2007年1月30日: AGI Game Testing/Documenting
发布者 clone2727

Way back in May of last year, Sarien merged with ScummVM. Not only does this give you the great opportunity to relive those long lost childhood memories of defeating the evil Sariens in Space Quest alongside thwarting LeChuck's evil doings in Monkey Island, but it also gives you the chance to create some new memories, such as searching for the ingredients for a magic recipe in the fan made game, Voodoo Girl: Queen of the Darned. There are over 180 AGI fan games that have been made using something like WinAGI or AGI Studio that can be played in ScummVM. Luckily for us, sev has made a compilation of them that can be found here (thanks to clemmy for hosting it).

"Why are you telling me this?" you might ask. Well, the gauntlet has been thrown down. We need you, the ScummVM users, to go write a description for the wiki for the fan games, using the syntax written in this forum post. Then, post it there as well. This way, the wiki editors can post it on the wiki.

In addition, we ask that you test both Sierra's AGI games and fan made games using ScummVM. As usual, you will need a daily build. However, we ask that you check if a bug in an AGI fan game is present in the original interpreter as well. If you find any bugs, please report them to the bug tracker.

Good luck!