Latest Developments
2009. okt. 30.: Revised ScummVM logo and icon(s)
Posted by fingolfin

As you may have already noticed, we are in the process of switching from our old trusty logo and icons to new, slightly revised versions. The main change is that the lowercase "s" has now become an uppercase "S" -- this is meant to help stop the confusion lots of people seem to have about our name: We are called "ScummVM", and not "scummvm" :-).

Besides that, the new logo was touched up by its original author, Jean-Marc, to produce higher quality versions (in PNG and SVG format) of both the logo and the icon. As a result, they look better and yummier than ever before.

We are not yet completely done converting everything to the new logo and icon (boy, they are really present in lots of places), but are actively working on it. The upcoming 1.0.0 release of ScummVM will be the first to feature the new art everywhere.

So, I hope you like the new art just as much as we do :-).