Latest Developments
2018. dec. 10.: Infrastructure updates... again!
Posted by lotharsm

Over the last couple of days, we moved our downloads to a new mirroring infrastructure. Previously, each and every download was delivered by our main server located in Austria.

Now, our downloads are delivered through MirrorBrain, a download redirection system that allows us to build our own content distribution network. MirrorBrain is already used by many open source projects.

MirrorBrain tries to always select the best mirror based on your location, so you will get the best download speeds possible.

While we already have a few mirrors located in Europe, we are currently looking for people willing to donate some bandwidth and storage located in the US and in other parts of the world. If you want to mirror the ScummVM repository, please contact us via E-Mail at

If you run into any issues with our new download system, feel free to leave a comment in our forums.