Latest Developments
2024. nov. 5.: Games based on qdEngine are now supported
Posted by sev

After seven months of intense work, we are ready to announce support for a few games based on qdEngine, developed by K-D Labs.

The work is based on the original sources published now under GPL, although the work started a bit earlier than that. The engine supports 14 games, five of which we are announcing support for. Most of these games were released in Russian; however, there were Lithuanian, Czech, and Polish releases. The support is announced for:

  • Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a Hare, (Russian: Ну, погоди! Выпуск 3. Песня для зайца, Lithuanian: Na, palauk! Zuikio dainos, Czech: Jen počkej a Píseň pro zajíce)
  • Mask Show (Russian: Маски-шоу)
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Meeting Sea Rat (Russian: Три маленькие белые мышки. Визит Морской крысы, Czech: Příběhy myší rodinky I, Polish: Były Sobie Myszki Trzy: Na Spotkanie Cioci Myszy)
  • The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik (Russian: Похождения бравого солдата Швейка)
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Sea Rat's Birthday, (Russian: Три маленькие белые мышки. День рождения морской крысы, Polish: Były Sobie Myszki Trzy: Urodzinowe Śledztwo)

Other games do work; however, we haven’t playtested them. You may find more information on our Wiki. Also, we are looking for the Lithuanian version of Little Longnose and Polish releases of Little Mice games and Wait for it! game. If you happen to have a copy, please contact sev.

We continue the active development so that support for other games will follow shortly. The primary constraint is playtesting.

To run these games, you need the latest daily build of ScummVM. If you encounter any hiccups during your quests, please file them on our issue tracker.