本页面列出了 ScummVM 兼容各种游戏相关的进度。请注意,此列表适用于游戏的英语版本。我们尝试测试游戏的多种版本,但有时其他语言的游戏偶尔会出现问题。
这是当前开发版本(非稳定版本)的兼容性,请在下方查看稳定版的兼容性图表: )
注意:ScummVM 本身不包括任何游戏。要游玩列表中的游戏,你需要拥有属于自己的副本并将其添加到 ScummVM。我们的游戏下载页上有一些免费游戏可供下载。对于其他游戏,可以看看我们 wiki 的在哪里获取游戏页面。关于如何将游戏添加到 ScummVM 的信息,参见此文档。
上次更新: 2025年3月21日
未测试 | 损坏 | 有问题 | 好 | 极佳 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
007: James Bond - The Stealth Affair | cine:os | 好 |
Cruise for a Corpse | cruise:cruise | 极佳 |
Future Wars: Adventures in Time | cine:fw | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
ADRIFT Interactive Fiction games | glk:adrift | 好 |
AGT Interactive Fiction games | glk:agt | 好 |
AdvSys Interactive Fiction games | glk:advsys | 好 |
Alan 2 & 3 Interactive Fiction games | glk:alan | 好 |
Archetype Interactive Fiction games | glk:archetype | 好 |
Glulx Interactive Fiction games | glk:glulx | 好 |
Hugo Interactive Fiction games | glk:hugo | 好 |
JACL Interactive Fiction games | glk:jacl | 好 |
Level 9 Interactive Fiction games | glk:level9 | 好 |
Quest Interactive Fiction games | glk:quest | 好 |
Scott Adams Interactive Fiction games | glk:scottadams | 好 |
ZCode (Infocom and Inform) Interactive Fiction games | glk:zcode | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Adibou 1 | gob:adibou1 | 好 |
Adibou 2 | gob:adibou2 | 好 |
Bargon Attack | gob:bargon | 极佳 |
Croustibat | gob:crousti | 未测试 |
Fascination | gob:fascination | 极佳 |
Geisha | gob:geisha | 好 |
Gobliiins | gob:gob1 | 极佳 |
Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon | gob:gob2 | 极佳 |
Goblins Quest 3 | gob:gob3 | 极佳 |
Lost in Time | gob:lit | 极佳 |
Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood | gob:littlered | 好 |
Playtoons Limited Edition - Bambou le sauveur de la jungle | gob:bambou | 极佳 |
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble | gob:woodruff | 极佳 |
Urban Runner | gob:urban | 极佳 |
Ween: The Prophecy | gob:ween | 极佳 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare | mohawk:tortoise | 好 |
Arthur's Birthday | mohawk:arthurbday | 好 |
Dr. Seuss's ABC | mohawk:seussabc | 好 |
Green Eggs and Ham | mohawk:greeneggs | 好 |
Harry and the Haunted House | mohawk:harryhh | 好 |
Just Grandma and Me | mohawk:grandma | 好 |
Little Monster at School | mohawk:lilmonster | 好 |
Marc Brown's Arthur's Teacher Trouble | mohawk:arthur | 好 |
Ruff's Bone | mohawk:ruff | 好 |
Sheila Rae, the Brave | mohawk:sheila | 好 |
The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight | mohawk:bearfight | 好 |
The Berenstain Bears In The Dark | mohawk:beardark | 好 |
The New Kid on the Block | mohawk:newkid | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Alice: An Interactive Museum | director:alice | 未测试 |
Gadget: Invention, Travel and Adventure | director:gadget | 未测试 |
L-ZONE | director:lzone | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Ashina: The Red Witch | ags:ashinaredwitch | 好 |
Just Ignore Them | ags:justignorethem | 好 |
My Big Sister | ags:mybigsister | 好 |
My Big Sister Remastered | ags:mybigsisterrm | 好 |
Red Bow | ags:redbow | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Beneath a Steel Sky | sky:sky | 极佳 |
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror | sword2:sword2 | 极佳 |
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars | sword1:sword1 | 极佳 |
Lure of the Temptress | lure:lure | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Blackwell Unbound | ags:blackwell2 | 极佳 |
Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass | ags:danewguys2 | 未测试 |
Gemini Rue | ags:geminirue | 好 |
Shardlight | ags:shardlight | 好 |
The Blackwell Convergence | ags:blackwell3 | 极佳 |
The Blackwell Deception | ags:blackwell4 | 好 |
The Blackwell Epiphany | ags:blackwell5 | 好 |
The Blackwell Legacy | ags:blackwell1 | 极佳 |
The Shivah | ags:shivah | 好 |
The Shivah: Kosher Edition | ags:shivahkosher | 好 |
Unavowed | ags:unavowed | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Blade Runner | bladerunner:bladerunner | 好 |
