released his enhanced music for classic point & click adventure game Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer, as part of his 'ScummVM Music Enhancement Project'.

By adding the external digital music files provided for free by James and with our ScummVM software, users can enjoy the updated soundtrack within the actual title as it is played.

Using modern MIDI hardware, James edits the original MIDI information and records them as external digital music files. Developers of ScummVM then add code so the newly created files will work within the titles.

"ScummVM has always inspired my involvement and although I am not a programmer, I hope my ScummVM Music Enhancement Project adds a little extra enjoyment to users of this fine point and click adventure software." says James Woodcock, creator of the enhanced soundtrack.

James has previously released other enhanced soundtracks for titles including:

  • Beneath A Steel Sky
  • Discworld
  • Inherit the Earth
  • Simon the Sorcerer
  • The 7th Guest

To download the enhanced soundtrack, click there.

12 apr 2013: Fancy an adventure in adventure gaming?
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC 2013 Banner

ScummVM has been accepted for the Google Summer of Code 2013!

We're hoping to find another group of students who want to help out the ScummVM project and get paid for 12 weeks of coding work over the summer.

Maybe you'd like to help us improve support for games, or enhance our user interface? Perhaps you'd like to revamp our OpenGL support and accelerate the rendering of some engines? Or do you have even bigger ideas, like starting support for yet more games?

If any of this seems like a good way to spend your summer, take a look at our ideas list, or drop into our IRC channel (#scummvm on irc.freenode.net) and have a chat with us!

Beware: the application period is from April 22 to May 3, so be sure to talk to us in time! We know from previous years that it's really helpful to apply early, and to get involved with the ScummVM community so we can help to revise your application.

28 mar 2013: Pegasus Takes Flight
Scritto da clone2727

It's the year 2318; you're part of an agency created to protect the integrity of the timeline after time travel has been invented. After it is detected that someone has changed the past, it's up to you to repair the time stream!

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce support for the Macintosh version of The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime. So go grab the latest daily build of ScummVM and play through the game to assist us in testing!

If you find any bugs while playing, please report them to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. For information on how to extract the data off the disc, follow instructions listed on our wiki.

2 gen 2013: Find the lost treasure of the Toltecs!
Scritto da md5

After saving an old peddler from a band of bandits, Fenimore Fillmore finds out about three skulls that will unlock the lost treasure of the Toltecs! It's up to him to find the golden skulls and the treasure, before the bandits do!

The ScummVM Team is pleased to announce support for 3 Skulls of the Toltecs. So grab your copies of the DOS versions of the game and start playing in the latest daily build of ScummVM and help us with the testing, while enjoying this great cartoon western adventure game!

As usual all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. You can find a list of data files in the data files page on our wiki. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.

22 dic 2012: ResidualVM Reaches 0.1.0
Scritto da Strangerke

Grim Fandango was created on the peak of LucasArts games popularity. The ever-inspirational Tim Schafer in a fury of artistry packed together the best atmosphere he could create and the game was born. For a while there was great and steady efforts on creating an engine which would run this masterpiece on the modern hardware. The project is called ResidualVM.

After more than 9 years of hard work, our "sister" project, ResidualVM has reached a stable state and is now announcing their first stable release.

We survived the apocalypse! Let's celebrate that: grab your original of Grim Fandango and visit their site!

30 nov 2012: ScummVM Summons the Heroes of the Forgotten Realms
Scritto da LordHoto

The city of Waterdeep is in dire need of heroes to defend it from the evil below the city. Assemble a group of four heroes, heed the call of the Lords of Waterdeep and start your quest in the sewers below the city!

But beware, for this is not your only quest. Archmage Khelben needs you to investigate strange happenings near the Temple of Darkmoon. People around it are disappearing and human remains are found in shallow graves.

The ScummVM Team is pleased to announce support for Eye of the Beholder and Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon. So grab your copies of the DOS versions of the games and start playing in the latest daily build of ScummVM and help us with the testing, while enjoying these great games.

As usual all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. However, please make sure you have got all the required data files before you report a bug. You can find a list of data files on our wiki, here are the links for Eye of the Beholder and Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.

Happy dungeon crawling!

25 ott 2012: Tony Tough, a New Supported Game
Scritto da sev

The ScummVM team, in close collaboration with Nayma soft (the legal rights owner) and DotEmu, is happy to announce support for Tony Tough in our development branch. The title is available for purchase from DotEmu.

However, the game was tested only on Windows and Linux, so we would like to announce our usual testing period. Please grab the game from your attic or purchase it from DotEmu, test it with a daily build and submit your bug reports to our bug tracker.

We would also like to take this opportunity to announce the affiliation program with DotEmu: By buying games through this link or by using the banner on the right side of the page, you will be supporting ScummVM.

21 ott 2012: Dreamweb Released As Freeware
Scritto da Strangerke

Thanks to the generosity of Creative Reality and Neil Dodwell, the ScummVM team is happy to announce the freeware release of Dreamweb.

This game was originally released in 1994 and is set in a cyberpunk dystopian city where a bartender named Ryan has been having some disturbing dreams...

You can find the freeware release for English, French and Spanish on our downloads page.

The ScummVM team would like to make it clear that this game was given a (15) certification at release as it features a disturbing story and violence, and is thus not suitable for children.

If you happen to own an original version not yet available on our download page, please contact us so we can work on making it free too!

17 ott 2012: More FOTAQ!
Scritto da Strangerke

After the previous announcement, several of you asked for the Italian version of Flight of the Amazon Queen. We would like to thank Hkz for providing the original CD and John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis for accepting our request to make this version freeware. The ScummVM project team is therefore proud to bring you the Italian version of the game, using English speech with Italian subtitles.

You can download it from the downloads page. Have fun!

2 ott 2012: Amazone Queen
Scritto da Strangerke

Several years ago, we brought you the English, the German and the Hebrew versions of "Flight of the Amazon Queen". Today, thanks to John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis over at Krome Studios in Australia and their previous discussions with James 'Ender' Brown, the ScummVM project team is proud to bring you the French talkie version of the game.

You can download it from the downloads page. Have fun!

16 set 2012: GSoC 2012 — Results
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC 2012 Logo This year, we had the great honor to have four students accepted by Google's Summer of Code to work on ScummVM:

Jakimusha worked on a testing framework, Singron on improving our scalers by creating a plugin system, Somaen on the integration of the Wintermute engine in ScummVM, and Upthorn worked on improving our code for saving games.

The Wintermute engine has already been merged, and pull requests for the new testing framework and the new scaler plugin systems are currently being polished. While Upthorn's project didn't last the summer, we have a pull request which adds much-improved support for saving games to the composer engine.

The next and final step for this year of GSoC is the mentor summit, where ScummVM will be represented again by sev and Strangerke.

We'd like to thank once again Google for their organization, their support and for accepting us this year again. ScummVM made a great step forward thanks to them, once again!

We'd also like to warmly thank Jakimushka, Singron, Somaen and Upthorn for working this summer with us, with a special mention for Somaen who decided to keep working for ScummVM on Wintermute. We hope that some of the others might do so too!

9 ago 2012: The 7th Guest Enhanced Soundtrack Released by James Woodcock for ScummVM
Scritto da Strangerke

As part of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project, James has released version 1.0 of his enhanced soundtrack for The 7th Guest.

The 7th Guest is James' 5th enhanced soundtrack released so far with another on the horizon. The project enables users of ScummVM who own the original game the ability to experience game MIDI music through high quality modern equipment without any of the cost, which has been in this case edited and recorded on James' Tyros4 keyboard, currently Yamaha's flagship model.

"The 7th Guest revolutionised the way in which we experience video games and the soundtrack originally created by The Fat Man added to the overall atmosphere and splendour" commented James Woodcock, creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project. James continued "With the wonderful soundtrack originally in MIDI format, it was an obvious title to target for enhancement and I appreciated that Trilobyte Games gave their blessing".

James has already released enhanced soundtracks for Simon the Sorcerer, Discworld, Inherit the Earth and more recently Beneath A Steel Sky.

You can download the enhanced soundtrack that is compatible with ScummVM 1.5.0 and watch a video of it in action by visiting James' website below:
The 7th Guest Enhanced Soundtrack & Video

27 lug 2012: ScummVM 1.5.0 "Picnic Basket" Released
Scritto da sev

Little Red Riding Hood looking over at her grandmother's latest install of ScummVM, noting the update to version 1.5.0 and asked "My what a lot of games you now support". "All the better to entertain you with my dear!" responded the curiously grinning relative.

We all love to feast on the most sumptuous of gaming titles and our latest release will fulfil your craving for even more classic point and click adventures.

Version 1.5.0 adds support for Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood and the following titles:

  • Backyard Baseball 2003
  • Blue Force
  • Darby the Dragon
  • Dreamweb
  • Geisha
  • Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon
  • Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story
  • Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage
  • Soltys
  • The Princess and the Crab

As always, there are many more new features; you can find the full list in our release notes and the release itself on our downloads page.

Enjoy and hopefully you won't find the big bad wolf who is sure to give you a byte!

30 giu 2012: New release testing period: ScummVM 1.5.0
Scritto da Strangerke

Once again, it's time to start a new testing season to prepare the release of ScummVM v1.5.0. As usual, we have announced several new supported games:

  • Backyard Baseball 2003
  • Blue Force
  • Darby the Dragon
  • Dreamweb
  • Geisha
  • Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon
  • Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story
  • Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood
  • Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage
  • Soltys
  • The Princess and the Crab

So, go grab your favorite games, and play through them using a daily build. Soltys is also available as a freeware on our download page. If you find any bugs, report them on the bug tracker. Once you've completed a game, please report it on the forums so it can be added to the release testing wiki page. When reporting, make sure you provide the version, language, and platform of the game you're testing. Any other questions? Go see the Release Testing guidelines.

16 giu 2012: Oh! But, Grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have!
Scritto da DrMcCoy

All the better to eat you with!

We are proud to announce that yet another Coktel Vision game is supported now. Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood is an interactive story following the well-known fairy tale and lets you play as either the titular Little Red Riding Hood or as the wolf.

So if you want to rescue and/or eat Grandmother, get the latest daily build of ScummVM and your copy of Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood; and report all bugs you find to our bug tracker. As always, we would like you to make screenshots along the way as well, and submit them to our patch tracker. See the bug submission guidelines and screenshot guidelines for more help on these topics.

2 mag 2012: Nightmares of a Bartender
Scritto da Strangerke

Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink...

Euh... No, not this nightmare: you're Ryan, a bartender who can't sleep peacefully for months because of weird dreams and nightmares. During one of those, a monk suggests you become the deliverer who would keep the Dreamweb safe by killing its enemies.

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that Dreamweb is now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds, and ready for testing.

Please post any bugs you find in the bugtracker, following our bug submission guidelines. Any screenshots of your playthrough is welcome.

24 apr 2012: In the Summertime
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC 2012 Logo

Almost six weeks ago, we announced you that ScummVM has been accepted by Google for its Google Summer of Code 2012. Since then, we received many good applications and we asked a lot of efforts to the students to clarify and enhance theirs. We'd like to thank them all for all these efforts!

Yesterday, Google announced the list of accepted students and tasks per project and it's with great joy that we announce you that this year, 4 students will be working on ScummVM tasks:

  • Jakimushka will work on a new testing framework based on an event recorder/player
  • Singron will turn scalers into plugins and will add some new ones
  • Somaen will integrate the Wintermute Lite engine and will add some currently missing functionalities
  • Upthorn will work on a new save anywhere feature, per engine, particularly useful for mobile devices

We'd like to welcome them warmly and to wish them the best! And of course, last but not least, we'd like to thank Google for giving us the possibility, once more, to work with talented students during summer time.

1 apr 2012: ScummVM .NET
Scritto da ST clone2727

Happy April Fools' Day! Thanks to ST for providing a screenshot of one of his Groovie C# tools.

No, we're not moving to a new website. I'm proud to announce the new ScummVM rewrite in C# for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 ports. This does not include any of the previous "ScummVM-XNA" code and is all new code based on our current working tree.

The Windows Phone 7 port has been the main target of our work as I'm more familiar with the touchscreen controls. It shouldn't be much more work for the Xbox 360 port since I'm going through the XNA Game Studio. Since going through each engine is very tedious work, I've only worked on the engine I'm most familiar with: Groovie. And, I think the results speak for themselves.

I'll have the source code up on GitHub soon, but here's a brief snippet of some working converted C# code.

1 apr 2012: Cedricifying ScummVM
Scritto da md5 clone2727

Happy April Fools' Day! Thanks to DrMcCoy, LordHoto, and Strangerke for their help.

Cedric is one of the most famous characters in Sierra history. However, he has divided the fanbase into those who find him slightly irksome and those that adore him. We have therefore come up with a modification for ScummVM that optionally removes Cedric from King's Quest V.

In addition to being able to remove Cedric from King's Quest V, we have also worked on a mode for all other ScummVM games to insert Cedric into them. Cedric integrates directly into those games and can interact with the game as well as the player. A set of screenshots of this mode (and of King's Quest V) can be found at the end of this news post.

Some of the other developers have also chimed in with their opinion on the subject. ScummVM PR officer Strangerke said, "ScummVM has always been about improving the quality of these games and now we finally have the opportunity to bring one of Sierra's most beloved characters to all the other games we support." "It really adds to these Coktel Vision games," stated ScummVM Gob developer DrMcCoy, "they're actually playable now." "I can't imagine playing these games any other way now; there's no going back," added clone2727.

King's Quest V Screenshot 1

King's Quest V Screenshot 2

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Screenshot

Ween: The Prophecy Screenshot

Urban Runner Screenshot

28 mar 2012: ScummVM Podcast Released, Hosted by James Woodcock
Scritto da Strangerke, James Woodcock

Freelance Journalist James Woodcock recently released a podcast, where he interviews three key developers from ScummVM including Eugene Sandulenko (_sev), Arnaud Boutonné (Strangerke) and Johannes Schickel (LordHoto).

The one hour long audio show discusses the origins of ScummVM, the challenges involved and the exciting future ahead. The podcast also includes several MIDI tracks from classic point and click adventure games, reminding us of the fantastic legacy of this genre.

The podcast can be streamed or downloaded from James' own website.

16 mar 2012: We need your talent for GSoC 2012
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC 2012 Logo

We are very proud to announce that ScummVM has been accepted for another year as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code. So now it's your turn to show your motivation and your love of 2D adventure games: if you're an eligible student for the Google Summer of Code and want to contribute to your favorite open-source project, take a look at our idea page, or propose your own!

We are waiting for your questions and suggestions on our irc channel: #scummvm on irc.freenode.net

27 gen 2012: ScummVM 1.4.1 "Subwoofer Release" Is Available!
Scritto da sev

The ScummVM Team is pleased to announce ScummVM 1.4.1, a maintenance only release that fixes several bugs in 1.4.0.

The most notable changes in this release are:

  • Support for the Beneath a Steel SkyEnhanced Soundtrack by James Woodcock
  • Slight graphical improvement for the PlayStation version of Broken Sword 2
  • Several bugfixes for Lands of Lore
  • More logical sound settings for SCI games
  • A fixed crash in the VGA version of Quest for Glory 1

The full list of changes can be found in the release notes and the release binaries for many platforms are located on our downloads page.


19 dic 2011: May The Force Be With You
Scritto da Dreammaster

No, not that force, it's Blue Force. Jake Ryan has just graduated from the Policy Academy, and it's up to you to guide his actions as he starts his police career. He'll quickly become involved in solving a series of crimes which, unbeknownst to him, are inextricably entwined with the murder of his parents when he was a child.

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that Blue Force is now playable in ScummVM using the latest daily builds, and ready for testing. As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the game, we would also love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

10 dic 2011: Jump on a Hot Air Balloon and meet Darby the Dragon!
Scritto da fuzzie

Take a little break and compose yourself. After tireless weeks of work, the ScummVM team is proud to announce support for two children's adventure games — Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon and Darby the Dragon — And on top of that, you can also play some interactive books from the Magic Tales series. So, if you can find your childhood spirit, dig out your copies and enjoy those adorable games.

To play these, you'll need a daily build of ScummVM. Any lurking bugs you find should be reported using our bug tracker, and along the way, please consider making few screenshots, following our guidelines.

We are also looking for additional information on localised versions and Magic Tales books. If you have one which is not recognized by the latest ScummVM daily build, please follow the guidelines here and report this to the team or as a bug.

Have fun!

26 nov 2011: Where is Leon?
Scritto da Strangerke

Chief finally found a husband for his "beautiful" daughter, but before the end of the ceremony, Leon escaped. So now... where is Leon?

The ScummVM Team is proud to announce that Soltys is playable for the first time in English and Polish using ScummVM! Special thanks to L.K. Avalon and Mr Wiśniewski for providing the sources and to nutron for spending so much time on the translation!

You'll need a daily build to get started, then grab the game on our downloads page and test it! As usual, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker following our bug submission guidelines. While you play through the game, we would love it if you could take some screenshots for us.

If you would like to contribute further, you could invest some of your free time in translating Soltys and Dragon History, which should be easy to translate to most European-based languages. If you are interested, please contact translation AT scummvm DOT org.

21 nov 2011: Beneath A Steel Sky Enhanced Music Released by James Woodcock for ScummVM
Scritto da sev

The developers of ScummVM are pleased to announce that as of today, the classic game Beneath A Steel Sky has full support for James Woodcock's Music Enhancement Project within the latest daily build. The project started way back in January 2006 as James Woodcock committed himself to use the original MIDI files from various Point and Click Adventure titles, creating enhanced versions using modern MIDI equipment. He has already released the Simon the Sorcerer, Discworld and Inherit the Earth versions and can now add Beneath A Steel Sky to his completion list:

"I have tried very hard to remain faithful to the originals in respect to the excellent composers creations..." says James Woodcock, creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project. He continues "...There has been a lot of support and interest from Beneath A Steel Sky fans, who have been monitoring its progress very carefully and it is with great pleasure I can finally play Beneath A Steel Sky using new versions of the original soundtrack with many thanks to the developers of ScummVM for all their hard work in making this feature possible".

James uses the Yamaha Tyros4 keyboard hooked up to his computer via USB and after going through various tweaking, recording and editing, a finalised music track is born.

You can download the enhanced soundtrack from James' Beneath A Steel Sky page, where instructions are also included.  You can follow and show your support for James on both Twitter and Facebook.

11 nov 2011: ScummVM 1.4.0 "10th Anniversary" Released!
Scritto da sev

It has been over 10 years. We are here thanks to the work of 131 developers. 49,124 commits were made just to the ScummVM tree and those turned into a massive 1,085,714 lines of code (excluding comments) and of course over 7.6 million downloads from the main site alone. I would say those were a great ten years.

The outcome is ScummVM 1.4.0 which we are releasing today, 11/11/11 11:11:11.11.

More games are supported: Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos(based on the same engine as Kyrandia), the kids' game Blue's Birthday Adventure, and the science fiction game Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch. On top of that, practically all supported Sierra SCI games now have their Amiga versions working. Our musically inclined users will notice PC speaker support in Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, CMS support in Loom, The Secret of Monkey Island and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, fixed MIDI in the DOS versions of the Elvira series, and even sound in Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood!

As always, there are many more new features; you can find the full list in our release notes and the release itself on our downloads page.


6 nov 2011: GSoC 2011 — Results
Scritto da Strangerke

GSoC 2011 Logo This year, two students were accepted for ScummVM:

Tiqpit worked on improving the AGI Engine. Sadly, he decided to quit before the end of his tasks, but his code was of such good quality that it is now merged into master, so ScummVM benefits from his work.

Enginmanap worked on objectifying the CruisE engine. He did a great job, and his work is currently being polished before a final merge into master.

We were also represented at the mentor summit by sev and Strangerke.

We are really grateful to Google for all of their support, and are already working on GSoC 2012 tasks.

3 ott 2011: Prepare ship for ludicrous testing speed!
Scritto da clone2727

Fasten your seatbelts because another ScummVM release is just around the corner!

However, we need your help first in testing out a few games before we can release. In addition to the two new games for this release, Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos and Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch, we have a few other games that need testing. Please take a look at our wiki page to see which games need a playthrough.

As with all release testing, you'll need a daily build to get started. If you happen to find any bugs, please report them on the bug tracker. Once you complete one of the games, please let us know on the forums so we can throw the results up on the wiki page. Further information can be found in the release testing guidelines.

And Strangerke would like to remind you to grab a couple of screenshots of Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos and Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch for us and submit them according to our guidelines.

4 ago 2011: The One Ring
Scritto da DreamMaster

No, it's not Tolkien's Ring, it's the Ringworld. Join Quinn, Miranda, and Seeker-of-Vengeance as they seek to unravel the mysteries of the Ringworld and find a way to stop the insane Kzinti Patriarch.

The ScummVM Team is pleased to announce support for Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch. So grab your copy of the DOS Floppy or CD (original CD release/First Wave re-release), start playing in the latest daily build of ScummVM, and help us with the testing while enjoying this classic science fiction adventure.

Of course, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.

Good luck finding the elusive stasis boxes.

12 lug 2011: ScummVM 1.3.1 "All Your Pitches" Released!
Scritto da sev

We are proud to announce a maintenance release of the ScummVM 1.3.x series. This release has a number of fixes, mainly related to audio. Also, several games had slipped past testing for 1.3.0 and turned out to be no longer completable. They have now been fixed, so if you want to play Discworld, Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, or play FM-TOWNS SCUMM games on mobile devices or consoles, we highly recommend that you upgrade.

The release can be found on our downloads page and full release notes are also available from our site.


2 giu 2011: "This arrow is ..quite annoying..."
Scritto da LordHoto

These are amongst the last words of Timothy, one of your friends; But when the Dark Army is on the march, there is no time for mourning the dead. Time is essential in the race against the evil sorceress Scotia, so you had better continue your journey to save the realm of Gladstone.

