Latest Developments
2012. szept. 16.: GSoC 2012 — Results
Posted by Strangerke

GSoC 2012 Logo This year, we had the great honor to have four students accepted by Google's Summer of Code to work on ScummVM:

Jakimusha worked on a testing framework, Singron on improving our scalers by creating a plugin system, Somaen on the integration of the Wintermute engine in ScummVM, and Upthorn worked on improving our code for saving games.

The Wintermute engine has already been merged, and pull requests for the new testing framework and the new scaler plugin systems are currently being polished. While Upthorn's project didn't last the summer, we have a pull request which adds much-improved support for saving games to the composer engine.

The next and final step for this year of GSoC is the mentor summit, where ScummVM will be represented again by sev and Strangerke.

We'd like to thank once again Google for their organization, their support and for accepting us this year again. ScummVM made a great step forward thanks to them, once again!

We'd also like to warmly thank Jakimushka, Singron, Somaen and Upthorn for working this summer with us, with a special mention for Somaen who decided to keep working for ScummVM on Wintermute. We hope that some of the others might do so too!