Latest Developments
2007. ápr. 12.: Google Summer of Code studentships finalized
Posted by Jubanka

Google has announced the final allocations of students to the projects participating in the Summer of Code program this year. So far, it has been a tremendous success, with over 6200 applications being submitted and over 900 students being accepted.

ScummVM received 37 applications and was finally awarded 7 slots for students who will work on a variety of tasks, under close and relentless supervision by _sev, Fingolfin, LordHoto and Jubanka. So Kari, David, Timothy, Sean, Andreas, Serhiy and Zbigniew welcome aboard! Competition was fierce, we had to drop several good applications, so for those of you who did not make it, don't despair. If you still believe your proposed task was cool, it should be done but just didn't make the final cut, and if you feel up to it, you can coordinate with us and go ahead with it anyway. ScummVM always welcomes code contributions! After all, that's the whole point of SoC: Getting people involved in open source :-)