The ScummVM Team is pleased to announce support for Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos. So grab your copy of the DOS Floppy, DOS CD or even the PC-98 version and start playing Lands of Lore in the latest daily build of ScummVM and help us with the testing, while enjoying this great game. A quick side note: Unlike other ScummVM supported adventure games, Lands of Lore is an RPG (Role Playing Game). We are supporting it as it uses the same engine (KYRA) as The Legend of Kyrandia series. Please do not ask us to support other RPGs!

Of course, all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. However, please make sure you have got all the required datafiles before you report a bug. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.

Happy dungeon crawling!

28 mag 2011: ScummVM 1.3.0 "Runner" released!
Scritto da sev

It has been longer than usual since the last release. Nevertheless the team is happy to announce the release of ScummVM 1.3.0.

The release is truly feature-rich: in particular we are introducing support for a new platform, WebOS, and adding a set of new games: Urban Runner, Playtoons, Toonstruck, Hugo series, Living Books, Backyard Baseball. We have also continued to work hard on the SCI engine, so Amiga and some Macintosh versions of the games are supported now too. Many of our ports received improvements, and a number of bugs have been fixed in practically every engine. Thus your gameplay should be smoother and more enjoyable.

As usual, the release can be found on our downloads page and full release notes are also available.

22 apr 2011: Get Ready for Testing!
Scritto da clone2727

The ScummVM team is announcing another round of release testing in preparation for our next release: 1.3.0!

Since our last release, we've been very busy working on adding support for more of your favorite games. Backyard Baseball. Backyard Baseball 2001, Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo 2: Whodunit?, Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom, Playtoons: Bambou le Sauveur de la Jungle, Toonstruck, and Urban Runner are all ready for our loyal fans to play through to their hearts' content. Several Living Books games are also supported now: Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare, Arthur's Birthday (v1), Arthur's Teacher Trouble, Dr. Seuss's ABC, Green Eggs and Ham, Harry and the Haunted House, Just Grandma and Me (v1), Little Monster at School, Ruff's Bone, Sheila Rae, the Brave, Stellaluna, The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight, The Berenstain Bears in the Dark, The New Kid on the Block. You can see more info on the bugs we fixed and the features we added over here.

Like with our last release testing, not all games will be tested; only games that have had significant changes to their codebase since the last release are up for testing. As usual, the list of games to be tested is on the wiki.

Those games aren't going to test themselves! Download a daily build and report any bugs you find to the bug tracker. If you complete a game, please let us know on the forums so we can throw the results up on the wiki page. Be sure to provide the version, language, and platform of your game when reporting a completion. Any other questions? Go check out the release testing guidelines.

16 apr 2011: A New Month, A New Engine!
Scritto da strangerke

Continuing our incredible pace of one announcement per month, we're proud to be able to ask you to grab your copies of Hugo's trilogy (DOS or Windows version) and try them out in ScummVM using the latest daily build.

The games supported (Hugo's House of Horror, Hugo 2: Whodunit? and Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom) are still available for sale on the author's site. So buy them if you don't own them, copy the required data files and give them a try!

Don't hesitate to report any bugs you find in the bugtracker, following our bug submission guidelines. Screenshots are welcome too, as usual!

1 apr 2011: Kinect with ScummVM!
Scritto da clone2727

We are very excited to announce support for ScummVM on Linux using Kinect!

Through the tireless efforts of a few coders, Strangerke, LordHoto, and Hkz, they have managed to come up with an amazing per-game gesture system. This new Kinect input system recognizes player input and translates it to mouse and keyboard presses which are then processed by the game engine. Unfortunately, this currently only works with the Kinect for Linux drivers.

The code is still very much a work-in-progress, but we've put up some screenshots of various developers testing out their favorite games in ScummVM. Here's ST testing out Backyard Soccer, myself playing Full Throttle, Hkz playing Gabriel Knight, and DrMcCoy playing Urban Runner.

Stay tuned for more info and a daily build should be expected within the next few days! :)

Happy April Fools' Day!

28 mar 2011: Book'em, Danno
Scritto da clone2727, fuzzie

We're pleased to announce that the next release of ScummVM will have support for several "Living Books" games! It's time to relive your childhood memories (or memories of your children!) and dust off the old discs. The (sadly) now grown-up ScummVM team no longer has all of these games lying around, so we need your help in testing the games to weed out any remaining bugs.

The first batch of supported Living Books games consists of Just Grandma and Me (v1), Arthur's Teacher Trouble, Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare, Ruff's Bone, The New Kid on the Block, Arthur's Birthday (v1), Little Monster at School, Harry and the Haunted House, The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight, Dr. Seuss's ABC, Sheila Rae, the Brave, The Berenstain Bears in the Dark, Stellaluna, and most of Green Eggs and Ham. We hope to support the rest of the games in the future, but in the meantime, we hope that these are enough to keep our loyal users occupied.

Be sure to grab a daily build when testing. If you spot any bugs while enjoying these classic interactive stories or even just complete one, we'd really like to know over on the forums. Be sure to drink your ovaltine post them to the bug tracker; and keep those bug submission guidelines in mind. And if anyone happens to take a few screenshots before nap time and wishes to submit them, we would be eternally grateful.

18 mar 2011: Fancy a Summer (of Code) job with ScummVM?
Scritto da DJWillis

GSoC 2011 Logo ScummVM is pleased to announce that it has been accepted for participation in Google's Summer of Code 2011 program.

This is our fifth year in the program and we would like to make it our best yet.

We are now welcoming applications to join the program, provided that you are:

  • A current student (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate ...)
  • Like point and click adventures
  • Know some C++ and have some coding skills
  • Like the prospect of spending your summer with the ScummVM team, writing superb code for cool games full time for 12 weeks
  • Wish to get involved with a leading open source project in its field and become an asset to its community

Should you apply and be selected you will be rewarded, both financially thanks to Google and with gratitude, encouragement and the legally mandated minimal amounts of abuse by the ScummVM Team upon completion of a successful project.

You never know, we may even share our secret Grog recipe!

Now run along and pick up some interesting ideas from our Open Tasks page or be creative and propose your own ideas and apply. Make sure you read our requirements on the Open Tasks page and review the rest of our Summer of Code notes on the wiki.

Having participated for several years we cannot stress how beneficial it can be to apply early, revise your application as you go and really get involved with the community. The final deadline for applications is April 8th at 19:00 UTC.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send an e-mail to the scummvm-devel mailing list, drop by our forum or pop into our IRC channel (#scummvm at freenode.net).

3 feb 2011: A Burst of Fun With Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun?
Scritto da sylvaintv

Did you ever want to experience the world of the Toons, like in the movies "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" or "Space Jam"? Enter Toonstruck, the zany newly supported game that casts Christopher Lloyd (Great Scott!) as Drew Blanc, a cartoon animator who lands in a place where anything is possible. With his sidekick Flux Wildly, help him to solve the tons of puzzles in order to get back home to the real world!

Take your Bottomless Bag, grab your two Toonstruck CDs, the latest daily build of ScummVM and start testing the game right away! You can find the required datafiles here.

Please post any bugs you find in the bugtracker, following our bug submission guidelines. Any screenshot of your playthrough is welcome.

23 gen 2011: Science Fiction Coktel Vision Double Feature
Scritto da drmccoy

New year, new supported games. And we are proud to announce two of such newly supported games right away!

The first one is the FMV-tastic detective mystery Urban Runner: You are the investigative reporter Max who's being hunted for a murder he didn't commit by both the police and the actual killers. Can you escape your hunters and solve the crime?

The second one is an obscure interactive storybook for children of the Playtoons series: Bambou le Sauveur de la Jungle. We have only managed to find the French version of the game; other language versions may or may not exist. Information on these would be very much appreciated.

So, grab your running shoes and/or jungle hat, the latest daily build of ScummVM, your game CDs and join us in the (bug)hunt! The needed datafiles can be found here and here. Bugs should be reported to our bug tracker, but please follow our bug submission guidelines. Screenshots of both games would be great too!

19 dic 2010: ScummVM 1.2.1 "Børk Børk Børk" released!
Scritto da sev

The last ScummVM release in this year just has been released. This is a maintenance release and is aimed to fix several important bugs since 1.2.0.

Particularly we added Hungarian and Brazilian translations of the GUI, and made bugfixes to the Cruise, Groovie and Lure engines.

It is available from our downloads page and full release notes could be found here.

15 ott 2010: ScummVM 1.2.0 "FaSCInating release" is here!
Scritto da sev

CABAL (Coalesced 'Adventures beyond Architecture' League) finally came alive, and now for real. Yes, truly, it took us just 6.5 years, and today we are eagerly announcing that a universal adventure game interpreter, playing SCUMM, AGI, and SCI games has been released.

From now on, it is available on ScummVM's downloads page (Look for version 1.2.0). You may jump straight there, or stay a bit longer and see what cool new features are included.

As you have probably already realized, this release has support for SCI, and moreover, the list of compatible games goes beyond the original FreeSCI which was merged about 1.5 years ago. We support Conquests of Camelot/the Longbow, Castle/Island of Dr. Brain, Codename: ICEMAN, EcoQuest 1&2, all four Hoyle games, Freddy Pharkas, Jones in the Fast Lane, King's Quest I-VI, both Laura Bow games, Larry up to 6 (low-res 6 only), Police Quest 1-3, Quest for Glory I-III, Space Quest up to V and a few others. Incredible work by the FreeSCI team and our own SCI engine team!

Early SCI 16-color games can be optionally undithered by ScummVM, making them look much better. To see a comparison between undithered graphics and the original, watch this video produced by one of our SCI engine developers and see for yourself.

Besides SCI, we have added support for yet another Coktel Vision game called Fascination and we have a number of new ports: Android, Dingux, Caanoo and OpenPandora. Unfortunately we had to declare the PalmOS port officially dead.

As usual there are tons of engine-specific bug fixes. Take a look at the release notes if you want to know more. But wait! We would like to tell a little bit about another long-awaited feature new in this release. After all these years we are finally going international, and the ScummVM GUI can be translated into any language (well, almost any). Right now we have Catalan, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian localizations. Besides this there are a lot of smaller improvements like tooltips, radio buttons, improved usability and we support more games running from original media without the need to shuffle the game files.

Enough talking! Now it is time to download ScummVM and start playing!

12 set 2010: It's Time for ScummVM 1.2.0 Release Testing
Scritto da clone2727

Following up on the SCI game testing, a testing session for the next ScummVM release has arrived! It's time to point and click at several other ScummVM games that need testing before we can publish a new version.

This testing season we have two new games up for testing: Fascination and Maniac Mansion (C64 version).

Contrary to previous testing seasons, not all games will be tested. The number of games supported has grown significantly and testing all the games is too much. So for this testing season, and testing seasons onward, we've decided to only put games up for testing that have had significant changes to their codebase since the last release. As usual, the list of games to be tested is on the wiki. The page also lists games that are not required to be tested, but feel free to test them too if you don't have any of the other games that require testing.

Note that the SCI games are not on the testing page. The SCI testing went well and they do not need to be tested again.

So what are you waiting for? Go test some ScummVM games using a daily build and report any bugs you find to the bug tracker. After completing a playthrough of a game, please report it on the forums so it can be added to the release testing wiki page. Make sure you provide the version, language, and platform of your game when reporting a completion. Consult the testing guidelines should you have any other questions.

28 ago 2010: Fancy a good Coktel with Doralice?
Scritto da strangerke

You're Doralice, the cutest airline captain of the Paris-Miami flight. During your last trip, a dying passenger asked you to deliver top secret vials. Will you succeed in your mission, avoiding deadly traps and solving every mystery?

Currently, the PC versions of Fascination are missing an AdLib player, but everything else is there. Please note that the CD version requires some manipulations and the ScummVM tools to extract the required files.

Get the latest daily build of ScummVM and your version of the game and give Fascination a try! Please post any bugs and unrecognized versions you can find to our bug tracker, following the bug submission guidelines.

And if you find interesting sights, be sure to submit your screenshots.

25 lug 2010: SCI Pre-Release Testing
Scritto da clone2727

It's been only six years and a few months since CABAL was jokingly announced, and now the first round of Sierra's SCI games is going to be supported in ScummVM!

However, we need your help in testing the SCI games. That's right, you, the loyal ScummVM user. Go grab your DOS or Windows SCI game (that is on this list) and play through it with a ScummVM daily build. As you play through the game, try not to die too much, save often, and note down any bugs that you find so you can report them on the bug tracker. Please do not report bugs on non-PC versions of SCI games; they are not supported yet.

When you've finished going through a game, go report it on the forums. If you feel up to the challenge, move on to your next SCI game! And if you're really feeling the Sierra vibe, go test all your SCI games that are up for testing!

Even if you don't have any SCI games, you can still help out. There are many SCI demos (only choose those on the supported demo list) and fan games out there that are waiting for you to test them.

2 mag 2010: ScummVM 1.1.1 "Better version" released
Scritto da Fingolfin

Only four weeks since our last release and already ScummVM 1.1.1 is available on our downloads page.

This release concentrates primarily on fixing bugs, bugs, and even more bugs. As such, we strongly recommend all and every ScummVM user to update to this latest and greatest version. In particular, just as promised we fixed the issues affecting Nippon Safes Inc and Pajama Sam 1 in 1.1.0.

Take a look at the release notes if you want to know a bit more.

And don't forget to visit our downloads page to get the best ScummVM ever!

28 apr 2010: All hail new students!
Scritto da DJWillis

GSoC 2010 Logo Google recently announced the list of students for this year's Summer of Code program.

For ScummVM, the accepted students and their respective projects can be found at our landing page of the GSoC 2010 site.

The ScummVM team and especially the mentors welcome our 4 students this year:

Neeraj, Tony, Michael and Alejandro who will be tackling a range of interesting projects.
Congratulations, the best of luck and enjoy coding this summer :-)

We would also like to take the time to thank everyone who applied for ScummVM GSoC places this year but was unsuccessful.
We hope we can welcome many of you into our community.

4 apr 2010: ScummVM 1.1.0 "Beta quadrant" released
Scritto da Fingolfin

Another 4 months passed, a lot of hard work done... and finally it is here: ScummVM 1.1.0 is available now on our downloads page.

There are some pretty exciting new features: We added support for 16bit graphics, which allowed us to add support for a whole bunch of newer Humongous Entertainment games for kids. We also added or improved support for the Amiga versions of Monkey Island, Legend of Kyrandia and Future Wars. Plus there are two completely new engines for the games Dragon History (available for free from here) and TeenAgent (available for free from GOG.com). And finally there is now a port for the Nintendo 64 game console!

Take a look at the release notes if you want to know a bit more.

There is one grain of salt, though: If you want to play Nippon Safes Inc, we recommend that you stick with your current ScummVM version for now, as there are some nasty regressions in there which may even make it impossible to complete the game. Also the background music in Pajama Sam 1 isn't working correctly in the Kitchen and Mine areas anymore.

We are not happy about that, but in the end decided that we should not let this hold up the other new cool stuff we added. Instead, we will follow up this release in about four weeks with a 1.1.1 release that should fix these issues. In fact, you can help us make 1.1.1 even better by reporting any bugs you might encounter in 1.1.0.

And now go and get it while it's still hot from our downloads page, grab a build for your favorite device and have fun :).

1 apr 2010: Urban Runner Support
Scritto da clone2727, LordHoto, and Strangerke

Today, we would like to announce support for Urban Runner! The game has finally reached a completable state in our subversion tree. Now you can play as Max as he runs from the cops for being accused of a crime he didn't commit. You might even fall in love along the way.

We would really appreciate it if you would go and test this game for us. When you find bugs, go report them here. When you have questions about reporting bugs, go here. Also, if you need a daily build, be sure to check out this page.

We have also collected a group of screenshots:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Happy April Fools' Day!

18 mar 2010: Join the ScummVM team this Summer (of Code)
Scritto da sev

Yes! ScummVM has been accepted for the fourth time in a row to participate in GSoC, now in Google Summer of Code 2010!

This is a great privilege and honor for us, and we would like to share this with you, considering that you are:

  • A student (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, ...)
  • Like point and click adventures
  • Know some C++
  • Looking forward to spending your summer with ScummVM, writing superb code for cool games full time for 12 weeks

If you match all criteria, we would love to invite you to apply as a student. You will be rewarded, both financially by Google and with fame, gratitude, cherishing and adoration by the ScummVM Team upon completion of a successful project.

Now run, pick some interesting task from our Open Tasks page or be creative and propose your own ideas and apply. Make sure you read our requirements on the Open Tasks page.

If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to e-mail to scummvm-devel mailing list or come to #scummvm IRC channel at freenode.net.

22 feb 2010: ScummVM 1.1.0 Release Testing is Here!
Scritto da clone2727

It's time once again to go out and test all your favorite ScummVM games as we gear up for another release of our humble little software. We have several new games announced as supported:

  • Blue's Art Time Activities
  • Blue's Reading Time Activities
  • Dragon History
  • Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove
  • Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day
  • Spy Fox 3: Operation Ozone
  • TeenAgent

So, go grab your favorite games, and play through them using a daily build. If you find any bugs, report them on the bug tracker. Once you've completed a game, please report it on the forums so it can be added to the release testing wiki page. When reporting, make sure you provide the version, language, and platform of the game you're testing. Any other questions? Go see the Release Testing guidelines.

9 gen 2010: Updated ScummVM T-Shirts
Scritto da combobreaker

To coincide with the updated ScummVM logo, ScummVM t-shirts have also received a touch up. The shirts sport the verb list from Maniac Mansion on the chest, the updated logo on the upper back, and the scummvm.org url on the left sleeve. Shirts are now available in sizes small through 3XL. If you need a larger size, please contact sales[at]combobreaker[dot]com with a request.

Shipping to the USA and Canada is free, and shipping elsewhere is offered at a discounted rate. Head over to Combobreaker.com to pick them up!

22 dic 2009: MEGA-BANK Robbery!
Scritto da whoozle

Initial reports claim the gold held in the MEGA-BANK vault just began to vanish! MEGA-BANK Security were asked to review the CCTV footage, however they were unable to see anything.

Do you think you can solve this mystery? Are you willing to take the role of Mark Hopper? A teenager hired by the RGB to infiltrate the mansion of John Noty and discover why and how he is becoming so rich.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, TeenAgent is now ready for testing! Why not take this opportunity to join Good Old Games where you can download TeenAgent for free. You will also need a Subversion build of ScummVM. As usual any bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.

21 dic 2009: Let's go back to an age of Knights and Dragons
Scritto da spalek

The year is 1995. The place is the Czech Republic. You find yourself surrounded by inventive minds producing the latest Czech point-and-click adventure, and historically the first Czech CD-ROM-based adventure game. You are Bert, a young dragon with a taste for adventure. After being corrupted by an evil magic wand named Eveline, you are desperate to remedy the mischiefs you created. You decide to set out to find your father who disappeared a while ago.

Grab your copy of the Dragon History game and a Subversion build of ScummVM, and get playing! The game is available in Czech, English, and Polish so you have no excuses!

All bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.

15 nov 2009: ScummVM 1.0.0 "Shiny Logo" is finally out
Scritto da sev

It was just 3.5 months ago when we started to prepare for this release, and now finally the day has come.

Ladies and gentlemen, please greet the one and only ScummVM 1.0.0 "Shiny Logo!" The long awaited, the most anticipated, the best... whatever.

We worked very hard on stability in this release, and in addition to all that goodness available since our 1.0.0rc1, we added a new set of ports for Motorola Linux-based phones (those on MotoEZX and MotoMAGX platforms) and fixed just a few hundred bugs.

The release is available from the usual place, and the full list of changes can be found right here in the NEWS file.

Now jump to the downloads page, grab a build for your favorite device and spread the word that ScummVM is 1.0.0!

30 ott 2009: Revised ScummVM logo and icon(s)
Scritto da fingolfin

As you may have already noticed, we are in the process of switching from our old trusty logo and icons to new, slightly revised versions. The main change is that the lowercase "s" has now become an uppercase "S" -- this is meant to help stop the confusion lots of people seem to have about our name: We are called "ScummVM", and not "scummvm" :-).

Besides that, the new logo was touched up by its original author, Jean-Marc, to produce higher quality versions (in PNG and SVG format) of both the logo and the icon. As a result, they look better and yummier than ever before.

We are not yet completely done converting everything to the new logo and icon (boy, they are really present in lots of places), but are actively working on it. The upcoming 1.0.0 release of ScummVM will be the first to feature the new art everywhere.

So, I hope you like the new art just as much as we do :-).

20 set 2009: Further testing required for your favorite adventure game interpreter
Scritto da LordHoto

As all of you have probably heard, we are still in the testing phase for the 1.0.0 release. So far we have gotten many testings results, because of you, our fellow users. Thanks again to all the people who have already done testing for the next release. Sadly, we are missing some tests for certain games though. Here is the list of games for which we really need some testing results:

  • The Manhole
  • Rodney's Funscreen
  • Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus
  • Bargon Attack
  • Goblins 3
  • Bud Tucker in Double Trouble
  • I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
  • Nippon Safes Inc.

If you own one of these games please grab a daily build of ScummVM and play through it. Submit any bugs you discover along the way to the bug tracker. When you complete a game, report it on the forums so we can add it to our release testing wiki page. Be sure to provide the version, language, and platform of the game you're testing (in addition to the name of course) as well as what platform you are testing on. You can find more details on testing over here.

As you can see on our release testing wiki page, almost all testing results are from our desktop ports. If you have ScummVM running on console or handheld ports we also ask you to test your games (not necessarily only the ones mentioned above) there as well, and report your results in the above mentioned way.

31 ago 2009: ScummVM 1.0.0rc1 "Grog XD" is ready for your testing
Scritto da sev

Did you hear about our plans for 1.0.0? This is going to be the best ScummVM release ever! And to make it even more remarkable, we have decided to put out a Release Candidate, which is awaiting you here.

