Latest Developments
2006. ápr. 25.: Call for testing: The Legend of Kyrandia
Posted by vinterstum

We're proud to announce that ScummVM support for The Legend of Kyrandia is now complete!

This means that we now need you, our users, to give us a helping hand. In order to root out any remaining bugs, extensive testing is sorely needed. So, please dig upyour (legal!) copies of Kyrandia 1, download a SVN snapshot of ScummVM and the required Kyra data file from the Downloads page, and post any bugs you find to our Bug tracker :). Any other issues can be discussed in the forum.

Currently both CD and floppy editions are supported in their own language. English, French, German and Spanish versions are fully supported, but any other PC (and hopefully Mac) version should work as well (albeit with some text in English, and some interface graphics missing). If you have an unsupported version, we'd love to hear from you! Note that Amiga versions are unfortunately not supported at all at this time.