Latest Developments
2006. febr. 12.: We moved to Subversion
Posted by sev, fingolfin

Thanks to, we got the opportunity to move to a more powerful and advanced versioning system than CVS: We are now using Subversion, also known as SVN. In case you wonder, a versioning system is a tool for collaborative software development. As you probably know, the ScummVM Team consists of more than 30 active core developers, and many more are on our list of past and present contributors. Working on a project on this scale just would not be possible without the help of such a system.

From the very beginning, Ludvig Strigeus committed his initial ScummVM version to CVS, the versioning system we used until recently. Vincent Hamm joined him shortly thereafter. Since then, a lot has changed, many things have happened. We have more than 20,000 revisions of ScummVM and its various components in our CVS repository.

We now moved to a new system, Subversion. Compared to CVS, it adds many useful new features, that allow us to work more efficiently on ScummVM, something we are sure all our users will appreciate. Among other things, there will be no more lag between anonymous and developers version of the source code -- you get everything we do instantly!

If you used a CVS checkout so far, scrap it, install a Subversion client and checkout

If you are using the command line subversion client, that means you simply have to type the following command:

svn co scummvm

You will notice that the source tree of ScummVM already changed significantly and yet more is to come. Stay tuned!