2006年6月25日: ScummVM 0.9.0 "The OmniBrain loves you" released
发布者 sev

It has been almost 8 months since we started to work on the 0.9.x code branch and today we're pleased to announce the release of ScummVM 0.9.0 "The OmniBrain loves you".

Many things are waiting for you, one of the most noticeable is the new and improved GUI. We also added support for 2 completely new games — The Legend of Kyrandia and The Feeble Files.

Other important changes include:

  • Reworked detection code for SCUMM games. Now all your fan translations will work out of the box
  • Added subtitle configuration controls to the options dialog
  • New official Atari/MiNT port
  • Much improved WinCE port
  • Numerous bugfixes in the SCUMM, SAGA, Simon, Broken Sword 2 and BASS engines

For the complete list read the release notes.

Unfortunately not all ports are built yet and also you may experience some problems with downloads as not all SourceForge mirrors picked up the files. So, please, try different mirrors and be patient.

Don't wait any longer, go and fetch a build for your platform on our downloads page.