It is a regular stable and supported release so don't let the name of 'Release Candidate' or 'RC1' throw you off. We have a release testing wiki page for the upcoming 1.0.0 release, which we would like to see turned into a mass of green indicating successful removal of any issues in the titles supported, and thus we need your help, our dear users of ScummVM. It would be really great to test as many games as possible on all varieties of platforms our project is ported to.

The list of changes which are prepared for you in this release is quite long. The highlights are:

  • Added support for Discworld
  • Added support for Discworld 2 - Missing Presumed ...!?
  • Added support for Return to Zork
  • Added support for Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2
  • Added support for The Manhole
  • Added support for Rodney's Funscreen
  • Added support for Cruise for a Corpse
  • Improved GUI vastly: added quick search, introduced per-game options, improved mass-add dialog
  • Broken Sword 1 & 2 now run with original cutscenes
  • Increased The 7th Guest microscope puzzle difficulty to match original
  • Major improvements to PSP, PS2 and WinCE ports
  • New port for GP2X Wiz handheld game console.

The full list of changes can be found in the NEWS file.

'Nuff said, so download ScummVM and be one step closer to 1.0.0.

21 ago 2009: James Woodcock Unveils Discworld v2.0, Simon the Sorcerer v2.0 and Inherit the Earth v1.0 Soundtracks for ScummVM
Scritto da sev, James Woodcock

James Woodcock, creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project has recently released updated versions of previously available soundtracks reaching version 2.0, which include Simon the Sorcerer and Discworld.  Discworld can now be played with the latest SVN versions of ScummVM implementing James Woodcock's enhanced music.  Inherit the Earth, which comes under his 'Fan Creation Soundtrack' is a homage to the title and is now also downloadable from his personal website.

Available in High and Low bitrate versions, all three soundtracks are free to download and inspired by the original games and the ScummVM software.

"For many years, I have enjoyed the wonders of the ScummVM application allowing me to play many of my all time favourite point and click adventures.  The ScummVM Music Enhancement Project gives me the chance to inject a little part of my passion for this gaming genre, while giving the community the option of alternative music". James Woodcock continues... "A big thank you to all who have contacted me via email, Twitter and IRC regarding my work and also of course to the original composers, developers and publishers of the titles I have covered and the ScummVM team, without who this would not have been possible!"

A preview of all three games running on ScummVM with James's music is demonstrated on this YouTube Playlist.

Change Log:

  • Simon the Sorcerer v2.0
    All tracks have been individually tweaked through a new master compressor to increase overall quality of the music.
  • Discworld v2.0
    Introduction music updated to emphasise the piano tracks, 7 previously missing tracks have now been added completing the soundtrack and the music is fully compatible with the latest ScummVM SVN builds for use within the title.

To find out more, make sure you visit his website or follow him on Twitter for new developments.

10 lug 2009: The End of the Beginning
Scritto da clone2727

It's time for everyone's favorite semiannual event! ScummVM Release Testing Season (TM)! However, this season we will be testing for 1.0.0! That's right, 1.0.0!

For this release, we have added support for a bunch of new games: Cruise for a Corpse, Discworld, Discworld 2 - Missing Presumed ...!?, Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2, The Manhole, Return to Zork, and Rodney's Funscreen.

As usual, go grab a daily build of ScummVM, play through the games and submit any bugs you see along the way to the bug tracker. When you complete a game, report it on the forums so we can add it to our release testing wiki page. Be sure to provide the version, language, and platform of the game you're testing (in addition to the name of course). You can find more details on testing over here.

10 lug 2009: ScummVM's Worst Kept Secret
Scritto da dreammaster

There'll be few of you that don't know that the daily build of ScummVM has supported the first two Discworld games for some time now. Despite the stability of the engine, we held off announcing official support, since we were hoping to be able to simultaneously announce the freewaring of the game titles.

Since it seems unlikely the two games will be freewared in time for the next major release, it's been decided to go ahead and officially announce support for the games. The PC versions of the first two games are fully supported, and the PSX version of the Discworld 1 game is completable (but without music currently).

Those of you who haven't already played them can do so with the daily build of ScummVM, report all encountered bugs to our bug tracker and submit some nice screenshots.

9 lug 2009: There's Murder Afoot..
Scritto da dreammaster

Inspector Raoul Dusentier has been invited on a cruise by the mysterious businessman Niklos Karaboudjan, and the cruise has barely begun when Raoul stumbles on the man's dead body, and is knocked unconscious.

Help the inspector solve this baffling murder in 'Cruise for a Corpse'. Those that have the classic game for the PC are encouraged to try out the latest daily build, report all encountered bugs to our bug tracker and submit some nice screenshots.

Please note that currently only the PC version of the game is fully supported.. the Amiga and Atari ST versions are not.

2 lug 2009: Now there is an easy way to obtain Gobliiins 1-3
Scritto da sev

Snowberry Connection, Société Pollene and ScummVM issued a joint press release, which announces that the first three Gobliiins games are available as bonus downloads for those who purchased Gobliiins 4 via GamersGate or Impulse. The games are also available on the DVD in at least the Russian and Hungarian releases of the game.

We are really happy that these art pieces of classic adventure gaming are available as a relatively easy purchase now, and that ScummVM helped Snowberry to make them run on modern systems with minimal effort.

Thanks, Snowberry!

30 giu 2009: ScummVM T-Shirts available and ScummVM nominated for Sourceforge Community Choice Awards
Scritto da Spookypeanut

If you want to be the envy of everyone in your neighborhood, be sure to be seen around in your beautiful new ScummVM T-shirt. Designed with the cooperation of the ScummVM team, this understated and elegant item will truly show off your adventure game leanings to the initiated. Plus, combobreaker.com are donating to the ScummVM project for each one sold!

SF.net Community Choice Awards While we're on the subject of helping ScummVM, please vote for your favorite point-and-click adventure game engine interpreter in the Sourceforge Community Choice Awards. Thanks to all the people that nominated us, we've made it through to the final round. If you click the link, ScummVM will be pre-selected in the Best Project for Gamers category, and you can go on and choose your favorite open-source projects in the other categories.

23 giu 2009: More information about the GPL violation
Scritto da sev

There are certain speculations about the case, some of them are really wild. Unfortunately, no one approached any of us and there are only a few real facts in those blog posts.

Thus, in an attempt to stop these potentially misleading messages, I made a blog post on my personal blog. I hope that I provided enough information there. If not, ask me for more details.

16 giu 2009: GPL conflict with Atari
Scritto da cyx, fingolfin

Consider the following an official "press release", and note that the exact wording is dictated to cyx and fingolfin by the settlement terms.

In December 2008, members of the ScummVM team discovered that three games for the Nintendo Wii console ("Freddi Fish: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds", published in Germany under the name "Fritzi Fisch und der verschwundene Schatz"; "Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside", published in Germany under the name "Pyjama Pit: Keine Angst im Dunkeln"; and "Spy Fox: Dry Cereal", published in Germany under the name "Spy Fox in: Das Milchkartell") made use of ScummVM, without complying with the terms of the GPL license. They sent a warning letter to the German distributor of these games, Atari Deutschland GmbH, who was not aware that ScummVM was used in the creation of the games. Atari Deutschland GmbH established contact with Mistic Software Inc., the developers of the games.

Mistic Software Inc. responded by denying that members of the ScummVM team hold any rights to the particular code they used. The dispute was ultimately settled in May 2009 by Mistic Software Inc. paying all legal fees and making a donation to the Free Software Foundation as a sign of good will, without acknowledging copyright infringement.

7 giu 2009: ScummVM at Greek open source conference
Scritto da Jubanka

Find out about EL/LAK The 3rd free/open source software developers conference (EL/LAK) is taking place in Athens, Greece on June 19 and 20. Among the various open source software and related talks, this year ScummVM will also be participating with a presentation on June 20th.

The presentation initially aims to cover basic principles on how ScummVM works, its internal architecture and developer team layout. But we can also talk about adventure games in general, Google Summer of Code, open source gaming subjects or what ever else comes up!

So if you're around and interested, go forth and register for the conference and come by for a meet & greet. See you there!

23 mag 2009: Scummvm.org Has a Facelift Thanks to New Webmaster
Scritto da sev

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but now ScummVM's website runs new flashy code. Fredrik Wendel aka [vEX] has been working on it for several months now, and under the hood it is a complete rewrite with keeping the old design intact... Well, almost.

Now browsing screenshots has a new sleek design, navigation links are more logical (with keeping the backwards compatibility, so don't worry about your old links), SCUMM MD5 tables have better design, and the FAQ lost its magic numbers in the links.

Also we are proud to announce that Fredrik has been appointed official webmaster for the project, so now you can put all your complaints into his capable hands. :P

17 mag 2009: Now you can see subtitles in Broken Sword 1 cutscenes
Scritto da sev

Since ScummVM 0.10.0 there has been unannounced support for subtitles in the Broken Sword 1 cutscenes.

Now we finally managed to provide a package with subtitles for the following languages: English, Brazilian, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Russian. Also, subtitles for the English demo are provided.

You can grab the package from the downloads page.

At the moment we still lack Czech subtitles, thus if you're willing to help us with providing them, please contact sev.

14 mag 2009: Help us win the Scary Robot!
Scritto da sev

CCA 2009 Mascot The SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards 2009 have started.
We invite you to support our little project by casting your vote.

The natural category for ScummVM would be Best Project for Gamers,
though if you feel that we could be Best Project, we wouldn't
mind much; a project can be nominated for more than one category
this year.

The Scary Robot is the mascot of these Awards, and in order to vote for ScummVM, click the mascot or this link.

We hope to see you in the finals!

P.S. For the live photosession of the Scary Robot see Fingolfin's blog.

27 apr 2009: ScummVM 0.13.1 "SAGA returns" goes gold
Scritto da sev

It was not that long since our previous release, and now here is a new bugfix release hot off the press!

The list of fixed bugs is quite long, and you could read all of it in the release notes, but here is a summary for those of you who are too lazy to follow the links and eager to play the games better.

SAGA: Inherit the Earth is completable again; AGOS, Groovie, Sword2: fixed many sound-related issues; Parallaction: fixed a bug in one of the puzzles; squashed a number of bugs in the GUI. Also iPhone, Symbian, WinCE ports are much improved and NDS and PS2 ports are back again since 0.11.0.

We won't bother you anymore with the details. Go, download ScummVM and enjoy your play!

21 apr 2009: Hello new students!
Scritto da Jubanka

Google has announced the list of students for this year's Summer of Code. For ScummVM, the accepted students and their respective projects can be found in our landing page of the GSoC '09 site.

The ScummVM team and especially the mentors welcome our students this year: Denis, Michal, Norbert, Joakim and Jody. Welcome guys, good luck and enjoy coding this summer :-)

18 mar 2009: Do you know what time comes near?
Scritto da DrMcCoy

GSoC 2009 Logo Yes, you're right: Summer! (In the northern hemisphere, at least ;))
And what did we do the last two years during the summertime?
Yeah, right again: Participate in the Google Summer of Code!
And do you know what we've just learned?
Correct again: We've learned that we're accepted this year as well!

So, if you're a student, want to have a great time helping our little project and even earn some money along the way ($4500 US actually), then join the Google Summer of Code!

Have you always wanted to work on a big Open Source project, applying your skills (or acquiring new skills) whilst improving that project, but were always intimidated due to its apparent monumental size? Did you ever wish there would be small, pre-cut manageable chunks of work where you could really show the world what you're made of? Well, wish no more, because the Google Summer of Code provides exactly these chunks that don't require you to spend years understanding the whole of the project, and even offers a monetary reward for your accomplishments.

If you're considering choosing to work on ScummVM (and we would certainly love to have you), our manageable chunks can be seen at our Open Tasks page. Of course, if you have a different interesting idea in your mind, we want to hear that as well! Please also mind our project rules.

For official information from Google, visit the Google Summer of Code website; and read the FAQ and the application guide.

Now, you better be quick, the deadline is on April 3!

7 mar 2009: You are standing in a open field, west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
Scritto da md5

As you open the mailbox behind the white house, a wizard tells you that you're the lucky sweepstakes winner, who can now play several great game titles by Activision under ScummVM!

We welcome the addition of the MADE engine by Activision. Four shiny new games are now supported: The infamous Return to Zork, Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2, The Manhole and Rodney's Funscreen

All you need to have is a copy of one of the aforementioned Activision games, and a new daily build of ScummVM.

If you find any bugs, you're welcome to report them to our bug tracker. Screenshots are also needed, which you can submit following our Screenshot submission guidelines.

28 feb 2009: ScummVM 0.13.0 "More Guests" enter(s) the house
Scritto da sev

As we turned to a 6 months release cycle, here is our newest and best ScummVM version for you!

A couple of new engines were added, and besides 2 Humongous Entertainment titles, we now support The 7th Guest and Bud Tucker in Double Trouble.

Among other notable things there is a completely new vector-based GUI, which is a merged work of our last year GSoC student Vicent Marti, as well as a General Main Menu which adds a common save/load interface to most of our engines, adding the much awaited Return to Launcher feature along the way. It was the work of another successful student, Chris Page.

A complete list of new games and features can be found in the release notes, and the latest ScummVM version itself (available for a large number of platforms as usual) is located at the downloads page.

Let's play!

15 feb 2009: FreeSCI SCI engine implementation has been merged in
Scritto da sev

Well, it is true. FreeSCI code now lives under engines/sci.

Most attentive users who watch our development list perhaps noticed that there exists yet another SCI1 engine implementation made from scratch. But for the benefit of everyone it was decided that the joint effort is much better.

Of course, don't expect any magic from it. First, the engine is not announced as supported yet. It is in early stages of integration. Then, you should keep in mind that after the merge will settle down, only SCI0, SCI01 and SCI1 games will be supported. However, due to the fact that some of ScummVM developers are interested in SCI development for some time now, we look forward to speeding up the work on the engine.

In the meantime, please, help us some more with 0.13.0 version playtesting.

22 gen 2009: ScummVM announces affiliate program with GOG.com
Scritto da sev

You always wondered where to get games supported by ScummVM? Perhaps you were also asking, how I can help the project?

You could find the supported games either on our downloads page, or on our Where to buy games page on our Wiki. For helping the project we have had a PayPal button for some time.

But now you can reach both goals at the same time!

We are pleased to announce the start of an affiliate program with the excellent Good Old Games service, also known as GOG.com. Just click on their button on the sidebar and you will be brought to the site. Register there and buy some games. You will get your game, cheap, fast and legally, and the ScummVM project will get a share of the proceeds.

The main reason behind this is that GOG.com uses ScummVM for several of their offered titles. Currently they offer Broken Sword 2, Simon the Sorcerer 1, Simon the Sorcerer 2, Feeble Files, Waxworks, as well as some of the free games which we offer too. Each release is nicely pre-packaged with ScummVM, is DRM-free, goes for just $5.99, and the most important thing, is completely legal, as those folks chase the original rights holders.

Thus, watch their site, buy the games, and help our project.

PS: We will get the money only if you click on the provided button and register within a short period of time.

17 gen 2009: Testing, testing
Scritto da sev

It is time to announce start of our pre-release testing. Next version of ScummVM is bringing you several new supported games as usual.

The games which were added are: Blue's 123 Time Activities, Blue's ABC Time Activities, Bud Tucker in Double Trouble and The 7th Guest. The procedure haven't changed, same as usual you need daily build of ScummVM, run through the games and submit any bugs you see along the way to the bug tracker. Once you complete the game, report on the forum post so the wiki page could be updated accordingly. We will need the version of the game, language, and platform.

14 gen 2009: ScummVM Announces Discworld Music Enhancement Project Completion
Scritto da sev

The developers of ScummVM are pleased to announce that as of today, the classic game Discworld has full support for James Woodcock's Music Enhancement Project within the developers build.  The project started way back in January 2006 as James Woodcock committed himself to use the original MIDI files from various Point and Click Adventure titles, creating enhanced versions using modern MIDI equipment.  He has already released the Simon the Sorcerer version and can now add Discworld to his completion list:

"I have tried very hard to remain faithful to the originals in respect to the excellent composers creations..." says James Woodcock, creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project.  He continues "...There has been a lot of support and interest from Discworld fans, who have been monitoring its progress very carefully and it is with great pleasure I can finally play Discworld using new versions of the original soundtrack with many thanks to the developers of ScummVM for all their hard work in making this feature possible".

James uses the Yamaha Tyros2 keyboard hooked up to his computer via USB and after going through various tweaking, recording and editing, a finalised music track is born. 

With permission from legendary author Terry Pratchett himself, the Discworld enhanced soundtrack (version 2.0) will be released in full and compatible with ScummVM in the future when hopefully we expect the freeware version of the game will be made available to the public to enjoy all over again.

16 dic 2008: "Welcome to my... house"
Scritto da spookypeanut

Henry Stauf cordially invites you to come and sample the delights of his house in the newest game to be supported by ScummVM, The 7th Guest. A delightful evening is guaranteed to be had by you and the other guests.

You will need a copy of the game (DOS and Windows versions only, for now), and a newly-downloaded daily build of ScummVM. And, of course, your wits about you.

Please report any unwanted annoyances (i.e. bugs) to the ScummVM bug tracker. If you find any particularly beautiful sights while you're there, be sure to submit them as screenshots.

P.S. There are some slight complications involved in copying the game to the hard drive, due to there being audio tracks on both CDs. The information on how to get round this is on the 7th Guest wiki page, as well as a few known issues, so be sure to read it fully.

1 dic 2008: Ender steps down as ScummVM project lead
Scritto da fingolfin

As of today, James "Ender" Brown has left the lead team of ScummVM.

Ender joined the ScummVM team back in February 2002 and became project co-lead already one month later. The original founders of ScummVM, yazoo and strigeus, were still active, but soon after left ScummVM for other ventures. Ender remained as the sole project leader until March 2003, when Max "Fingolfin" Horn joined him at the steering wheel. The long time leading triumvirate of ScummVM was completed in April 2006 with the addition of Eugene "sev" Sandulenko. Together, we went through many good and bad times.

Ender worked especially hard on the PR side of things, including tons of posts in the news section of this site (we really should post news updates more frequently again!), and many behind-the-scenes negotiations with companies regarding source code releases and other things. Not to mention repeatedly crossing swords with the legal department of LucasArts.

Recently, due to personal issues, Ender has had less and less time to work on ScummVM and related things. Not wanting to harm the project by being unable to devote enough time to take care of important tasks, Ender has graciously agreed to resign his post.

The remaining project leaders, Fingolfin and Sev, would like to thank Ender for his many years of faithful leadership, and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

14 set 2008: Minor update to Flight of the Amazon Queen
Scritto da eriktorbjorn

Observant users have noticed that there is an updated version of Flight of the Amazon Queen on SourceForge but not, until now, on the ScummVM downloads page.

Apart from some minor typographical changes to the license to keep the legal beagles happy, the only difference compared to the old version is that it has been compressed using the latest version of the ScummVM tools. This should fix problems with clicks at the beginning of some speech, and speech being played a bit too slow. (ScummVM 0.12.0 already has a workaround for the latter problem, so you may not even notice the difference.)

6 set 2008: Visit Transylvania, at no cost
Scritto da sev

Many thanks to Alcachofa Soft for releasing as freeware their previously commercial game: Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back.

It was quite a lengthy process which started in November of 2005. We were contacted by someone who offered us a direct lead to Emilio de Paz from Alcachofa Soft, S.L., the software house that created this game in 1996. Finally in July '07 we received the sources and a few months later they finally freewared it and gave us an official permission distribute the game.

The original version of the game is in Spanish with full voice overs and subtitles. Then there exists an English version with full voice overs and subtitles, and finally there are subtitles in German, French and Italian. Of course, there is also a full musical score which came as a set of audio tracks on the CD (the game was CD-only). We improved the English and Italian translations, and made all that was mentioned here ready for download.

In order to play the game you will need at least the English pack. Then you may optionally download the music pack, and the international pack which contains all those additional languages, Spanish included.

We hope that this will really extend the lifetime of the game and wish the best to Alcachofa Soft.

31 ago 2008: ScummVM 0.12.0 " " was released
Scritto da sev

We can call it a tremendous development. Half a year since 0.11.1 passed pretty quickly, and we are pleased to announce the release of 0.12.0!

This new version of ScummVM adds support for 5 completely new games. The games that now run smoothly on many more platforms than was initially intended are: The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate, The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge, Lost in Time, The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble and Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back.

The number of supported platforms grew as well. The PS2 port has been revived, and the GameCube and Wii are now supported too. Take your Wiimote and make your beloved adventure game protagonist run around the screen :).

No need to go any further into details here, those who want to know the gory details can always refer to the release notes, and all of you are invited to go to our downloads page.

P.S. Soon, pretty soon, look out for more news from us.

21 lug 2008: Another Big Testing Season!
Scritto da clone2727

It's that event that occurs about twice a year in which we ask you, our loyal users, to go out and replay all your favorite games supported by ScummVM. In addition to all the games supported from 0.11.1, we have several new ones for you. The Bizarre Adventure of Woodruff and the Schnibble, Lost in Time, The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate, The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge, and Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back have support added since then. Furthermore, the DOS version of Waxworks and the Macintosh version of I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream are now supported.

So, what are you waiting for? Go out and start testing! Grab a daily build of ScummVM and run through the games and note any bugs you see on the way (which you should post on the bug tracker). Once done, post that you've completed the game on the forum post so it can be posted on the wiki page. Be sure to list the version of the game, language, and platform.

Good luck, and remember: have fun!

3 lug 2008: Vote now! SourceForge.net Awards 2008
Scritto da Jubanka

The finalists for the SourceForge.net 2008 Community Choice Awards have been announced. ScummVM is proud to be nominated once again for best project in the "Best Project for Gamers" category (also in another one which we don't care that much if we win ;-) ).

Thanks to all our users who voted for us in the preliminaries. You have to vote for your favorite project one more time (hint: starts with "S", ends with "VM") to select the best of the best in SourceForge.net. So head on to the voting place and vote with your SourceForge.net username.

