Latest Developments
2007. febr. 16.: Simon the Sorcerer Enhanced Music Update
Posted by sev

The ScummVM Music Enhancement Project, created and developed by James Woodcock, recently announced that it has been granted permission by Simon Woodroffe to release the full enhanced soundtrack for Simon the Sorcerer within ScummVM.  He has also made available a preview video, that presents how the new music works with this title.

The project also covers other titles, such as Beneath A Steel Sky, Discworld, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Inherit the Earth and another title yet to be announced!

As soon as the ScummVM software has been tested with the new soundtrack provided, James has promised to release the full selection of music from Simon the Sorcerer on his own website free of charge.  There are already sample downloads for many of his projects, so make sure you pop over to the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project homepage.