Eye of the Beholder | kyra:eob | 极佳 |
Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon | kyra:eob2 | 极佳 |
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos | kyra:lol | 极佳 |
The Legend of Kyrandia | kyra:kyra1 | 极佳 |
The Legend of Kyrandia: Book 3 - Malcolm's Revenge | kyra:kyra3 | 极佳 |
The Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate | kyra:kyra2 | 极佳 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Blue Force | tsage:blueforce | 好 |
Return to Ringworld | tsage:ringworld2 | 好 |
Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch | tsage:ringworld | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Castle Master | freescape:castlemaster | 未测试 |
Dark Side | freescape:darkside | 好 |
Driller | freescape:driller | 好 |
Total Eclipse | freescape:totaleclipse | 未测试 |
Total Eclipse 2 | freescape:totaleclipse2 | 未测试 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Clandestiny | groovie:clandestiny | 好 |
The 11th Hour: The Sequel to The 7th Guest | groovie:11h | 好 |
The 7th Guest | groovie:t7g | 极佳 |
Uncle Henry's Playhouse | groovie:unclehenry | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Corruption | glk:corruption | 好 |
Fish! | glk:fish | 好 |
Jinxter | glk:jinxter | 好 |
Myth | glk:myth | 好 |
The Guild of Thieves | glk:guild | 好 |
The Pawn | glk:pawn | 好 |
Wonderland | glk:wonderland | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Crusader: No Remorse | ultima:remorse | 好 |
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar | ultima:ultima4 | 好 |
Ultima VI: The False Prophet | ultima:ultima6 | 好 |
Ultima VIII - Pagan | ultima:ultima8 | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Daniel in the Lions' Den | mohawk:daniel | 未测试 |
Noah's Ark | mohawk:noah | 极佳 |
The Story of Creation | mohawk:create | 未测试 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Darby the Dragon | composer:darby | 好 |
Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon | composer:gregory | 好 |
Magic Tales: Baba Yaga and the Magic Geese | composer:babayaga | 未测试 |
Magic Tales: Imo & the King | composer:imoking | 未测试 |
Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story | composer:liam | 好 |
Magic Tales: Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage | composer:sleepingcub | 好 |
Magic Tales: The Little Samurai | composer:littlesamurai | 未测试 |
Magic Tales: The Princess and the Crab | composer:princess | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus | agos:elvira2 | 好 |
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark | agos:elvira1 | 好 |
Personal Nightmare | agos:pn | 好 |
Simon the Sorcerer | agos:simon1 | 极佳 |
Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe | agos:simon2 | 极佳 |
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack: Demon in my Pocket | agos:dimp | 好 |
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack: Jumble | agos:jumble | 好 |
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack: NoPatience | agos:puzzle | 好 |
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack: Swampy Adventures | agos:swampy | 好 |
The Feeble Files | agos:feeble | 极佳 |
Waxworks | agos:waxworks | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Escape From Monkey Island | grim:monkey4 | 有问题 |
Full Throttle | scumm:ft | 极佳 |
Grim Fandango | grim:grim | 好 |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis | scumm:atlantis | 极佳 |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure | scumm:indy3 | 好 |
Loom | scumm:loom | 极佳 |
Maniac Mansion | scumm:maniac | 极佳 |
Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle | scumm:tentacle | 极佳 |
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge | scumm:monkey2 | 极佳 |
Passport to Adventure (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Secret of Monkey Island, Loom) | scumm:pass | 极佳 |
Sam & Max: Hit the Road | scumm:samnmax | 极佳 |
The Curse of Monkey Island | scumm:comi | 极佳 |
The Dig | scumm:dig | 极佳 |
