נקודות זכות
ScummVM Team
Project Leaders
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Einar Johan T. Sømåen somaen
Lothar Serra Mari felsqualle
PR Office
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke Public Relations Officer, Project Administrator
Eugene Sandulenko sev Project Leader
Retired Project Leaders
James Brown ender
Vincent Hamm yaz0r ScummVM co-founder, Original Cruise/CinE author
Max Horn Fingolfin
Ludvig Strigeus ludde Original ScummVM and SimonVM author
Engine Teams
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Walter van Niftrik waltervn
Stuart George darkfiber
Matthew Hoops clone2727 (retired)
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Martin Kiewitz m_kiewitz
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran
Walter van Niftrik waltervn
Kari Salminen Buddha^
Eugene Sandulenko sev
David Symonds dsymonds (retired)
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Travis Howell Kirben
Oliver Kiehl olki (retired)
Ludvig Strigeus ludde (retired)
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Thierry Crozat criezy
Walter Agazzi tag2015 Maintenance, Game archival
Chris Jones Pumaman Creator
Alan Van Drake AGS
Benjamin Penney AGS
Benoit Pierre AGS
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer AGS
Cristian Morales Vega AGS
Edward Rudd AGS
Erico Vieira Porto AGS
Ferdinand Thiessen AGS
Francesco Ariis AGS
Gilad Shaham AGS
Ivan Mogilko AGS
Janet Gilbert AGS
Jochen Schleu AGS
Joe Lee AGS
John Steele Scott AGS
Martin Sedlak AGS
Matthew Gambrell AGS
Michael Rittenhouse AGS
Morgan Willcock AGS
Nick Sonneveld AGS
Ori Avtalion AGS
Paul Wilkinson AGS
Per Olav Flaten AGS
Piotr Wieczorek AGS
Ryan O'Connor AGS
Scott Baker AGS
Shane Stevens AGS
Shawn R. Walker AGS
Stefano Collavini AGS
Steve McCrea AGS
Steven Poulton AGS
Sunit Das AGS
Tobias Hansen AGS
Tom Vandepoele AGS
Tzach Shabtay AGS
??? rofl0r AGS
Berian Williams AGA AgsCreditz
Alex Bevilacqua alexbevi
Alex Fontoura xesf
Alexander Panov alxpnv
Benjamin Haisch john_doe
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Joseph Davies Deledrius
Julien Templier littleboy
Peter Bozsó uruk
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Daniel Albano SupSuper
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Benjamin Haisch john_doe
Blade Runner:
Thanasis Antoniou Praetorian
Thomas Fach-Pedersen madmoose
Peter Kohaut peterkohaut
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Matthew Hoops clone2727
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Peter Bozsó uruk
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Retro-Junk; bambarbee
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Vincent Hamm yaz0r (retired)
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran
Gregory Montoir cyx (retired)
Kari Salminen Buddha^
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Alyssa Milburn fuzzie
Kartik Agarwala hax0kartik
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Vincent Hamm yaz0r (retired)
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Retro-Junk; bambarbee
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Philippe Valembois lePhilousophe
Eric Fry Yuv422
Matthew Duggan stauff
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa vcosta
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Crane Yang sheep GSoC Student
Dmitry Iskrich
Deborah Servilla djsrv GSoC Student
Nathanael Gentry npjg GSoC Student
Roland van Laar rvanlaar
Scott Percival moralrecordings
Steven Hoefel
Tobia Tesan
Misty De Méo mistydemeo
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Bendegúz Nagy WinterGrascph
Denis Kasak dkasak13
Robert Špalek spalek
Eric Fry yuv422
Benjamin Haisch john_doe Actor pathfinding
Ángel Eduardo García Hernández arcnor Help with reverse engineering
