Latest Developments
2016. ápr. 1.: The ScummVM team welcomes John Carmack
Posted by The ScummVM Team

We are pleased to announce that John Carmack (yes, the John Carmack) will be joining the ScummVM and ResidualVM teams.

We first met John at GDC 2016 and hit it off immediately.

We had been feeling for a while now that we have to move beyond simply recreating old games and actively improving them, while staying true to their original spirit. We talked to John about our plan after a few tequilas and he was immediately on board.

John's experience will be invaluable in helping us achieve our goal.

Here is screenshot of John's early work with Monkey Island - notice the improved combat system and the subtle tweaks to Captain Smirk's sprite, you'll see why we are so excited.

So please join us in welcoming John!

UPDATE: No, not really. This was a joke.