Latest Developments
2007. márc. 15.: Complicate your summer vacations!
Posted by Jubanka

Deadline for applications extended to March 26th!

So, where are you going to spend the summer*? Some exotic beach? Perhaps Mêlée IslandTM?

Well if you are a student and want to make a buck this summer (more accurately $4500 US of them), Google is organizing the absolute Open Source recruitment drive, also known as the Google Summer of Code! The program is designed to create an incentive for students to participate in Open Source projects, by providing guidance and economic support. What's more, your favorite project ScummVM is proud to be participating!

Think about it. Have you ever thought about contributing to a large Open Source project like ScummVM but were intimidated to do so? With the Summer of Code opportunity, you can put your skills at work under close cooperation with our mentors. They'll help you ease in the team, plan the task ahead of time with you and guide you all along.

To get things started, you have to pitch us your idea. Take a look at our Open Tasks page for some suggestions. Then visit the Google Summer of Code website, read up on the FAQ and check out the application guide.

Now, hurry up! You've got until March 26, so get cracking!

*: Summer in the northern hemisphere definition :-)