ScummVM:s pressbevakning

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ScummVM: More Than Just an Adventure, Wireframe — Issue 69, 1 December 2022

Videospiel-Emulatoren: Zwischen kommerzieller Verwertung und schützenswertem Kulturgut (German), Breitband podcast by Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 23 October 2021

It’s now possible to play early ’90s CD-ROM games via ScummVM, Ars Technica, 17 August 2021

ScummVM is a Magic Box That Runs Classic Adventures, Levvvel, 18 March 2020

Retro Tea Break: Eugene Sandulenko SCUMMVM Team Leader, Interviewed by Neil Thomas, RetroManCave Youtube Channel, 20 January 2020

A legendary point-and-click adventure game has found a new life online, Boing Boing blog, 18 December 2019

Dedicated Fans Spent 8 Years Making the 1997 'Blade Runner' Game Run on a Modern PC, VICE, 17 June 2019

Preserving and playing classic point-and-click adventure games with ScummVM, Github Blog, 25 June 2018

How ScummVM is keeping adventure games alive, one old game at a time, PCGamer, 22 December 2017

ScummVM Retrospective - Lessons learnt, from games preserved., Youtube Channel, 27 January 2017 (Recorded on January 16)

The Crazy Journey to Save Grim Fandango, Kotaku, 6 November 2014

ScummVM har gitt nytt liv til mer enn 200 klassiske eventyrspill (Norwegian),, 31 October 2014

Lucasarts / SCUMM - AMAA from David Fox, a lead designer & programmer on Zak McKracken, Indiana Jones & the last crusade, Maniac Mansion, Reddit r/gamedev AMAA, 17 May 2014

Tim Schafer Plays "Full Throttle" Part 1 (Using ScummVM!), Double Fine Productions Youtube Channel, 16 May 2014 (Recorded in 2012)

Tim Schafer Plays "Day of the Tentacle" Part 1 (Using ScummVM!), Double Fine Productions Youtube Channel, 9 May 2014 (Recorded in 2012)

Maniac Tentacle Mindbenders: How ScummVM's unpaid coders kept adventure gaming alive, ars technica, January 2012

Charles Cecil talks Broken Sword Directors Cut and why point and click adventures are back, The Guardian (Games Blog), March 2009

The One Wish, Ron Gilbert's Grumpy Gamer blog, 26th November 2007

SCUMMVMDSMI, Ron Gilbert's Grumpy Gamer blog, 1st August 2005

Retro-Mart,, 2004

Back to the Source, PC Plus issue 215, May 2004

Dossier ScummVM (French), mac-emu, April 2004

Call for Help show, TechTV, 19 March 2004

ScummVM 0.6.0 Released With Freeware Bonus, Slashdot, 17 March 2004

Adventure games on PDAs (French), PDA Magazine issue 9, Mars/April 2004

Adventure Gaming on the Go, Just Adventure, 26 February 2004

Bringing old adventure games back to life, NewsForge, 8 October 2003

ScummVM review, Total Amiga Magazine 16, 6 October 2003

Dossier ScummVM - première partie (French), Aventure PC, 1 October 2003

Labo : ScummVM (French), Obligement, October 2003

Chrilith's ScummVM Zodiac Port WIP, Zodiac Gamer, 20 September 2003

Inside ScummVM: Classic Adventure Engine Overhaul, Oreilly Network, 21 August 2003

Spelklassiker - alldeles gratis (Swedish), Aftonbladet, 6 August 2003

Gratis: Amüsanter Adventure-Klassiker zum Download (German), PC WELT, 4 August 2003

ScummVM 0.5.0 Out, With Some Official Game Support, Slashdot, 2 August 2003

A Deafening Silence, Gamer Nation UK, 30 June 2003

Gameboy Advance Clone Superemulator, Slashdot, 3 April 2003

Get those old games working again, Scumm Bar, 7 March 2003

And the winners are..., Game Tome, 28 January 2003

Reference to PocketSCUMM in an iPAQ blurb, PC-Zone issue 123, December 2002

Linux Games, Category Review,, 31 August 2002

Lucas Confuses ScummVM With Abandonware, Slashdot, 26 June 2002

Interview mit Rüdiger Hanke (German), Amiga Future #36, May 2002

Revisión de PocketScumm Build 0.2.0 (Spanish), PC demano, March 2002

Linux SCUMM Interpreter, Slashdot, 3 November 2001