Latest Developments
2008. febr. 29.: ScummVM 0.11.1 "Fixed exist()nce" sees the light
Posted by sev

ScummVM continues to leap forward in a leap year, and we are pleased to announce the next shiny bugfix release of the project.

As usual, it holds a number of improvements, it's more stable, and it should bring you even more fun than 0.11.0.

We fixed the digital iMUSE system (better COMI experience), King's Quest 4 bugs were squashed, and support for fanmade AGI games has been improved; Lure of the Temptress, Inherit the Earth and I Have no Mouth all work better since we fixed several crashes, lock-ups and all such buzzwords.

As a special bonus we are glad to announce the return of the BeOS port and the deeply missed Playstation 2 port.

For a more comprehensive list of improvements you are welcome to visit the release notes, but for those demanding to play, the latest and greatest version of ScummVM waits for you right on our downloads page!