2016年1月19日: New home for our main website
发布者 sev

We have been using SourceForge.net for many years. It was the very first home for our project, and it served us very well. However, we had to move on, and we were looking for a new home. Last year Florian Schicker, CEO of easyname GmbH approached us with the thrilling proposal to donate a server and host it in their Data Centre. And what makes it so special is that they are doing it "because they are veeeery big fans of the good old scumm games"! Go, look at company teampage in that fancy scumm-feeling! A really generous proposal and completely unexpected.

Thus, we are moving. First we moved our main website and downloads, and you probably already noticed the speed boost thanks to the new service. Also, we said goodbye to the advertisements during downloads, as they were provided by SourceForge.net. The only ads that will be associated with this project from now on are the ones we want to do by ourselves (and that, of course, includes easyname.com, look at their nice logo in the right pane). Eventually, we will move more services to the new server, and perhaps even extend it with something new.

So please join us in our joy of a new home!