Latest Developments
2019. szept. 16.: We’re starting ScummVM 2.1.0 testing
Posted by sev

The time has finally come to start the release cycle for ScummVM 2.1.0.

The release is going to be big, and these new games require testing:

  • Blade Runner.
  • Hoyle Bridge.
  • Hoyle Children's Collection.
  • Hoyle Classic Games.
  • Hoyle Solitaire.
  • Hyperspace Delivery Boy!
  • Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen.
  • Might and Magic V - Darkside of Xeen.
  • Might and Magic - World of Xeen.
  • Might and Magic - World of Xeen 2 CD Talkie.
  • Might and Magic - Swords of Xeen.
  • Mission Supernova Part 1.
  • Mission Supernova Part 2.
  • Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness.
  • The Prince and the Coward.
  • Versailles 1685.

Also, with this release, we are finally enabling cloud support for save games and game data. So far, it works only on desktops, you may find a description of this feature in our User Manual.

The complete list of the games that require testing for this release can be found on our Wiki.

Please use a stable daily build of ScummVM for testing. In case you encounter any bugs, there is a place for them to be reported at our issue tracker. Additionally, please track your progress on the forum thread so we can cross the tested game titles out on the wiki. Make sure to follow our guidelines for release testing which can be found here.

It would be great if you could help with updating the ScummVM GUI translations. The description of the steps you need to follow is on the Wiki.