22 giu 2008: Drascula wants to take over the world!
Scritto da md5

You know there's something wrong when Count Drascula stops watching TV and starts conspiring with his faithful sidekick, Igor, to take over the world. And he wants to do that before tonight's football match starts! You are John Hacker and your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rescue your girlfriend Billy Jean from Count Drascula's nefarious clutches and thwart his plans of world domination!

You will need your Drascula CD, a daily build of ScummVM and drascula.dat.

If you find a bug then please report it to our bug tracker. Please ensure that it follows the bug submission guidelines. You may also submit screenshots according to the screenshot guidelines.

26 mag 2008: Repetita juvant
Scritto da peres

Even if we won SourceForge's Community Choice Awards 2007 in the game section, ScummVM is not basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs.

New games are continuously being worked on, and compatibility for supported ones is being constantly improved. In short, our team is going to sweat its way through the upcoming summer.

We know you think we deserve to win without a fight, but let's do things by the book. So please, help now with the nomination phase and cast your vote for 'Best Project for Gamers' (requires registration at SourceForge).

22 mag 2008: They brutally murdered his teddy bear!
Scritto da drmccoy

And kidnapped his father to boot. So please help Woodruff with getting revenge, rescuing his father, freeing the oppressed Boozooks and finding out about the Schnibble of Azimuth.

Still the same old procedure: Get your copy of The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble and a daily build of ScummVM. Report all bugs to our bug tracker and submit screenshots you've made along the way to our patch tracker, following the bug submission guidelines and screenshot guidelines.

11 mag 2008: "Feel my wrath" ...
Scritto da LordHoto

... is on Malcolm's mind after being freed from his stony statue. Sadly he is unable to plan his revenge on his own, so give him a helping hand in The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge. It will be damn fun for you and him!

Procedure for playing is as always: Grab your copy of The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge and a daily build of ScummVM. Also we ask you, our fellow users, to report any bugs you run across to our bug tracker. Make sure you got all required datafiles before you report a bug though. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines. We also ask for screenshots, which should be reported to our patch tracker. For further information about this, check out the screenshot guidelines.

1 apr 2008: The Hand of Fate is moving...
Scritto da LordHoto

...and the finger points to you! Or to be precise to Zanthia, youngest of the Kyrandian Mystics. But since she is the one you play in ScummVM's newest supported adventure The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate that is not a big difference. So grab your copy of The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate and a daily build of ScummVM to help her save Kyrandia.

Since we are not finished with supporting every feature, there are still some missing: Currently we support only the DOS CD-ROM version. Another thing missing is support for the in-game GUI, so saving is possible only via hotkeys. Check out the hotkey section of our README on how to do it. And last but not least we do not support MIDI output, so make sure you use AdLib as "Music Driver".

Of course all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. Make sure you got all required datafiles before you report a bug though. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.

31 mar 2008: ScummVM in GSoC. Don't miss your last train
Scritto da sev (blatantly borrowed from Fingolfin)

UPDATE: The GSoC deadline was extend to April, 7th! The GSoC timeline should be updated soon to reflect this.

Do you enjoy the fabulousness of ScummVM? You still have a chance to add to it by participating in its development.

Prerequisities: ScummVM, students, and their free time and desire to take part in the development of one of the most successful open source projects. Whereas we don't have a problem with first item, the latter two aren't in a desired quantity this year.

So, it is your last chance to help us make ScummVM even better and get paid for it! The deadline of the Google Summer of Code (we reported it earlier) for student applications is drawing closer. Officially it is today, March 31st (although a deadline extension seems likely).

We added several new existing tasks to Open Tasks list, and we revised some of the old ones. Take a look now and apply.

Note that your first application draft doesn't have to be perfect. You have time till April 10th to improve upon it (see the GSoC timeline).

See you in the applications list!

21 mar 2008: ScummVM and the Quest for Code: Join the Google Summer of CodeTM
Scritto da Fingolfin (blatantly borrowed from Jubanka)

Do you know what a fabulous time we had last year participating in the Google Summer of Code? OK, you don't have to answer that, it's a rhetorical question. Fact is, it was fabulous! So fabulous we thought we'd apply again. And Google is so fabulous that they've elected ScummVM to take part again. Fabulous. (overuse of some words purely intentional).

So, where are you going to spend this summer*? Again some exotic beach? Perhaps this year on Monkey IslandTM?

Well if you are a student and want to make a buck this summer (more accurately $4500 US of them), Google is organizing the absolute Open Source recruitment drive, also known as the Google Summer of Code! The program is designed to create an incentive for students to participate in Open Source projects, by providing guidance and economic support. What's more, your favorite project ScummVM is proud to be participating!

Think about it. Have you ever thought about contributing to a large Open Source project like ScummVM but were intimidated to do so? With the Summer of Code opportunity, you can put your skills at work under close cooperation with our mentors. They'll help you ease in the team, plan the task ahead of time with you and guide you all along.

To get things started, you have to pitch us your idea. Take a look at our Open Tasks page for some suggestions. Then visit the Google Summer of Code website, read up on the FAQ and check out the application guide.

Now, hurry up! You've got until March 31, so get cracking!

*: Summer in the northern hemisphere definition :-)

2 mar 2008: You awake with a splitting headache...
Scritto da drmccoy

...on a moving ship and you've got no recollections on how you got there. Can you find your way around when you're Lost in Time?

Same procedure as last time: Get your copy of Lost in Time and a daily build of ScummVM, then report all bugs to our bug tracker and submit screenshots to our patch tracker. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines and screenshot guidelines, respectively.

Have fun, and good luck (you'll need it ;P).

29 feb 2008: ScummVM 0.11.1 "Fixed exist()nce" sees the light
Scritto da sev

ScummVM continues to leap forward in a leap year, and we are pleased to announce the next shiny bugfix release of the project.

As usual, it holds a number of improvements, it's more stable, and it should bring you even more fun than 0.11.0.

We fixed the digital iMUSE system (better COMI experience), King's Quest 4 bugs were squashed, and support for fanmade AGI games has been improved; Lure of the Temptress, Inherit the Earth and I Have no Mouth all work better since we fixed several crashes, lock-ups and all such buzzwords.

As a special bonus we are glad to announce the return of the BeOS port and the deeply missed Playstation 2 port.

For a more comprehensive list of improvements you are welcome to visit the release notes, but for those demanding to play, the latest and greatest version of ScummVM waits for you right on our downloads page!

15 gen 2008: ScummVM 0.11.0 "Your Palindrome" released
Scritto da sev

ScummVM. Do you hear it? Do you smell a new version? It's now here. And as usual and regularly, it is packed with tons of new features. Hold on, and take a look at the list:

  • Support for the FREEWARE adventure Lure of the Temptress (available for download here)
  • Seven other new supported games: I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream, Elvira 1 and 2, Waxworks (Amiga version only) and 3 Sierra pre-AGI games for children
  • Two newly available ports: iPhone and Maemo
  • Support for the Mac version of The Legend of Kyrandia and the Amiga version of Nippon Safes
  • Better support for Sierra AGI games
  • Improved support for modern 64-bit systems
  • Support for FLAC encoded music in Broken Sword 1 for the purists among you
  • Better support for non-English versions of games, including eastern languages
  • Sound compression for SAGA games
  • Much much more. See the release notes for the full list

Unfortunately, PlayStation 2 and GP32 ports will not be released with this version, since we don't have any maintainers for these ports currently.

Enough reading, go and grab it at our downloads page!

PS. 0110b = 6

28 dic 2007: PlayStation 2 maintainer wanted
Scritto da fingolfin

The ScummVM team is currently looking for help with the PlayStation 2 port of ScummVM. We are in need of a second experienced PS2 porter, as the current one is rather busy with other stuff. The port is currently a bit in disrepair, several things need to be brought up to speed. However, the team would help any interested developer to figure out what has to be fixed and how. Contact us via the usual means (if in doubt, just contact Fingolfin).

We are currently gearing up for releasing 0.11.0, and it would be great if the PS2 port could be included with that release. But we realize that the time might be too short to do that effectively, so it's only a bonus, not mandatory.

Reward would be eternal fame and the everlasting gratitude of the PS2 userbase of ScummVM :-).

6 dic 2007: Testing, testing. Big Testing SeasonTM for ScummVM 0.11.0
Scritto da sev, clone2727

It is time to announce our next Big Testing SeasonTM. This means that pretty soon you, our fellow users, will see the new and shiny ScummVM version.

We have extended the set of our supported games by 8 new (or old :) ) games. The list includes: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Lure of the Temptress, Elvira - Mistress of the Dark, Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus, Waxworks (Amiga version only), and early Sierra preAGI games Mickey's Space Adventure, Troll's Tale, and Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood.

There are detailed instructions on how to perform testing in a helpful way. You will find them on our Wiki page. Please stick to those and report on our mailing list, in #scummvm or on our forums. The current list of tested games can be found here.

2 dic 2007: Three more games are announced supported
Scritto da sev

We are pleased to announce another series of games from Horrorsoft is supported, which uses the AGOS engine:

Elvira - Mistress of the Dark
Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus
Waxworks (Amiga version only)

Help rescue Elvira in Elvira 1/2, and resolve a family curse in Waxworks.

Get the latest daily build of ScummVM and your version of the game and fight the evil! We ask you, our fellow users, to report any bugs you find in our bug tracker, following the bug submission guidelines. Any unrecognized versions should be reported to the tracker as well. Screenshots are also needed, which can be submitted using the appropriate guidelines for screenshot submission.

We hope you enjoy yet another great adventure game series under ScummVM!

30 nov 2007: ScummVM adds another freeware game to its ranks
Scritto da DreamMaster

ScummVM now adds another freeware title to its list of games: Lure of the Temptress, which was the first game to use Revolution Software's Virtual Theatre engine. Players must help Diermot escape imprisonment, unravel the mysteries surrounding the Skorl occupation of the town, and eventually defeat the evil enchantress that controls them.

Get the latest daily build of ScummVM and the required support data file. Since the game is freeware, you can freely download it in any of the available languages: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. You can also pick up several versions of the game directly from the Revolution website.

Please post any bugs you can find to our bug tracker, following the bug submission guidelines. Screenshots are also needed, which can be submitted using the appropriate guidelines for screenshot submission.

We are also currently looking for anyone who may have knowledge of a Dutch release of the game and can provide us with a copy.

27 nov 2007: ScummVM iPhone port reaches the world
Scritto da sev

You have probably noticed that ScummVM was recently ported to the iPhone. In fact, since yesterday the blog community picked up this news and started talking.

That is basically why we are going against our settled procedures this time and will announce this port even though it is not supposed to be official yet, but is in its early beta stages.

The port mentioned above was created by Oystein Eftevaag aka Vinterstum. Through continuous efforts of the ScummVM Team in the last six years it was not that difficult to make, and the basic port was created in less than a week.

As we've mentioned, it is not yet official, so you will not find it in its usual place on our downloads page, but you should visit this Wiki page which has full download and usage directions.

Remember, that we in no way support piracy of any kind, and discussing it will get you quickly banned on our forums and official IRC channel.

We have prepared a list of online shops where you can buy many of the supported games. And of course, there are Beneath a Steel Sky and Flight of the Amazon Queen on our downloads page which were freewared thanks to our project.

12 ott 2007: What day is it? October the 5th!.. Er, 12th!
Scritto da Ender

Well, somehow it slipped by us this year, but the ScummVM project was technically six years old on the 5th of October (based on our founding date on SourceForge. But don't worry! Due to popular demand, we have rescheduled our Birthday to Jan 15th, to coincide with the release of ScummVM 0.1.0!

Over the years, ScummVM has grown from a project ludde started to run Monkey Island ('to see if he could'), to a series of interpreters capable of playing a wide-range of games on a huge number of operating systems, platforms and devices. We would like to thank all of those who have helped us grow over the years from our developers, contributors and users. Some companies and groups deserve special mention (but all of you are great, so don't feel left out...):

  • SourceForge - For hosting us over the years, and giving us the chance to come runner up in the 2006 Community Choice Awards (Gaming Category) and WIN (Best Project for Gamers) this year
  • Revolution Software - Tony Warriner and Charles Cecil for their ongoing support - And providing code, assisting our efforts in Beneath a Steel Sky/Broken Sword and freewaring some of these games!
  • John Passfield/Steve Stamatiadis - For providing the source code for Flight of the Amazon Queen, supporting our efforts, and also allowing us to re-release this wonderful game as freeware!
  • Wyrmkeep Entertainment - And Joe Pearce, for his great assistance in providing source code, adding Inherit the Earth and early SAGA support
  • Adventure Soft - Alan Bridgman and Simon Woodroffe, formerly of AdventureSoft - For sharing the AGOS source for Feeble Files, and their support with Simon/AGOS support
  • Sold Out Software - Now Mastertronic, for not being afraid to use ScummVM on their commercial budget re-issues of Broken Sword 1/2
  • Google, for allowing us to participate in the Summer of Code this year (and to all students who participated)
  • David Fox, Ron Gilbert, Aaron Giles, Michael Land, Vince Lee, Jim Leiterman, Tim Schafer, Aric Wilmunder and everyone else involved in creating the classic LucasFilm/LucasArts titles that inspired this project!

Stay tuned for the REAL party, early next year...

16 set 2007: Which of you would like to play my little game?
Scritto da Md5

We are glad to announce another supported title: I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, which uses the SAGA engine.

Help Gorrister, Ellen, Benny, Nimdok and Ted to overcome their fatal flaws and fight the crazed super computer AM.

Get the latest daily build of ScummVM and your English, German, French, Spanish or Russian version of the game and fight the evil super computer! We ask you, our fellow users, to report any bugs you find in our bug tracker, following the bug submission guidelines. Any unrecognized versions should be reported to the tracker as well. Screenshots are also needed, which can be submitted using the appropriate guidelines for screenshot submission.

We hope you enjoy yet another great adventure game under ScummVM!

5 ago 2007: ScummVM DS port 0.10.0a released
Scritto da agent-q

The newest version of the Nintendo DS port of ScummVM is now available. This release brings ScummVM DS port in line with the other ports of ScummVM. Games new to the DS version this time round include the later entries in the Goblins series, Future Wars, and Sierra AGI games. There are also plenty of speed improvements which should make your ScummVM DS port experience a lot smoother.

Download it from the main ScummVM download page as usual.

31 lug 2007: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: We won!
Scritto da fingolfin and sev

Results are in folks for the 2007 Community Choice Awards and ScummVM has won in the Best Project for Gamers category!

In true award-ceremony spirit, we'd like to thank first and foremost you, our users. Over the years, you've helped us grow as a project, pointed out bugs and contributed code.

Second, we'd like to thank our project hoster, SourceForge.net. These guys maintain and develop the platform we depend on to collaborate and communicate our code.

Once again, a great big thanks to the community for supporting ScummVM. It really is an honor for us to be picked as a top project within 150.000+ potential contestants.

So if you haven't done so, go forth and download the latest, Award Winning (TM) ScummVM version and enjoy some classic adventure games on your favorite platform!

20 giu 2007: ScummVM 0.X.0: "Tic-tac-toe edition"
Scritto da fingolfin

Finally, here it is! Our long awaited, best-ever new release, ScummVM 0.X.0 (or 0.10.0, for those roman numeral challenged amongst you), code named "Tic-tac-toe edition", has arrived today. Now available in stores, err, on download servers worldwide!

"What's new? What's in it? Can I open it up yet?" - Hah, I can already see you shifting impatiently on your seats. But before you run, let me shed some light on the details of this latest installment of the successful ScummVM series:

  • Several new engines and thus new games supported:
    • Sierra AGI engine: Space Quest I & II, King's Quest I-III and many more, including a vast number of fan-made games,
    • Cinematique evo 1 engine: Future Wars,
    • GOB engine: Bargon Attack, Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, Ween: The Prophecy,
    • AGOS engine: Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack,
    • Parallaction engine: Nippon Safes Inc.,
    • Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer engine.
  • DXA movies (higher quality than MPEG2) can be compressed better now and can be used for the Broken Sword cutscenes.
  • Added 'Mass Add' feature to the Launcher, which allows you to scan for all games in all subdirectories of a given directory (to use it, press shift then click on "Add Game").
  • Many nice improvements to our ports.
  • And as usual a gazillion small fixes, tweaks and improvements.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and grab your free copy of the best-ever ScummVM while it's still hot!

P.S.: The SourceForge.net download mirrors are a bit slow when it comes to syncing, hence it can happen that your download fails or is corrupt after the first try. Don't give up, just try to download from another mirror!

6 giu 2007: Vote for ScummVM in the SourceForge Annual Community Awards
Scritto da salty-horse, fingolfin

Once again, SourceForge is holding a vote to see which projects are most loved by the community.

Last year, ScummVM nearly won in the gaming category, losing the first place to the Xbox Media Center project (which, we may add, does not allow you to play classic adventure games on your Xbox).

Everyone should quickly login to their SourceForge account (or create one if they haven't got one yet) and go to the voting page to vote for ScummVM!

After you're done clicking, choose the "Best Project for Gamers" category. Feel free to do the same in the "Best Project" category. Note that this is only the first round of the election. The projects which get most votes now in each category will be selected for a second and final election round.

Happy voting!

20 mag 2007: It's time to crack those pesky Nippon Safes
Scritto da peres

Nippon Safes, Inc., the first exciting instalment of the Parallaction engine, is now supported in current SVN builds (which can be found under "SVN Builds" on the downloads page) and open for testing and bug reporting via the ScummVM bug tracker.

Are you smarter than an experienced safe cracker?
Are you sexier than an explosive lap dancing bombshell?
Are you dumber than a punch-drunk Italian former boxer?

No matter how you answer, you are bound to end up in jail in the first 5 minutes. Don't worry, though. You might be paroled or somebody might help you and provide the bail, but not for free*.

Help Dough, Donna and Dino in paying their - real or imaginary - debt, but be warned: accepting a job from a hideous misfit in a trench may lead to unexpected results.

Don't miss the playable demo you can find here, and don't forget to submit some sexy screenshots.

*You might think you owe something even if you were parolled, but that's restricted to the slight case you really are a punch-drunk boxer.

19 mag 2007: Pre-0.10.0 Testing Season Announced
Scritto da clone2727, sev

Hello there ScummVM users! It's that time of year again where we ask you to test your games while we gear up for a new release, and this time it's for 0.10.0. While the official Big Testing Season(TM) begins on May 23, we ask that you begin testing games now, except for AGOS games (Simon the Sorcerer series, Feeble Files) and Nippon Safes.

There are several new games for 0.10.0 including Touche: The Adventure of the Fifth Musketeer and Future Wars. In addition, DrMcCoy has been extra busy and dealt us Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, Ween: The Prophecy and Bargon Attack. Also, Nippon Safes will be included in this release. This release will also feature the AGI games from the merge with Sarien.

There are detailed instructions on how to perform testing in a helpful way. You will find them at our Wiki page. Please, stick to those and report on our mailing list, on #scummvm or in our forums. The current list of tested games can be found here.

22 apr 2007: ...And another working goblins game!
Scritto da sev, drmccoy

The blazingly fast addition of Goblins 3 was gracefully performed thanks to the not-so-big differences from Gobliins 2.

For you, an average peasa... adventurer, that means that YOU can reach an agreement between King Bodd and Queen Xina.

Will you succeed? Find out by grabbing your old copy of Goblins 3 from your dusty shelves, combining it with a shiny new ScummVM 0.10.0svn (check the build date, it has to be after April 21, 2007, yes, 2007).

Read our bug submissions guidelines and enter any bugs into the bug tracker.

P.S.: Please make a couple of screenshots along the way. The screenshots submission guidelines are here.

12 apr 2007: Google Summer of Code studentships finalized
Scritto da Jubanka

Google has announced the final allocations of students to the projects participating in the Summer of Code program this year. So far, it has been a tremendous success, with over 6200 applications being submitted and over 900 students being accepted.

ScummVM received 37 applications and was finally awarded 7 slots for students who will work on a variety of tasks, under close and relentless supervision by _sev, Fingolfin, LordHoto and Jubanka. So Kari, David, Timothy, Sean, Andreas, Serhiy and Zbigniew welcome aboard! Competition was fierce, we had to drop several good applications, so for those of you who did not make it, don't despair. If you still believe your proposed task was cool, it should be done but just didn't make the final cut, and if you feel up to it, you can coordinate with us and go ahead with it anyway. ScummVM always welcomes code contributions! After all, that's the whole point of SoC: Getting people involved in open source :-)

1 apr 2007: LeChuck said RTS and we got RTS for him (and you)!
Scritto da clone2727, LordHoto

You think RTS and ScummVM don't fit together? Of course they do! As you know, we have support for The Legend of Kyrandia for some time now. Now, after some work, we have parts of Dune 2 working with extensions to our Kyrandia code. However, there are only a few things working correctly. At least the introduction sequence works like a charm by now (check the screenshots).

Also the mentat is basically working, although it misses some animation sequences. Last but not least, the only in-game support we have so far is map loading, but there are some other things that you can't see on screenshots now. So stay tuned and wait for the first RTS supported by ScummVM!

As the code is still a work in progress, it has not been committed yet. But, look for it within the next couple of days when LordHoto has a bit more working.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Ok, so we all know this is an April Fool's joke. But, truthfully, Dune 2 does share several of the resources of the Kyrandia games. Furthermore, parts of the screenshots seen here were extracted using a Kyrandia tool (as LordHoto says). This still doesn't mean support will be added though.

15 mar 2007: Complicate your summer vacations!
Scritto da Jubanka

Deadline for applications extended to March 26th!

So, where are you going to spend the summer*? Some exotic beach? Perhaps Mêlée IslandTM?

Well if you are a student and want to make a buck this summer (more accurately $4500 US of them), Google is organizing the absolute Open Source recruitment drive, also known as the Google Summer of Code! The program is designed to create an incentive for students to participate in Open Source projects, by providing guidance and economic support. What's more, your favorite project ScummVM is proud to be participating!

