Latest Developments
2006. aug. 30.: Donations no longer accepted
Posted by Ender

As regular ScummVM web-viewers may have noticed already, we have removed the Paypal button from our site and no donations are currently being accepted.

Paypal has informed as that all software capable of playing a game on a system 'it was not sold for' is in violation of their AUP. Please feel free to e-mail and express your disappointment at their policies... Which make absolutely no sense for a project like ScummVM, which is often actively assisted by the original game developers and studios, even to the point of being shipped by Sold Out in their Broken Sword 1/2 compilation.

We are investigating alternatives for a donation system, if any of our users would like to put forward a suggestion of a safe, open-source friendly system please let us know in the "Paypal Sucks" forum thread.