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran
Thierry Crozat criezy
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn
Bertrand Augereau Tramb
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Vladimir Menshakov whoozle
Willem Jan Palenstijn wjp
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Chris Allen Sound engine programming
Gustavo Grieco neuromancer
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Tor Andersson GarGlk library
Stefan Jokisch Frotz interpreter
Andrew Plotkin Glulxe interpreter
Alan Cox ScottFree interpreter
Michael J. Roberts TADS interpreter
Avijeet Maurya StableSteady Scott Sub-engine
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Benjamin Haisch john_doe
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Simon Delamarre sdelamarre
Sven Hesse DrMcCoy
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Paul Gilbert DreamMaster
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Coen Rampen NMIError
Eugene Sandulenko sev
James Brown ender Grim (retired)
Giulio Camuffo giucam Grim (retired)
Daniel Schepler Initial engine contributor
Dries Harnie Botje EMI
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran Grim
Christian Krause chkr EMI (retired)
Einar Johan T. Sømåen somaen Grim, EMI
Joel Teichroeb klusark EMI
Joni Vähämäki Akz EMI (retired)
Henry Bush spookypeanut
Ray Carro Die4Ever
Scott Thomas ST
Jordi Vilalta Prat jvprat
Hades Challenge:
Vladimir Serbinenko/Google phcoder
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Nipun Garg nipung GSoC student
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Emanuele Grisenti grisenti
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Oystein Eftevaag vinterstum
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Gustavo Grieco neuromancer
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran
Joost Peters joostp
Einar Johan T. Sømåen somaen
Benjamin Haisch john_doe
Eric Fry yuv422
Michael Hayman Quote58
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Thomas Fach-Pedersen madmoose
Hein-Pieter van Braam-Stewart TMM
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn VQA Player
Oystein Eftevaag vinterstum
Florian Kagerer athrxx
Gregory Montoir cyx (retired)
Johannes Schickel LordHoto (retired)
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Willem Jan Palenstijn wjp
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Matthew Hoops clone2727 (retired)
Jordi Vilalta Prat jvprat
Julien Templier littleboy
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Paul Gilbert DreamMaster
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Borja Lorente blorente GSoC student
Benjamin Haisch john_doe
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Media Station:
Nathanael Gentry npjg
MM (Xeen):
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Benoit Pierre benoit-pierre
??? TheDrakeRaider (M&M1 Gfx Mod)
David Goldsmith WizardStan (Xeen analysis)
Matt Taylor (Xeen analysis)
Bastien Bouclet bgk
Matthew Hoops clone2727 (retired)
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Alyssa Milburn fuzzie
Eugene Sandulenko sev
David Turner digitall
David Fioramonti dafioram
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Eric Lasota OneEightHundred
Ľubomír Remák LubomirR
Miroslav Remák MiroslavR
Myst 3:
Bastien Bouclet bgK
Kaloyan Chehlarski fracturehill
Walter van Niftrik waltervn
Benjamin Haisch john_doe
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Eugene Sandulenko sev
??? peres
Matthew Hoops clone2727 (retired)
Andrei Prykhodko whiterandrek
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Andrei Prykhodko Voltya
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Retro-Junk; bambarbee
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Łukasz Wątka lukaslw
Kamil Zbróg
Gustavo Grieco neuromancer