Think about it. Have you ever thought about contributing to a large Open Source project like ScummVM but were intimidated to do so? With the Summer of Code opportunity, you can put your skills at work under close cooperation with our mentors. They'll help you ease in the team, plan the task ahead of time with you and guide you all along.

To get things started, you have to pitch us your idea. Take a look at our Open Tasks page for some suggestions. Then visit the Google Summer of Code website, read up on the FAQ and check out the application guide.

Now, hurry up! You've got until March 26, so get cracking!

*: Summer in the northern hemisphere definition :-)

7 mar 2007: They disintegrated the earth!
Scritto da drmccoy

Bargon Attack, which like Ween: The Prophecy shares most of the code with Gobliins 2, is now completable and supported. Hence, we ask you to catch up with the Bargonians and hunt for bugs along the way.

The procedure is the same as the last few times: take your copy of Bargon Attack and a daily build of ScummVM. Be sure you read the bug submission guidelines and enter any bugs into our bug tracker.

Some screenshots would be nice, too.

Oh, and check out Ender's speech at LCA2007 here.

16 feb 2007: Simon the Sorcerer Enhanced Music Update
Scritto da sev

The ScummVM Music Enhancement Project, created and developed by James Woodcock, recently announced that it has been granted permission by Simon Woodroffe to release the full enhanced soundtrack for Simon the Sorcerer within ScummVM.  He has also made available a preview video, that presents how the new music works with this title.

The project also covers other titles, such as Beneath A Steel Sky, Discworld, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Inherit the Earth and another title yet to be announced!

As soon as the ScummVM software has been tested with the new soundtrack provided, James has promised to release the full selection of music from Simon the Sorcerer on his own website free of charge.  There are already sample downloads for many of his projects, so make sure you pop over to the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project homepage.

10 feb 2007: As foretold by The Prophecy
Scritto da drmccoy

As some of you may already be aware of, the engines of Gobliins 2 and Ween: The Prophecy share a lot of code. The differences have now been taken care of and we therefore add it to the list of our supported games. As always, we'd like you, our users, to report any still existing bugs.

You know the procedure: Grab your copy of Ween: The Prophecy and a daily build of ScummVM, read the bug submission guidelines, find the bugs and place them in the REVUSS (our bug tracker).

...and thus will the bugs be wiped out...

30 gen 2007: AGI Game Testing/Documenting
Scritto da clone2727

Way back in May of last year, Sarien merged with ScummVM. Not only does this give you the great opportunity to relive those long lost childhood memories of defeating the evil Sariens in Space Quest alongside thwarting LeChuck's evil doings in Monkey Island, but it also gives you the chance to create some new memories, such as searching for the ingredients for a magic recipe in the fan made game, Voodoo Girl: Queen of the Darned. There are over 180 AGI fan games that have been made using something like WinAGI or AGI Studio that can be played in ScummVM. Luckily for us, sev has made a compilation of them that can be found here (thanks to clemmy for hosting it).

"Why are you telling me this?" you might ask. Well, the gauntlet has been thrown down. We need you, the ScummVM users, to go write a description for the wiki for the fan games, using the syntax written in this forum post. Then, post it there as well. This way, the wiki editors can post it on the wiki.

In addition, we ask that you test both Sierra's AGI games and fan made games using ScummVM. As usual, you will need a daily build. However, we ask that you check if a bug in an AGI fan game is present in the original interpreter as well. If you find any bugs, please report them to the bug tracker.

Good luck!

5 gen 2007: Fundraiser closed - and a huge success!
Scritto da ender


We have had an amazing response to our fundraiser, managing to reach our target of $950 in just over 24 hours! The response was simply amazing, and thanks to these donations several key team members will soon be the proud owners of some shiny new copies of the latest release of IDA - The Interactive Disassembler.

This will be a great help in adding new game support, and fixing some of the odder bugs in our current game engines, so once again we thank all users that have donated. Everyone on the team is amazed at the support you've shown, and we're planning a few surprises down the line to help thank everybody. Please check our Donor List to see how many donations we received, and to read everybody's comments. (Note that only donors who supplied a comment are listed).

However, although the fundraiser is closed, (and especially if you didn't donate in this round), please consider donating in the future if you enjoy ScummVM. We can always use donations to help purchase game software and rare versions to increase our support and compatibility — every dollar or euro is appreciated!

3 gen 2007: We are able to accept donations again. Fundraiser announcement
Scritto da sev

Some time ago PayPal approached us and told us that we could no longer use their system to accept donations. It was a precedent, which was even highlighted on Slashdot. But as you may imagine, it could potentially put many projects into a very unpleasant situation.

Fortunately, thanks to the very good folks at SourceForge we now have this issue resolved. They were able to help negotiate an exception with PayPal, allowing us to continue to accept PayPal donations via SourceForge.

This all means that now we are able to accept donations again via the SourceForge donation system which uses PayPal.

We also would like to use this opportunity to announce a fundraiser. As you may know, we are widely using Interactive Disassembler from DataRescue. So far most of us have been using the freeware version, but it has many serious limitations (which obviously makes it free). We conducted negotiations with DataRescue and received a very generous discount. We would really like to buy 5 IDA Pro licenses for several key team developers who will be able to use it at full extent. So if you would really like to see the project going steady and support for even more games added, consider to donating a couple of dollars or euros.

Our target is $950 US dollars and whilst this no small goal, taking into account more that 2,5 millions downloads, 15,000+ web visitors per day and almost 5,400 registered forum users we feel that it is very achievable. Please, use the SourceForge donation system to make your donations.

19 dic 2006: 'Tis the season...
Scritto da drmccoy

...for newly supported games, it would seem: Gobliins 2 joins Touché and Future Wars as recent bug-hunting targets. So be vewy, vewy quiet, gwab your copy of Gobliins 2 and find those wascally bugs!

Equipment: A daily build of ScummVM
Instructions: The bug submission guidelines
Important location: Our bug tracker, report the bugs (and unrecognized versions) there

For bonus points, submit a few screenshots.

Have fun and happy hunting!

18 dic 2006: ScummVM gets new name
Scritto da sev, fingolfin

Every now and then somebody will raise the subject of finding a 'better' name for ScummVM, one that fits better with it's modern scope (which extends well beyond SCUMM games). So at this page we present you with some nice alternatives. Choose whichever suits you best -- but we will stay ScummVM.


15 dic 2006: Where are your Musketeers?... Touché
Scritto da sev

It was a complete surprise to all of us, but our old-timer Gregory Montoir aka cyx several weeks ago submitted a practically finished engine. It is used by the game Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer. Some more work has been performed, and now we are announcing full support for this title.

For you, our fellow users, this means that we are starting a great bug-hunting session. Grab your English, French, German or Italian, or even just the game demo and start testing. Stick Geoffroi Le Brun's nose in every hole in the game and report if it unexpectedly gets broken.

As usual, to play the game you will need a daily build of ScummVM. Bugs and graphical glitches should be submitted to our bug tracker, and please, follow the bug submission guidelines. Also, if you encounter some yet unrecognized version, report it to the same tracker.

Screenshots are required as well. Besides, we are still waiting for Future Wars screenshots as nobody submitted any yet.

We are sure that you will enjoy this yet another gem stone now supported by ScummVM.

17 nov 2006: "Future Wars" is supported
Scritto da sev

As you may know, some time ago we adopted the cinematique evo.1 engine, which was maintained by Yaz0r. The engine is used by two games: Future Wars and Operation Stealth. Now, after several months of work, we are pleased to announce support for Future Wars in daily SVN builds of ScummVM.

Currently only the DOS version is supported, but in a variety of languages.

We would like to ask you, our fellow users, to perform testing for us. However, it does not mean that the next major release is near, but that we are ready for bug reports. So, grab your copy of the game (if you own it) and test every bit of it. You will need a daily build of ScummVM and your protection booklet handy in order to run the game. Then, if a bug, glitch, or even if a console message pops up, please report it. Instructions on reporting bugs can be found here.

Also, we need several good looking in-game screenshots. See the screenshot submission guidelines.

14 nov 2006: Mac OS X port of ScummVM 0.9.1 updated
Scritto da vinterstum

As some of you may have noticed, the Mac OS X version of ScummVM 0.9.1 had some issues when running on PowerPC machines, particularly when playing MP3 encoded sound. A new build (0.9.1a) is now up on the downloads page, for anyone affected (All versions beyond the Mac OS X version remain the same).

29 ott 2006: ScummVM 0.9.1 "PalmOS revived" released
Scritto da sev

We are pleased to announce the 0.9.1 ScummVM bugfix release.

There were lots of important bugfixes and small improvements. We are also glad that three additional platforms are now officially supported: Nintendo DS, GP2X and GP32. You can already download official DS and GP2X binaries, and the GP32 port will be available soon.

Some of the most significant bugfixes are:

  • Many fixes for Humongous Entertainment games and better support for international versions of the games
  • Improved detection of the FM-TOWNS version of Indy3
  • Several fixes for The Feeble Files and more non-English versions are supported now
  • Some parts of the Kyrandia engine were rewritten so the game needs less CPU power now, and thus works better on lower-end devices
  • The PSP, PS2 and WinCE ports were greatly improved
  • The PalmOS port is again up-to-date and features separate build for Tapwave Zodiac
  • The WinCE port supports 2002 devices again

For the complete list read the release notes.

As usual, the builds are located on our downloads page.

30 ago 2006: Donations no longer accepted
Scritto da Ender

As regular ScummVM web-viewers may have noticed already, we have removed the Paypal button from our site and no donations are currently being accepted.

Paypal has informed as that all software capable of playing a game on a system 'it was not sold for' is in violation of their AUP. Please feel free to e-mail aup@paypal.com and express your disappointment at their policies... Which make absolutely no sense for a project like ScummVM, which is often actively assisted by the original game developers and studios, even to the point of being shipped by Sold Out in their Broken Sword 1/2 compilation.

We are investigating alternatives for a donation system, if any of our users would like to put forward a suggestion of a safe, open-source friendly system please let us know in the "Paypal Sucks" forum thread.

4 lug 2006: WinCE port for ScummVM 0.9.0 updated
Scritto da knakos

As many users of the Windows CE port have noticed, the 0.9.0 release has some sound and music related issues which usually ended with a crash. The obscure bugs were hunted down and corrected. We urge all PocketPC and Smartphone users to download the updated 0.9.0a build from our downloads page or our SourceForge files section. It may be a while until all mirrors pick up the file, so be patient.

25 giu 2006: ScummVM 0.9.0 "The OmniBrain loves you" released
Scritto da sev

It has been almost 8 months since we started to work on the 0.9.x code branch and today we're pleased to announce the release of ScummVM 0.9.0 "The OmniBrain loves you".

Many things are waiting for you, one of the most noticeable is the new and improved GUI. We also added support for 2 completely new games — The Legend of Kyrandia and The Feeble Files.

Other important changes include:

  • Reworked detection code for SCUMM games. Now all your fan translations will work out of the box
  • Added subtitle configuration controls to the options dialog
  • New official Atari/MiNT port
  • Much improved WinCE port
  • Numerous bugfixes in the SCUMM, SAGA, Simon, Broken Sword 2 and BASS engines

For the complete list read the release notes.

Unfortunately not all ports are built yet and also you may experience some problems with downloads as not all SourceForge mirrors picked up the files. So, please, try different mirrors and be patient.

Don't wait any longer, go and fetch a build for your platform on our downloads page.

27 mag 2006: Pre-0.9.0 testing season announced
Scritto da sev

Greetings, citizens. The OmiBrain facility ScummVM Team needs you to do game testing.

As usual, we prepared many new features for you and killed zillions of bugs. That means that every supported game needs retesting.

There are 2 completely new games which we introduce in 0.9.0. The Legend of Kyrandia and The Feeble Files. Also there are few Humongous Entertainment games where compatibility bumped significantly, Pajama Sam 3 is among them. So, please, find your old game media or buy some more and enjoy the gameplay of these classics.

There are detailed instructions on how to perform testing in a helpful way. You will find them at our Wiki page. Note, that the guidelines have changed a bit since last Big Testing Season(TM) which you performed for 0.8.0. Please, stick to those and report on our mailing list, on #scummvm or in our forums.

Have a nice cycle, and remember: The OmniBrain loves you!

24 mag 2006: Second life for Sarien?
Scritto da aquadran

Hi folks!

As you may have noticed, we are now including the AGI engine in our development source tree aka SVN. This engine allows you to play early versions of games such as Larry 1, Space Quest 1&2, King's Quest 1-4, Police Quest 1, and numerous fanmade games. It is based on the Sarien code, with its authors expressed permission.

We would also like to clarify that we don't have any plans to add support for SCI games in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, AGI is an in-development engine, so it will not be included in the upcoming 0.9.0 release.

PS. This is not part of the CABAL project :-)

13 mag 2006: New forum theme!
Scritto da Ender

Many of you have been waiting for this for a while, but we're proud to present our new-look ScummVM Forums!

We would like to personally thank Clem for designing and implementing the new theme, and Raina for creating the buttons and icons. After much work and effort, the results speak for themselves.

If you have any feedback or suggestions on the new design, please post in the feedback thread.

25 apr 2006: Call for testing: The Legend of Kyrandia
Scritto da vinterstum

We're proud to announce that ScummVM support for The Legend of Kyrandia is now complete!

This means that we now need you, our users, to give us a helping hand. In order to root out any remaining bugs, extensive testing is sorely needed. So, please dig upyour (legal!) copies of Kyrandia 1, download a SVN snapshot of ScummVM and the required Kyra data file from the Downloads page, and post any bugs you find to our Bug tracker :). Any other issues can be discussed in the forum.

Currently both CD and floppy editions are supported in their own language. English, French, German and Spanish versions are fully supported, but any other PC (and hopefully Mac) version should work as well (albeit with some text in English, and some interface graphics missing). If you have an unsupported version, we'd love to hear from you! Note that Amiga versions are unfortunately not supported at all at this time.

9 apr 2006: Project leadership, SourceForge.net 2006 Community Choice Awards results
Scritto da fingolfin

Today we are very happy to announce that Eugene "sev" Sandulenko has been elevated to the rank of project leader, meaning we now have a trio at the steering wheel of ScummVM.

Eugene contributed in major ways to ScummVM, going beyond what could reasonably be expected from a regular team member. He worked on several new engines in ScummVM, the new GUI code, managed several of our releases, played a central role in our recent switch to Subversion, motivates other people to do useful work, and many other things.

Congratulations, Eugene, and we hope to see a lot more of your great work in the future. :-)

In other news, the final results of the SourceForge.net2006 Community Choice Awards are now public, and ScummVM made an honorable second place in the Games category, only beaten by Xbox Media Center (some people are debating how game-like this is, but then, ScummVM itself isn't a game either, so let's not complain :-). Thanks again to everybody who voted for us.

19 mar 2006: SourceForge.net 2006 Community Choice Awards: Final Ballot
Scritto da fingolfin

Good news: We made the cut to the final ballot of SourceForge.net's first annual Community Choice Awards!

Thanks a bunch to everybody who voted for us. But you can do better: Since the final ballot is up and running now, you can vote again for us, and all your other favorite projects. Just go to the Community Choice Awards and cast your vote. You can do so until March 23, so don't be tardy or it'll be too late :-).

14 mar 2006: SourceForge.net 2006 Community Choice Awards
Scritto da fingolfin

Dear ScummVM users! We just discovered that SourceForge.net is currently doing a nomination round for their first annual Community Choice Awards. The good thing: ScummVM has been chosen to be one of the pre-selected candidates. The catch: The nomination round is already closing tomorrow!

So, if you would like to support us, go to the Community Choice Awards Nominations page, enter the "Games" subsection and nominate ScummVM. And of course, you can and should do the same in all the other categories for those projects you think deserve it.

After the nomination round, voting on the top five nominees begins March 17th. Details are not yet known, but chances are that this will be public once again. So keep out an eye on this, and just in case a certain project with a green slimy "S" in its logo makes the cut... you know what you should do ;-).

12 feb 2006: We moved to Subversion
Scritto da sev, fingolfin

Thanks to SourceForge.net, we got the opportunity to move to a more powerful and advanced versioning system than CVS: We are now using Subversion, also known as SVN. In case you wonder, a versioning system is a tool for collaborative software development. As you probably know, the ScummVM Team consists of more than 30 active core developers, and many more are on our list of past and present contributors. Working on a project on this scale just would not be possible without the help of such a system.

From the very beginning, Ludvig Strigeus committed his initial ScummVM version to CVS, the versioning system we used until recently. Vincent Hamm joined him shortly thereafter. Since then, a lot has changed, many things have happened. We have more than 20,000 revisions of ScummVM and its various components in our CVS repository.

We now moved to a new system, Subversion. Compared to CVS, it adds many useful new features, that allow us to work more efficiently on ScummVM, something we are sure all our users will appreciate. Among other things, there will be no more lag between anonymous and developers version of the source code -- you get everything we do instantly!

If you used a CVS checkout so far, scrap it, install a Subversion client and checkout


If you are using the command line subversion client, that means you simply have to type the following command:

svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scummvm/scummvm/trunk/ scummvm

You will notice that the source tree of ScummVM already changed significantly and yet more is to come. Stay tuned!

8 feb 2006: ScummVM 0.8.2 "Broken Broken Sword 2" released
Scritto da sev

Due to a bug discovered in 0.8.1, which rendered Broken Sword 2 unplayable, we're forced to release ScummVM 0.8.2 "Broken Broken Sword 2". Also, we used this opportunity to fix the WinCE builds, as well as the MacOS X bundle.

As usual, you can get builds for all supported platforms on our downloads page

31 gen 2006: ScummVM 0.8.1 "Codename: missing" released
Scritto da sev

Rejoice, ScummVM 0.8.1 "Codename: missing" has just been released. You can now experience the latest official flavour of ScummVM. The main reason for this release is fixing several bugs that slipped into 0.8.0, some of these fixes are:

  • Much improved support for Humongous Entertainment games
  • Support the German version of Maniac Mansion NES (thanks to Joachim Eberhard for contributing the cartridge)
  • Fixed overflow when using control panel for the robot in the Dig
  • Fixed disappearing cursor when level password is typed in Gobliiins
  • Implemented more precise MD5-based game detection for Simon the Sorcerer
  • First non-beta PS2 port release

For a complete list of changes see the release notes.

You can grab a build for your system on our downloads page


14 gen 2006: Beneath a Steel Sky Soundtrack Teaser
Scritto da sev

As you may have noticed, there is a big discussion about the BASS score on our forums. James Woodcock, one of the participants, has posted on his blog a couple of remastered tracks from the original MIDI.

Although ScummVM does not yet support this in it's full glory, we are looking at implementing this in the near future, so keep watching.  In the mean time we recommend you to go and feel the future of what ScummVM hopes to provide.

You may find out more about the enhancements, by visiting James's site:
James Woodcock's ScummVM Music Enhancement Project

9 gen 2006: Basic support for The Legend of Kyrandia
Scritto da Vinterstum

At long last, ScummVM CVS now has basic support for The Legend of Kyrandia by Westwood Studios. The game is fully completable, but lacks music, sound effects and a menu system (for now). Please refer to section 3.8 of the README for more information, and to the Downloads section for the necessary datafile. All bugs should be reported to our bug tracker, please see section 4.10 of the FAQ for instructions.

5 dic 2005: ScummVM 0.8.0 build for PocketPC 2002 is available
Scritto da sev

We're pleased to announce the availability of the long-awaited build of ScummVM version 0.8.0 for PocketPC 2002, thanks to Kostas Nakos. You can get it from our download page. It may happen that some mirrors haven't picked up the file yet, in which case try a different mirror.

2 dic 2005: Inherit the Earth Soundtrack released
Scritto da sev

Some interesting news for you. Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. has released the ITE Soundtrack on CD. You may listen to a preview and buy it from here. ScummVM supports this game as of 0.8.0, thanks to our tight collaboration with Wyrmkeep and the fact that they kindly provided us with all source code and the rights to reimplement it. Support this great company by purchasing the game soundtrack and, of course, the game itself, which you can play using ScummVM.

14 nov 2005: BASS Audio Restoration - Help needed
Scritto da joostp

As you can read here, we (joostp and lavosspawn) have the ambition to create an audibly improved version of BASS by using the high quality studio source material, which is stored on DATs (Digital Audio Tape).

At this point we have these DATs in our possession and are looking for help in getting the audio off them. Since we're not in the position to send the tapes anywhere, we're looking for someone to lend us a DAT player/recorder for about 2 weeks to complete this first step. The DAT player would need to be shipped to the Netherlands, and will be returned upon completion of the task.

If you think you can help out, please get in touch! For more information, see the forum thread.

13 nov 2005: New website design
Scritto da sev

Hi. Just over a year after our design contest ended we're proud to finally announce the launch of the new web design. Thanks to Draven for the design and Yaroslav Fedevych for most of the HTML/CSS code. For curious souls the old website is still available here.

9 nov 2005: PlayStation 2 Release Candidate added
Scritto da lavosspawn

The first binary release of the PlayStation 2 Port has now been posted to our forums in this thread. It was not added to the download pages as it still needs some testing. If you've got a PlayStation 2 with a modchip, grab it and tell us about your results.

1 nov 2005: Freeware BASS updated
Scritto da joostp

In light of the 0.8.0 release, which requires the additional SKY.CPT file to run Beneath a Steel Sky, we've updated the archive of the freeware CD version to include this file, and while we were at it, updated the data files to the last-known released version of BASS, which should fix some text issues that appear when playing the game in non-english languages.

You can download it from the downloads page (whenever the SourceForge mirrors pick it up), or download the SKY.CPT file separately here.

