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2013. ápr. 12.: Fancy an adventure in adventure gaming?
Posted by Strangerke

GSoC 2013 Banner

ScummVM has been accepted for the Google Summer of Code 2013!

We're hoping to find another group of students who want to help out the ScummVM project and get paid for 12 weeks of coding work over the summer.

Maybe you'd like to help us improve support for games, or enhance our user interface? Perhaps you'd like to revamp our OpenGL support and accelerate the rendering of some engines? Or do you have even bigger ideas, like starting support for yet more games?

If any of this seems like a good way to spend your summer, take a look at our ideas list, or drop into our IRC channel (#scummvm on and have a chat with us!

Beware: the application period is from April 22 to May 3, so be sure to talk to us in time! We know from previous years that it's really helpful to apply early, and to get involved with the ScummVM community so we can help to revise your application.