Latest Developments
2014. ápr. 23.: The students are known for GSoC 2014!
Posted by wjp

GSoC 2014 Banner

The accepted Google Summer of Code proposals have been announced yesterday, and we are pleased to say that ScummVM will be mentoring two students, for projects with a Polish theme.

  • Peter Bozsσ (a.k.a. uruk), who you may remember from last year, will work on an engine (and translation to English) of the Polish game Sfinx.
  • Lukasz Watka (a.k.a. lukaslw) will work on an engine (and translation to English) of the Polish game The Prince and the Coward.

Additionally, ScummVM is acting as an umbrella organisation during GSoC for our sister project ResidualVM. They will be mentoring three students:

  • Stefano Musumeci (a.k.a. subr3v) will be working on refactoring and optimizing the TinyGL software renderer.
  • Joni Vδhδmδki (a.k.a. Akz) and Joseph Jezak (a.k.a. JoseJX) will both be working on improving the Escape from Monkey Island engine, tackling bugs and missing features from two different angles.

We expect it will be a productive and interesting summer!