Latest Developments
2004. dec. 24.: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas and a Happy New ScummVM 0.7.0!
Posted by fingolfin

We are proud to announce the release of ScummVM 0.7.0, right in time for Christmas Eve!

While not quite as ground breaking as some of our previous major releases, this version sports some notable improvements and additions, amongst them:

  • Added preliminary support for 26 Humongous Entertainment titles
  • Added support for FLAC (lossless) encoded audio files
  • Added native support for Macintosh versions of some SCUMM games -- this means the 'rescumm' tool is now mostly obsolete, and you can now play those games directly from the original CD
  • Added smooth horizontal scrolling for The Dig, Full Throttle and COMI (matching the original engine)
  • Added support for compressed speech and music in Broken Sword 1 and 2
  • And as usual, we fixed lots and lots of bugs

A link to the release notes and a more detailed list of changes can be found over on the downloads page, along with the download links. Updating to this latest and greatest version is strongly recommended to all our users.