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Kunal Tiwari kunxl.gg
David Eriksson twogood (retired)
Gregory Montoir cyx (retired)
Joost Peters joostp
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn
Daniel Balsom DanielFox Original engine reimplementation author (retired)
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Andrew Kurushin ajax16384
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Yuri Guimaraes a-yyg GSoC Student
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Chris Benshoof sluicebox
Greg Frieger _FRG_
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Max Horn Fingolfin (retired)
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Martin Kiewitz m_kiewitz
Walter van Niftrik waltervn
Willem Jan Palenstijn wjp
Jordi Vilalta Prat jvprat
Lars Skovlund lskovlun
Colin Snover
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn
Andrea Boscarino AndywinXp Digital iMUSE, SMUSH audio, GUI
James Brown ender (retired)
Jonathan Gray khalek (retired)
Vincent Hamm yaz0r (retired)
Max Horn Fingolfin (retired)
Travis Howell Kirben
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran Codecs, iMUSE, Smush, etc.
Gregory Montoir cyx (retired)
Eugene Sandulenko sev FT INSANE, MM NES, MM C64, game detection, Herc/CGA
Ludvig Strigeus ludde (retired)
Andrea Boscarino AndywinXp Digital audio, WIZ graphics system
Jonathan Gray khalek (retired)
Travis Howell Kirben
Gregory Montoir cyx (retired)
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Martin Kiewitz m_kiewitz
Robert Göffringmann lavosspawn (retired)
Oliver Kiehl olki (retired)
Joost Peters joostp
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Simei Yin yinsimei GSoC Student
Bastien Bouclet bgK
Einar Johan T. Sømåen somaen
Liu Zhaosong Douglas
Star Trek:
Matthew Hoops clone2727 (retired)
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Matthew Stewart Drenn GSoC Student
Joseph-Eugene Winzer Joefish
Jaromír Wysoglad Vyzygold
Thierry Crozat criezy
Fabio Battaglia Hkz PSX version support
Andrea Boscarino AndywinXp Palette fading, menus, audio
Thierry Crozat criezy Mac version support
Robert Göffringmann lavosspawn (retired)
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn
Fabio Battaglia Hkz PSX version support
Jonathan Gray khalek (retired)
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Max Horn Fingolfin (retired)
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Robert Megone sanguine Help with callback rewriting
Vladimir Menshakov whoozle
Matthew Duggan stauff
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn
Fabio Battaglia Hkz PSX version support
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Sven Hesse DrMcCoy
Max Horn Fingolfin (retired)
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Joost Peters joostp
David Fioramonti dafioram
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Colin Snover
Benjamin Haisch john_doe
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Alyssa Milburn fuzzie
Sylvain Dupont SylvainTV
Gregory Montoir cyx (retired)
Daniel Albano SupSuper
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Thomas Fach-Pedersen madmoose Smacker video support
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Gregory Montoir cyx (retired)
Alexandre Fontoura xesf (retired)
Vincent Hamm yaz0r (retired)
Felipe Sanches jucablues (retired)
Nikita Tereshin rumkex (retired)
Patrik Dahlström risca (retired)
Arthur Blot arthur.blot78 (retired)
Kyuubu wett (retired)
Toël Hartmann toel__ (retired)
Sebástien Viannay (retired)
Martin Gerhardy mgerhardy
Thimbleweed Park:
Valéry Sablonnière Scemino
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Matthew Duggan stauff
Matthew Jimenez OMGPizzaGuy
Daniel c. Würl dwuerl (Nuvie)
Eric Fry yuv422 (Nuvie)
Jeremy Newman laxdragon (Nuvie)
