Compatibilitat de 2.7.0
Detalls de compatibilitat del joc
Taula de compatibilitat dels jocs
Game Full Name ScummVM ID Support Level
Return to Zork made:rtz Bona

Support Level

És possible que el joc tingui problemes menors que no afectin l'experiència. Els jocs es poden jugar completament.

Supported Platforms

  • DOS
  • FM Towns
  • PC-98

Unsupported Platforms

  • 3DO
  • Macintosh
  • PC-FX
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn

Additional Notes

  • Only soundblaster music is played. MIDI music playing/MT32 instrument mapping needs more work


Available At

The ScummVM project does not endorse any individual supplier of games. This list is for reference purposes only.