Latest Developments
2007. jan. 3.: We are able to accept donations again. Fundraiser announcement
Posted by sev

Some time ago PayPal approached us and told us that we could no longer use their system to accept donations. It was a precedent, which was even highlighted on Slashdot. But as you may imagine, it could potentially put many projects into a very unpleasant situation.

Fortunately, thanks to the very good folks at SourceForge we now have this issue resolved. They were able to help negotiate an exception with PayPal, allowing us to continue to accept PayPal donations via SourceForge.

This all means that now we are able to accept donations again via the SourceForge donation system which uses PayPal.

We also would like to use this opportunity to announce a fundraiser. As you may know, we are widely using Interactive Disassembler from DataRescue. So far most of us have been using the freeware version, but it has many serious limitations (which obviously makes it free). We conducted negotiations with DataRescue and received a very generous discount. We would really like to buy 5 IDA Pro licenses for several key team developers who will be able to use it at full extent. So if you would really like to see the project going steady and support for even more games added, consider to donating a couple of dollars or euros.

Our target is $950 US dollars and whilst this no small goal, taking into account more that 2,5 millions downloads, 15,000+ web visitors per day and almost 5,400 registered forum users we feel that it is very achievable. Please, use the SourceForge donation system to make your donations.