Latest Developments
2003. aug. 2.: ScummVM 0.5.0, Beneath a Steel Sky, and a BROKEN caps lock KEY
Posted by ender

Version 0.5.0 of ScummVM, the classic adventure game interpreter, has just been released. This is our most tested version yet, thanks to everybody who answered our call for testing. Thanks!

So what's new? Well, besides the usual bugfixes and improvements are:

  • Extensive overhaul of the music subsystem, more games now support music
  • Support for the Enhanced (V2) versions of Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken
  • Support for Beneath a Steel Sky, made possible thanks to Revolution Software supplying us with the original assembly source code!
  • Aspect Ratio correction added, by popular request

A link to the release notes and a more detailed list of changes can be found over on the downloads page, along with the downloads... and our special (worst kept secret :) surprise!

As an extra SPECIAL bonus, the really really wonderful people at Revolution Software Ltd. have decided to allow us to make Beneath a Steel Sky *freeware!* You can download either the CD version (70M, includes speech) or the smaller Floppy version (8M), along with ScummVM 0.5.0, from the downloads page.

Enjoy! Oh, and there is that little donate button down there on the left. We need to buy our Dreamcast porter a copy of Simon the Sorcerer :)