30 ott 2005: ScummVM 0.8.0 released.
Scritto da sev

We are pleased to announce a long-awaited ScummVM 0.8.0 release. We, the ScummVM Team, have prepared a big pack of new features for you. Most outstanding amongst these are:

  • New improved launcher and in-game GUI
  • Support for Inherit the Earth and Gobliiins
  • Playstation Portable, Playstation 2 and EPOC/SymbianOS ports
  • CGA and Hercules rendering modes for some games
  • Preliminary support for NES and C64 LucasArts games
  • Much improved support for Humongous Entertainment children games (Freddi Fish, Pajama Sam, Putt-Putt, Spy Fox, Fatty Bear, Backyard Sports and Buzzy)

You may find a more detailed list of changes as well as files to download at our downloads page. We encourage you to update to this latest and best ScummVM version as soon as possible.

Along with this release, we are also pleased to announce the launch of our new forums. Located at the easy to remember address of http://forums.scummvm.org/, the new forums feature individual sub-forums for Ports, and many new functions for both the users and moderators alike.

Please note that the SourceForge.net forums will be closed and archived within the next 48 hours. These archives will be available from the bottom of the forums' Main Index page.

11 ott 2005: A great call of testers.
Scritto da sev

Hello, fellow users. Now it's time to help the ScummVM team bring out a new release of err... ScummVM. Ta-da!

We have a large amount of changes, new features and bugfixes. Almost every aspect of the program was touched, tuned, altered. So we once again need to ask for testers of every game we support.

We'd like to mention two completely new titles we support now. They are Inherit the Earth and Gobliiins (first one in the series). Please, pay attention to those too.

Instructions on how to do the testing are located at our Wiki page. Please, stick to those and report on our mailing list, on #scummvm or in our forums.

9 set 2005: Screenshots are not needed anymore.
Scritto da sev

The last bastion of the screenshots camp has fallen. We have just received Zak v1 shots and that means that all is done. Thanks a lot to you, our fellow users, who took part in this saga. There are too many of you to mention, but you know who you are.

We also need to test another couple of newly supported games. These are Maniac Mansion NES version and Zak McKracken Commodore 64. See sections 3.8 and 3.9 in our README on how to run these. We need to know whether these games are completable or not.

30 ago 2005: Screenshots needed.
Scritto da sev

If you like screenshots as much as we do, you can play an integral role in demonstrating the capabilities of ScummVM with merely single still-frame image.

Basically, we need you to submit screenshots for our screenshots gallery. We have an explanation of the proper way to do so here in our wiki.

So, if you've got a few minutes, an interesting save in the middle of a game, and you want to help, please feel free to take and submit a screenshot of it. As the wiki states, ScummVM should be in HQ2x mode with aspect ratio correction ON.

4 ago 2005: Time is only a word. A pretty short one.
Scritto da ender

Due to a local space/time vortex which will in the future be located near Earth, the meaning of 'regularly' may be in flux. Stay tuned for further updates.

And now, to current news:

We're happy to report that Ron Gilbert, co-creator of Maniac Mansion and SCUMM, made a nice reference to ScummVM on his website (Grumpy Gamer. Or so we hear from Slashdot, which seems to have brought his site to its knees :)

Please note, however, that the Nintendo DS port mentioned is not yet an official or supported port. So please don't contact us about it, because we can't help :)

The contents of Rons latest post has been quoted in this blogspot post. For the record, we've given Ron the nod in our readme.txt since Wed Apr 17 17:31:05 2002 (UTC).

We're also calling for testers to report problems with 'Inherit the Earth' (details and purchase information behind the link!). Please use the bug tracker, and set the correct game under Group. Please only test with the latest CVS version. Thanks!

11 mag 2005: News, lots and lots of them...
Scritto da fingolfin

On the downside, we really need to post news more regularly. On the upside, we have accumulated a lot to tell you about:

New Ports

  • Ports are important for us -- that much we have in common with the good ol' pirates from Monkey Island. Of course in our case it's not the wet kind (with ships and stuff), but rather ports of ScummVM to different architectures. On that front, we have some pretty nice things coming up for the next ScummVM release, including an official PlayStation 2 port, as well as the AmigaOS port now being official, too. And with some luck maybe even the often requested EPOC/Symbian port will finally be a regular part of ScummVM (take a look at the relevant patch tracker item if you are curious).

New games

  • We added a new game engine, this time for Coktel's Gobliiins series. So far, Gobliiins 1 is completable. Work on the other parts (Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, and "The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble") has not yet begun, but at least Gobliins 2 seems to be similar to part 1, so we hope to have that in the foreseeable future, too. Regarding the other parts, we'll see...
  • Thanks to the hard work of some dedicated people we also finally support the (in)famous NES version of Maniac Mansion. Wow, that should be about the last LucasArts SCUMM game we were not supporting ... ;-)
  • Support for Humongous Entertainment's kids games is progressing well, the following titles can be completed with the current development version of ScummVM:
    • Freddi Fish 1 - 4
    • Pajama Sam 1 & 2
    • Putt-Putt (several titles)
    • Spy Fox 1 & 2
    • Several arcade titles

New thumbs

  • No, I didn't undergo plastic surgery (although another pair of thumbs sounds tempting...). Rather, we added support for thumbnails in SCUMM savegames. Pretty cool stuff, click here for a screenshot.

Not too shabby, we think. And we actually have more really cool stuff in the works, stay tuned.

1 apr 2005: Don't wake the dragon!
Scritto da ender

Apart from previous hints, more information is now available about the ScummVM project Dragon.

Please note that Dragon is still very much an unreleased Work In Progress, but things have just started working and we're expecting to announce more about this project over the coming week.

30 mar 2005: Something new this way comes...
Scritto da ender

Although it will not be part of the official ScummVM program, some of our team members have been working on a little easter surprise for you all. Unfortunately, we're running a bit late.

Expect something very sweet (especially for Linux and Mac people) soon...

28 mar 2005: ScummVM 0.7.1 released
Scritto da fingolfin

We are pleased to announce the release of ScummVM 0.7.1. This update concentrates on fixing bugs from 0.7.0, especially in the Windows Mobile port (PocketPC / Smartphone). For more information check out the release notes.

As usual, you can download it from our downloads page.

On an unrelated side note, we received even more boot params from you, our dear users, in the past two weeks. Many thanks to those who contributed!

13 mar 2005: Fate of the boot params
Scritto da fingolfin

We now have an extensive list of boot params for Fate of Atlantis on our boot params page. Many thanks to Laura Abbott who spent a lot of time to compose this list and then generously donated it to us. I am sure this will help us working on FOA issues in the future.

In other news, Robert Kelsen has volunteered to work as a SlackWare packager, and has started by providing a SlackWare binary of 0.7.0. Way to go, Rob!

So, apparently, some people actually read our news section... I am astonished ;-). Thanks to all of you out there who contribute to ScummVM by providing us with useful feedback, and the occasional praise -- both really help keeping up interest in working on ScummVM!

9 mar 2005: Boot params, anybody got some boot params?
Scritto da fingolfin

I guess it's time for the usual, regular, monthly sign of life, "Yes, we are alive. No, we still won't merge with FreeSCI. Yes, you can donate your Ferrari to me, I might reconsider then."
As usual, lots of small and big things happened, we might post some info in the not too distant future. In the meantime, I'd like to set a spotlight on a small but nifty detail, maybe it'll be of interest/use to some of you...:

Some time ago, we added a list of boot params to our documentation section. Maybe you have already noticed it, if not, check it out.

In case you don't know what a boot param is (shame on you!), I actually tried to explain it on that page, so, have a look anyway ;-). If you think the explanation is not clear enough, drop me a line and tell me how to improve it.

And if you really want to feel cool, you can even contribute a bit here and help us out by filling in some of the gaps in our boot param tables. Once again, see the boot param page for more information.

1 gen 2005: Additional 0.7.0 binaries, and some big numbers
Scritto da fingolfin

First off: once more a Happy New Year to all of you out there!

We just wanted to let you know that since the release of ScummVM 0.7.0 a week ago, a few more binaries have arrived at your download page. We now offer binaries for the following systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux: Fedora Core
  • Solaris 8
  • PalmOS
  • PocketPC (WinCE)
  • Dreamcast
  • BeOS

... and hopefully the Debian package will be ready soon.

That's already quite nice, but more never hurts. For example, it would be nice to have packages for Mandrake, Slackware, Solaris x86, or your favorite toaster. So if you are interested in joining us as a packager, please contact us.

And now for something completely different: Taking a look at our project statistics page, you might notice that we have now more than 10,000,000 page views (accumulated over the total life time of ScummVM as a SourceForge.net project), and have served more than 1.1 million downloads since our conception. Not too shabby, we think :-)

24 dic 2004: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas and a Happy New ScummVM 0.7.0!
Scritto da fingolfin

We are proud to announce the release of ScummVM 0.7.0, right in time for Christmas Eve!

While not quite as ground breaking as some of our previous major releases, this version sports some notable improvements and additions, amongst them:

  • Added preliminary support for 26 Humongous Entertainment titles
  • Added support for FLAC (lossless) encoded audio files
  • Added native support for Macintosh versions of some SCUMM games -- this means the 'rescumm' tool is now mostly obsolete, and you can now play those games directly from the original CD
  • Added smooth horizontal scrolling for The Dig, Full Throttle and COMI (matching the original engine)
  • Added support for compressed speech and music in Broken Sword 1 and 2
  • And as usual, we fixed lots and lots of bugs

A link to the release notes and a more detailed list of changes can be found over on the downloads page, along with the download links. Updating to this latest and greatest version is strongly recommended to all our users.

23 dic 2004: Website contest poll closed: We have a winner!
Scritto da fingolfin

It's been almost two months since we started our website design contest, and I know some of you have been eagerly awaiting the outcome. Since the team couldn't quite decide on who should be winner, we let you, our dear users, have a word in the outcome of this epic battle. And finally, we are happy to let it be known that after about 1400 votes we do have a clear winner! And it is... draven, with a strong majority of 55% of all votes! Congratulations, draven!

So what now? We'll be settling the issue of the prize(s) for the winning entry in the next few days, and start working on implementing the new design. We consider doing some further tweaks to it (like, some people suggested to actually use the logo of jeanm's submission; and we have some other ideas up our sleeves). This may take some time, partially because it's a holiday time for a lot of us. So I am afraid you'll have to be a bit more patient.

Good things need time :-).

17 dic 2004: Website Poll is open again
Scritto da sev

We are pleased to reopen our website poll. We found a free poll service, but unfortunately it is ad-driven. Please bear with this.

P.S.: If you have already given your vote with the old poll, you will have to re-vote using the new poll.

6 dic 2004: Website Poll temporarily closed
Scritto da ender

Since so many people decided to screw the results of the poll, it is temporarily closed while we make a more cheat-proof script. We'll let you know when voting is back online.

5 dic 2004: Website Revamp contest status update; 0.7.0 release plans; user manual
Scritto da fingolfin

Yo folks,

you are probably all wondering Whatever happened to that website design contest? It's been closed over a month ago and there is still no winner!. Well, good question :-)

First off, let me tell you that some of the submitted designs are really awesome, and I would hereby like to thank all the people who submitted their work. Sorry for letting you wait so long on the outcome.

Now, to determine the winner, we conducted an internal poll with the team. This took some time until all team members were able to submit their filled out forms. That process didn't produce a clear winner, though. So then, some of us wanted to conduct a poll amongst you, dear users, to pick the winner out of the three finalists. For various reasons, that just didn't happen... until now!

Go to our poll page to see the finalists, and to be able to poll on them! We'll let this polling go for about 14 days, at which point we'll finally decide on the winner.

On another matter, we have now started work on the next major release of ScummVM. 0.7.0 is (rather aggressively) scheduled for Christmas 2004! We hope to be able to deliver a nice christmas present to you this way. But for this to work out, we need your help: We need people who actively test the latest CVS so that we can iron out and fix all remaining issues with it, to ensure a high quality release.

If you want to help, check out the release status page for a list of games which need testing.

That's it for today, hopefully the next time around we can announce something more substantial (like a new release or a new website). Until then: happy play testing to all of you!

P.S.: Maybe you also have been wondering Gee, will these guys ever reach 1.0? As a matter of fact, we are now working towards this goal. There is basically a single major piece missing for that: a good user manual. If you are a skilled manual writer, have some spare time, and want to help, drop us a mail on the scummvm-devel mailing list.

28 ott 2004: Updated FAQ
Scritto da sev

Several months have passed since we last updated our FAQ. Lots of things have happened in the meanwhile and we have added a nice collection of new answers to it. So what are you waiting for? Go and read the FAQ now!

23 ott 2004: Contest submissions closed!
Scritto da ender

Well, we left it open a bit longer for those who ran late... but the entries for the ScummVM Revamp contest are now closed. Judges will be looking at the pages over the last few days, and unless there is an out-right winner the finalists will be voted on by YOU - our dearest users :)

Further information will be posted soon. The winner will receive some Random Stuff(tm), with the main prize being some Sam and Max swag (most likely) signed by the creator of Sam and Max, Steve Purcell. Further information will be posted soon!

19 ott 2004: Contest submissions closing soon
Scritto da ender

Anybody wishing to enter the Website Revamp contest better get their entries in, only two days left!

So far we have only five entries. That's not too bad, but I was hoping for at least another five more. So if you're still sitting on an entry, SEND IT IN!

Please send all contest entries to contest@scummvm.org. Further information on this contest is available a couple of posts down.

11 ott 2004: Contest reminder!
Scritto da ender

Greetings fellow adventurers!

Just a reminder that the submission deadline for the Website Revamp contest is here in just ten days! The very first submission was just received, so if you have yet to even start, time is running out.

The prizes will be announced as soon as somebody gets back to me since certain sites news posts suggest he hasn't forgotten :)

30 set 2004: And so it was said, Let There Be Contest!
Scritto da ender

Hello, humble Website Watchers. We have gathered you all here today for a contest of most epic proportions.

Well, not really.

We're holding a contest to redesign the ScummVM website. If you have talent, and want to contribute something to ScummVM, here is your chance.


  • Designs should be submitted in Photoshop (.PSD) or GIMP (.XCF) format. Layers should be used, and consideration taken that the majority of the design is feasibly done in HTML with minimal use of large graphical elements.
  • The completed design must be designed for optimal use at 1024x768, but the page should be designed to be renderable in lower resolutions and in text-only browsers.
  • The main focus should be on an easy, noticeable and uncrowded navigation system.
  • Sites submitted with a completed HTML template will be considered for extra points if they obey the following extra rules. Otherwise they will be graded on design merits only.
    • Completed sites should be submitted as a one-page HTML template. All original graphics should be included (layered if applicable) in Photoshop .PSD or GIMP .XCF format.
    • Sites must have readable HTML/CSS code, and should be quick-loading and as 'light' as possible.
    • Sites should be W3C HTML4.01 verified, and have no particular browser dependencies.

Submissions close on the 21st of October, and public voting will occur after the team has selected the final candidates. There will be a prize or two of some sort for the winner, which will be announced at a later date. Please e-mail all submissions to contest@scummvm.org in a .zip, .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 archive.

11 set 2004: Lots of stuff going on
Scritto da ender

Well, this is just to let you know we are not dead. There has been some amazing work happening in the last few weeks - with ScummVMs support for the HE SCUMM games improving in rapid bursts thanks to the combined talent of cyx, Kirben and Sev. And of course, there has been more development than just this.

And now we would like to bring up the point that our side-projects Residual and ScummEX both need developers and contributors. We welcome patches from other programmers very much. With the help of ScummVM developers joostp and aquadran, salty-horse (a regular #scummvm'er) today submitted a patch for lipsync animations in Residual. Please see our 'subprojects' page and the 'Coding Guidelines' in our Documentation section. If you are interested in pursuing a particular problem, please e-mail the "-devel" mailing list or pop on IRC if you need advice or help.

28 lug 2004: Oh No! Not Again!
Scritto da ender

Well, one of those "Small Yet Important" coding mistakes has cropped up in ScummVM 0.6.1. A copy-and-paste error in the 'Edit Game' screen may result in people not being able to save a game.

The mistake involves the new 'Paths' tab, which allows for easier editing of game paths. Unfortunately, the 'Extra Path' field on this screen is accidentally saved as directory to use for saved games, instead of correct field below it. This was noticed and fixed in the experimental CVS version, but the fix was mistakenly left out of the ScummVM 0.6.1 release.

If you encounter this glitch, the recommended work around is to set the Extra Path to the saved game directory. ScummVM 0.6.1b will be released soon to correct this issue.

27 lug 2004: What have you done this time, you meddling milquetoast?!?
Scritto da ender

ScummVM 0.6.1 is out, and can now be grabbed from our download page!
Among the usual changes, ScummVM should now run natively on 64-bit machines -- something we actually forgot to mention in the NEWS file.

And you know what they say: "To save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs." So we made a mother-load of fixes in this release. Some of the wonderful things you will no LONGER see in ScummVM include:

  • Glitches using an Ogg Vorbis talkie file in some games
  • Crashes on 64-bit machines
  • Crashes when saving to an invalid directory in Broken Sword 1
  • Lots of sound glitches in Curse of Monkey Island, Full Throttle and The Dig
  • Crashes in some international versions of Simon the Sorcerer
  • ... and lots of other annoying bugs!

So don't delay, download today. Downloads are not yet available for all supported ports, such as non-ARM PocketPCs and the HandheldPC binaries. These should become available within the next week.

10 mag 2004: There be monkeys here!
Scritto da ender

This is just a quick update to let everybody know we're still alive. Work on ScummVM is progressing as per usual, and we intend to release ScummVM 0.6.1 shortly.

ScummVM 0.6.1 will contain several bugfixes for various games, as well as several sound and music enhancements for later SCUMM games (Full Throttle, The Dig, Curse of Monkey Island).

Also, followers of CVS may have noticed that support for Another World was recently added. This provoked quite a bit of argument within the ScummVM team as to whether this is considered an adventure and within ScummVMs goals.

After much debate, the engine author (cyx) decided that it would be more convenient to continue the project separate from ScummVM. It has now been removed, and future information and development will occur as part of the RAW project. To prevent any doomsday predictions, I should also point out that he remains a member of the ScummVM team.

2 apr 2004: There is no Cabal
Scritto da fingolfin

CABAL team splits over fundamental design issues

After yesterdays ground-breaking announcement, we are sad to announce the immediate disbandment of the CABAL team. Over the last several days there has been heated debate regarding several important design issues, and current tension in the team has risen to an insurmountable level.

"It's really unfortunate", Max Horn, senior developer on ScummVM and Exult, was quoted as saying, "but [former FreeSCI maintainer] Christoph [Reichenbach]'s ideas of aligning curly braces with the left-hand side of function declarations while appending them to the end of the line for 'while' and 'for' loops did not make any sense at all."
The latter replied by pointing out that "using anything but tabs for indentation is calling for trouble."

Claudio Matsuoka, of the Sarien project, pointed out his disappointment and noted that he didn't see much of a point in trying to co-operate with people entirely incapable of reaching agreements on such trivial issues. "I mean, we haven't even resolved the entire EMACS vs. vi dispute, and they're already at each other's throats again."
James Brown, another senior developer on the ScummVM project, sadly announced that he was laughed out of the project meer hours before a decision to split was made. "They just said I didn't belong, since I prefer nano as a editor..." he admitted.

1 apr 2004: Announcing CABAL
Scritto da fingolfin

April 1st, THE INTERNET: The FreeSCI, Sarien and ScummVM teams today announced the formation of CABAL (Coalesced 'Adventures beyond Architecture' League), a universal adventure game interpreter. This new project will unite the strengths and capabilities of the projects involved, creating what the project members believe will be a revolution for adventure game fans around the globe.

When asked about the relevance of CABAL for the worldwide adventure gaming market, ScummVM project lead Max Horn commented that "[with] the market for adventure titles waning, we believe that the formation of a project with the explicit goal of running every adventure game ever released will infuse it with new life." FreeSCI maintainer Lars Skovlund added that "this will certainly cause an upheaval in the gaming world. Adventure game fans around the world, rejoice!".

In addition to supporting LucasArts' SCUMM games (including famous titles such as "Monkey Island", "Indiana Jones" and "Sam and Max"), Sierra's SCI and AGI lines ("King's Quest", "Leisure Suit Larry", "Space Quest"...), and other games already supported by the retrospective engines, the newly united team plans to continue to add further titles to their already impressive list.

Some of the juicy new modules include:

  • An Infocom module (based on the Frotz Z-machine interpreter), so you can now play your favorite text adventures anywhere you go!
  • Exult is being merged in as a plugin, allowing Ultima 7 fans around the world to play their favorite game on the many platforms already supported by the CABAL component engines - including Palm/PocketPC PDAs and the Dreamcast.
  • Revolution software has offered the source-code for Broken Sword 3, which will be added to the titles supported by the upcoming CABAL3D project - alongside with Grim Fandango and, possibly, Ultima IX (negotiations are ongoing).
  • Support for the SNES games Final Fantasy IV through VI (Japanese numbering, i.e. FF2/FF3 according to US releases) is planned for sometime this Fall. Whilst these are not strictly adventure games, the storyline and plots in this series are more imaginative than any 'action adventure' title published in recent years.

Offers by various companies, including Microsoft and Amiga International, to buy out the team have been gently but firmly declined by the leads of the joint project. "We know that we could earn a lot of money from this, but we are idealists and at this time we have the goal to reform the worlds adventure market. Once that is achieved, we can reconsider about making some money out of this."

18 mar 2004: TechTV
Scritto da ender

A few people have asked for further details on the TechTV segment featuring ScummVM. Well, you can read the online article intended to compliment the segment on the TechTV Website.

ScummVM will be shown as 'Free File of the Day' on the 'Call for Help' program at 3PM EST on Friday the 19th of March, and again at 9AM Eastern on Monday the 22nd of March.

Don't know how to watch TechTV? I'm told those of you in America can tune into DirecTV channel 354, Dish Network channel #191, or locate the cable channel by following the instructions on tv.yahoo

Or, if you just happen to have a C-band dish in the general vicinity of GE Americom Satcom C4 at the time of the show, it's on transponder 12 at 135 degrees west, 40 degrees elevation.

Those lucky Australians subscribed to Foxtel Digital can also watch the program. I have to try and find somebody with FTD so I can watch it myself.

