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2002. szept. 15.: Hip-Hip Mur-ray!
Posted by ender

At 16:57 (GMT), on September 17th... I - ScummVM - will officially be a year old!
Unfortunately, nobody told me when my birthday was, they told me I was an orphan! But I'm going to try and throw a party anyway. So everyone is invited to attend my IRC channel, #scummvm, on!

If you're someone famous, or you like me, or whatever, and you want to pop in and say 'Hi!' to me and my parents... come on by! Or if you just want to send me a birthday card, or RSVP for the party, go over to the Contact page and e-mail Endy or someone else. Or post in my new shiny Birthday Forum. We should be around pretty much all day.

If you want to actually meet a ScummVM developer in real life, and buy him (I don't have a mummy! Wahh!) a beer or something.... you can always drop a post in the Birthday Forum and see if there's anyone else in your area. I'm sure they would appreciate it!

Oh, and I lost a small, fleece sweater with three blue roses on it. If you see it, please commit it to CVS for me!