Latest Developments
2018. jún. 12.: ScummVM and Cyan, Inc. are working together!
Posted by lotharsm

Today, we have some awesome news to share. As you might have heard, Cyan, Inc. — the makers of Myst and Riven — are re-releasing the entire Myst series to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the original Myst game. And ScummVM and ResidualVM take part in this celebration in a special way!

Myst — Masterpiece Edition and Riven — The Sequel to Myst are powered by ScummVM, while Myst III — Exile is driven by ResidualVM.

In order to achieve the best possible gaming experience and to make your journey through the Ages even more pleasant, Cyan and ScummVM are establishing a new partnership, with both teams working together as closely as possible in the future!

Perhaps the ending has not yet been written — more news will follow soon!