16 mar 2004: The big Zero Six Zero
Scritto da ender

In other news, ScummVM will be featured on TechTV's Call for Help show, on the 19th of March as Free File of the Day.

The ScummVM project is pleased to announce the immediate release of ScummVM 0.6.0. ScummVM is a graphic adventure game interpreter designed to allow users to play many classic adventure game titles on various computer systems; (Linux, Windows 2000/XP, *BSD, Mac OS X, PocketPC/Handheld PC, Palm, Dreamcast and more)

Version 0.6.0 brings with it a new milestone in ScummVM history, with all LucasArts/LucasFilm SCUMM adventure titles now being supported. We are also proud to announce in conjunction with ScummVM 0.6.0 the release of the classic adventure game 'Flight of the Amazon Queen' (originally available for the Amiga and DOS) as freeware. The ScummVM team would like to thank the authors Steve Stamatiadis and John Passfield for providing the team with the source code to this classic game, and allowing us to release it.

So, what's new?

ScummVM 0.6.0 includes, as usual, many bugfixes in all supported game engines. There have also been dramatic fixes and improvements in the area of sound and music, as well as a greatly improved game management/options screen and two new graphics modes (HQ2x and HQ3x). Most importantly, we have also added new support for the following games:

  • The classic V1 versions of the original LucasArts SCUMM games Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken and the LucasArts SCUMM game 'Full Throttle'
  • Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2. Many thanks to Revolution for providing us with the source-code to these games.
  • Support for Flight of the Amazon Queen. Thanks to Steve and John for providing us with the source code to this game, and permitting its release as freeware.

ScummVM 0.6.0, the two freeware games Flight of the Amazon Queen and Beneath a Steel Sky, as well as converted cutscenes required for playing Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2 may be downloaded from the Download Page

9 mar 2004: What's blatently stolen, but isn't a yo-yo
Scritto da ender

What? We promised more frequent news updates? You lie! Prove it!... News archives you say? Pfffah. Um. We were hacked!

We are nearing the final release of ScummVM 0.6.0, and there are just a few last minute bugs to fix. We're also waiting for a reply to an e-mail from twopeople whom have recently gone on an international jaunt, under the guise of 'work'. We have heard rumors they have been seen in San Francisco running around naked screaming "I'm working, I'm working". If spotted, approach with extreme caution, as they may be holidaying and dangerous.

On a related, but more serious note, since the above pair are reasonably incommunicardo, we may be releasing ScummVM 0.6.0 without the previously promised freeware game, which will instead be released at a later stage.

We will leave you now with the promised blatently stolen quote. There is no subliminal message enclosed. Honest.

Anyway, to answer your question, to get into the games industry, break into the Sony party at E3, walk around saying "Online multiplayer is the future," and if nobody has hired you by 11:00 pm, sleep with the first person you hear speaking either Japanese or French. Worked for me!

- Tim Schafer, as seen onDoubleFine, replying to a nutty fans e-mail.

Finally, Ender, your humble (yet lazy) news poster and co-project leader would like to let any Sony employees who happen to read this site know that he believes Online multiplayer is the future. We're not even going to touch the Sam and Max 2 thing. (Boo! Hiss!)

Stay tuned for more zany and space-filling content-less news posts in the future!

19 feb 2004: 0.6.0-PRE testing
Scritto da ender

We have recently branched ScummVM 0.6.0, and are now entering the final testing phase. As such, we would be most happy if people could test the latest daily builds (or CVS build from tag 'branch-0-6-0' and report their results.

We have already conducted preliminary testing of several games, but the following still have not been tested and should take priority:

  • V1 Maniac Mansion
  • V2 Maniac Mansion
  • V1 Zak McKracken
  • V2 Zak McKracken
  • EGA Indiana Jones 3
  • VGA Indiana Jones 3
  • EGA Monkey Island 1
  • Monkey Island 2
  • The Dig
  • Curse of Monkey Island (Monkey 3)

Please report bugs in our bug tracker and successful completions of games on our General Forum. Thanks in advance for helping to shape up the next release of ScummVM!

30 gen 2004: Just add water
Scritto da ender

Just a quick news post to let everybody know that ScummVM 0.6.0 is still in-progress. Unfortunately, recent downtime and other issues with SourceForge.net have delayed the branching and final testing of this release, but we're still hoping to get it out as soon as we can!

On another note, continuing the current rash of computer problems, all scummvm.org e-mail addresses are currently broken. We hope to fix this within the next few days, and no messages should be lost. If however you want to discuss something important with us, we really suggest talking to us in real-time on our IRC channel (#scummvm, on irc.freenode.net).

18 gen 2004: Clarification on downloads.
Scritto da ender

Some people appear to think that yesterdays news post implies that Broken Sword 1 and 2 will be released as freeware. We would just like to clarify that this is not currently the case. We will be releasing cutscene packs for use with the ORIGINAL game data in ScummVM, and hopefully freewaring a completely different non-Revolution game.

17 gen 2004: Insert Topic Here
Scritto da ender

So, what has been going on in the world of ScummVM lately?
Currently we are gearing up for our 0.6.0 release - this release will mark a major milestone in ScummVM history. As of ScummVM 0.6.0, ScummVM should finally support (at least the PC versions) of all LucasArts SCUMM adventures!

However, we need some help. As part of our next release we are also adding support for the Revolution games Broken Sword 1 and 2 which will require specially reencoded versions of the in-game cutscenes, as well as releasing another classic adventure game as freeware.
However, we are not yet sure whether SourceForge will be able or willing to host these files. So if anybody reading this news article happens to run, for example, a large bandwidth-plenty archive (http or ftp) that preferably doesn't require annoying registration methods (ala Fileplanet) and is willing to help... then please e-mail Ender (@ scummvm.org) and offer your assistance.

Stay tuned for more information on our next release, as it happens.

25 dic 2003: That's the second biggest reindeer nose...
Scritto da ender

Everybody here at ScummVM Central, well, everybody still conscious, hopes that everybody is having (or has had) a good Christmas!

As a vague attempt to start our new years resolution (of posting news more frequently) a bit early, here is a mostly pointless news post. First, a request. If anybody notices any article in the media about ScummVM (or indeed is from the media), please e-mail press [at] scummvm.org so we can add it to our press page.

The release schedule for 0.6.0 has been pushed back a little due to various problems (such as reencoding Broken Sword cutscenes) and heavy development on certain features (like Full Throttles INSANE subsystem).

In an effort to reduce the length of our pre-release testing phase, I would ask that anybody here who does use a daily or CVS build please report any bugs they find in every-day use. This includes (despite what we usually say) our 'new' games: Full Throttle, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Broken Sword 1 and 2.

As we are calling for testers before we 'freeze' development for a new release, please ensure you test with the latest available CVS before reporting any bugs.

12 dic 2003: ScummVM is Dead, please read this post.
Scritto da ender

Whilst we know that the end of the year is approaching, it saddens us to announce that the ScummVM project is closing due to personal reasons on behalf of most of the developers. Visitors to our forum, such as timofonic, have suspected this may be the case for some time and unfortunately I have been urged by einheitlix to tell the truth.

It's been a great ride, and we had some really wonderful things in store for you, such as a new game we were planning to freeware for our next release, and the announcement that the oft-requested completion of support for Full Throttle was underway - although it would probably be in 0.7.0 not 0.6.0... but it's moot now.

I was planning on holding back this news until after the festivities, but as it's just a hoax to see how many people actually read our news page and pay attention, I've decided to announce it now.

In summary, in case people just skimmed that last paragraph: we are NOT really dead. We're very much alive and kicking, and will be bringing you lots-o-cool-stuff early next year!

(not so hidden link... see whats in store for the next version!)

9 set 2003: I'm feeling dirty
Scritto da ender

Welcome to yet another quasi-regular reminder that, yes, your favorite project is far from dead. So what's going on in the world of ScummVM?

ScummVM 0.6.0, although not due out for a few months at least, is going to knock your socks off. Or at least, make them a nice shade of purple. Among the usual massive structural changes, bugfixes galore, and maybe even a new platform or two... we have recently (almost) finished support for the original V1 versions of Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken. This leaves the ever difficult Full Throttle as the only LucasArts game we do not support in it's mainstream form.

Also, thanks once more to the gracious support of Revolution, the next version of ScummVM will include support for yet another of their wonderful innovative games - Broken Sword 2!

These are both already present, in some form, in our developmental CVS and daily builds - however please remember they are experimental and still being heavily worked on. Please do NOT file bugs or pester anyone regarding them. And maybe, just maybe, we might have some more surprises in store before the next major release makes it to a SourceForge mirror near you!

8 ago 2003: ScummVM 0.5.1 released
Scritto da ender

ScummVM version 0.5.1 was released today, fixing several issues uncovered since ScummVM 0.5.0.

The following changes are included in this release:

  • Beneath a Steel Sky savegame code completely rewritten, eliminating several situations where ScummVM 0.5.0 would produce unusable 'frozen' saved games
  • Several other Beneath a Steel Sky bugs have been fixed
  • Some Curse of Monkey Island actor graphical issues have been fixed
  • Some issues when running ScummVM fullscreen under MacOS X have been resolved
  • MorphOS port has undergone several critical bugfixes
  • Dreamcast port now supports Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2

We recommend all users upgrade to this release. Please note that whilst BASS saves from 0.5.0 are compatible with this release, we recommend restarting your game using the 0.5.1 save system if you continue to experience problems.

3 ago 2003: Nothing's ever perfect
Scritto da ender

Although ScummVM 0.5.0 is our most tested version yet, a few problems always slip through the cracks. Among some other minor issues, it has come to our attention that Beneath a Steel Sky may occasionally produce unusable save games. Although this is a timing issue, and very rare on most systems, a small group of people may discover this happening fairly often.

A ScummVM 0.5.1 point release is planned in the near-future to fix this, and several other smaller issues which have came to our attention. Also, the manual for Beneath a Steel sky and possibly a scan of the included comic will be available for download later in the week.

Thanks for everybody's support, and assistance in making our project even better!

2 ago 2003: ScummVM 0.5.0, Beneath a Steel Sky, and a BROKEN caps lock KEY
Scritto da ender

Version 0.5.0 of ScummVM, the classic adventure game interpreter, has just been released. This is our most tested version yet, thanks to everybody who answered our call for testing. Thanks!

So what's new? Well, besides the usual bugfixes and improvements are:

  • Extensive overhaul of the music subsystem, more games now support music
  • Support for the Enhanced (V2) versions of Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken
  • Support for Beneath a Steel Sky, made possible thanks to Revolution Software supplying us with the original assembly source code!
  • Aspect Ratio correction added, by popular request

A link to the release notes and a more detailed list of changes can be found over on the downloads page, along with the downloads... and our special (worst kept secret :) surprise!

As an extra SPECIAL bonus, the really really wonderful people at Revolution Software Ltd. have decided to allow us to make Beneath a Steel Sky *freeware!* You can download either the CD version (70M, includes speech) or the smaller Floppy version (8M), along with ScummVM 0.5.0, from the downloads page.

Enjoy! Oh, and there is that little donate button down there on the left. We need to buy our Dreamcast porter a copy of Simon the Sorcerer :)

11 lug 2003: ScummVM 0.5.0-Pre
Scritto da ender

ScummVM has just entered a CVS freeze and testing, to prepare for an eventual 0.5.0 stable release (hopefully at the end of July). But we need YOUR help!

Please click that little 'Documentation' option over there, and look at the 0.5.0 release checklist. If there is a game that is listed as needing testing, and you happen to feel like playing it through with the latest development version of ScummVM, please do so and let us know the results. Further information is on the checklist page.

Besides many fixes that will be in the upcoming 0.5.0, especially in the area of music, comes support for three new games:

  • Enhanced Maniac Mansion
  • Enhanced Zak McKracken
  • Beneath a Steel Sky, thanks to the support of Revolution

In other news, Anonymous CVS is (and has been for some time) lagging behind the official development tree. If you want the bleeding-edge CVS (for testing, as an example), please use the 'Source Snapshot' on the Download page over Anonymous CVS. And of course,
Be Vigilant

25 mag 2003: Rise, son of Cygna! It is the dawn of ScummVM 0.4.1
Scritto da fingolfin

ScummVM 0.4.1, a stability-focused point release, is now available for download. Changes since 0.4.0 include:

  • Several crashes/bugs have been fixed in Curse of Monkey Island.
  • Several iMUSE and music-related bugs have been fixed.
  • AdvMame3X is new, giving a 3x scaled and AdvMame-smoothed game.
  • Fixed airport doors in Zak McKracken
  • Fixed crash in SDL backend

The source code, as well as binaries for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and PalmOS are already available at our download page. As always, other binaries (for PocketPC, MorphOS, Dreamcast and others) will follow shortly.

Scritto da fingolfin

Five months after our last release, 0.3.0b, and over 2500 CVS commits/adds later, the ScummVM team proudly presents ScummVM 0.4.0.

The following is an overview of what's new in 0.4.0:

  • Curse of Monkey Island (comi) support (experimental)
  • Added support for the EGA versions of Loom, Monkey Island and Indy3
  • Improved music support in Indy3 and the floppy versions of Monkey Island
  • Many Simon the Sorcerer 1 & 2 improvements and fixes
  • Very pre-alpha Beneath a Steel Sky code. Don't expect it to do anything (in fact it is disabled in the 0.4.0 release, but you can get it by compiling ScummVM yourself).
  • Even more pre-alpha support for enhanced versions of V2 SCUMM games (Maniac Mansion and Zak)
  • Preliminary support for early Humongous Entertainment titles (very experimental)
  • New debug console and several GUI/Launcher enhancements
  • New Save/Load code (easier to expand while retaining compatibility)
  • Dreamcast port now works with new games added for 0.3.0b
  • New official PalmOS port
  • Various minor and not so minor SCUMM game fixes
  • Large memory leak fixed for The Dig/COMI
  • SMUSH code optimised, frame dropping added for slower machines
  • Code cleanups

The source code, as well as binaries for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, PocketPC, Solaris and PalmOS are already available at our download page. Other binaries for MorphOS, Dreamcast and others, will follow shortly.

We hope you will enjoy the best ScummVM ever!

24 apr 2003: Current stuffches.
Scritto da ender

We've received a number of e-mails lately asking if any work is happening on ScummVM. We would like to reassure people that do -not- follow CVS that yes, a lot of work is happening.

We are currently gearing up for the release of 0.4.0, which should be happening within a few weeks. I'd like to ask people who feel like living dangerously to try out CVS and Daily Builds, and let us know of any problems we should be aware of. In the 'Documentation' section on the left, you will see a 'ScummVM 0.4.0 Checklist'. Games that have been tested without any problems are marked there - please test the games that are not marked tested and let us know your results on the Forum (Update: That's the General forum). Remember to include the date you downloaded the build you completed the game with.

At the moment we are focusing on earlier EGA games (Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken, LoomEGA, Indy3EGA), although Beneath a Steel Sky support is progressing at a slow but steady pace. Somebody also recently donated a Playstation 2 modchip to the team, so expect a native PS2 port as soon as Ender has it installed (ScummVM already runs fine under Playstation2 Linux).

A reminder to those that are interested in our latest progress, you can always sign up to the cvs-logs mailing list. Click the 'Project Home' link on the left, and browse to the 'Lists' page. This list will receive an e-mail every time there is a new change to the source-code, so be warned it can be rather technical and high-traffic. As an alternative you can just play with CVS Checkouts or Daily Builds and discover anything new yourself :)

18 mar 2003: RIP yot, 1983 - 2003
Scritto da fingolfin

Last Friday, March 14th, our fellow ScummVM developer and friend, Felix Jakschitsch (known to many under his nickname yot), committed suicide at the young age of 19.

We are completely shocked by this, and do not know or understand what drove him into this. It is a sorrowful world in which a cheerful, intelligent and helpful man is put in a situation in which he sees no other way to escape than taking his own life. We are sad to lose our valued friend. He contributed important work to ScummVM, including much of the Zak256 support. His loss is felt deeply by all of us, and we extend our condolence to his family and close friends, whose grief we share.

If you want to leave a message to his friends and family, there is a guestbook available. Also here is a news paper article telling more details (use babelfish if you don't speak german).

Felix, we miss you and will never forget you.

8 mar 2003: Playstation 2 Port
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Work has been slow lately, but recently with the addition of Super Dooper Secret Project Number Six, development has started to pick back up with a lot of code cleanup and some fairly important bugfixes. Expect a new release eventually.

In other news, there has been a surge in interest of a Playstation 2 port again. I (Ender) am quite willing to do one if people donate at least US$75 (see that little button under the menu) to purchase a modchip. It shouldn't take long, and one of you - our loyal users - has already volunteered to install it for me if I do manage to obtain one. If we find there is enough interest (which will obviously depend on the donation status :), we will start an official port ASAP.

28 gen 2003: The people have spoken :)
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Over at the Linux Game Tome (http://happypenguin.org), ScummVM has been voted Best Emulator. Thanks to anybody who voted for us.

In other news, Curse of Monkey Island support is stabilizing. While there are still a number of small graphical glitches, currently we are down to two known gameplay-critical bugs and a number of other 'inconveniences' and cases of incorrect behavior. We hope to be able to announce Curse of Monkey Island completable very soon.

A lot of people have been asking where we are going from here. Here is a brief (very subject to change!) guide to our next few targets:

  • February 2003: Curse of Monkey Island completable
  • Feb - Mar 2003: Regression testing/bugfixes for other supported games
  • Feb - Mar 2003: Completion of the Launcher functionality (tabbed option dialogs, etc)
  • Early March 03: CVS Freeze, Regression testing, 0.4.0 release
  • March onwards: V1/V2 game support (Maniac Mansion, non-FmTowns Zak, EGA Loom, etc.)

As usual, this is but a rough guideline depending on both progress and free time for our developers. If you want to help, and know how to use CVS and a compiler... either fix bugs, or regression test! We are very much looking for people to test CVS with games other than ComI and look for critical bugs that were not present in 0.3.0b, then attempt to try different versions of CVS and locate at least the day when the bug started occurring. This allows us to more easily determine what changes have caused problems, without spending weeks blindly guessing.

Needless to say, if you find a critical bug that IS also present in 0.3.0b, check for a bug report. If one isn't present, please submit one!

6 gen 2003: Penguins, Penguins.. everywhere
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Hey all.

I (Ender) am interested in finding out if any ScummVM users will be present at Linux.conf.au '03 here in Perth... if you'll be there, drop a post in the forum. If there are a few people going we might get together for Pizza or something afterwards, or maybe chuck together a last minute spontaneous Classic Gaming BOF (if somebody else wants to organise it, I'm a terrible person for that kind of stuff :)


4 gen 2003: Ho Ho Ho and a Bottle of...
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First, a quick note that the problems with the Clie Source forum have been resolved, and the Clie/Palm port will be merged into CVS as soon as chrilith has updated his port to work with 0.3.0's OSystem architecture.

A quick update on CMI (COMI/Monkey3) support. Within just several weeks, remarkable progress has been made on support for this game, but work will likely be slowed for the next week as various developers are otherwise occupied. Currently, except for some bugs that make the Cannon scene rather difficult and unstable, it is possible to play some way into Part II of the game.

The current main issues remaining include a bug with flObject allocation (causes a crash in some dialog sequences), some script termination issues (causes various game-crippling crashes in the cannon scene and several Part II puzzles) and the various problems with the opening cannon puzzle.

As usual, please remember this work is still experimental, and please do not file any bug reports regarding it. Patches, however, are very welcome! :)

30 dic 2002: And a Happy New Year!
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.. to everybody except Casa Addams, many users on the Clie Source forums (whom obviously have brains as big as their PDAs,) and that other idiot who is bundling ScummVM with warez LucasArts games on UseNet. This is somewhat of an open plea, although we do not really expect morons who have done something so idiotic to listen.

Sorry for this open message being so harsh guys, but do you not realise that by associating and bundling ScummVM with pirated copies ("Abandonware" or otherwise) of LucasArts games, you're basically giving them even more excuse to take legal action against us (and bring possible financial ruin on the developers of this program :)... I'm especially disappointed in chrilith who has almost certainly guaranteed that, unless we feel very forgiving, there will never be an official Palm port of ScummVM integrated into CVS.

If you appreciate what we are doing, and have done, then do not abuse it. Otherwise you are damaging the reputation, and possible legal status of both ScummVM and its developers. I've seen some VERY ridiculous comments on the Clie Source forums to the effect that LucasArts do not sell these games anymore. With the exception of some versions (specifically Zak256 and LoomCD), this is stupid. Most LucasArts games can be ordered in collection packs from Amazon or the LucasArts store (if you live in America.). Heck, I saw a bunch of LucasArts classic adventures in Electronic Boutique when I was Christmas Shopping.

In other news, Curse of Monkey Island support is progressing nicely! Be sure to try out the latest Daily Builds if you like living on the wild side (but of course do not file bug reports on CMI support).

26 dic 2002: Murray Christmas
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We here on the ScummVM team hope everybody had a good Christmas!

First we would like to mention that LucasArts has put out a pack, at least in the UK, featuring updated versions of Sam and Max and Full Throttle, designed to work with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP. This pack (entitled, imaginatively, "The Entertainment Pack") also comes with The Dig and Grim Fandango... these versions have not been updated, and are the original Windows versions (yes, these games DID come with native Windows ports in some of the earlier LucasArts Adventure Packs).

The updated Sam and Max and Full Throttle engines were not ported in-house by LucasArts, likely because of a lack of time AND because most people who worked on SPUTM/SCUMM have left anyway, but by Aaron Giles - the original Mac Porter (and renown MAME developer :). There are no modifications except for a DirectX wrapper around the graphics code and a really really bad graphics scaler.

