2010年3月18日: Join the ScummVM team this Summer (of Code)
发布者 sev

Yes! ScummVM has been accepted for the fourth time in a row to participate in GSoC, now in Google Summer of Code 2010!

This is a great privilege and honor for us, and we would like to share this with you, considering that you are:

  • A student (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, ...)
  • Like point and click adventures
  • Know some C++
  • Looking forward to spending your summer with ScummVM, writing superb code for cool games full time for 12 weeks

If you match all criteria, we would love to invite you to apply as a student. You will be rewarded, both financially by Google and with fame, gratitude, cherishing and adoration by the ScummVM Team upon completion of a successful project.

Now run, pick some interesting task from our Open Tasks page or be creative and propose your own ideas and apply. Make sure you read our requirements on the Open Tasks page.

If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to e-mail to scummvm-devel mailing list or come to #scummvm IRC channel at freenode.net.