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2011. dec. 10.: Jump on a Hot Air Balloon and meet Darby the Dragon!
Posted by fuzzie

Take a little break and compose yourself. After tireless weeks of work, the ScummVM team is proud to announce support for two children's adventure games — Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon and Darby the Dragon — And on top of that, you can also play some interactive books from the Magic Tales series. So, if you can find your childhood spirit, dig out your copies and enjoy those adorable games.

To play these, you'll need a daily build of ScummVM. Any lurking bugs you find should be reported using our bug tracker, and along the way, please consider making few screenshots, following our guidelines.

We are also looking for additional information on localised versions and Magic Tales books. If you have one which is not recognized by the latest ScummVM daily build, please follow the guidelines here and report this to the team or as a bug.

Have fun!