Jonathan E. Wright nelno (Nuvie)
Joseph Applegate sb-x (Nuvie)
Malignant Manor malignantmanor (Nuvie)
Markus Niemistö niemisto (Nuvie)
Michael Fink vividos (Nuvie)
Pieter Luteijn luteijn (Nuvie)
Sam Matthews samuelmatthews (Nuvie)
Travis Howell kirben (Nuvie)
Willem Jan Palenstijn wjp (Nuvie)
Brian Tietz btietz (Pentagram)
Dominik Reichardt Dominus Dragon (Pentagram)
Max Horn Fingolfin (Pentagram)
Patrick Burke takhisis (Pentagram)
Ryan Nunn Colourless Dragon (Pentagram)
Willem Jan Palenstijn wjp (Pentagram)
Eric Lasota OneEightHundred
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke
Paul Gilbert dreammaster
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Einar Johan Troan Somaen; somaen
Gunnar Birke Fury Wintermute 3D
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran Wintermute 3D
Einar Johan T. Sømåen somaen
Tobia Tesan t0by
??? lolbot-iichan
Adrian Astley RichieSams
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Anton Yarcev Zidane
Backend Teams
Miro Kropáček mikrosk
Andre Heider dhewg
Angus Lees Gus
Lubomyr Lisen
Marcus Comstedt
Eugene Sandulenko
GPH Devices (GP2X, GP2XWiz & Caanoo):
John Willis DJWillis
iPhone / iPad:
Oystein Eftevaag vinterstum (retired)
Vincent Bénony bSr43
Thierry Crozat criezy
Lars Sundström larsamannen
Lubomyr Lisen
Frantisek Dufka fanoush (retired)
Tarek Soliman tsoliman
Nintendo 3DS:
Thomas Edvalson Cruel
Nintendo 64:
Fabio Battaglia Hkz
Nintendo DS:
Bertrand Augereau Tramb HQ software scaler
Cameron Cawley ccawley2011
Neil Millstone agent-q
Nintendo Switch:
??? Cpasjuste
??? rsn8887
John Willis DJWillis
PocketPC / WinCE:
Nicolas Bacca arisme (retired)
Ismail Khatib CeRiAl (retired)
Kostas Nakos Jubanka (retired)
PlayStation 2:
Robert Göffringmann lavosspawn (retired)
Max Lingua sunmax
PSP (PlayStation Portable):
Yotam Barnoy bluddy
Joost Peters joostp
PlayStation Vita:
??? Cpasjuste
??? rsn8887
SDL (Win/Linux/macOS/etc.):
Max Horn Fingolfin (retired)
Eugene Sandulenko sev Asm routines, GFX layers
Jurgen Braam SumthinWicked
Lars Persson AnotherGuest
Fedor Strizhniou zanac
Tizen / BADA:
Chris Warren-Smith
Webassembly / Emscripten:
Christian Kündig chkuendig
Klaus Reimer kayahr
Andre Heider dhewg
Alexander Reim AReim1982
Raspberry Pi:
Manuel Alfayate vanfanel
Giovanni Cascione spleen1981
Other subsystems
Max Horn Fingolfin Backend & Engine APIs, file API, sound mixer, audiostreams, data structures, etc. (retired)
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Johannes Schickel LordHoto (retired)
Max Horn Fingolfin (retired)
Vicent Marti tanoku
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Johannes Schickel LordHoto (retired)
David Corrales-Lopez david_corrales Filesystem access improvements (GSoC 2007 task) (retired)
Jerome Fisher KingGuppy MT-32 emulator
Benjamin Haisch john_doe Heavily improved de-/encoder for DXA videos
Jochen Hoenicke hoenicke Speaker & PCjr sound support, AdLib work (retired)
Daniël ter Laan NoiZe Restoring original Drascula tracks, and writing convert_dxa.bat
Chris Page cp88 Return to launcher, savestate improvements, leak fixes, ... (GSoC 2008 task) (retired)
Coen Rampen NMIError Sound improvements
Robin Watts robinwatts ARM assembly routines for nice speedups on several ports; improvements to the sound mixer
??? Trembyle Archivist
Lothar Serra Mari felsqualle Tackling Tremendously Tedious Tasks(tm); ScummVM's Seal of Approval (Awp?!)
Website (code)
Fredrik Wendel (retired)
Website (maintenance)
James Brown Ender IRC Logs maintainer
Thierry Crozat criezy Wiki maintainer
Andre Heider dhewg Buildbot maintainer
Joost Peters JoostP Doxygen Project Documentation maintainer
Jordi Vilalta Prat jvprat Wiki maintainer
Eugene Sandulenko sev Forum, IRC channel, Screen Shots and Mailing list maintainer
John Willis DJWillis
Website (content)

