Latest Developments
2008. máj. 11.: "Feel my wrath" ...
Posted by LordHoto

... is on Malcolm's mind after being freed from his stony statue. Sadly he is unable to plan his revenge on his own, so give him a helping hand in The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge. It will be damn fun for you and him!

Procedure for playing is as always: Grab your copy of The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge and a daily build of ScummVM. Also we ask you, our fellow users, to report any bugs you run across to our bug tracker. Make sure you got all required datafiles before you report a bug though. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines. We also ask for screenshots, which should be reported to our patch tracker. For further information about this, check out the screenshot guidelines.