Our take? Call us biased, but unless you need perfect compatibility, want to play Full Throttle now, or are missing more than two of these games - it will probably be far cheaper to buy these games second-hand or individually. The included updated binaries are inferior feature-wise to ScummVM, as you miss out on our enhanced features, such as support for platforms -other- than Windows (such as Macintosh, Unix and PocketPC), our graphics scalers, etc. Of course, if you do purchase the pack, the game datafiles are unchanged and of course compatible with ScummVM anyway. It is nice to see LucasArts releasing something like this, and doing something positive to try and revive their classic games - or at least drum up marketing hype for the sequel :)

Final conclusion, buy it if you want it or are a collector - but it's not worth the money simply for Windows compatibility. However if you do purchase it, you ARE encouraging LucasArts to update more classics in the future - although hopefully ScummVM will make such a need obsolete shortly. We suggest LucasArts spend it's development costs on re-releasing it's lost and RARE classics, like the FmTowns 256 color version of Zak Mckracken. For those interested, the updated versions were compiled on October 2nd for Full Throttle, and October 24th for Sam and Max.

In development news, several ScummVM developers have actually been really boring people and coded this Christmas, coming up over just a few days with the basics for Curse of Monkey Island support. I'm sure our Macintosh users will be happy to hear they will, in maybe as little as a month, finally be able to play this game. Support is in the latest CVS and Daily Builds, but do NOT file bug reports as we know it doesn't really work or do anything at the moment. Full support will be available "When It's Done".. or the day after Duke Nukem Forever comes out. Whichever is first.

Ho Ho Ho!

14 dic 2002: Media Blitz
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I forgot to mention this when we released 0.3.0b, but ScummVM has recently been spotted in a UK magazine: PC Zone mentioned ScummVM in a review of the iPAQ 3870. A page scan is available. In addition, the german computer magazine c't had an article about games for PDAs which also listed Pocket Scumm (sorry, no picture available right now).

Monkey in your pocket? Definitely.

If anybody else notices ScummVM in the media, we would appreciate it you dropped us a line at press_stuff@scummvmNOSPAM.org. Remove the NOSPAM from the address, obviously. If possible, please also send us a scan of the page.

If you work for a magazine that wants to mention ScummVM, maybe in an article on retro-gaming (*hint hint*), then also feel free to drop us a line. We can probably arrange an interview, screenshots, help... and/or large bribe-like quantities of bananas.

7 dic 2002: Can it be true? Is it a bird? Is it a plane...?
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No!, it's ScummVM 0.3.0b, our first official release since LucasArts decided to go after us!

Small update, we've also added a few links to our Links page that you might want to check out. Especially VOGONS, please stop asking us if we're going to do things like add support for Beneath a Steel Sky :)

That's right, since the many many months since LucasArts first issued us with a DMCA notice (and wisely decided after the subsequent slashdotting and fan backlash from you, our users, to negotiate a deal :), we have been waiting for a settlement with LucasArts before releasing a long awaited new version. The wait is over. No, we haven't reached a settlement, we just got tired of waiting to release this gem.

There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of bugfixes since our last 0.2.0 release... not to mention support for at least three new games (The VGA version of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and support for The Dig and Simon the Sorcerer 2)... and new features such as a vastly improved in-game gui and a built-in launcher to make it even easier for you to add, configure, and run your classic LucasArts (and AdventureSoft) games. Experimental support for Full Throttle is here, as well as many bugfixes for the games introduced in our last version... such as the FmTowns 256 color version of Zak McKracken, and the VGA floppy version of Monkey Island.

For a short summary of changes, check out the Release Notes, or even better... just head over and download the dang thing.

Hopefully we will be able to come at you with new releases more often from now on, hopefully at least monthly. Please enjoy this release as much as we've became frustrated making it, and remember - if you give all your money to LucreArts, maybe they'll let us live instead of abandoning us on... on.... Monkey Island! (Ugh, Bananas... I hate Bananas).

For those interested in the boring news, here's both a summary and an update on our legal situation, for those users who are just now discovering ScummVM.

*We've been at a deadlock with LucasArts for some time now. LucasArts simply do not like our current license, the GPL (General Public License). While we do not think it necessary, we have agreed to change the license to something more LucasArts-'friendly'. However, LucasArts wish us to include distribution terms which are against section one of both the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) and the Open Source Definition. We cannot agree to this, nor the condition they wish to require (no commercial distribution)... because it conflicts with the DFSG and OSD, which we require, and it is something we legally cannot be sure of enforcing - several Linux and BSD distributions already include ScummVM packages, and we cannot be certain they will notice a license change. Oh, and we WANT distributions to be able to include our software :)

To date, LucasArts has not been able to give us any firm complaints regarding ScummVM, besides some vague claims that if they didn't enforce these conditions on us, it would effectively give up their rights to their own Intellectual Property. We do not believe this, there certainly have not been any documented cases of the GPL leading to such a challenge in the past, and far more important properties have been licensed under the GPL in the past, such as the Quake titles from id software. LucasArts isn't releasing any of their own code under the GPL, and we really do not believe that they should require us to change our license - all we want them to do is leave us alone to create our emulator. Sanction us, if it makes them feel safer legally. But if they are going to require such a major step on our part of changing our license, they at least have to capitulate on the point of OSD/DFSG compliance.

We here at the ScummVM team would like to thank the people at LucasArts who are supporting us, and attempting to help us come to an arrangement. But guys, we're your fans. All we are doing is updating the engine for games, in a form of an emulator... because you haven't - although we've asked you to for years. We've even made more money for you, as quite a number of us have went out and BOUGHT your classic bundle packs, just to play it with ScummVM.*

These last few paragraphs have been brought to you by the "Please don't sue us for making a new release" department.

8 nov 2002: Downtime notice
Scritto da ender

Greetings fellow Adventurers!

SourceForge, our host, is moving hardware on the 14th and 17th of November. During this time, there will be a number of outages:

  • 14th: ScummVM Downloads and Mailing Lists will be unavailable between approximatly 16:00 Pacific Time (GMT-8), till 19:00.
  • 17th: The main ScummVM site, and CVS tree, will be unavailable from 10:00 Pacific. This may last up to 12 hours, but hopefully less!

Thank you, and please shop at Snuckeys again!

5 nov 2002: It's a SCUMMy job, but someone's...
Scritto da ender

Well, we seem to have lost contact with LucasArts, as we haven't heard from them for several weeks now. So, assuming they don't suddenly e-mail us and veto it, we are preparing for a 0.3.0 release.

Firstly, ScummVM 0.3.0 will include support for:

  • Zak McKracken (FmTowns 256 Color Version)
  • Monkey Island (VGA Floppy and Enhanced CD)
  • Monkey Island II
  • Loom (CD Talkie version)
  • Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  • Day of the Tentacle
  • Sam and Max Hit the Road
  • The Dig
  • Simon The Sorcerer 1

The next major release, 0.4.0, will include support for:

  • Simon The Sorcerer 2
  • Full Throttle
  • Indiana Jones and Last Crusade (256 color version)

So, what can you do to help? Well, we currently require people to test all of the supported games and let us know if there are any major bugs that mark them as uncompletable. For details on how to do this, please see ScummVM 0.3.0 Release Info.

17 ott 2002: State of the SCUMM
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A message was recently posted to the scummvm development list detailing the current status of ScummVM, including things such as details on where we are heading for our next release, and an update on the legal situation.

Here's a link to the State of the SCUMM e-mail

4 ott 2002: Not dead, Murray, just cursed.
Scritto da ender

And now, for our semi-annual news update!

The legal situation is still pending, as we are waiting on a response from LucasArts to our last e-mail.

Progress-wise, people following the daily build will have noticed the new in-game GUI we have implemented. It's still very much a work in progress, so expect odd things to happen.
Some of our wonderful developers are currently working on improving compatibility with The Dig and Full Throttle, as it seems we might even get one of these completable by the time the legal situation is resolved and we can get our next release out.

Meanwhile, the CVS tree and daily builds are somewhat in an experimental form.

On to other matters, we are seeking mercenaries to kidnap two people so we can torture them into revealing the two current 'problem areas' in ScummVM.

We need the person who primarily extended iMUSE for Sam and Max Hit The Road. Pretty much every remaining bug with ScummVMs support of that game is related to the iMUSE system, so if anybody can 'acquire' a person or any information on this subsystem, please contact Ender to arrange discrete delivery of the... package.
Secondly, we require Vince Lee for questioning over the INSANE cutscene engine used in games such as Full Throttle. Our lack of information on this system has left us at a dead-end as far as progress in this game goes. If you can acquire this person, or any information regarding INSANE, you will be well rewarded. Anonymity will be honored, if the 'acquiree' desires it.
As an alternative, we can negotiate a deal if someone wishes to raid LucasArts HQ and persuade it's occupants to part with source or information regarding this two items. Our own attempts as infiltration of this facility have failed, due to some mysterious person called "Management".

Seriously, if anybody does have any information on these two headaches for us, please get in touch with Ender. If you've previously worked at LucasArts and wish to help anonymously, we'll respect that. I wouldn't be too afraid about giving assistance, as our own negotiations have revealed they are quite willing to let us exist, they are just not willing ('at the moment') to share any actual information or source.

Thanks for playing, and remember - "never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game"!

15 set 2002: Hip-Hip Mur-ray!
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At 16:57 (GMT), on September 17th... I - ScummVM - will officially be a year old!
Unfortunately, nobody told me when my birthday was, they told me I was an orphan! But I'm going to try and throw a party anyway. So everyone is invited to attend my IRC channel, #scummvm, on irc.freenode.net!

If you're someone famous, or you like me, or whatever, and you want to pop in and say 'Hi!' to me and my parents... come on by! Or if you just want to send me a birthday card, or RSVP for the party, go over to the Contact page and e-mail Endy or someone else. Or post in my new shiny Birthday Forum. We should be around pretty much all day.

If you want to actually meet a ScummVM developer in real life, and buy him (I don't have a mummy! Wahh!) a beer or something.... you can always drop a post in the Birthday Forum and see if there's anyone else in your area. I'm sure they would appreciate it!

Oh, and I lost a small, fleece sweater with three blue roses on it. If you see it, please commit it to CVS for me!

29 ago 2002: Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game...
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Ladies, Gentleman, Three headed monkeys, and alien mindbenders... lend me your ears.

Firstly, an update on our legal negotiations with LucasArts. We are hopefully very close to finalising our arrangement, and sometime in the next week hope to make an announcement regarding this. Of course, we had hoped to make an announcement a good month ago. Unfortunately things are rather busy at LucasArts, so it has taken a while to talk to the relevant people.

On another note, I would like to address something that comes up at least once a week. No, ScummVM is not currently in any kind of position to start supporting OTHER non-SCUMM games. The inclusion of Simon support aside, the current team has far too much on their hands trying to complete support for existing LucasArts classic adventures. Although we may add support for other games in the future, we do not currently plan on it... and any requests to do so will be promply ignored.

Unless it is accompanied by a donation of money over $2,000.

Meanwhile, we would suggest asking for help at the wonderful VOGONS (Very Old Games on New Systems) site if you require help with other games on modern operating systems.

Anyway, that's all for the moment. Donations have been rather non-existant lately, so if you haven't already, please consider using the PayPal button under the menu on the left... and send us some cash. Currently we are using donations for legal costs, and purchasing software (such as a copy or three of IDA Pro, as well as games some of our developers may not already have).

12 ago 2002: Wanted: One bar of soap
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Good afternoon people. I know it's been a long time since you have heard from me, and you may be wondering why I called you hear today.

I have heard rumors the project is dead, and I would like to assure everyone that's not so. We have been working very hard lately, and many bugfixes have been made to various games. In fact, we are almost ready for another release.... but we are waiting for a resolution to our Legal Drama before that happens.

So, what is happening on the legal front? Well, our erstwhile project leader (James 'Ender' Brown) has had many phone conferences with LucasArts, and we should shortly be announcing an agreement that will make both parties happy. I would like to thank LEC for being open to helping keep the project alive, instead of just forcing us to shut down.

Hopefully within the next week, news of our future will be announced. Until then, keep donating, and keep telling everyone how much you love ScummVM. Remember, it's not people saying 'LucasArts SUX' that will convince them to keep helping the project... it's people saying 'ScummVM Rules' that will!

1 lug 2002: We've got more lives than LeChuck!
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Well people, we are still alive so far. We are currently talking to LucasArts to see if we can negotiate a deal. To be honest, while we hope it is possible, we are dubious that the deal LucasArts may provide can give us certain freedoms we need to develop. One of the biggest fears of most companies is the GPL (General Public License). Some companies feel this gives users far too much latitude in use of their software. Unfortunately, if LEC feels the same way, we may have to reject their offer. It is close on impossible to relicense GPLed software, as it would mean getting permission from anyone who ever wrote even one line of code included in ScummVM.

So far most of our communication has been off-the-record and fairly vague, but be assured we haven't vanished, and we'll give you the latest news as it happens!

Also, thanks to people donating. We are currently at a little over $100, which is tagged to be spent on both buying versions of games for testing, and also saving up to our target of $300 to purchase a copy of IDA Pro, arguably the best disassembler on earth. Keep donating :)

25 giu 2002: Oh, the legalities!
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Update: The text of the letter, and the teams response, can be found in the scummvm-devel list archives
Today was a milestone for the ScummVM project, as we finally received the long-awaited for e-mail from LucasArts Legal regarding the project.

Thankfully, they do not yet appear to have a valid complaint. Their message requesting the removal of the site is based on the presumption that we are distributing LucasArts own engine on this site. Of course, ScummVM is a fully original work based equally on reverse engineering and original decoding work by many different people in the community, so this request doesn't really affect us.

We're safe for the moment, and will continue to work on bringing the wonderful classics of the LucasArts company to your computing devices for, hopefully, a long time to come!

16 giu 2002: Progress report, redux
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Not much to report really, but don't worry, we are far from dead. Most of the ScummVM team is very busy with real-life school and work at the moment, but we are hoping the worst will be over very soon and we can get down to crunching some more bugs and releasing a new version! Here is a very rough draft of what we are considering to be ScummVM milestones:

  • 0.2.5: All supported games next to bugless
  • 0.3.0: The Dig and MI1 VGA Floppy supported
  • 0.4.0: Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade supported, more bugfixes
  • 0.5.0: Full Throttle supported, basic CMI and Maniac Mansion support
  • 0.6.0: More work on CMI, MM and further bugfixes
  • 0.7.0: Maniac Mansion completable, Zak McCracken and Loom16 playable
  • 0.8.0: Zak McCracken and Loom16 completable
  • 0.9.0: Bugfixes and CMI completable
  • 1.0.0: The end of the beginning

Obviously this is a very rough outline, and is subject to change if we suddenly make a break-through in a game. But this is just to give people a basic idea of where we are going. CMI support will be the hardest, as it is quite drastically different compared to the versions of SCUMM we have been dealing with to this point. Happy adventuring!

27 mag 2002: Progress report
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The Windows daily builds don't contain any virus's, some anti-virus scanner like AntiVir are falsely reporting the recent xbox emulator trojan (TR/XBoxEmu.2) in all self extracting files created by SFX Maker

Work on ScummVM has been proceeding very slowly of late, as the main devteam is quite busy on other matters.

We are aware of quite a few issues in Zak256 and some very serious ones in Simon that were found for 0.2.0, and plan to do an interim release (0.2.1) as soon as they are fixed. We are of course looking for more developers willing to help out, as there is only currently one person working on the game interpreter itself (although several are working on more specialized parts of the engine).

We are also aware of a GP32 port in progress, and urge anyone who knows the developer to get him to contact Ender. Besides the fact we are quite interested in his work, and wish to invite him to join the team... we are quite peeved he has released binaries and there appears to be no way to contact him for the source code to his port (as is required by the GPL license ScummVM uses)!

Until the next update... I can't pick that up! No really! Read my lips.. I... Can't... Pick... That... Up!

14 mag 2002: ScummVM 0.2.0 released!
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After much waiting, ScummVM 0.2.0 has been released! So head over to the downloads page and grab it for your favorite platform.

Currently we have downloads for i386 Debian Woody, Windows, Dreamcast, MacOSX, Familiar/Intimate, and Windows CE. Over the next few days we will also be adding downloads for MorphOS, RPMs, and maybe a BeOS download.

Besides many major fixes, ScummVM now supports several new games, such as the FmTowns 256 color version of Zak McKracken, the CD version of Loom, and (strangely enough) Simon the Sorcerer! Several games supported in 0.1.0 are now completable in 0.2.0, such as Sam and Max.

ScummVM release 0.2.0 also includes several new platforms, better support for different CPU architectures and endians, many more commandline options and experimental (e.g., do not report bugs on it!) support for Full Throttle, The Dig, the VGA version of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and the VGA version of Monkey Island (floppy).!

So don't delay. Download it now, and if you really like it, click that little paypal button under the menu to donate money to help the ScummVM team buy tools and software to continue this project.

11 mag 2002: The latest news.
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The ScummVM team is still working hard on fixing all the remaining bugs so we can release our next milestone (0.2.0). In the meantime, here is some news regarding the project.

Of particular interest may be the fact that Zak McKracken 256 (the enhanced graphics fmTowns version) will be officially supported in 0.2.0, and can currently be completed with only two major bugs in the current CVS.

Also, we currently have someone working on a GBA port. This has been a popular request, and hopefully will be ready in time for 0.3.0. You can see proof of it's existence in this development screenshot. The port is currently too early to be placed in CVS, so just hang tight :)

In other port news, LyonHrt has compiled an old CVS build of ScummVM for the Dreamcast, maintained by our team member Marcus Comstedt. They can be found listed below. Please note that as these are old builds they are not officially supported by the ScummVM team. Comments on this port should be posted on the ConsoleVision Dreamcast forum

1 mag 2002: Status update: Take Two
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Yes, we are still alive. Unfortunately far from being ready for 0.2.0, several people have raised a large number of critical bugs we are working through. Stick with us, we'll get their eventually!

Oh, and by the way.. if anyone knows the location of Sean Clark or any other person who scripted Sam and Max, please kidnap them and force them to explain an annoying script race in the Mystery Vortex which has kept several of us awake for the last 48 hours.

Thanks, and enjoy ScummVM :)

14 apr 2002: Status update
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The 0.2.0 release has been put off for a while as the ScummVM engine is again undergoing some reorganisation. However, as an intresting bit of trivia, the 0.2.0 release will also include support for a non-SCUMM game! Simon The Sorcerer. So share and enjoy the latest CVS folks.

Also some of you may have noticed a PayPal button at the bottom of the navigation bar. If you've enjoyed ScummVM please donate some money to help us buy software to help development. Thanks!

9 apr 2002: Release update
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Thanks to several people, we have confirmed that DOTT, Sam and Max and LoomCD are all completable with no 'major' bugs in the current code. On the other hand, several serious bugs with MI2 and Indy4 have been found, so the 0.2.0 release may take slightly longer than expected.

To the coders out there, feel free to browse the bug list and take a shot at committing fixes for them. At the moment there is only one person regually working on ScummVM, so things are slow.

6 apr 2002: Loom and 0.2.0
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After some work, the 256 color CD Talkie version of Loom is completable! With this done, we are starting to gear up for a 0.2.0 release. To help us with this, we ask you - our game players - to take the latest Daily Builds and CVS snapshots and play through your favorite games!
We need to make sure that the following games are completable with no major playability bugs (eg, crashes, freezes, etc - minor issues such as sound syncro do not count):

  • Loom CD
  • Monkey Island 1 (CD)
  • Monkey Island 2
  • Indy 4: Fate of atlantis
  • Sam and Max
  • Day of the Tentacle

Thanks a lot, and we hope everything will work just fine so we can finally get a new release out the door! Also, by popular demand, 0.2.0 will include a new 'auto-save' feature to ensure you'll never lose hours of hard work because you forgot to save and suddenly found a bug!

4 apr 2002: Code de-frozen
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After a few weeks, the ScummVM code has officially been de-frozen and work on game support is proceeding. As a taster, several bugs with Zak256 have been fixed, and the game is now much more playable... although we're still a fair way off!

20 mar 2002: Code Freeze
Scritto da ender

ScummVM is currently in a code freeze. This means the CVS will not be updated with any new bugfixes, as we are doing a major reorganisation of the engine. We hope that by rewriting many portions of ScummVM into proper C++, we can fix a large number of bugs inherant in the engine, as well as make the code easier to work with, for ourselves and developers wishing to join the project in the future. Note this means bug reports and patches currently in the system will not be looked at until after the freeze ends. We plan to freeze for a week, although it may take longer.

8 mar 2002: Some Fairly Major Updates
Scritto da laxdragon

Full Throttle BBrox, Endy and Yazoo have been in major crunch mode this week (Kudos guys!). Here is what's new in the development of ScummVM:

  • Sam and Max is now completable!
  • inSane video engine working. Used in Dig and Full Throttle
  • More command line options for control. See the readme.txt
  • Preliminary work has begun on Curse of Monkey Island
  • Mutle has committed the Mac port to the CVS tree
  • Many many bugs have been fixed.
20 feb 2002: Windows Daily Snapshots now Available
Scritto da laxdragon

Travis Howell is making daily snapshots of ScummVM for Windows available for download. Kudos go out to Travis. Also, there is a link for a Windows SDL version of ScummVM. This version does not require the Cygwin dll.
We have also placed a Compatibility Page online to help answer the most common question, "Which games work?". We will keep this page updated as development continues.

14 feb 2002: Busier than a monkey with a rash
Scritto da laxdragon

Zak256 The ScummVM team is busy scratching away getting more of your favorite classic LucasArts games to work. Take a gander at this little screenshot to wet your appetite. More screenshots and info will flow this way as it happens.

21 gen 2002: Nuovo design del sito
Scritto da laxdragon

Thanks to Jeremy Newman (laxdragon) for designing and maintaining our new website. Feel free to hammer him with website comments and suggestions.

22 nov 2001: Benvenuto su ScummVM
Scritto da laxdragon

Benvenuto su ScummVM! ScummVM è un interprete SCUMM (Script Creation Utility For Maniac Mansion) per Linux e Windows.