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2021. máj. 18.: Let's give a warm welcome to the GSoC students!
Posted by strangerke

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Yesterday, Google announced the list of students accepted for this new edition of the Google Summer of Code. We are very proud to welcome 6 students this year who will be working on various parts of the project during the upcoming months.

  • Aashwin Vaish (aka av_dx) will improve the GUI by adding a graphical interface for game library management, so that games are displayed with cover art thumbnails, grouping options and various filtering fields
  • a-yyg (aka a/) will be working on writing a new engine for Faery Tale Adventure II, based on original sources kindly provided by The Dreamers Guild
  • Crane yang (aka sheep) will join the effort to improve the current Director engine
  • Divyam Ahuja (aka Hikigaya) will be working on finishing the implementation of some engines which are currently stalled, with a priority on MacVenture and Avalanche engines
  • Dylan Servilla (aka djsrv) will also work on the Director engine, continuing his previous GSoC work and aiming to reach Director 2-4 support
  • taylorzhancher (twan) will focus on adding Text To Speech functionality to various games to improve the gaming experience of people having troubles reading texts on screen

We haven't had the opportunity to support and mentor 6 GSoC students since 2008. So, let's celebrate and give a particularly warm welcome to the 2021 GSoC students!