Latest Developments
2006. máj. 27.: Pre-0.9.0 testing season announced
Posted by sev

Greetings, citizens. The OmiBrain facility ScummVM Team needs you to do game testing.

As usual, we prepared many new features for you and killed zillions of bugs. That means that every supported game needs retesting.

There are 2 completely new games which we introduce in 0.9.0. The Legend of Kyrandia and The Feeble Files. Also there are few Humongous Entertainment games where compatibility bumped significantly, Pajama Sam 3 is among them. So, please, find your old game media or buy some more and enjoy the gameplay of these classics.

There are detailed instructions on how to perform testing in a helpful way. You will find them at our Wiki page. Note, that the guidelines have changed a bit since last Big Testing Season(TM) which you performed for 0.8.0. Please, stick to those and report on our mailing list, on #scummvm or in our forums.

Have a nice cycle, and remember: The OmniBrain loves you!