All active team members

Thierry Crozat criezy Numerous contributions to documentation
Joachim Eberhard joachimeberhard Numerous contributions to documentation (retired)
Matthew Hoops clone2727 Numerous contributions to documentation (retired)
Cadi Howley cadih User documentation (GSOD 2020)
Retired Team Members
Chris Apers chrilith Former PalmOS porter
Ralph Brorsen painelf Help with GUI implementation
Jamieson Christian jamieson630 iMUSE, MIDI, all things musical
Felix Jakschitsch yot Zak256 reverse engineering
Mutwin Kraus mutle Original MacOS porter
Peter Moraliyski ph0x Port: GP32
Jeremy Newman laxdragon Former webmaster
Lionel Ulmer bbrox Port: X11
Won Star wonst719 Former GP32 porter
Matan Bareket mataniko Website, Infrastructure, UI/UX
Other contributions
AmigaOS 4:
Hans-Jörg Frieden (retired)
Hubert Maier raziel-
Juha Niemimäki (retired)
Keith Scroggins KeithS
Stefan Parviainen (retired)
Luc Schrijvers Begasus
Debian GNU/Linux:
Tore Anderson tore (retired)
David Weinehall tao
Fedora / RedHat:
Willem Jan Palenstijn wjp
Luc Schrijvers Begasus
Max Horn Fingolfin (retired)
Oystein Eftevaag vinterstum (retired)
Thierry Crozat criezy
??? dwa Tiger/Leopard PPC
Dominik Scherer (retired)
??? BeWorld
Fabien Coeurjoly fab1
Rüdiger Hanke (retired)
Paul Smedley Creeping
Cameron Cawley ccawley2011
Robert Kelsen
Solaris x86:
Laurent Blume laurent
Solaris SPARC:
Markus Strangl WooShell
Travis Howell Kirben
Lothar Serra Mari felsqualle
Chris Gray Psychoid (retired)
Johannes Schickel LordHoto (retired)
Lothar Serra Mari felsqualle
GUI Translations
Thierry Crozat criezy Translation Lead
Mikel Iturbe Urretxa
Ivan Lukyanov
Jordi Vilalta Prat jvprat
Zbynìk Schwarz
Steffen Nyeland
??? scootergrisen
Ben Castricum
Linus Virtanen
Toni Saarela catnose
Timo Mikkolainen timpii
Thierry Crozat criezy
??? Purple T
Santiago G. Sanz sgsanz
Simon Sawatzki SimSaw
Lothar Serra Mari felsqualle
Thanasis Antoniou Praetorian
Filippos Karapetis bluegr
Alex Bevilacqua
George Kormendi GoodOldGeorg
Matteo Angelino Maff
Paolo Bossi
Walter Agazzi tag2015
Norwegian (Bokmål):
Einar Johan Sømåen somaen
Norwegian (Nynorsk):
Einar Johan Sømåen somaen
GrajPoPolsku.pl Team
Brazilian Portuguese:
ScummBR Team
Marcel Souza Lemes marcosoutsider
Daniel Albano SupSuper
Eugene Sandulenko sev
Tomás Maidagan
Jordi Vilalta Prat jvprat
??? IlDucci
Rodrigo Vegas Sánchez-Ferrero
Hampus Flink
Adrian Frühwirth bonki
Lubomyr Lisen
Game Translations
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke Soltys English translation
Dan Serban nutron Soltys English translation
Víctor González IlDucci Soltys Spanish translation
Alejandro Gómez de la Muñoza TheFireRed Soltys Spanish translation
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke Sfinx English translation
Thierry Crozat criezy Sfinx English translation
Peter Bozsó uruk Sfinx English translation editor
Ryan Clark Sfinx English translation editor
Thierry Crozat criezy Improve French translation
Arnaud Boutonné Strangerke First English translation, improve German translation
Hugo Labrande Improve English translation
Thierry Crozat criezy Improve English translation
??? ShinjiGR English translation
Eugene Sandulenko sev English translation
Anna Baldur Balduranne English translation
Joseph-Eugene Winzer Joefish English translation
Thierry Crozat criezy English translation
Walter Agazzi Italian translation
Websites (design)
Dobó Balázs draven Website design
William Claydon billwashere Skins for doxygen, buildbot and wiki
Yaroslav Fedevych jafd HTML/CSS for the website
Jean Marc Gimenez ScummVM logo
David Jensen Tyst SVG logo conversion
??? Raina ScummVM forum buttons
Icons pack
Stefan Philippsen GandalftheWhite80 Primary contributor and coordination
Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