The Secret of Monkey Island | scumm:monkey | 极佳 |
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders | scumm:zak | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Five Lethal Demons | wintermute:5ld | 好 |
Five Magical Amulets | wintermute:5ma | 好 |
Helga Deep In Trouble | wintermute:helga | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Football Game | ags:footballgame | 好 |
Sumatra: Fate of Yandi | ags:sumatra | 好 |
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow | ags:excavationhb | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Gobliiins5 - L'Invasion des Morglotons Part1 | ags:gobliiins5-1 | 极佳 |
Gobliiins5 - L'Invasion des Morglotons Part2 | ags:gobliiins5-2 | 极佳 |
Gobliiins5 - L'Invasion des Morglotons Part3 | ags:gobliiins5-3 | 极佳 |
Gobliiins5 - L'Invasion des Morglotons Part4 | ags:gobliiins5-4 | 极佳 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II | saga2:fta2 | 好 |
Harlan Ellison: I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream | saga:ihnm | 好 |
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb | saga:ite | 极佳 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Henachoco #1 | director:henachoco01 | 好 |
Henachoco #2 | director:henachoco02 | 好 |
Henachoco #3 | director:henachoco03 | 好 |
Henachoco #4 | director:henachoco04 | 好 |
Yaken Rodem | director:henachoco05 | 有问题 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Hugo II: Whodunit? | hugo:hugo2 | 好 |
Hugo III: Jungle of Doom | hugo:hugo3 | 好 |
Hugo's House of Horrors | hugo:hugo1 | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Maniac Mansion Deluxe | ags:maniacmansiondeluxe | 极佳 |
Space Quest Minus 1: Decisions of the Elders | ags:sqdote | 好 |
Space Quest: Incinerations | ags:sqinc | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Marvellous Mice Adventures: Meeting Sea Rat | qdengine:3mice1 | 极佳 |
Marvellous Mice Adventures: Sea Rat's Birthday | qdengine:3mice2 | 极佳 |
Mask show | qdengine:maski | 极佳 |
The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik | qdengine:shveik | 好 |
Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a hare | qdengine:nupogodi3 | 极佳 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Might and Magic: Book One - Secret of the Inner Sanctum | mm:mm1 | 好 |
Might and Magic: Clouds of Xeen | mm:cloudsofxeen | 好 |
Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen | mm:darksideofxeen | 好 |
Might and Magic: Swords of Xeen | mm:swordsofxeen | 好 |
Might and Magic: World of Xeen | mm:worldofxeen | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Muppet Treasure Island | mtropolis:mti | 好 |
Return to Zork | made:rtz | 好 |
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands | zvision:znemesis | 好 |
Zork: Grand Inquisitor | zvision:zgi | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Myst | mohawk:myst | 极佳 |
Riven: The Sequel to Myst | mohawk:riven | 好 |
The Manhole | made:manhole | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Myst III: Exile | myst3:myst3 | 好 |
The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time | buried:buried | 极佳 |
The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime | pegasus:pegasus | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion | nancy:nancy3 | 好 |
Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill | nancy:nancy1 | 好 |
Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger | nancy:nancy2 | 好 |
Nancy Drew: The Final Scene | nancy:nancy5 | 好 |
Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower | nancy:nancy4 | 好 |
The Vampire Diaries | nancy:vampirediaries | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
OO-Topos | glk:ootopos | 好 |
The Crimson Crown: Further Adventures in Transylvania | glk:crimsoncrown | 好 |
Transylvania | glk:transylvania | 好 |
游戏全名 | ScummVM | 支持等级 |
Reah: Face the Unknown | vcruise:reah | 极佳 |
Schizm: Mysterious Journey | vcruise:schizm | 极佳 |
Sfinx | cge2:sfinx | 好 |
Sołtys | cge:soltys | 好 |