Latest Developments
2013. ápr. 21.: ScummVM 1.6.0 is Near
Posted by sev, Strangerke

Greetings, fellow adventure gamers! We have finally come to the point when ScummVM 1.6.0 testing starts.

This release adds support for a number of new games that need to be tested:

  • 3 Skulls of the Toltecs
  • Eye of the Beholder
  • Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon
  • Hopkins FBI
  • Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths
  • The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime

In addition, if you have Macintosh version of Discworld, please give it a try as well.

A daily build should be used for testing these, and if something goes unexpectedly wrong, please report it to our bug tracker. The completed games need to be reported on our forums and we will update our release testing page. For a usable test report, we need you to provide the version, language, and platform of the game you're testing. And, of course, please stick to the testing guidelines.

This release also has another interesting aspect. Depending on how intensively games are tested, we will add support for one more game: Hopkins FBI. For support to happen, we need test results on several platforms using several variants of the game, which includes the BeOS, OS/2, Linux and Windows versions.

In conclusion, if you want Hopkins FBI in ScummVM 1.6.0, grab your originals and contribute to this new testing period! We are also in need of screenshots too! Please submit them to our patch tracker.