Daniel Albano SupSuper
David Calvert davidcalvertfr
Eugene Sandulenko sev
J Moretti
Jennifer McMurray
Lothar Serra Mari felsqualle
Oleg Ermakov epushiron
Olly Dean olly
Walter Agazzi tag2015
??? beresk137
??? Canuma
??? Thunderforge
??? neuromancer
??? nightm4re94
??? trembyle
Code contributions
Ori Avtalion salty-horse Subtitle control options in the GUI; BASS GUI fixes
Stuart Caie Decoders for Amiga and AtariST data files (AGOS engine)
Paolo Costabel PSP port contributions
Martin Doucha next_ghost CinE engine objectification
Thomas Fach-Pedersen madmoose ProTracker module player, Smacker video decoder
Tobias Gunkel hennymcc Sound support for C64 version of MM/Zak, Loom PCE support
Dries Harnie Botje Android port for ResidualVM
Janne Huttunen V3 actor mask support, Dig/FT SMUSH audio
Kovács Endre János Several fixes for Simon1
Jeroen Janssen japj Numerous readability and bugfix patches
Keith Kaisershot blitter Several Pegasus Prime patches and DVD additions
Andreas Karlsson Sprawl Initial port for SymbianOS
Stefan Kristiansson skristiansson Initial work on SDL2 support
Claudio Matsuoka Daily Linux builds
Thomas Mayer PSP port contributions
Sean Murray lightcast ScummVM tools GUI application (GSoC 2007 task)
??? n0p Windows CE port aspect ratio correction scaler and right click input method
Mikesch Nepomuk mnepomuk MI1 VGA floppy patches
Nicolas Noble pixels Config file and ALSA support
Tim Phillips realmz Initial MI1 CD music support
??? Quietust Sound support for Amiga SCUMM V2/V3 games, MM NES support
Robert Crossfield segra Improved support for Apple II/C64 versions of MM
Andreas Röver Broken Sword I & II MPEG2 cutscene support
Edward Rudd urkle Fixes for playing MP3 versions of MI1/Loom audio
Daniel Schepler dschepler Final MI1 CD music support, initial Ogg Vorbis support
André Souza luke_br SDL-based OpenGL renderer
Joel Teichroeb klusark Android port for ResidualVM
Tom Frost TomFrost WebOS port contributions
FreeSCI Contributors
Francois-R Boyer MT-32 information and mapping code
Rainer Canavan IRIX MIDI driver and bug fixes
Xiaojun Chen
Paul David Doherty Game version information
Vyacheslav Dikonov Config script improvements
Ruediger Hanke Port to the MorphOS platform
Matt Hargett Clean-ups, bugfixes, Hardcore QA, Win32
Max Horn SetJump implementation
Ravi I. SCI0 sound resource specification
Emmanuel Jeandel Bugfixes and bug reports
Dmitry Jemerov Port to the Win32 platform, numerous bugfixes
Chris Kehler Makefile enhancements
Christopher T. Lansdown Original CVS maintainer, Alpha compatibility fixes
Sergey Lapin Port of Carl's type 2 decompression code
Rickard Lind MT-32->GM MIDI mapping magic, sound research
Hubert Maier AmigaOS 4 port
Johannes Manhave Document format translation
Claudio Matsuoka CVS snapshots, daily builds, BeOS and cygwin ports
Dark Minister SCI research (bytecode and parser)
Carl Muckenhoupt Sources to the SCI resource viewer tools that started it all
Anders Baden Nielsen PPC testing
Walter van Niftrik Ports to the Dreamcast and GP32 platforms
Rune Orsval Configuration file editor
Solomon Peachy SDL ports and much of the sound subsystem
Robey Pointer Bug tracking system hosting
Magnus Reftel Heap implementation, Python class viewer, bugfixes
Christoph Reichenbach UN*X code, VM/Graphics/Sound/other infrastructure
George Reid FreeBSD package management
Lars Skovlund Project maintenance, most documentation, bugfixes, SCI1 support
Rink Springer Port to the DOS platform, several bug fixes
Rainer De Temple SCI research
Sean Terrell
Hugues Valois Game selection menu
Jordi Vilalta Numerous code and website clean-up patches
Petr Vyhnak The DCL-INFLATE algorithm, many Win32 improvements
Bas Zoetekouw Man pages, debian package management, CVS maintenance

Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Gary Nutt for allowing the FreeSCI VM extension as a course project in his Advanced OS course.

Special thanks to Bob Heitman and Corey Cole for their support of FreeSCI.

ResidualVM Contributors
Thomas Allen olldray Various engine code fixes and improvements
Torbjörn Andersson eriktorbjorn Various code fixes
Ori Avtalion salty-horse Lipsync, LAF support, various code fixes
Robert Biro DarthJDG Antialiasing support
Bastien Bouclet bgK Various fixes to engine
David Cardwell d356 Few fixes to EMI
Marcus Comstedt marcus_c Initial Dreamcast port
Andrea Corna Yak Bizzarro Patcher module, various engine improvements
Jonathan Gray khalek Various code fixes
Tobias Gunkel tobigun Initial Android port, few engines fixes
Azamat H. Hackimov winterheart Configure fix
Vincent Hamm yazoo Various engine code fixes and improvements
Sven Hesse DrMcCoy Various compilation fixes
Matthew Hoops clone2727 Smush codec48, Grim and EMI engine improvements
Erich Hoover Compholio x86-64 fixes, various code fixes and improvements
Max Horn fingolfin Few code fixes
Travis Howell Kirben Various code fixes, Windows port
Joseph Jezak JoseJX A lot of engine improvements and fixes
Guillem Jover guillemj Few code improvements
Filippos Karapetis bluegr Compilation fixes
Ingo van Lil inguin Various fixes and improvements for EMI
Vincent Pelletier vpelletier Various engine and TinyGL improvements
Joost Peters joostp Various code fixes
George Macon gmacon Few fixes
Josh Matthews jdm Few fixes to engine
Matthieu Milan usineur Various engine improvements
Gregory Montoir cyx Few fixes to engine
Stefano Musumeci subr3v TinyGL backend and engine driver improvements
Christian Neumair mannythegnome Various optimisation patches
Daniel Schepler Initial grim engine contributor, LUA support
Dmitry Smirnov onlyjob Minor spelling corrections
Yaron Tausky yaront Fixes to subtitles
Julien Templier Littleboy create_project tool
Pino Toscano pinotree Debian GNU/Linux package files
Lionel Ulmer bbrox OpenGL optimisations
??? cmayer0087 Various engine code fixes
??? JenniBee Compilation fixes
??? karjonas Various engine code fixes
??? mparnaudeau Various grim engine code fixes
??? PoulpiFr Few fixes to Android port
??? sietschie Few fixes to engine
Myst 3:
David Fioramonti dafioram Autosave support and few fixes
Matthew Hoops clone2727 Various engine improvements and code fixes
Stefano Musumeci subr3v TinyGL engine support
Bartosz Dudziak Snejp Various engine improvements and code fixes
Matthew Hoops clone2727 ADPCM decoder
Paweł Kołodziejski aquadran Various engine code fixes
Awad Mackie firesock Few fixes to engine
Marius Ioan Orban mj0331 Code fix
Vincent Pelletier vpelletier Raw sound support
Jordi Vilalta Prat jvprat Initial engine contributor
Scott Thomas ST Initial engine author
Will Thomson wlthomson Few fixes to engine
??? Faalagorn Few code improvements
??? orangeforest11 Few engine improvements

And to all the contributors, users, and beta testers we've missed. Thanks!

