2020年6月22日: You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike
发布者 DreamMaster

It's finally time to announce the official testing period for the Glk engine in ScummVM, for playing interactive fiction (aka text adventures). This is a conglomeration of sub-engines for playing the games that use the various authoring systems released over the years. At this time the following sub-engines are going into official testing mode:

  • ADRIFT (except for version 5)
  • AdvSys
  • AGT
  • Alan 2 & 3
  • Archetype (newly reimplemented for Glk from the original Pascal sources)
  • Hugo
  • JACL
  • Level 9
  • Magnetic Scrolls
  • Quest
  • Scott Adams
  • ZCode (all ZCode games except the Infocom graphical version 6 games)

Other sub-engines, such as Comprehend, TADS and Quill, are likely to be included in the future. So those of you that are fans of the literary classics, dust off your favourite classics, and prepare to play them again. You will need a daily development build. As always, please submit the bug reports to our issue tracker.