Latest Developments
2012. ápr. 1.: Cedricifying ScummVM
Posted by md5 clone2727

Happy April Fools' Day! Thanks to DrMcCoy, LordHoto, and Strangerke for their help.

Cedric is one of the most famous characters in Sierra history. However, he has divided the fanbase into those who find him slightly irksome and those that adore him. We have therefore come up with a modification for ScummVM that optionally removes Cedric from King's Quest V.

In addition to being able to remove Cedric from King's Quest V, we have also worked on a mode for all other ScummVM games to insert Cedric into them. Cedric integrates directly into those games and can interact with the game as well as the player. A set of screenshots of this mode (and of King's Quest V) can be found at the end of this news post.

Some of the other developers have also chimed in with their opinion on the subject. ScummVM PR officer Strangerke said, "ScummVM has always been about improving the quality of these games and now we finally have the opportunity to bring one of Sierra's most beloved characters to all the other games we support." "It really adds to these Coktel Vision games," stated ScummVM Gob developer DrMcCoy, "they're actually playable now." "I can't imagine playing these games any other way now; there's no going back," added clone2727.

King's Quest V Screenshot 1

King's Quest V Screenshot 2

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Screenshot

Ween: The Prophecy Screenshot

Urban Runner Screenshot