Special thanks to
Daniel Balsom DanielFox For the original Reinherit (SAGA) code
Sander Buskens For his work on the initial reversing of Monkey2
Dean Beeler Canadacow For the original MT-32 emulator
Kevin Carnes For Scumm16, the basis of ScummVM's older gfx codecs
Curt Coder For the original TrollVM (preAGI) code
Patrick Combet Dorian Gray For the original Gobliiins ADL player
Ivan Dubrov For contributing the initial version of the Gobliiins engine
Henrik Engqvist qvist For generously providing hosting for our buildbot, SVN repository, planet and doxygen sites as well as tons of HD space
DOSBox Team For their awesome OPL2 and OPL3 emulator
Yusuke Kamiyamane For contributing some GUI icons
Till Kresslein Krest For design of modern ScummVM GUI
Jezar Wakefield For his freeverb filter implementation
Jim Leiterman Various info on his FM-TOWNS/Marty SCUMM ports
Lloyd Rosen For deep tech details about C64 Zak & MM
Sarien Team Original AGI engine code
Jimmi Thøgersen For ScummRev, and much obscure code/documentation
Tristan Matthews For additional work on the original MT-32 emulator
James Woodcock Soundtrack enhancements
Anton Yartsev Zidane For the original re-implementation of the Z-Vision engine

Tony Warriner and everyone at Revolution Software Ltd. for sharing with us the source of some of their brilliant games, allowing us to release Beneath a Steel Sky as freeware... and generally being supportive above and beyond the call of duty.

John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis for sharing the source of their classic title, Flight of the Amazon Queen and also being incredibly supportive.

Joe Pearce from The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. for sharing the source of their famous title Inherit the Earth, for sharing the source of The Labyrinth of Time and for always replying promptly to our questions.

Aric Wilmunder, Ron Gilbert, David Fox, Vince Lee, and all those at LucasFilm/LucasArts who made SCUMM the insane mess to reimplement that it is today. Feel free to drop us a line and tell us what you think, guys!

Alan Bridgman, Simon Woodroffe and everyone at Adventure Soft for sharing the source code of some of their games with us.

John Young, Colin Smythe and especially Terry Pratchett himself for sharing the source code of Discworld I & II with us.

Emilio de Paz Aragón from Alcachofa Soft for sharing the source code of Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back with us and his generosity with freewaring the game.

David P. Gray from Gray Design Associates for sharing the source code of the Hugo trilogy.

The mindFactory team for writing Broken Sword 2.5, a splendid fan-made sequel, and for sharing the source code with us.

Neil Dodwell and David Dew from Creative Reality for providing the source of Dreamweb and for their tremendous support.

Janusz Wiśniewski and Miroslaw Liminowicz from Laboratorium Komputerowe Avalon for providing full source code for Sołtys and Sfinx and letting us redistribute the games.

Jan Nedoma for providing the sources to the Wintermute-engine, and for his support while porting the engine to ScummVM.

Bob Bell, David Black, Michel Kripalani, and Tommy Yune from Presto Studios for providing the source code of The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime and The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time.

Electronic Arts IP Preservation Team, particularly Stefan Serbicki, and Vasyl Tsvirkunov of Electronic Arts for providing the source code of the two Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes games. James M. Ferguson and Barry Duncan for their tenacious efforts to recover the sources.

John Romero for sharing the source code of Hyperspace Delivery Boy! with us.

Steffen Dingel for sharing the source code of the Mission Supernova game with us.

The LUA developers, for creating a nice compact script interpreter.

Tim Schafer, for obvious reasons, and everybody else who helped make Grim Fandango a brilliant game; and the EMI team for giving it their best try.

Bret Mogilefsky, for managing to create a SPUTM-style 3D LUA engine, and avoiding the horrible hack it could have been.

Benjamin Haisch, for emimeshviewer, which our EMI code borrows heavily from.

Fabrizio Lagorio from Trecision S.p.A., for finding and providing the source code of many of their games.

Ron Davis for releasing the sources and generously giving away the three chapters of God of Thunder.